Darcy Burner, her husband, son and dog escaped unharmed this morning from a serious fire at their Carnation home. There is no word yet on what the cause might be, but the campaign tells me that the house might be “a total loss.”
I’ll post more information as I get it, but needless to say, Darcy and her family need all of our personal support at this obviously trying moment. (And if you believe in them, your prayers.)
I hate to be so coldly pragmatic at a painful time like this, but no doubt the fire and its aftermath will severely cut into Darcy’s campaigning and fundraising over the coming weeks, so her campaign could use your help now more than ever. Go to Darcy’s website and sign up to volunteer your time. Or if you can’t give of your time, your contributions are always welcome.
NWCN has raw footage of the home burning. My daughter and I had been to the house, and it’s pretty devastating for us to see it in flames like that, so I can’t imagine what it might be for the family.
KIRO TV has clearer footage that shows the full extent of the damage.
The Seattle Times reports:
Her 5-year-old son, Henry, came into her and her husband’s bedroom around 7 a.m. screaming there was a fire in his room, Burner said.
“I scooped him up and got him out of the house,” she said. Everyone, including the family’s golden retriever Bruce Wayne, made it out uninjured, but their cat did not survive.
I briefly got a hold of campaign spokesman Sandeep Kaushik, who is at the scene, and he roughly confirms the report, though he has not yet seen it. I asked if smoke detectors went off, and he said his understanding was yes, but that everything happened very fast, the house going up in flames within three or four minutes.
The TNT’s Niki Sullivan has even more details…
Any one seen “The Piper” lately?
I’m just axin’.
I’m glad they are alright but this is a damn shame.
My thoughts are with Darcy and her family.
Oh my. That’s a horrible tragedy. My thoughts are definitely with them.
Dang. There’s not much that’s more traumatic to a household, except events with physical casualties.
Darcy: right now, the priority is taking care of yourself and household. Let a few of the other balls drop for a while. Trust the campaign to the staff. You’ll be better for it.
Tough break.
Glad all are ok.
So Goldy, when are you going to launch the conspiracy theory that Reichert, Rover, Bush & Cheney orchestrated this?
Will probably be plenty of innuendo and your standard operating procedure of creating a conspiracy and then saying you “doubt” that is the case.
re 5: *yawn*
I guess I will slate some extra time to go door knocking for Darcy…..
Wow, dang.
How did you learn of this Goldy? Trip over a gas can on the side of her house while stalking her?
#5 …and the discussion devolves. If ever a thread cried out for moderation, it’s this one.
The loss for her will be huge, I’m sure. My heart and thoughts go out to her and her family.
What a drag. My sympathy to Darcy Burner and her family.
Sorry to the Burner family. No time for wisecracks from the right…
Darcy, I am so glad you and your family are physically OK. I am sure the blogosphere will let us all know whatever we can do to help. You are one of my favorite candidates from beyond Idaho, and this news is truly sad.
According to KOMO 4 TV, the house is a total loss, and the Burners’ 5-year-old son may have saved the family by waking them when he saw smoke in his room.
07/01/2008 at 11:10 am
Why am I not surprised it’s the kids who save the adults?
Tomorrow you guys will be talking about how she can play the sympathy angle of this to her maximum advantage.
At least she has lived up to her surname.
Terrible news. Glad all are safe.
Fascinating how Mr. Cynical and My Goldy Itches can’t restrain themselves even for a second, their vitriol is ingrained in their being – reading right from their playbook. What jerks.
let this remind everyone to check the batteries on all smoke detectors today and regularly (or hard wire your detectors even better).
i think darcy is ready for a home in the dc area!
18 – LOL!!!! I can’t believe I didn’t pick up on that!!!
Whoa, OMG, shocking video/photo. They’re very fortunate they all got out.
@19 “Fascinating”
Sometimes I wish they’d keep their ugly little thoughts to themselves.
It’s a sad world where I considered that it could be some sort of republican dirty trick. “Can’t win legitimately, so burn her house down and distract her, at the very least.”
