Is a flaming, narcissistic imbecile.
Has been caught read-handed milking the cookie jar and it took an act of Congress to keep his dumb ass out of Federal prison.
Is a pathological liar.
Is a sociopath.
Is a coward.
Is a high-ranking member of a Neo-oligarchist religious cult that forces many of their young men to leave home at 14, often with nothing but the clothes on their back.
As a now full-time student, I have been considering Schools in Australia and Canada, specifically the Universities of Sydney or Queensland, or Simon Fraser University. Both are actively recruiting students from the United States and England, as well as France and South Africa.
The reality is, this Nation has now fallen into the same national-corporatist psychosis that took Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria and so many counties in South America during the 1920s and 30s. If Romney wins, which would take a miracle at this point, the United States will have effectively ceased to exist, which I’m pretty sure happened on 9/11/01 anyway. But, with the exception of my mother who is now ailing a bit, there is nothing to keep me here.
Holy ball, I almost feel sorry for the guy.
Zotz sez: They have no shame and cannot be embarrassed.spews:
Yesterday, in a response to a question from Lib Sci regarding O’s chances in Az I said maybe in a couple cycles but not this time.
This year, Obama’s team talked early on about running in Arizona, which offers 11 electoral votes, but it never did. Now, with an internal Democratic poll showing Obama narrowly leading Romney, Obama’s team might make a play for the state that has seen a 160,000 increase in voter registrations by Democratic-leaning Hispanics over the past four years.
Even if it were not a win for O it could tip what is shaping up to be a possible D Senate pick-up. Arizona!
If the Romney had said nothing it would have just been people cheering for Paul Ryan and a normal campaign stop.
Can someone describe the clip? I’m at a computer right now which tends to freeze up when playing videos.
“When I get to another computer tonight I will try to watch the video.”
Are using your computer at work to browse HA? That could get you in trouble at some places of employment.
# 9: Yes, it does appear to be over. There simply aren’t enough “true undecideds” in the swing states for Romney to achieve a victory. Before I had said that Romney needs to make a major showing in the debates to win, or the President needs to make a major mistake to lose (like Ford did in 1976), but now that seems to be unlikely.
I’m curious what the tipping point was. His 49% comment? His continued refusal to release tax returns? Or his airplane window comment?
Of course, it’s old hunter’s wisdom that a wild animal is most dangerous when it’s threatened. I worry that some GOP operative might try to do something really bad in order to re-set the issues, like create a war in the Middle East. I could see them assuring Israeli military leaders that if they started a war before the election with any muslim nation, that the U.S. would give them anything they wanted in exchange. It’s not like they didn’t do it before (Iran 1980).
I’d say we have a couple of them going on right now – no need to create a new one. Maybe the GOP will try something like those lawyers in Maine who dropped that DUI business on GWB just before the 2000 election. Or maybe they’ll do something like that bogus letter from Bush’s old flying unit about the flight physical. Hey, maybe the GOP has a really good “explosion” awaiting the Obama campaign, but only time will tell if we get to see anything.
# 11: It’s not a problem. My work day today runs from 7:00 a.m. to about 10:00 p.m., due to things happening throughout the day. Things will be happening throughout the day, but often there are gaps while waiting for info from other people or for government inspections to be completed. When that happens I can do as I wish. But our IT department is paranoid about our software, and won’t approve updates until just about the time the new update is ooutdated, which makes some things unstable (like playing videos in newer formats).
Piltdown Manspews:
17. MikeBoyScout spews:
Staples to close 30 stores Et tu, Job Creator?
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
Hammer it home
09/26/2012 AT 5:09 PM
so they should keep under performing or unprofitable stores open?? is that what you are saying.
good business plan there, homey.
Wow, Paul Krugman looks like a complete fool for believing a satire piece on Politico was the truth. Krugman and the other lefty’s who dominate the MSM, including our own HA slugs actually believed this and ran with it.
