Washington state has the most regressive tax system in the country. There are many proposals to fix it this legislative session. My favorite is the wealth tax proposal. Might as well go big.
Who is worse: Marjorie Taylor Greene or former GA House Rep. Cynthia McKinney (and her father)?
Please show your work.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Saying of course isn’t the same thing as doing.
And people have a right to express their political views, even when those views are odious and entirely contrary to democratic principles.
But here’s the thing:
Saying they intend to do despicable, violent, authoritarian, anti-democratic things over, and over, and over, and over again, given enough time and enough repetition, has an effect on the people saying those things.
In the US, if we wish to avoid this kind of catastrophe, the answer is not to do away with free speech. The answer is to consistently decry, reject, and repudiate expressions of fascism and authoritarianism from the right. And to show absolutely no mercy to those who minimize or defend those expressions for the sake of “unity”.
Greed conservatives like having the poor pay the greed conservatives share of taxes.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
2. “Former”
Green Party
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
@3 – Don’t forget to include socialism and communism with fascism and authoritarianism. All are equally odious tyrannies.
I see why the greedy racist incel called out GA House Rep. Cynthia McKinney. She is black.
Outspoken black women consistently scare the greedy racist incel so he lashes out and tries to denigrate them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Nothing in “free speech” implies that private companies have to construct a giant megaphone and then hand it over to these people.
Pars. So no more Social Security Medicaid or free roads just toll roads and widows and orphans begging in the streets. Etc.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 That’s our Tom.
The strange thing is these people want to starve, shoot, evict, and deport the poors, and yet they still expect the poors to pay their taxes for them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Did anybody say otherwise? I think we can agree on that.
Now, the question is, why do you align yourself with two of those odious tyrannies?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 I could warm up to the idea of a Grant County farmer having to pay $10 in road tolls every time he drives into town to buy groceries. That’s what I tip the delivery driver from Whole Foods.
@10 That’s because greed conservatives don’t think of the poor as people . People have money.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Fascism is a dictatorial system of government. It can’t exist as a form of government in combination with universal suffrage and ballot elections of government authorities.
That’s the reason you put on a fur bikini and went into your basement to build nail-bombs and plot the murder of police and the assassination of elected officials. The highest turnout national election in modern history produced an outcome you and your 4chan girlfriends didn’t like. So you tried to stage a coup and install a dictator instead. Fascism certainly depends on people like you. But it can’t coexist with free and fair elections of political leaders. A lesson you just learned the hard way. FAFO.
Socialism, on the other hand, is characterized by democratic control of political institutions. The other component of socialism as political philosophy, that of social/public ownership of capital assets, exists in varying degrees as a significant feature of the political system in every single developed economy on earth. You drive on socially owned roads, and drink socially owned water, for example. So it’s impossible to say that socialism is incompatible with democracy.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Nor does “free speech” obligate private companies or private individuals to regulate or curtail what comes out of that megaphone.
The gradual, persistent shift of American “conservatives” toward an embrace of authoritarian white-nationalism and political violence is not a failure of democracy, or our interpretation of civil rights. It’s a failure of all of us, and our institutions, to speak plainly and bluntly about the motivations that animate that shift.
As we’ve learned over the course of the last five decades, declining to call out racism for fear of offending racists does not reduce the crazy, irrational impulses that lead to racism. It increases them. And declining to call out fascism for fear of offending fascists will fare no better in reducing those impulses. There isn’t going to be a “nice” or “gentle” way of confronting what Republicans and “conservatives” have become. And if we choose this moment to silence and stifle the debate, we will be driving it underground where it will only get worse.
Tara would like to point out to “y’all” that this was no ordinary nine-year-old girl sobbing and begging for her dad. This was a “hulking, beefy, giant” of a nine-year-old girl sobbing and begging for her dad. She should be grateful they didn’t cap her.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “There isn’t going to be a ‘nice’ or ‘gentle’ way of confronting what Republicans and “conservatives” have become.”
“Is it time to declare the GOP a terrorist organization and put its adherents on no-fly lists? Certainly, at a minimum, a question we must ask ourselves is whether we’re going to allow a small, violent minority to impose a tyrant on us, and what we can do within the framework of the Constitution to prevent that from happening in the future.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 That kid will grow up to become a lawyer.