23 I’m at least willing to point out Mr. Kinda-Sorta-Cynical’s initial expression of concern and sympathy.
By concidence, yesterday there were two really spectacular vehicle fires, one an old minivan that someone drove into the parking lot where I work and jumped out of just before the whole thing burst into flame. The other was a newish Dodge crew cab that went up in the left-hand westbound lane of 520 during the rush hour. Similar really intense engine-bay fire–the front tires were burned off and the mags partly melted.
19. Daniel K spews:
“Terrible news. Glad all are safe.
Fascinating how Mr. Cynical and My Goldy Itches can’t restrain themselves”
Did you actually read what I wrote Daniel??
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Tough break.
Glad all are ok.
So Goldy, when are you going to launch the conspiracy theory that Reichert, Rover, Bush & Cheney orchestrated this?
Will probably be plenty of innuendo and your standard operating procedure of creating a conspiracy and then saying you “doubt” that is the case.
My concern is about GOLDY’s typical conspiracy-laden innuendo’s. Look how he treated David Irons….and others.
Time will tell how this plays out.
As I said, I’m GLAD ALL ARE OK.
Interesting how the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS jump for joy when an ‘R’ has trouble (Reagan’s Alzheimer’s, Heston dying etc.). Look at yourselves KLOWNS.
Will be interesting to follow the Fire Investigator’s work as they uncover the source of this.
24. Blue John spews:
It’s a sad world where I considered that it could be some sort of republican dirty trick. “Can’t win legitimately, so burn her house down and distract her, at the very least.”
Thanks for being honest…and proving my point.
No doubt all the Campaign contribution records were “lost in the fire”. Just before they could be subpoenaed.
re 21: I can.
No conspiracy needed… just a right-wing jerk with a gas can and a chip on his shoulder.
I’m sure there aren’t any of THOSE types around there.
Glad Darcy and her family are OK. My heart goes out to them.
Hey Mr. Cynical…apparently the word is that it was Dick Cheney who burned Darcey’s house to the ground!
He was seen sneaking away from the house by a neighbor in the early morning hours with a lit torch and an empty gasoline can.
Suck on that Mr. Cynical!
My Goldy Itches at too many to list:
Hey moe-ron, what you are doing with your “goldy” is not scratching your itch, you are playing with it and it is affecting your ability to form clear, concise and cogent thoughts.
All you do when you come here is prove that:
1. You are not funny.
2. You are not intelligent.
3 You are certainly not clever or quick.
4. You are the biggest ignoranus (being both stupid and an asshole) who posts on this site.
Fuck you!!
Thank you for participating.
John425 at 28:
Not cute, not clever and no imagination.
Fuck you too!!
By the way, just where was Reichert this morning??
Here’s Goldy’s beautiful tribute to Charlton Heston on 4/6/08
entitled Charlton Heston’s Cold, Dead Hands
Very respectful and thoughtful and Civil…NOT!!!
Which of the right wing fuckheads did this and will there be justice? I knew the righties would resort to this shit. It’s all they have – it’s all they can do. They can’t win with ideas so they try to win with intimidation! Come to my house bitches and you’ll find it tougher to burn down.
We need to start a reward fund that leads to putting the right wing prick in jail.
@26 Can’t you ever just STFU?
It’s VERY interesting that according to the WingNut trolls, they are the ones who are the victims of the fire.
Only a Wuss always plays the victim card. I feel so sorry for all of you WingNuts! “Darcy Burner’s house burned down, and now we are going to get blamed for it!” Boo-Hoo!
Why don’t you just wait for the investigation before you start crying in your beer?
re 26: If Reichert has anything to do with the investigation, it will take 18 years to figure it out.
@39 “Why don’t you just wait for the investigation”
That goes for everybody, left, right and, as in Mr. Cynical’s case, the delusional.
@40 Good one.
Cyniclown can’t shut up. He love’s the sound of his own voice, seeing his words of “wit” in print on his computer screen and, the worst part is, he actually believes he wields vast influence among those he comes in contact with each day.
Just another lying “millionaire” here on HA.
How’s the day trading doing there, Cynilyingclown? Make enough to take your happy ass to Grand Turk and lay on the beach for the rest of your life and leave us poor lemmings alone?
@43 He’s one dumb fucking troll, that’s for sure.
