True story: the original inspiration for HA Bible Study was then University of Florida quarterback Tim Tebow and his famous eye-black bible citations. I thought, wouldn’t it be funny to randomly cite less familiar scripture—you know, say, 2 Kings 2:23-24 rather than Philippians 4:13—and our weekly HA Bible Study was born!
And so in honor of Tebow being cut from my beloved Philadelphia Eagles yesterday, I offer this extra bit of bible wisdom for him to ponder:
Jeremiah 49:16
Thy terribleness hath deceived thee, and the pride of thine heart, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, that holdest the height of the hill: though thou shouldest make thy nest as high as the eagle, I will bring thee down from thence, saith the Lord.
He needs to make amends with the goddess Nike. Then he needs to sacrifice a chicken to Zeus. His fortunes will turn around and he’ll be made an announcer for NBC.
Bickle should learn something….he first believed in the Polls that Romney would win the election, then he’s spouting off that it looked promising that Tebow would make the team.
Bob, how about watching to see if the parachute opens on the guy that jumps before you jump from the bridge yourself.
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
This is the God’s honest truth – one of my coworkers, straight guy (not that that has anything do with this story) tells me one our executive, a young guy, is a born again Christian. My friend had to work under and didn’t like his style of working or being a boss so he asked to be re-assigned to get away from him. But the story he tells me is that one day this executive walks up to one of our other co workers, and says to him “Ben, I need you to jump off a bridge with me” (meaning he wanted Ben to do something not necessarily following company policy). Ben said back to him, “No thanks – after you jump and I’ll watch what happens to you when you hit the ground”.
He’s terrible, all right. Or, at least, not good enough. That’s why he was cut by one team after another. Just not NFL material.
His only hope to soar with the seaguls, and scavage what he can.
There’s still a way to prove that God exists. Tebow gets picked up by another – doesn’t have to be Seattle but OMG the karma if it is – NFL team, which then knocks the Eagles out of playoff contention with Tebow at the helm, through a last minute 5-for-5 passing drive capped by a rollout, pump fake, and shedding of tacklers ending with Tebow powering into the end zone, three Eagles hanging uselessly on his back.
Followed, of course, by prayerful thanks be to God.
Hey, it’s no less likely than Romney in office in 2017.
Tim Tebow @TimTebow Sep 5
Thanks @Eagles and Coach Kelly for giving me the opportunity to play the game I love!
Romans 8:28 #Blessed
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
@5 Are you channeling Tebow’s childhood daydreams? Sounds like it.
@6 “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
No doubt that explains how six million of God’s chosen people wound up dead at the hands of Satan’s stepchild.
If Tim Tebow had put more time into film study and less into Bible study, maybe he would know to hit the open wideout in the end zone instead of trying to run it in. And getting stuffed.
The Nazis were amateurs when it came to killing people. Mao and Stalin were real pros at the task of genocide. “Honorable mentions” go to Pol Pot and the Turks.
And the lord looked down upon the prophet Tebow and sayeth ;
Tebow, thou dost truly sucketh. Redemption followeth signing
to a contract with a team of the Bible Belt which sucketh also.
It shall come to pass that the seats shall fill with snake handlers and hillbillies of the tribe of redneck and wealth shall fill thine purse and endorsement deals shall follow.
My, aren’t WE just in love with ourselves!
On the bright side…this frees him up to be Trump’s running mate.
@10 The vast majority of deaths under Stalin and Mao resulted from famine and starvation. Their total body counts were higher, but for industrialized deliberate killing, the Nazis are without peer. Hitler also started a war that killed 50 million people, a number that stands alone in the history of warfare. (Although it would have been exceeded if the American conservatives who wanted to launch a preemptive nuclear attack against the USSR in the 1950s had gotten their way.) The Cambodian and Armenian genocides weren’t trivial, but they’re second-tier.
@13 Didn’t Trump promise that slot to Palin?
@13 he is going to have to fight that bitch Palin for it, she’s already in the league (has great credentials – hahahahaha)
Didn’t Bob like Palin? Palin and Trump are two peas in a pod. Not sure why Bob doesn’t like Trump.
posted @16 before seeing @15.
I haven’t heard one Republican say who they like in this race, they’re all mums the word, like they don’t want to make any commitments – you know they don’t want to get on board with a loser (they’re chances are pretty high when 15 of the 20 are pretty much losers).
As a Dem, I’d vote pretty much for any of the Candidates and be happy with that individual. Not sure Republicans can come close to saying that. The Donald may be leading like 30%-40% of the vote, but I haven’t heard one Republican friend say that they would vote for him. Mums the word.
My sister, who has voted for Democrats, says she likes Trump, not for what he says or any substance, she is just tired of politicians not getting anything done. But some Republicans really despise him – after all he has no loyalty to them. I don’t think he has any loyalty to anyone. And he’s Rich, and he loves the Bible. (I love the Bible….the Bible, it’s a great book, The best Book, even better than Mobby Dick, the Bible is Great, the Bible – the greatest book ever written, and I Rich!).
Sounds like what happened to the Charter school supporters to me.
@18 Unless the charter school supporters are utterly stupid they knew (or should have known) they were walking on legal quicksand.
Religious mayhem is what it should be called. They are going to far, they will be fucked.
Long Luve Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave.
I wonder if robots have religious beliefs or could they issue marriage licenses. Bob, what do you think?
I wonder if robots have religious beliefs or could they issue marriage licenses. Bob, what do you think?
@21 Someone named Rachel Held Evans captured the essence of the Kentucky clerk controversy with the following tweet:
“No one’s being jailed for practicing her religion. Someone’s being jailed for using the government to force others to practice her religion.”
And that, in a nutshell, is why the judge is right and Kim Davis and her supporters are wrong.
Darryl @ 13:
How old is Tebow?
Twelfth Amendment last sentence?
Puffy and Bob’s world – utilize robots in lieu of giving a human a job and employee a clerk to not do her job. Upside down. And ass backwards.
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave.
Fly, Eagles fly, on the road to victory!
Fight, Eagles fight, score a touchdown 1–2–3!
Hit ’em low, hit ’em high,
And watch our Eagles fly!
Fly, Eagles fly, on the road to victory!
for the slightly embittered Eagles fan that owns this site.
Here is a crying towel and some hope.
@10 Sorry few do genocide or warfare than Genghis Khan.
Don’t forget the Taiping Rebellion, and how about that War of the Pacific. or the Philippine Rebellion
In Futurama there is a Robot Devil and there is a bot religion. In Philip K. Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” the question of whether robots can have a religion is asked, do they have a conscience, could they have freedom of choice.
No that doesn’t get to the point. The real point the clerk has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, In denying marriage licenses she is in violation of her oath of office. The same document that clearly states there is no established religion. The constitution clearly makes clear there shall be no religious test for qualification for federal office, only later is that extended to states. So it was possible for states to allow for some kind of religious test. I doubt that Kentucky was such a state.