At one point, one officer says, “You’re acting like a child.”
I thought the racist dumbfuck traitor might appreciate a Raw Story link.
Who hates blacks more: domestic terrorist Marjorie Taylor Greene or our racist dumbfuck traitor?
Please show your work.
I’ll say one thing good about domestic terrorist Marjorie Taylor Greene. She didn’t post the same stupid screed 5,000+ times thinking it would be clever of her.
Posting the same exact thing 5,000+ times believing it to be clever of her requires a special kind of stupid that even the incredibly stupid domestic terrorist Rep. Marjorie Greene doesn’t possess.
Lots of crosstabs for the racist dumbfuck traitor to ponder.
Just wait till Their Triumphant King Joe Biden jambs through $1400 checks and drive-through VAX using reconciliation over the objections of Team Pipe-Bomb. He’ll get above 60 in a few more polls and Tara will have to bitch some more about “oversampling”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 As far as I know, all our cities are still standing.
The doctor isn’t just a traitor. He’s dumbfuck traitor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 I think we can conclude that roughly one-third of the U.S. adult population consists of revanchist reactionaries who are willing to use violent means to restore to power their Beloved Leader who will replevin the glorious 1950s when coal mining jobs were plentiful and darkies knew their place at the back of the bus.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Shocked that I didn’t find Tara here humping Joe Manchin’s leg and whining about President-elect Vice President Harris.
Steve, the Hill-HarrisX poll reported that self-identifying “independents” love them some Biden to the tune of 64%. Compare that to the Marist poll (same RCP link) and independents approved of Biden to the tune of 46%. What’s the difference between the polls? Well, mostly one was an internet poll, the other was a telephone poll with live operators.
You are becoming a clown, Steve. It’s just not that much of a leap from sharing Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s big red nose and floppy shoes to also sharing his urethral and rectal catheters.
Don’t go there, Steve. Come back from The Ledge of Dumbfuckery. Please, before it’s too late.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27, 28, 29: When is the llama being delivered to your 5-acre ranch?
Don’t go there, Steve.
I’ll go there, you treasonous POS. You were hankering for this young woman to be assassinated on 1/6 in a treasonous insurrection that you helped incite by posting literally thousands of pro-Putin lies in HA comment threads.
You failed, traitor, and now I want you dead. I want you to hang for your fucking treason.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
So cute when you’re angry, Steve.
He had a fuckface and a big honkin’ belly,
that shook when he Putined, like a bowl full of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right-hating old elf,
and I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
Walk your dog, dildo.
After 10 months of pandemic isolation my dog has so figured out the whole package delivery thing that she runs to the door & barks whenever she hears a UPS truck nearby. I often get several minutes of heads up before the package is on my porch. Or any porch within a half block.
Dream on. I’m 6′-1″ tall and weigh 170, and I can kill you five different ways just using a thumb. I know who you are, where you live, and I want you dead.
I know you won’t think about it. That’s because you’re fucking stupid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Just watched a video here of a CNN reporter trying to interview Capitol rioters. Guess what they all said? “Leave, or I’ll call the police!” The police! They just tried to kill the police, and now they’re gonna call the police? I wonder if the police will come?
Kinda funny these tough guys need police to protect them from a reporter. Not so brave without their mob.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Y’all are clowns, libbies. Pussy clowns.
Yes. Yes. Of course we are. Pussy Clowns.
Must feel weird then, knowing you and the rest of The Pipe-Bomb Army keep getting beat down by Pussy Clowns.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The Great List of Congressional Democrats elected in the last ten years who called for the annihilation of “Zionist-Supremacists”:
Now as for Congressional Democrats elected in the last ten years who called for the annihilation of “capitalists” you might have a shot.
I get that Republicans back MTG on wiping out “The Jews”.
But am I the only one who thinks it’s weird for Republicans to support wiping out capitalists?
Maybe one of our “Socialism” obsessed troll shit-stains can explain that one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s some tabloid reading to start the morning off. It’s kind of like a Kindergarten Cop sequel.
Hey look! That’s that Tim-guy Tara was bitching about.
Circle of life. Hakuna matata.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I think it’s probably out of financial need, as much as anything.