Mr. Cynical asked, “Did you actually read what I wrote Daniel??”
Yes. You wrote:
You just couldn’t restrain yourself for one single comment, could you. A family loses their home to a fire, and you’re already launching preemptive attacks. Projection at its worst.
I was saddened to hear the cat didn’t make it out.
37. ByeByeGOP spews:
Which of the right wing fuckheads did this and will there be justice? I knew the righties would resort to this shit. It’s all they have – it’s all they can do. They can’t win with ideas so they try to win with intimidation! Come to my house bitches and you’ll find it tougher to burn down.
We need to start a reward fund that leads to putting the right wing prick in jail.
07/01/2008 at 11:58 am
38. Steve spews:
@26 Can’t you ever just STFU?
You must be referring to your fellow KLOWN above..ByeByeGOP and others who immediately believe this is some right-wing conspiracy with zero evidence of such.
@47 No, but I was refering to him in post 41, you miserable piece of commie-fascist shit.
The accusations started at post #1 by the left aimed at the right.
House fires are a traumatic thing and should be off-limits from the normal sniping that happens in this cesspool by _either_ side. It’s time to bring the tenor of these comments a little above the normal low level.
Mrs. Burner – You have my condolences for your loss, thankfully your family and pet made it out safely.
re 43: Have you ever heard of a sexual practice called ‘cynilingus’? It has something to do with an exaggerated comparison of one’s tongue to Gene Simmons’.
Speaking of conspiricy theories. Didn’t take long for this moron to remove his tin foil hat.
@49 “Mrs. Burner – You have my condolences for your loss, thankfully your family and pet made it out safely.”
Alas, they lost their pet cat, although the dog did survive.
The LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS are perpetually offended. The very same foul-mouthed, perpetually insensitive assholes have all of a sudden found that hurling themselves on the ground, squealing about how offended they are feels good.
Glad so many of you KLOWNS proved my point by squealing right-wing conspiracy with zero evidence…just your blind-hate driving you all over the road…from ditch to ditch and gutter to gutter.
Goldy has a track record of innuendo and veiled allegations and insensitivity.
I offered proof with Charlton Heston “Cold, Dead Hands” thread.
Want more examples?
@51 It seems that tin foil hats do not have a party affiliation.
Mr Cynical – Are you so dense that you can’t see that people were claiming “conspiracy” just to taunt you after you brought it up?
@53 Christ, man, is your head fucking exploding early or something? Save it for November, dude.
Remember your famous “Burn Bush” NetRoots fund-raiser for Burner last year?:
by Goldy, 09/07/2007, 12:01 AM
I was a bit surprised that the political press didn’t comment more last week on the stunning success of the “Burn Bush” netroots fund drive. $125,000 from over 3,200 donors. 14-months before the election. Over a weekend. In August. Unprecedented.
Perhaps not but a New Ager like you might conclude that some bad karma oozed from the hostile campaign title.
First, this sucks, and I hope the Burner’s can get through this.
I dont care about her campaign one way or another, so that aspect matters not to me.
But I will note that if this was a prominent Republican’s house burning, Say Dave Reichert or Dino Rossi, the lefties here would hardly be willing to offer the comfort and respect they demand of the righties.
I see no point to conspiracy theories nor derision.
Mr Cynical @57, You can’t stop can you:
Otherwise meaning:
When you stopped using ALL CAPS for all your comments I thought there was some hope for you, but this stuff from you is disgusting and pathetic.
I have been wondering for some time how the NRCC was going to defend Republican seats on the cheap…
57 Cyn
Yes, it’s so terrible that the bad ol’ Democrats are so mean to your favorite president.
But only 29% of America cares.
re 53: I’d be ‘outraged’ by your remark, but that’s your specialty — fathead.
phule @58 wrote:
Bullshit. Or should I say, “prove it”? Oh, right, unless their homes did burn down, that’s a claim you can just make that can’t be refuted by proof.
Hey folks,
How about we turn down the partisan rhetoric and use this as an opportunity to REMIND people to check the batteries in their smoke detectors. They worked in this case and saved lives.
I have yet to see Goldy or anyone else here say anything nice about Rossi.