Of course I’ll never vote for him. I’m just lovin’ his potential DOWN BALLOT!
The more he opens his mouth, THE BETTER THINGS GET!
Piltdown Manspews:
romney is toast – which is fine by me.
@19 Piltdown Man,
Unprofitable? Staples? Created and trumpeted by Mitt Romney?
How’s that Washington based company, Costco, whose founder spoke in support of Obama doing? Costco closing stores? Costco unprofitable?
Where do you buy office supplies?
Maybe a “good business plan” involves paying people a living wage and not sucking revenue out to pay exorbitant executive salaries.
@20 Robbie,
Krugman must be an idiot huh?
Everybody knows Romney and “stench” is not synonymous.
Puddy so glad you useless HA morons eat up the leftist horseshit… Well pox on your house… Roger Simon’s column jumped on by the slobbering head up Obummer’s ASS libtard media was satire. What a bunch of used dirtbags!
# 14: Hey, Bush never denied the DWI charge, he just said he used to be “young and foolish”. The voters let him get away with it.
As for the forged National Guard letter, that wasn’t a Democratic plot. I’m sure that was a Karl Rove operation – it has his fingerprints all over it.
Rove knew (from warnings he received within the Texas Air National Guard) that 60 Minutes was investigating the story. So a forged document suddenly appears in the hands of a critic of Bush, which gets handed over to 60 minutes. The author of the document is dead, but his secretary said it sounds like something he would said, and she confirmed it conveyed accurately the author’s feelings about George W. Bush. But the document itself was forged – all of George W. Bush’s Air National Guard records had “mysteriously” dissapeared a few years after Bush left the service.
But the real proof of Rove’s involvement came from a conservative blogger themselves, who pointed out the difference in the type font within minutes of it being displayed on TV, and then the national media picked up the story. Who can tell the difference between IBM Selectric fonts and earlier manual typewriter fonts (Times Roman looks very similar in both instances) just by looking briefly at an image on a TV screen? The blogger obviously had been tipped off (by who????), but pulled the trigger just a bit too early. But it was enough to do the damage.
So Karl Rove ended up taking out Dan Rather, whom the Republicans have hated since the Watergate investigations, and damaged 60 Minutes and took away a campaign issue, all with one forged document. More importantly, other reporters were afraid to even touch the subject of Bush’s service (or lack thereof).
It was a variation of a “False Document” ploy used by the British Secret Service in WWII, and also in military and political history before that. In a classic “False Document” ploy, the document itself is supposed to lead the other side astray as to the purported author’s intentions. (Nixon’s plumbers used this against Muskie). But it has it’s problems – the document has to be perfect, and the method whereby it comes into the reader’s hands has to be convincing (This was used in WWII when the body of a “courier” was dumped near the Spanish coast with documents showing fake Allied landing plans for locations other than Sicily). In the Civil War, McClellan wasted half a day in pursuing Lee in Sept. 1862 when he suspected the famous “Lost Order” showing Lee’s detailed invasion plans were a “false bag” operation.
But in the variation used here, they combine a forged document with a “false flag” operation, so that they WANT there to be just enough defects to prove the document was a forgery, and blame the other side for attempting to present it. The trick here is that the document has to be convincing enough to pass the initial inspections, but still have defects which can be readily apparant once they are explained.
Piltdown Manspews:
23. MikeBoyScout spews:
@19 Piltdown Man,
Unprofitable? Staples? Created and trumpeted by Mitt Romney?
How’s that Washington based company, Costco, whose founder spoke in support of Obama doing? Costco closing stores? Costco unprofitable?
Where do you buy office supplies?
Maybe a “good business plan” involves paying people a living wage and not sucking revenue out to pay exorbitant executive salaries.
09/26/2012 AT 5:32 PM
you really are clueless, arent you.
the particular stores they are closing down are probably under-performing. That doesnt mean the company is unprofitable.
They have 1,901 stores in the US, and are closing 30…big fucking deal.
wow….just….wow…on your comprehension.