He’s got a dozen family members and their pals riding his financial coattails. And thanks in no small part to their excesses and Brad Parscale’s cringey self-dealing, by November the campaign tank was out of gas.
It takes big stacks to keep Don Jr. and his girlfriend supplied in flake. That’s where that money is going. He isn’t even using any of it to pay his defense team. That’s the real reason the Butch Bowers team walked. Trump missed the retainer deadline twice.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Jared and Ivanka, for example, are now completely unemployed with no prospects and some looming debt to resolve. They all need some new grift really badly. I’ve heard they foolishly took a new lease on their Kalorama mansion right before the election. But there’s hardly any point in any of them still living in DC. And Biden is looking very seriously into terminating their protective detail.
I’m afraid though that “Stop the Steal” is going to fizzle with time.
Maybe it’s best to think of MTG as a kind of A/B test platform for “conservative” grifting ideas. You can’t fault the creativity.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Trump’s lawyers filed a 14-page response to the House’s impeachment effort on Tuesday … [which] argued … that Trump’s speech about the election and before the January 6 riots is protected by the First Amendment.”
Uh, wait a minute, this isn’t a criminal proceeding. And suppose a president said, “I’ll pardon your client for $1 million,” would they argue he couldn’t be impeached for that because it’s free speech?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 “The post at 38 does not concern my post at 1.”
And didn’t purport to. Did you see @ in front of it? That’s the notation we use in this blog to signify reference to a previous comment. If no @ is present, the number probably refers to something else. Just an fyi.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 I guess if I had to choose between paying my lawyers or my Russian creditors, I’d probably pay the team with hit men at their disposal.
Hunter Bidenspews:
It’s really great being a politician’s kid. I’ve made out really well with my connections, and now I’m hearing Maxine Waters’ daughter is doing pretty damn well herself. It seems Old Maxie has given her daughter about a million of her campaign funds since 2003.
It’s really great being a politician’s kid!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 It doesn’t always work out that way. Imagine being a politician’s kid whose dad owes $900 million he can’t pay. I’d change my name, have facial surgery, and move to Alaska.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Jeff Bezos is promoting himself from CEO to Executive Chairman of Amazon and will let someone else run the business so he can spend his time on the fun stuff.
The greedy racist incel just hates the black women. Waters paid her daughter well for election services and has been reelected. Rube paid trump 57 mill to save the Senate and he pocketed the money.
I consider myself a moderate to left leaning Liberal Democrat – I’m sure some would say that that doesn’t make sense.
But I hope Mancin goes down! Just for being the prick that he is.
Tara just hates being such a loser. Especially in the places where it counts.
Waters has the proven ability to consistently raise large sums directly for her campaign from wealthy donors in a district where she barely needs it. About a third of her spending comes from individual wealthy donors, almost none of whom live in her district. About half comes from other campaign PACs.
Because her campaign is able to direct that spending to help get other Democrats elected in Southern California. Her daughter’s business is central to that. Something like half of Waters’ expenditures are for direct mail, and ballot collection carried out by her daughter’s companies. It’s very successful and well worth it. It played a huge roll in the GOP wipeout in 2018: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/11/29/california-2018-midterm-elections-results-voting-republicans-1031072
Ah, sweet, sweet Republican tears are my oxygen.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 Be careful what you wish for. Manchin is at least nominally a Democrat, who often votes with Democrats, from a deep-red state. He can’t exactly turn his back on the coal economy, which is (or was) West Virginia’s economic lifeblood. Not perfect, from a progressive point of view, but better him than a Republican.
Bob couldn’t even be a Cabinet Secretary if it were for the Department of Horse Manure.
I consider myself a moderate to left leaning Liberal Democrat – I’m sure some would say that that doesn’t make sense.
It doesn’t. You’re a psychotic fuck and an embarrassment to your family.
Oh, wait. So are most other left-leaning liberal Democrats.
Never mind.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
Manchin won’t go along with reconciliation if the intent is to bypass the GOP. He was interviewed by Fox.
If Manchin holds firm, GOP will have to be part of the COVID-19 package.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 If the GOP is part of the Covid-19 package, there won’t be a Covid-19 package, because Republicans don’t believe in helping anyone but themselves. And they help themselves to a lot. But there’s no one they rob more than their own supporters.