Feel free to prove me wrong.
And there have been multiple accusations against the republicans on this, so I think my point has been proven.
What if it turns out her son was playing with matches and burned her house down.
Will he be a republican shill too?
Honestly you guys crack me up here….
@65 What’s nice to say about Rossi? The guy is an incessant whiner, like yourself.
phule @65 – What the heck does this have to do with Rossi? A family just lost their home to a fire and luckily escaped being engulfed in the flames themselves. Get a grip dude.
re 65: Rossi’s a snappy dresser with a very photogenic smile. How’zat?
If you can get those angry eyes to match the smile, you may have a candidate.
Or, even empty and vacuous eyes, like Ronald Reagan’s.
“There you go again!”
“Trust but verify!”
“Mr. Gorbechev, tear down that wall! …and put some makeup on that birthmark. It looks like Czechoslovakia!”
You can almost see him practicing the lines in the bathroom mirror.
Wow, the trolls around here are like mosquitoes in Minnesota: Ubiquitous and annoying.
It does seem like an unfortunate co-incidence but I’m just glad the family is safe.
Of course this is a tragic coincidence of timing, but, I wonder – does Ms. Burner’s district have a residency requirement to run for Congressional office? It would be darn convenient for the Right if she no longer qualified…
P.S. Damn good thing her last name wasn’t ‘Exploder.’
P.P.S. Too soon? Sorry…
All of you guys (and that’s what you are, I know) need to just STFU! This was a horrible tragedy for a family to lose everything they had. Maybe even an animal companion, their cat. It’s horrible and will affect Darcy’s family’s life forever, her campaign much less. Her son is the hero in this and someone we need to respect. His parents taught him well.
Geez. Who needs this? Terrible..
And the mean-spirited remarks from the wingers (itchy, Cynical, 425) prove all our points.
What about Goldy’s Charlton Heston’s
Cold, Dead Hands Thread??
Nothing anyone from the Right said is mean-spirited towards the Burner Family dork.
The most outrageous is the LEFTISTS calling this a Right-Wing Act.
That’s mean-spirited and outrageous:
35. My Left Foot spews:
By the way, just where was Reichert this morning??
1. GBS spews:
Any one seen “The Piper” lately?
24. Blue John spews:
It’s a sad world where I considered that it could be some sort of republican dirty trick. “Can’t win legitimately, so burn her house down and distract her, at the very least.”
30. ME spews:
No conspiracy needed… just a right-wing jerk with a gas can and a chip on his shoulder.
32. Mr. Sarcastic spews:
Hey Mr. Cynical…apparently the word is that it was Dick Cheney who burned Darcey’s house to the ground!
He was seen sneaking away from the house by a neighbor in the early morning hours with a lit torch and an empty gasoline can.
37. ByeByeGOP spews:
Which of the right wing fuckheads did this and will there be justice? I knew the righties would resort to this shit. It’s all they have – it’s all they can do. They can’t win with ideas so they try to win with intimidation! Come to my house bitches and you’ll find it tougher to burn down.
We need to start a reward fund that leads to putting the right wing prick in jail.
48. Steve spews:
@47 No, but I was refering to him in post 41, you miserable piece of commie-fascist shit
55. Daniel K spews:
Mr Cynical – Are you so dense that you can’t see that people were claiming “conspiracy” just to taunt you after you brought it up?
Oh Daniel my Brother…how convenient. Your LEFTIST brethren can say whatever they want and it’s ok because it is merely a “taunt”!! The 1st person to bring up conspiracy was GBS at Post #1 dumbass.
@74 Mr. Cynical whining. Nothing new.
Actually my friend, I am merely quoting your LEFTIST brethren. Kind of hard to reconcile your and there vitrole with being offended, huh? What about Goldy’s Charlton Heston’s
Cold, Dead Hands Thread??
Nothing anyone from the Right said is mean-spirited towards the Burner Family dork.
The most outrageous is the LEFTISTS calling this a Right-Wing Act.
That’s mean-spirited and outrageous:
35. My Left Foot spews:
By the way, just where was Reichert this morning??
1. GBS spews:
Any one seen “The Piper” lately?