Puddles & Robbie,
That “stench” punk is going to be a game changer, huh?
I highly recommend you keep talking about Rmoney=Stench. It’s funny.
Piltdown Manspews:
26. rhp6033 spews:
As for the forged National Guard letter, that wasn’t a Democratic plot. I’m sure that was a Karl Rove operation – it has his fingerprints all over it.
more black helicopter stuff from rhpee!
dude, really, you need to take some meds and stop watching old reruns of the x-files.
Again you diminish yourself… You chose to believe it… Oh BTW the Ohio Poll has 9% more DUMMOCRAPTS than Republicans and Romney is winning the Independent vote per the CBS Poll.
Seems to blow holes in your “argument”!
Piltdown Manspews:
Maybe a “good business plan” involves paying people a living wage and not sucking revenue out to pay exorbitant executive salaries.
09/26/2012 AT 5:32 PM
what exactly is a “living wage”??
maybe you should open a business, hire a bunch of people, and pay them a “living wage”(WTF?) and show all how its done!
@27 Piltshit,
WTF are you talking about?
“the particular stores they are closing down are probably under-performing.”
You think?
“That doesnt mean the company is unprofitable.”
Tell us spell check challenged cluefilled one, what does it mean? And what is your source?
“They have 1,901 stores in the US, and are closing 30…big fucking deal.”
I’m sure it is no skin off the back of the exec team or Slick Willard’s net worth.
How big a deal is it to those who will lose their jobs?
a) “Big fucking deal”
b) minor inconvenience; who needs to eat anyway?
c) no deal at all, they were underpaid and overworked
# 27: My wife used to do business at the Staples print shop regularly – she has two different businesses as clients (as well as our own side business).
She had to drive a bit, but found one shop which had a print/copy shop worker who knew what she was doing. The could take .pdf files and print them on the right paper, offset correctly to account for binding and the proper margins, and coil-bind them without mangling them.
Then corporate told them to send everything over 50 pages to the Seattle main store – they would get it back within a week. They got it back – done wrong – and had to scrap 500 copies of a 50 page booklet, and do it over.
Then Staples told the only competent copy shop worker she could find that they would not increase her wages to $10.00 per hour, so she quit. She makes more now doeing menial labor.
The new person doesn’t even know how to change the toner in a copier, but Staples is happy because she is getting paid minimum wage. My wife, in the meantime, has found another primary printing source for our business and her other clients.
In the meantime, Romney campaign officials are telling reporters that the Romney campaign is “confident” that the public opinion polls are wrong and instead “trusts it’s own data and metrics”. Either they are whistling in the graveyard, or figuring in how they are going to rig the election by another few percentage points (example: Ohio 2004).
That’s the buttspigot for you, projecting his anatomical anomalies again… It’s a Psych 101 Thing. That’s why he’s the HA arschloch… all ASS all the time.
Cornflake, the conservative cerealspews:
27. Piltdown Man spews:
you really are clueless, arent you.
the particular stores they (Staples) are closing down are probably under-performing. That doesnt mean the company is unprofitable.
They have 1,901 stores in the US, and are closing 30…big fucking deal.
The reason I haven’t been around lately is because I got a chance to suck the shit out of Ann’s horse. Only problem was the horse objected by kicking the shit out of me.
Back in January, Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren signed a pledge to stick to the issues. Then, this month, Warren pulled ahead of Brown in the polls and what did the Republican do? He began attacking Warren’s Native American ancestry. And when his staffers behaved like little children, he promised to tell them not to do it again.
Back in January, Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren signed a pledge to stick to the issues. Then, this month, Warren pulled ahead of Brown in the polls and what did the Republican do? He began attacking Warren’s Native American ancestry. And when his staffers behaved like little children watching a cowboy-and-Indians TV show, he promised to tell them not to do it again.
ROFLMFAO watching pudknocker trying to rationalize away the polls! If his man is trailing, the polls must be rigged! If his man loses in November, it’s because the Democrats “stole” the election! ha ha ha!!!