They get to do it with reconciliation because pipe bombs and MTG.
As long as the GOP caucus defends The Election Lie Coup and protects members who openly call for the assassination of Democrats there’s no such thing as “working in a bipartisan way”.
Moscow Mitch didn’t wake up yesterday and suddenly decide to grow a spine. His ten vote message was incinerated into a black smudge by the intense heat of 70 million Secret Jewish Space Lasers. He figured out that Republicans can’t pose as “the reasonable people seeking compromise” while smearing themselves with their own shit, and barking violent threats at passing children.
Trump is the forever-gift. This won’t go away until he does.
May he never, or at least not until after 2022.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
“I’m not anti-Semitic. I’m getting persecuted. Look at these Democrats getting away with bullshit.”
I tell you when I first noticed this general meltdown was happening to them. Following the Blue Wave Wipeout in the 2018 midterms there was a lot of projecting and distancing being practiced by “conservatives” who were themselves entirely responsible for the collapse. Having ignored and enabled two years of soaring bigotry, corruption, ignorance, and incompetence by Trump, and used the most cynical tactics imaginable to portray the perfidy, cruelty, and excesses as “necessary to the circumstances” they had managed to alienate large, key voting blocs suffering irreversible losses.
The the underlying fear and hatred that had come to animate the “conservative” movement was so entrenched, and so visceral that they could not face it in order to change. And so we began to see some foreshadowing of what would become the Pipe Bomb Insurrection that now controls the GOP. In early 2019 John Robinson Block, scion of a super-wealthy Ohio media family empire, had drunkenly staggered into the newsroom of the Post Gazette in Pittsburg dragging his sobbing adolescent daughter with him and proceeded to engage in a vulgar tirade of violent threats directed at his employees for belonging to a union.
The Blocks are not “trailerbillies”, or at least would not see themselves as such. These are people who see themselves as “America’s Best”, attending exclusive private academies, living on huge gated estates, operating in a realm of self-congratulating philanthropy, rubbing shoulders with other media elites at the Allen retreat in Sun Valley every summer, and with global elites in Davos. Yet here was the head of that family humiliating himself and his daughter in an irrational display of latent grief, loss and regret.
Shit finds its way to the surface, one way or another. The distilled evil represented by Guatemalan Toddler Torture, C’Ville Death Car, Jews Will Not Replace Us, and Locker Room Talk can’t be quietly digested or metabolized. Today these kinds of displays are commonplace. One day a prominent respected GOP lawyer is telling us that a dead Venezuelan dictator fixed the election. A day later the MyPillow CEO is presenting a plan for toppling the DOJ. The next day Chewbacca Bikini Man is the face of the party.
A portion of America is destroying itself in a violent fit.
The trick for the rest of us is to stand a safe distance away and keep our phones handy in order to film the spectacle.
If the covid package fails. The democrats should be ruthlessly blaming republicans
Stu D
If I was the driver of the car, I would immediately activate the Jewish space laser and take her out.
Jonathan M
We’re still working out the kinks in precise targeting
Thomas Jefferson spews:
Leave the tax situation here in Washington alone.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe spews:
Who is worse: Marjorie Taylor Greene or former GA House Rep. Cynthia McKinney (and her father)?
Please show your work.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Saying of course isn’t the same thing as doing.
And people have a right to express their political views, even when those views are odious and entirely contrary to democratic principles.
But here’s the thing:
Saying they intend to do despicable, violent, authoritarian, anti-democratic things over, and over, and over, and over again, given enough time and enough repetition, has an effect on the people saying those things.
Eventually saying them makes it feel more and more normal and okay to do them. Until eventually it feels urgent and obligatory to do them.
In the US, if we wish to avoid this kind of catastrophe, the answer is not to do away with free speech. The answer is to consistently decry, reject, and repudiate expressions of fascism and authoritarianism from the right. And to show absolutely no mercy to those who minimize or defend those expressions for the sake of “unity”.
RedReformed spews:
Greed conservatives like having the poor pay the greed conservatives share of taxes.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Green Party
Pars Dominae Foetidae spews:
@3 – Don’t forget to include socialism and communism with fascism and authoritarianism. All are equally odious tyrannies.
RedReformed spews:
I see why the greedy racist incel called out GA House Rep. Cynthia McKinney.