24. Blue John spews:
It’s a sad world where I considered that it could be some sort of republican dirty trick. “Can’t win legitimately, so burn her house down and distract her, at the very least.”
30. ME spews:
No conspiracy needed… just a right-wing jerk with a gas can and a chip on his shoulder.
32. Mr. Sarcastic spews:
Hey Mr. Cynical…apparently the word is that it was Dick Cheney who burned Darcey’s house to the ground!
He was seen sneaking away from the house by a neighbor in the early morning hours with a lit torch and an empty gasoline can.
37. ByeByeGOP spews:
Which of the right wing fuckheads did this and will there be justice? I knew the righties would resort to this shit. It’s all they have – it’s all they can do. They can’t win with ideas so they try to win with intimidation! Come to my house bitches and you’ll find it tougher to burn down.
We need to start a reward fund that leads to putting the right wing prick in jail.
48. Steve spews:
@47 No, but I was refering to him in post 41, you miserable piece of commie-fascist shit
55. Daniel K spews:
Mr Cynical – Are you so dense that you can’t see that people were claiming “conspiracy” just to taunt you after you brought it up?
Oh Daniel my Brother…how convenient. Your LEFTIST brethren can say whatever they want and it’s ok because it is merely a “taunt”!! The 1st person to bring up conspiracy was GBS at Post #1 dumbass
@76 “Steve–Actually my friend, I am merely quoting your LEFTIST brethren.”
They might well be brethren but I’m not a leftist.
Was there a purpose in reposting your entire whine?
I’d say this is ONE MORE REASON to out this old cum-drunk bitch Cynical. Goldy this prick is a prime suspect in this case based on his comments here alone.
We have to send a message to all the go-along get along Dems. The cunts on the right want a civil war. If you just go along, then they’ll take over by force. They can’t win any other way. It’s time to fight back.
Where is the sympathy for the Cat?
Darcy likely planned this stunt to gain name familiarity. Burning your house and killing your cat just to get into the paper seems a little desperate.
@79 No, we wept for the cat.
78. ByeByeGOP spews:
“I’d say this is ONE MORE REASON to out this old cum-drunk bitch Cynical. Goldy this prick is a prime suspect in this case based on his comments here alone.
We have to send a message to all the go-along get along Dems. The cunts on the right want a civil war. If you just go along, then they’ll take over by force. They can’t win any other way. It’s time to fight back.”
I’m sure not all LEFTY’s are as sick as you.
You are one sorry SOB.
Your anger reflected in your early-teen language cries out for professional help.
PS–Get a life. Your envy of successful people who risk capital and create jobs is apparently your perverted idea of going Green (green with envy!)
He easily proved it was the left that started blaming the right for the fire. Like you said, nothing new.
Why don’t you call the FBI? Goldy says his contact info is available, tell the feds the posts by cynic that make him a prime suspect. I’m sure Goldy wouldn’t even ask for a court order, he would gladly turn over Cynic’s ip, as would I.
If you believe what you write you have to do something or you would be no better than those do-nothing democrats in congress that are blindly following the orders of bush and passing everything he wants.
Of course you will do NOTHING. Cause I want you to do nothing. You will follow my orders!
If you do something, most likely you will spend 72 hours locked up under an involuntary psychiatric hold. So like I said, DO NOTHING!!!
@83 And now it’s Marvin’s turn to whine. Nothing new.
What a bunch of left-and-right morons, so stuck in juvenile name calling, this seems like the the transcript of conversations in the hallway of a particularly snotty Junior High School.
So long as all of you taunt each other and try to out-gross each other with escalations, your energies are wasted, especially when we have so many major issues affecting all of us that are desparate for comprehensive solutions.
Oh, I forgot…you behave this way because you lack the ABILITY to create solutions!
It’s sad that when thinking of his enemy (the right), the word that comes to his mind is “cunt.” Maybe he was molested as a little boy by an older adult female. Probably very traumatic as he appears to carry the scars of it today.
Please get professional help byebye.
It’s a sad world where I considered that it could be some sort of republican dirty trick. “Can’t win legitimately, so burn her house down and distract her, at the very least.”