Hey Roger SENILE Wabbit… The issue is Warren’s character. She misrepresented her work at Travelers Insurance… She won’t talk about that… She misrepresented herself working unlicensed out of her Harvard Law School office… She misrepresented herself being a Cherokee. She claimed the Native American checkbox… Her family told her so. The Cherokees think otherwise.
It’s about character and she’s a character alright!
Herb Peasespews:
re 11: “Are using your computer at work to browse HA? That could get you in trouble at some places of employment.”
I thought that you were in favor of freedom?
Herb Peasespews:
re 50: I met a Chinaman in Texas who claimed to be a direct descendant of Davy Crocket — just like everyone else from Texas.
I can see the Native American in her face and eyes.
@ 49 RR
Thats the game. When Obama walks away with 400 electoral votes, the GOP is going to do a “Call To Arms!” and incite a riot. The TeaBaggers will be parking cars full of AMFO next to schoolbusses, Police Stations and Public Libraries for the next three years, and feeling fully justified in doing so.
Bear in mind, those same folks were all calling Tim Mcveigh a goddamn hero for chrissake.
@ 49 RR
Thats the game. When Obama walks away with 400 electoral votes, the GOP is going to do a “Call To Arms!” and incite a riot. The TeaBaggers will be parking cars full of AMFO next to schoolbusses, Police Stations and Public Libraries for the next three years, and feeling fully justified in doing so.
Bear in mind, those same folks were all calling Tim Mcveigh a goddamn hero for chrissake.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A New Jersey gay couple is suing a Colorado anti-gay group for using their photo on political fliers without their permission.
Remember the students pepper-sprayed by a campus cop at University of California-Davis in November 2011? They will each get $30,000 under a legal settlement signed by the University. The total settlement cost to the university is nearly $1 million.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That was an expensive testosterone moment for the UCD cops.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Romney’s Empathy Moment
“Mitt Romney on Wednesday pointed to the health care reform law he enacted as governor of Massachusetts as proof of his empathy and care for the American people.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This guy must be getting pretty fucking desperate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 “she’s a character alright”
She can’t hold a candle to you.
I think I just found my all time favorite Youtube comment
Obama is part of the Muslim Brotherhood and has infiltrated America as a Spy, we also have other Muslim Brotherhood spys at all levels in the Govt. , America is being sabotaged from the inside and let it be known homosexual liberals voting for this are the ones going to be killed first when the Muslims win and institute Sharia Law and start Stoning them to death.
That’s not satire folks…
The University got off easy.
Actually, this one might be my favorite.
SgtT, Open your eyes! Vets accross the country are being disappeared for talking against the Govt. Heard of the NDAA? TSA sticking their hands down childrens pants looking terroist! Mothers arrested for letting their children play outside in the yard! Man put in jail for collecting rainwater on his own property! Operation Trapwire! Fusion Centers! Armed drones flying over American cities! Agenda 21! Start looking on the internet and investigate for yourself. Your eyes will be opened!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 I believe that’s ANFO (ammonium nitrate/fuel oil) but small detail.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 Back in the 50s it was communists. Now it’s Muslims. Sixty years from now it’ll be Martians.
@2 You left out “dumb as a bag of hammers”.
Congressman for sale.
Akin Remarks at Fair Tax Kansas City Meeting, 5/11/12:
MAN: I’ve got a question, it’s kind of personal. What’s the best way to get in touch with a Congressman? Just write them a letter? I’m not on the internet so I don’t have that option.
AKIN: Yeah. Well, there’s a lot of different ways, ok? Writing them a letter is, I mean everybody says [inaudible]. The one thing we do is we pick up on the volume. If all of the sudden we’ve got 400 letters in the office, especially all hand written personal letters on something, woohoo! That just hit the radar screen. You’ve got incoming, you know? So, you pay attention to a big block of them. The staffers answer the letters because there’s no way as a Congressman I could begin. So, writing a letter is ok. If you’re going to write the letter say I represent 15,000 crazy fanatics. You want to try to create as much leverage as you can. So, the other question is — I’ll tell you, it sounds sort of self-serving to say it but if you go out and somebody is working on campaigns and you find out that you like them, you think they’re a good person, you go help on their campaign, that gets their attention.