She is black.
Outspoken black women consistently scare the greedy racist incel so he lashes out and tries to denigrate them.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@3 Nothing in “free speech” implies that private companies have to construct a giant megaphone and then hand it over to these people.
RedReformed spews:
Pars. So no more Social Security Medicaid or free roads just toll roads and widows and orphans begging in the streets. Etc.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@4 That’s our Tom.
The strange thing is these people want to starve, shoot, evict, and deport the poors, and yet they still expect the poors to pay their taxes for them.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@6 Did anybody say otherwise? I think we can agree on that.
Now, the question is, why do you align yourself with two of those odious tyrannies?
Roger Rabbit spews:
@9 I could warm up to the idea of a Grant County farmer having to pay $10 in road tolls every time he drives into town to buy groceries. That’s what I tip the delivery driver from Whole Foods.
RedReformed spews:
@10 That’s because greed conservatives don’t think of the poor as people . People have money.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Fascism is a dictatorial system of government. It can’t exist as a form of government in combination with universal suffrage and ballot elections of government authorities.
That’s the reason you put on a fur bikini and went into your basement to build nail-bombs and plot the murder of police and the assassination of elected officials. The highest turnout national election in modern history produced an outcome you and your 4chan girlfriends didn’t like. So you tried to stage a coup and install a dictator instead. Fascism certainly depends on people like you. But it can’t coexist with free and fair elections of political leaders. A lesson you just learned the hard way. FAFO.
Socialism, on the other hand, is characterized by democratic control of political institutions. The other component of socialism as political philosophy, that of social/public ownership of capital assets, exists in varying degrees as a significant feature of the political system in every single developed economy on earth. You drive on socially owned roads, and drink socially owned water, for example. So it’s impossible to say that socialism is incompatible with democracy.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Nor does “free speech” obligate private companies or private individuals to regulate or curtail what comes out of that megaphone.
The gradual, persistent shift of American “conservatives” toward an embrace of authoritarian white-nationalism and political violence is not a failure of democracy, or our interpretation of civil rights. It’s a failure of all of us, and our institutions, to speak plainly and bluntly about the motivations that animate that shift.
As we’ve learned over the course of the last five decades, declining to call out racism for fear of offending racists does not reduce the crazy, irrational impulses that lead to racism. It increases them. And declining to call out fascism for fear of offending fascists will fare no better in reducing those impulses. There isn’t going to be a “nice” or “gentle” way of confronting what Republicans and “conservatives” have become. And if we choose this moment to silence and stifle the debate, we will be driving it underground where it will only get worse.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Looks like police in Rochester found The Antifa.
Tara would like to point out to “y’all” that this was no ordinary nine-year-old girl sobbing and begging for her dad. This was a “hulking, beefy, giant” of a nine-year-old girl sobbing and begging for her dad. She should be grateful they didn’t cap her.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@15 “There isn’t going to be a ‘nice’ or ‘gentle’ way of confronting what Republicans and “conservatives” have become.”
I addressed that here, as follows:
“Is it time to declare the GOP a terrorist organization and put its adherents on no-fly lists? Certainly, at a minimum, a question we must ask ourselves is whether we’re going to allow a small, violent minority to impose a tyrant on us, and what we can do within the framework of the Constitution to prevent that from happening in the future.”
Roger Rabbit spews:
@16 That kid will grow up to become a lawyer.
At one point, one officer says, “You’re acting like a child.”
“I am a child!” the girl responds.
That has “lawyer” written all over it. I mean, how do you refute an argument like that? You can’t. She’s a born winner.
Steve spews:
In which the racist dumbfuck traitor hopes he topped domestic terrorist Rep. Marjorie Greene’s kickoff of Black History Month.
“In the past, rogue members of the State Department flew the flag of the radical Marxist group, Black Lives Matter,” her press releases states. “The domestic terrorists represented by the flag have burned down our cities with the mission of defunding our police.”
I thought the racist dumbfuck traitor might appreciate a Raw Story link.
Who hates blacks more: domestic terrorist Marjorie Taylor Greene or our racist dumbfuck traitor?
Please show your work.
Steve spews:
I’ll say one thing good about domestic terrorist Marjorie Taylor Greene. She didn’t post the same stupid screed 5,000+ times thinking it would be clever of her.