And here I suspected it was a moonbat sympathy ploy gone terribly wrong…
maybe it was one of your eco-terror pals.
@87 Hmm, more likely it was those commie-fascists at the BIAW. I hear they have some recent experience with torching homes.
If you want to know whether the people who run this blog are truly good or malevolent people at heart, ask yourself this question: What would the tone of the article be if it were Reichert’s home that burned down?
If she can’t even keep her house from burning, how can she keep the 8th district’s priorities straight?
I’m just sayin’
Given the horrible tragedy that losing one’s home (and possessions) to fire has on a family, and the potential for even worse tragedy to result, does Goldy still think that arson is not a serious enough crime to qualify as a “strike” under the “three strikes” law?
Everything I have read says this morning’s fire was a very unfortunate accident, but aren’t we all a lot safer not having to worry about Stephen Darby McDonald not being able to start any more fires ever?
This is quite an interesting ploy by goldy, the attention whore. Had his intention been to merely call attention to this sad event, he would have done as Stefan did: reported it with closed comments. However, the attention whore knows his Koolaid cultists and purpsefully, knowingly chose to foment and encourage controversy, which of course he will attempt to turn against his opponents. Pretty sleazy for even the sleaziest. I’m sure goldy will drink to himself tonight. What a perpetutal, predictable creep.
You know Marvin as a child molester yourself, you would have a good idea about such activities in most cases. You’re wrong about me. I wasn’t molested, but a republican precinct officer in my neighborhood tried.
As for this case, let me clear. I hope something like this happens to the right wing swill on this board. They deserve it. And if we catch the cum-drunk asshole who did this before the police do, well – let’s just say that it won’t be a fun day for that punk.
You right wing assholes better rethink your strategy if you think this will win you votes. It won’t. It will indeed win you some problems you are NOT prepared to deal with. There WILL be justice eventually.
And if we catch the cum-drunk asshole who did this before the police do, well – let’s just say that it won’t be a fun day for that punk.
You GO girl! Give that faulty appliance HELL… show em who’s boss!
Do you have any clue how supid you sound?
Wow. I’m reading a story of a black pastor who’s church was burned down. In the news, he claimed it was a hate crime. Two weeks later, it was discovered he hired someone to burn down his church for the insurance money.
To some people, sympathy might be better than money. I’m just sayin’.
I hope something like this happens to the right wing swill on this board. They deserve it.
I do believe that sounds like a threat. Good for us all to know where to point investigators when/if the next home fire happens.
goldycoward will throw your ass to the wolves so fast, your head will spin, while the attention whore in him will gleefully exploit you.
Rightwing Karl Rove-Clone GOP operatives playing with matches again, I see.
Nothing to see here, move on.
All the shit on this thread….courtesy of Goldy.
Well I just saw this. How terrible.
Thank God no one was hurt.
Talk about having your life turned upside down.
Prayers and best wishes to the Burner clan.
Henry “the” Burner did it. Is he the Carl Rove clone alluded to by you lefties?
Arson, torturing small animals, are early signs of a serial killer. Is Darcy keeping an eye on Henry? Maybe Reichert will visit him in eighteen years with the matching wrist bracelets.
Goldy this thread and the post are typical of a rubberneck psycopath such as you. Stop being a stalker for one minute and let the Burners’ have some private time. Kill the thread and pull the damn videos you sick shit.
Glad to see the righty compassion flowing here. They said they care, so clearly they do.
No need for a conspiracy, not a big one anyway, just a couple of murderous fascist fuckwits. And there’s more than a couple of those.
Saw Darcy on TV, post fire. Darned if she doesn’t look normal in whatever she could throw on w/ the fire racing. Can’t figure out why she bothers w/ those nasty professional woman politician pantsuit outfits…she honestly looked better at her worst moment. (and yes, i’m sorry for their loss)
Darcy “Burner” ahhhhahhhhh. She probably owes
more on her house than it’s worth. Couldn’t
get that fancy Countrywide deal like the rest
of the Democrats. What a bunch.
According to the PI
Wellcome back howcanyoubeaproudofyourfatlyingcheatingbitch.
Nice to see you. I guess the last bitch slapping I gave you has worn off after what, two years? What do you have for us today?