I’m in a three way primary for the US Senate. I’ve gone to people and asked for their support, their help, or their endorsement and some people say yes. They write me a decent check. I remember that. The people that I thought were friends that tell me to go away because they are supporting someone else, I remember that. You know, I can remember back to 12 years ago. You remember who’s helping you. That’s one way that people get to know Congressmen and Senators.
So, likely the bigger the check, the more attention you get. No check? Then you can just fuck right off.
@ 63 RR
In the 30s it was Jews. In the 19-teens it was Chinese, in the 1870s-90s it was Irish and Chinese. The town I live in (and grew up in), ran all the Chinese out in 1910, quite literally at gunpoint. Burning houses down, firebombing businesses and shooting people in the streets. They all ended up in Vancouver, Seattle and San Francisco. It was a “Sundown Town” until the early 1960s. There is still, to this day, a huge contingent of old Ku Klux Klan folks here. The old Mount Baker Klan may not call itself that anymore, but it is still very active.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
You know, TIME lists are meaningless, but do you think that maybe little Scotty Brown, who “meets with kings and queens” is a little threatened by something like this?
There’s just no way anyone anywhere is going to have Scott Brown on a list of 100 most anything.
Do you think that the relentless constriction of mediocrity, the dawning, inescapable sense of failure, the hollow emptiness of being a Republican tool is getting to him, making the facade crack and showing us the real, petulant, racist, angry Scotty Brown?
# 61: Yep, it’s getting really crazy out there. I’m friends with quite a few conservatives, and we can kid with each other, and verbally spar, without anyone taking personal offense.
But last night I learned that one couple had moved out of their home and into a travel trailer so they could quickly move some spot in the mountains as soon as the President is re-elected. They spent their mortgage money on a new arsenal of weapons and ammunition. They said it was because next March, the Obama administration would put into effect it’s “secret plan” to install microchips into each American, ostensibly to register them under Obamacare. That chip, they insisted, would include a registration number for every American, with the prefix “666”, designating their obedience to the Antichrist as indicated in the Book of Revalations. Once any American accepts the microchip installation, they insisted, their soul was beyond redemption, they belonged eternally to Satan.
Okay, I understand the references to the Book of Revelations, I’ve read it a few times and I understand it fairly well (well, as much as anybody can – it’s full of symbolism and predictions which are subject to multiple interpretations). But a secret plan to microchip every American? Where do people get this stuff?
And the Republican wingnuts complain that the Democrats are going negative???? Hey, we’ve never called Romney the Antichrist. Heck, we’ve never even called him a secret Mexican Muslim Terrorist! All we’ve done is point out that he’s a liar who wants to take our money and give it to his rich friends.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
Here is a bit a rational, reasonable, fact-based discourse on the nature of polls, and what I hope is a bit of education for puddl and Cap’n Crunch.
Perhaps they can now stop with the misinformed (and pathetic) bleating about “2008 turnout!!” and “oversampled Democrats!1!” when discussing the disastrous (for them) polls presaging the coming Romney apocalypse.
No, it probably won’t help, and we’re all consigned to their whining for the next 6 weeks, but I tried.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
But last night I learned that one couple had moved out of their home and into a travel trailer so they could quickly move some spot in the mountains as soon as the President is re-elected.
Really? You actually know people, like, first hand, that actually ‘think’ that way?
They spent the mortgage money? Reminds me of this.
Are they really going to let their house go into foreclosure? Hope the bunker in the woods is nice.
