Yup, Dino Rossi’s refusal to identify himself as a “Republican” is so transparently ridiculous that even FOX News is calling his bullshit.
Rossi dismisses the criticism by claiming he used the GOP moniker four years ago (new campaign slogan: “Deceiving voters since 2004”), though that’s not how he identified himself in the voters pamphlet last time around. And if it’s the Democrats who think voters are stupid, as Rossi claims, it raises the question why he’d even bother with this weaselly charade in the first place?
Makes you wish Rossi were a straight shooter like Republican GOP Party unaffiliated Insurance Commissioner candidate Curtis Fackler, the chairman of the Spokane County Republican Party, who publicly frets about folks who “won’t vote for a Republican no matter what.”
“And we wanted to get around that,” he frankly told FOX News.
Huh. With voters so eager to reject Republicans these days, you’d think the party’s standard bearers might want to consider changing their policies, instead of just their party’s name.
Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican. Dino is a republican!!!
The BIAW’s tool.
It’d be cool if we could make a google bomb work. Search for Republican and you get:
Salmon Yoga Party?
Isn’t that sushi?
While there are literally 100 easy, cheap shots I could take here – (the right wingers make it oh so easy these days) I will just say that this is so illustrative of what’s wrong with the republicans. They know they can’t win if there is a free, open, honest, exchange of ideas. They know it. So much so that they are afraid to identify themselves.
Now the fact that Rossi lied about using GOP for years is no big news. He’s a proven liar. He’s been caught in major lies, like his famed “I am a real estate broker” lie that would have incarcerated any other citizen of Washington.
But this is a symptom of a bigger problem. Perhaps NEXT election, the republicans will start thinking about indeed changing their policies, not just their name. Because they are gonna’ get spanked this time around and they know it.
By the way, as an aside – Puddydick, you could do well to learn from this too. Just start identifying yourself as a gay black man. Stop being ashamed of who you are!
Remember what I taught you, Goldy’s sheep. What ISN’T he saying? What is he trying taking your eye away from? What is he remaining silent on?
Headline in Today’s Seattle Times … “When Gregoire won, so did her donors.”
I am convinced Gregoire is one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington state. She’s dirty. She’s a crook. And what does Goldy do when someone from his own party is corrupt? Does he speak out against it, or does he quietly turn the other way and talk about something else?
Goldy, your headline is a flat-out lie.
Perhaps you’re thinking that this is MSNBC, where no political coverage escapes their bias and judgment.
Your clip — and even your analysis — does NOTHING to support the headline of “Even Fox News is offended…”
While some bits of campaign puffery on your part are to be expected, your intentionally false headline drags you down to the utter bullshit level of
HeadlessWitless Lucy, BBG or Steven.Do you have a right to be critical of the “GOP” thing? Sure. Can you point out that it got national coverage? Sure. But Fox never said they were offended. They just reported what was happening (you know, like real news stations are supposed to do).
Keep this kind of intellectual dishonesty up and your renamed “HA” website will be just that: a joke.
If you really want to talk about bullshit “repackaging,” why don’t we talk about Obama’s new “reintroduction” TV ad. Where did his Kenyan dad go? Didn’t Obama write Dreams from my Father? Didn’t he dedicate his big 2004 speech to his dad?
Why has Obama’s Kenyan father suddenly been erased from the bio ad?
All of a sudden, little “Barry” was raised by a single mom with “Kansas heartland values.” Awww, shucks! Baseball, apple pie, Chevy… Now, does that mean that Obama turns to the Bible when he’s feeling bitter?
Could it be because Dad was (at least at one point) Muslim? Could it be that this truly is a reintroduction that rewrites his bio to be more general election friendly?
It is one thing to say “GOP” instead of “Republican” (even though most of the public knows they’re the same). It is an entirely other thing for Obama to now throw his father under the bus.
Lots of folks under that bus, Barry… err… Barack… err… What do you want to be called this week?
Maybe Goldy should be talking about this?
THIS is where the heart of the right is – they are PRAYING – WISHING and HOPING for a terrorist attack because to them, winning means absolutely everything. America means nothing to them.
I wonder of the GOP/republicans are offended at that too? Nah – they have no real sense of morality.
What does the Fake Mark do when presented with clear evidence that his own candidate is ashamed to be called a republican? He does what any Karl Rove-taught right wing coward would do – he attacks the headline!
This is why your side is looooooosing Marky you little cunt. Because this is the best you can do. Deflect and deny – that’s all you got?
Well you better up your game bitch because it no longer works. Look at the last three special Congressional elections in heavily republican districts – districts that had voted republican for years – they switched sides, became patriots and voted for Democrats!
These old, tired tactics don’t work. Why don’t you become the first right wing asshole to show real balls ever and just come out and say -“Our party sucks. We suck so bad we’re trying to change our name in hopes that nobody realizes how badly we suck. And our candidate is a liar!”
That would impress us.
Oh because TROLL says our Governor is dirty – that’s compelling?
Goldy also isn’t saying in this thread that Rossi was caught lying about his status as a real estate broker. That IS important.
If our Governor were corrupt, she’d be a republican!
Say what you will about Fox News, but they’ve got the best looking babes on televisions working for them. Shit, I’d pay fifty dollars to hear Martha MacCallum piss into a plastic bucket over the telephone!
Come on…you would have to be an idiot not to know what GOP means. It is a common reference to republicans and lots of them use it.
re 6: Mark the Welcher: Your ability to pick out the irrelevant is remarkable! So, what you are saying is that everything Goldy said is true, but FOX was not offended by it. They just impartially report the news.
That is so patently false. FOX is noted for its right wing bias and prejudice fueled ranting.
What is Obama’s middle name again (wink-wink)?
re 11: If you are into plastic-looking porno-bitches, I guess you’re right.
Your feigned interest in women is about as convincing as the relationship between Merv Griffin and Eva Gabor.
Most of the Faux News female anchors have been divorced or in affairs. More republican family values for you.
@12 I thought GOP stood for Group Of Perverts.
In the voter’s pamphlet, for the past two elections with federal offices there has only been Republican candidates …
@16: Nice.
You mean all of the sex scandals that republicans are involved in?
We also have:
Group of Parasites
Grand Old People (in honor of McCain)
Mark claims to support Dino, but I’m not seeing anything “I support Dino-ish” in his comments.
I’m off to work.
headless lucy @ 13,
Good! I fuckin’ pissed you off, and that’s what I intended.
Now kindly go give yourself a jack-job in a brown paper sack, you fuckin’ arrogant loser!
You know headless lucy, if you can’t admit that the hot bitches on Fox look a helluva a lot better than the slags on the other networks, you’re a fucking liar and a cocksucker!
@22 E.D. Hill is not hot. I don’t go for that ex-Texas cheerleader thing she does. On the other hand, that Heidi gal on CNN in the morning – mmmm, she’s hot. And that CNN black gal who does morning world news, she’s also quite hot.
Some serious hate filled speach by the tolerant left.
Prefers “To Be The Life Of The” Party
Steve @ 23,
E.D. Hill is the exception that proves the rule.