Posting the same exact thing 5,000+ times believing it to be clever of her requires a special kind of stupid that even the incredibly stupid domestic terrorist Rep. Marjorie Greene doesn’t possess.
Steve spews:
Lots of crosstabs for the racist dumbfuck traitor to ponder.
RCP Average 1/20 – 1/31 — 54.9 35.7 19.2
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Just wait till Their Triumphant King Joe Biden jambs through $1400 checks and drive-through VAX using reconciliation over the objections of Team Pipe-Bomb. He’ll get above 60 in a few more polls and Tara will have to bitch some more about “oversampling”.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@19 As far as I know, all our cities are still standing.
Steve spews:
More under sampling, no doubt.
The Hill/HarrisX 1/28 – 1/29 945 RV 61 39 +22
The doctor isn’t just a traitor. He’s dumbfuck traitor.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@24 I think we can conclude that roughly one-third of the U.S. adult population consists of revanchist reactionaries who are willing to use violent means to restore to power their Beloved Leader who will replevin the glorious 1950s when coal mining jobs were plentiful and darkies knew their place at the back of the bus.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Shocked that I didn’t find Tara here humping Joe Manchin’s leg and whining about
President-electVice President Harris.Hunter Biden's crack pipe spews:
From the Lansing State Journal:
MSU reviewed more than 1,100 reports of racial discrimination and bias in 5 years. It found violations in 8 cases
Hell, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has mentioned “towelheads” on HA with greater frequency than that.
Y’all are clowns, libbies. Pussy clowns.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe spews:
Eight times in five years?
Hell, Hunter Biden fathers bastard children with greater frequency than that.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe spews:
@ 24
More under sampling, no doubt.
Steve, really, you need to pull your head out of your ass once in awhile.
Steve, you trust Darryl, don’t you? ’cause Darryl sez
We usually do not include internet-based polls…
Steve, the Hill-HarrisX poll reported that self-identifying “independents” love them some Biden to the tune of 64%. Compare that to the Marist poll (same RCP link) and independents approved of Biden to the tune of 46%. What’s the difference between the polls? Well, mostly one was an internet poll, the other was a telephone poll with live operators.
You are becoming a clown, Steve. It’s just not that much of a leap from sharing Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s big red nose and floppy shoes to also sharing his urethral and rectal catheters.
Don’t go there, Steve. Come back from The Ledge of Dumbfuckery. Please, before it’s too late.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@27, 28, 29: When is the llama being delivered to your 5-acre ranch?
Steve spews:
I’ll go there, you treasonous POS. You were hankering for this young woman to be assassinated on 1/6 in a treasonous insurrection that you helped incite by posting literally thousands of pro-Putin lies in HA comment threads.
You failed, traitor, and now I want you dead. I want you to hang for your fucking treason.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe spews:
So cute when you’re angry, Steve.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe spews:
Walk your dog, dildo.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe spews:
Here’s the next poll we’re gonna see from gelatinous Steve.
Steve spews:
Dream on. I’m 6′-1″ tall and weigh 170, and I can kill you five different ways just using a thumb. I know who you are, where you live, and I want you dead.
I know you won’t think about it. That’s because you’re fucking stupid.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Just watched a video here of a CNN reporter trying to interview Capitol rioters. Guess what they all said? “Leave, or I’ll call the police!” The police! They just tried to kill the police, and now they’re gonna call the police? I wonder if the police will come?
Kinda funny these tough guys need police to protect them from a reporter. Not so brave without their mob.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Yes. Yes. Of course we are. Pussy Clowns.
Must feel weird then, knowing you and the rest of The Pipe-Bomb Army keep getting beat down by Pussy Clowns.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
The Great List of Congressional Democrats elected in the last ten years who called for the annihilation of “Zionist-Supremacists”:
Now as for Congressional Democrats elected in the last ten years who called for the annihilation of “capitalists” you might have a shot.
I get that Republicans back MTG on wiping out “The Jews”.
But am I the only one who thinks it’s weird for Republicans to support wiping out capitalists?
Maybe one of our “Socialism” obsessed troll shit-stains can explain that one.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Here’s some tabloid reading to start the morning off. It’s kind of like a Kindergarten Cop sequel.
