A day following passage of Amendment 1 in North Carolina, banning same-sex marriage in the state, Obama finally reaches the tipping point in his evolution toward support of same-sex marriage:
So what was the response “across the isle?”
RNC Chair Renee Blatherspoon (or whatever the fuck his name is): “…President Obama has played politics on this issue…”
Ahhh…Obama, who has been talking about his position “evolving” on this issue has, like an evil genius, picked THIS moment to capitalize on the issue for maximum political advantage!
And elsewhere:
Ralph Reed, a top organizer among religious conservatives, said Obama’s announcement was a “gift to the Romney campaign.” […] “The Obama campaign doesn’t have to worry about New York and California,” Reed said. “They have to worry about Ohio, Florida and Virginia and I don’t’ see evidence that it’s a winning issue in those states.”
“This decision may have made Barack Obama a one-term president,” Bob Vander Plaats the head of The Family Leader, a conservative faith group focused on politics in Iowa, said. This will stoke a part of the religious base even more against Obama, Vander Plaats said. “They were already fired up to get rid of Obama. This will only make them more on fire to get rid of Obama. And if I’m Romney today, I’m smiling,” he said.
In other words…this move was political suicide.
A politically shrewed move AND political suicide at the same time.
Clearly, Obama is Master of the Jedi mind trick….
“Ahhh…Obama, who has been talking about his position “evolving” on this issue has, like an evil genius, picked THIS moment to capitalize on the issue for maximum political advantage!”
And they call him him Odumba.
Wingnuts. One moment our president is an incompetent ass who can’t do one fucking thing right. But the next moment he’s the most conniving, treacherous and evil bastard who hatched a wicked plan to bring Sharia Law to America before he was even fucking born.
I for one eagerly await the apology from everyone who called those of us who pushed Obama on this purity trolls.
Here, here. It’s about damn time, and leftists, and young people, led on this issue and changed the world.
Oh, and fuck you, Dwight Pelz. Now get back to work electing Democrats.
More like hand in your two weeks notice and enjoy your summer golfing.
Bob Vander Plaats is an ardent dominionist and a lying teabagger fuck. His barely concealed White Nationalist leanings are there if one only looks. Another TeaBagger/Evilangelical asshole looking to line his pockets and help elect people that would let him get away with it.
The “Conservative Faith Group” is just a renamed Ku Klux Klan with a better public relations firm on permanent retainer.
After all anti-gay conservatives were really conflicted on Barack Obama before, but this just pushed them over the edge. Conservative homophobes were THIS close to voting for the suspiciously black, possibly Muslim, possibly Kenyan, Democrat, but then Obama went and blew by supporting marriage equality, and now they are going to vote conservative.
For it in 1996
Against it in 2004 & 2008
For it in 2012
Flip flopper!
<a href="http://gawker.com/5909002/bara.....3&}
Nah, they were conflicted on Romney. They were never going to vote for Obama.
I don’t think that upsetting a minority of right wing Christian cranks (who wouldn’t have voted for him anyway) is going to hurt Obama.
A great way to market bleach to these guys would be the slogan: ‘Don’t just clean those sheets! Get ’em Ku Klux Kleen!’
This is interesting… regarding the announcement.
So puddles, what do you think about evolution? The Darwinian kind, that is.
Lib The Moron…
Evolution? You mean flip flopping?… this will be removed by mgmt. Watch this disappear.
See ya!
So much for those “deeply held religious convictions” Puddy remembers Prop 8 in CA. Black and Hispanic voters with “deeply held religious convictions” were the impetus. I guess DUMMOCRAPTS figure blacks and hispanics with their “deeply held religious convictions” are “in the bag” and will flip-flop and come out for Obummer in November.
Funny to hear Mr. Blatherspoon accusing Obama of playing politics. The Republicans have been doing this with marriage for decades. NC has had an existing ban on same-sex marriage for 16 years. What’s next, legislation to protect Christmas?