For those of you new to HA, proudofherfatlyingcheatingass fancies herself a world traveler, a business owner and the mother of several children whose paternal parenthood is in question. She will regale us with her prose and in the end say nothing. See post 92 for her latest example. If memory serves she does not live in WA, and believes that WA women are ugly and stupid. I think she projects.
She does not like my foul mouth.
Too fucking bad!!
Fuck you, bitch!!
Wellcome back howcanyoubeaproudofyourfatlyingcheatingbitch.
Nice to see you. I guess the last bitch slapping I gave you has worn off after what, two years? What do you have for us today?
For those of you new to HA, proudofherfatlyingcheatingass fancies herself a world traveler, a business owner and the mother of several children whose paternal parenthood is in question. She will regale us with her prose and in the end say nothing. See post 92 for her latest example. If memory serves she does not live in WA, and believes that WA women are ugly and stupid. I think she projects. She is really the attention whore here.
She does not like my foul mouth either.
Too fucking bad!!
NOTE TO CYNICAL: Dude, the “conspiracy” theories were to taunt you, idiot. We just gave you what you wanted and asked for. HINT: We were making fun of you by mocking you. Ask your mom to explain it to you.
Fuck you, bitch!!
Glad to hear it was most likely just an accident. Nasty business, though. Best wishes to her and her family. Not something to wish on anyone (with sincerity: hyperbole is a different matter), and anyone with their humanity intact and at least a small measure of intelligence would feel at least a twinge of compassion for them.
“30. ME spews:
No conspiracy needed… just a right-wing jerk with a gas can and a chip on his shoulder.”
Firstly, I said fascist fuckwits. Get it right.
Secondly, are you suggesting that no politician has ever been murdered by right wingers?
Thirdly, I was describing a plausible culprit. I didn’t say it was actually so. I suggest you work on your reading comprehension. In particular, you need to learn to distinguish speculation from assertion.
Do you think that an attempt on her life might have been made by left wingers? Or some other group? Please, share your thoughts, I’m fascinated.
You are a sick bastard.
“Thirdly, I was describing a plausible culprit. I didn’t say it was actually so.”
Ohhhhhhhh, so me can throw-up anything as “plausible” and then retreat by saying “I didn’t say it was actually so.”
You are one sick loooser.
I’m sure your fellow Lefty’s are proud to have you on their team!!
Keep vomiting garbage loser.
Oh and thank you me for proving my point.
You KLOWNS started the accusations with GBS @ Post #1.
Now you can have the last spew….loser!
PosterBoy of the O-blah-blah Civility Movement in bringng us all together!i
92: So now Goldy’s at fault for reporting it, without closing the comments? From that you presume bad motives by Goldy?
Gee, aside from having to re-code a site that always allows comments (unlike the other site you mentioned), and doing it in a short time frame during a breaking news story, your point seems to presume that Goldy expected the wingnuts here to attack Burner in their comments, and that somehow he is to blame for that?
Geez, talk about trying to deflect blame onto another target!
RE the redundant 107/108: Still pathetically predictable, I see… and after all this time of STILL wasting your time here… I’ll check back in another few years, to find the same. You girls need to get some lives.
As a libertarian, I believe threats are semi-protected speech. Meaning lets not be pussies and get the authorities involved but one may personally act in defense of the threat.
ByeByeGOPs words are perfectly alright with me. Especially towards the GOP, but like most typical unhinged Left-wingers, ByeByeGOP probably links the GOP with all “racist” “anti-semitic” white people, and thats where I draw the line, Bush’s war is a zionist war for benefit of “God’s Chosen” people, such truth runs as “anti-semitic”. ByeByeGOP probably links Bush with “David Duke” or “Pat Buchanan” (who have stood against the zionist war since onset) instead of Norman Podhoretz or Bill Kristol, Bush’s actual yes men. ByeByeGOP smells of the moronic Leftist Ameritard type, who views the jew as eternaly innocent. This type of leftist will actually join the zionist GOP in condemnation when the rabble has become wise to “God’s Chosen people”. We saw this alliance of Neocons and liberals gang up on Ron Paul, or only chance to defeat the zionist meanace.