# 70: Yep, I know these people. On a personal level, they are good friends, kind and decent and willing to help others. They’ve come to our house often and we came to theirs. They were Republicans and I was a Democrat, but we could just avoid politics in our discussions and everything would be fine. But somebody got to them and convinced them that Obama is the Antichrist, and it’s downhill from there.
I’d try to argue with them, but I really don’t think it would work at this point.
What’s really depressing is how much damage the people who are spreading these rumors are doing. Do you think they are going to be willing to help those who believed the lies get a new house when nothing happens? Of course not. They will just try to sell another lie, like the con artists they are. They’ve probably figured out how to make some bucks on it in the process.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
What’s really depressing is how much damage the people who are spreading these rumors are doing.
Oh, absolutely. The truly evil – spreading lies and fear and hate – and, as you say, likely making a buck off of it.
The Tony Perkins and Bryan Fishers and Ken Hutchersons of the world.
I guess it just stuns me that there really are people for whom the argument “Obama is the Antichrist” could actually have a real-world, concrete reality and predictable consequences – to the point of abandoning one’s house, forfeiting your equity, and holing up in the woods with lots of guns and ammo.
RFID chips with the signal ‘666…’ linked to ‘Obamacare’…
Crazy, just fucking nuts. With apologies to all the good-hearted and loving God-believers around here, this is one admittedly extreme, but apparently quite real, example for why I find religion utterly nuts and very destructive.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
I was doing a little web-based research on Scotty Brown this morning, and came across a bit of irony.
First, I (re)learned that Scotty and I are both Jumbos – we both went to Tufts, though he’s a few years older than me and we didn’t overlap there.
I was friends there, however, with this man’s daughter, a lovely and intelligent and liberal woman, from a very liberal family. Her dad was a prominent jurist in Massachusetts, and we, apparently, have him to thank for saving Scotty Brown’s future, as he seemed to rescue him from a very difficult childhood and the road to petty criminal obscurity.
He shoplifted many times, and was arrested for stealing record albums and brought before Judge Samuel Zoll in Salem, Massachusetts at the age of 13 or 14. Zoll asked Brown if his siblings would like seeing him play basketball in jail and required Brown to write a 1,500-word essay on that question as his punishment. Brown later said, “that was the last time I ever stole.”
So…we have Scott Brown, broken home, abused, teenage petty criminal, son of a Republican politician, who has the good fortune to come before a caring, thoughtful liberal judge, who intervenes, and to Brown’s own admission, saves his future.
What does Brown then become? A tool of monied interests and the “I got mine” crowd that would have cared less if an inconsequential little thief swirled away into the prison industrial complex’s series of inescapable hellholes.
There’s character for you, puddl.
Piltdown Manspews:
43. Cornflake, the conservative cereal spews:
27. Piltdown Man spews:
you really are clueless, arent you.
the particular stores they (Staples) are closing down are probably under-performing. That doesnt mean the company is unprofitable.
They have 1,901 stores in the US, and are closing 30…big fucking deal.
If you have Staples stock, you have my sympathy.
09/26/2012 AT 7:06 PM
no need to feel sorry, I dont own any of their stock.
Piltdown Manspews:
32. MikeBoyScout spews:
@27 Piltshit,
WTF are you talking about?
“the particular stores they are closing down are probably under-performing.”
You think?
“That doesnt mean the company is unprofitable.”
Tell us spell check challenged cluefilled one, what does it mean? And what is your source?
“They have 1,901 stores in the US, and are closing 30…big fucking deal.”
I’m sure it is no skin off the back of the exec team or Slick Willard’s net worth.
How big a deal is it to those who will lose their jobs?
a) “Big fucking deal”
b) minor inconvenience; who needs to eat anyway?
c) no deal at all, they were underpaid and overworked
Fill us in with your wisdom!
09/26/2012 AT 5:54 PM
shorter mikeboytoyscout: I need an Econ 101 refresher course
dude, are you really that dense? really?
thanks for confirming that you do not own a business…or much of anything for that matter.
Conservative trolls –
Romney is doomed.
You know it.