Thomas Jefferson spews:
You must have entered the wrong number in your reference to my post at 1. My post had noting to do with your comment at 38.
To whom were you referring?
RedReformed spews:
@40. Did you comprehend the post? Its not always about you
Thomas Jefferson spews:
The post at 38 does not concern my post at 1.
As Fes from “That 70s Show” would say, “Good day!”
RedReformed spews:
Trump Raised $76 Million — Then Spent Nothing On Vote Challenges Or Georgia
Is anyone suprised? Republicans would have keep the Senate if the twice impeached loser had been responsible.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
40, 42,
It’s a numbered list, genius. An empty list.
If you’re ever in any doubt, your safest bet is going to be that we are ignoring your posts.
Look up.
Look down.
Look at my thumb!
Hey look! That’s that Tim-guy Tara was bitching about.
Circle of life. Hakuna matata.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
I think it’s probably out of financial need, as much as anything.
He’s got a dozen family members and their pals riding his financial coattails. And thanks in no small part to their excesses and Brad Parscale’s cringey self-dealing, by November the campaign tank was out of gas.
It takes big stacks to keep Don Jr. and his girlfriend supplied in flake. That’s where that money is going. He isn’t even using any of it to pay his defense team. That’s the real reason the Butch Bowers team walked. Trump missed the retainer deadline twice.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Jared and Ivanka, for example, are now completely unemployed with no prospects and some looming debt to resolve. They all need some new grift really badly. I’ve heard they foolishly took a new lease on their Kalorama mansion right before the election. But there’s hardly any point in any of them still living in DC. And Biden is looking very seriously into terminating their protective detail.
I’m afraid though that “Stop the Steal” is going to fizzle with time.
Maybe it’s best to think of MTG as a kind of A/B test platform for “conservative” grifting ideas. You can’t fault the creativity.
Roger Rabbit spews:
“Trump’s lawyers filed a 14-page response to the House’s impeachment effort on Tuesday … [which] argued … that Trump’s speech about the election and before the January 6 riots is protected by the First Amendment.”
Uh, wait a minute, this isn’t a criminal proceeding. And suppose a president said, “I’ll pardon your client for $1 million,” would they argue he couldn’t be impeached for that because it’s free speech?
Roger Rabbit spews:
@42 “The post at 38 does not concern my post at 1.”
And didn’t purport to. Did you see @ in front of it? That’s the notation we use in this blog to signify reference to a previous comment. If no @ is present, the number probably refers to something else. Just an fyi.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@45 I guess if I had to choose between paying my lawyers or my Russian creditors, I’d probably pay the team with hit men at their disposal.
Hunter Biden spews:
It’s really great being a politician’s kid. I’ve made out really well with my connections, and now I’m hearing Maxine Waters’ daughter is doing pretty damn well herself. It seems Old Maxie has given her daughter about a million of her campaign funds since 2003.
It’s really great being a politician’s kid!
Roger Rabbit spews:
@50 It doesn’t always work out that way. Imagine being a politician’s kid whose dad owes $900 million he can’t pay. I’d change my name, have facial surgery, and move to Alaska.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Jeff Bezos is promoting himself from CEO to Executive Chairman of Amazon and will let someone else run the business so he can spend his time on the fun stuff.
RedReformed spews:
The greedy racist incel just hates the black women. Waters paid her daughter well for election services and has been reelected. Rube paid trump 57 mill to save the Senate and he pocketed the money.
G spews:
I consider myself a moderate to left leaning Liberal Democrat – I’m sure some would say that that doesn’t make sense.
But I hope Mancin goes down! Just for being the prick that he is.
G spews:
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Tara just hates being such a loser. Especially in the places where it counts.
Waters has the proven ability to consistently raise large sums directly for her campaign from wealthy donors in a district where she barely needs it. About a third of her spending comes from individual wealthy donors, almost none of whom live in her district. About half comes from other campaign PACs.
Because her campaign is able to direct that spending to help get other Democrats elected in Southern California. Her daughter’s business is central to that. Something like half of Waters’ expenditures are for direct mail, and ballot collection carried out by her daughter’s companies. It’s very successful and well worth it. It played a huge roll in the GOP wipeout in 2018:
Ah, sweet, sweet Republican tears are my oxygen.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@54 Be careful what you wish for. Manchin is at least nominally a Democrat, who often votes with Democrats, from a deep-red state. He can’t exactly turn his back on the coal economy, which is (or was) West Virginia’s economic lifeblood. Not perfect, from a progressive point of view, but better him than a Republican.
G spews:
Bob couldn’t even be a Cabinet Secretary if it were for the Department of Horse Manure.
G spews:
G spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
@58 I think Bob could make a fine cabinet secretary with a little furniture polish.
All you need is a corner to park him in.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe spews:
@ 54
I consider myself a moderate to left leaning Liberal Democrat – I’m sure some would say that that doesn’t make sense.
It doesn’t. You’re a psychotic fuck and an embarrassment to your family.
Oh, wait. So are most other left-leaning liberal Democrats.
Never mind.
Hunter Biden's crack pipe spews:
Manchin won’t go along with reconciliation if the intent is to bypass the GOP. He was interviewed by Fox.
If Manchin holds firm, GOP will have to be part of the COVID-19 package.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@63 If the GOP is part of the Covid-19 package, there won’t be a Covid-19 package, because Republicans don’t believe in helping anyone but themselves. And they help themselves to a lot. But there’s no one they rob more than their own supporters.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
They get to do it with reconciliation because pipe bombs and MTG.
As long as the GOP caucus defends The Election Lie Coup and protects members who openly call for the assassination of Democrats there’s no such thing as “working in a bipartisan way”.
Moscow Mitch didn’t wake up yesterday and suddenly decide to grow a spine. His ten vote message was incinerated into a black smudge by the intense heat of 70 million Secret Jewish Space Lasers. He figured out that Republicans can’t pose as “the reasonable people seeking compromise” while smearing themselves with their own shit, and barking violent threats at passing children.
Trump is the forever-gift. This won’t go away until he does.
May he never, or at least not until after 2022.
Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
I tell you when I first noticed this general meltdown was happening to them. Following the Blue Wave Wipeout in the 2018 midterms there was a lot of projecting and distancing being practiced by “conservatives” who were themselves entirely responsible for the collapse. Having ignored and enabled two years of soaring bigotry, corruption, ignorance, and incompetence by Trump, and used the most cynical tactics imaginable to portray the perfidy, cruelty, and excesses as “necessary to the circumstances” they had managed to alienate large, key voting blocs suffering irreversible losses.
The the underlying fear and hatred that had come to animate the “conservative” movement was so entrenched, and so visceral that they could not face it in order to change. And so we began to see some foreshadowing of what would become the Pipe Bomb Insurrection that now controls the GOP. In early 2019 John Robinson Block, scion of a super-wealthy Ohio media family empire, had drunkenly staggered into the newsroom of the Post Gazette in Pittsburg dragging his sobbing adolescent daughter with him and proceeded to engage in a vulgar tirade of violent threats directed at his employees for belonging to a union.
The Blocks are not “trailerbillies”, or at least would not see themselves as such. These are people who see themselves as “America’s Best”, attending exclusive private academies, living on huge gated estates, operating in a realm of self-congratulating philanthropy, rubbing shoulders with other media elites at the Allen retreat in Sun Valley every summer, and with global elites in Davos. Yet here was the head of that family humiliating himself and his daughter in an irrational display of latent grief, loss and regret.
Shit finds its way to the surface, one way or another. The distilled evil represented by Guatemalan Toddler Torture, C’Ville Death Car, Jews Will Not Replace Us, and Locker Room Talk can’t be quietly digested or metabolized. Today these kinds of displays are commonplace. One day a prominent respected GOP lawyer is telling us that a dead Venezuelan dictator fixed the election. A day later the MyPillow CEO is presenting a plan for toppling the DOJ. The next day Chewbacca Bikini Man is the face of the party.
A portion of America is destroying itself in a violent fit.
The trick for the rest of us is to stand a safe distance away and keep our phones handy in order to film the spectacle.
RedReformed spews:
If the covid package fails. The democrats should be ruthlessly blaming republicans
RedReformed spews:
Stu D
If I was the driver of the car, I would immediately activate the Jewish space laser and take her out.
Jonathan M
We’re still working out the kinks in precise targeting