Give up.
Bear in mind that Romney:
Is a flaming, narcissistic imbecile.
Has been caught read-handed milking the cookie jar and it took an act of Congress to keep his dumb ass out of Federal prison.
Is a pathological liar.
Is a sociopath.
Is a coward.
Is a high-ranking member of a Neo-oligarchist religious cult that forces many of their young men to leave home at 14, often with nothing but the clothes on their back.
As a now full-time student, I have been considering Schools in Australia and Canada, specifically the Universities of Sydney or Queensland, or Simon Fraser University. Both are actively recruiting students from the United States and England, as well as France and South Africa.
The reality is, this Nation has now fallen into the same national-corporatist psychosis that took Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria and so many counties in South America during the 1920s and 30s. If Romney wins, which would take a miracle at this point, the United States will have effectively ceased to exist, which I’m pretty sure happened on 9/11/01 anyway. But, with the exception of my mother who is now ailing a bit, there is nothing to keep me here.
Holy ball, I almost feel sorry for the guy.
Yesterday, in a response to a question from Lib Sci regarding O’s chances in Az I said maybe in a couple cycles but not this time.
I stand corrected:
Even if it were not a win for O it could tip what is shaping up to be a possible D Senate pick-up. Arizona!
If the Romney had said nothing it would have just been people cheering for Paul Ryan and a normal campaign stop.
Can someone describe the clip? I’m at a computer right now which tends to freeze up when playing videos.
If you’re being specific, that’s MSNBC in the clip, not Fox..
It’s the Romney/Ryan campaign stop where everyone cheered for Ryan and no one would cheer for Romney.
The headline that says it all:
From RCP.
It’s over, folks.
# 9: Okay, I heard the audio clip of that one on the radio this morning. When I get to another computer tonight I will try to watch the video.
“When I get to another computer tonight I will try to watch the video.”
Are using your computer at work to browse HA? That could get you in trouble at some places of employment.
# 9: Yes, it does appear to be over. There simply aren’t enough “true undecideds” in the swing states for Romney to achieve a victory. Before I had said that Romney needs to make a major showing in the debates to win, or the President needs to make a major mistake to lose (like Ford did in 1976), but now that seems to be unlikely.
I’m curious what the tipping point was. His 49% comment? His continued refusal to release tax returns? Or his airplane window comment?
Of course, it’s old hunter’s wisdom that a wild animal is most dangerous when it’s threatened. I worry that some GOP operative might try to do something really bad in order to re-set the issues, like create a war in the Middle East. I could see them assuring Israeli military leaders that if they started a war before the election with any muslim nation, that the U.S. would give them anything they wanted in exchange. It’s not like they didn’t do it before (Iran 1980).
No worries, usual suspects. Your boy is gonna win.
“…create a war in the Middle East…”
I’d say we have a couple of them going on right now – no need to create a new one. Maybe the GOP will try something like those lawyers in Maine who dropped that DUI business on GWB just before the 2000 election. Or maybe they’ll do something like that bogus letter from Bush’s old flying unit about the flight physical. Hey, maybe the GOP has a really good “explosion” awaiting the Obama campaign, but only time will tell if we get to see anything.
Repeating what I said downstairs
Word of the day for Wednesday: “Stench”
‘If the Stench calls …”
Was it the camera or the microphone which was “skewed” here?
Staples to close 30 stores Et tu, Job Creator?
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
Hammer it home
# 11: It’s not a problem. My work day today runs from 7:00 a.m. to about 10:00 p.m., due to things happening throughout the day. Things will be happening throughout the day, but often there are gaps while waiting for info from other people or for government inspections to be completed. When that happens I can do as I wish. But our IT department is paranoid about our software, and won’t approve updates until just about the time the new update is ooutdated, which makes some things unstable (like playing videos in newer formats).
so they should keep under performing or unprofitable stores open?? is that what you are saying.
good business plan there, homey.
Wow, Paul Krugman looks like a complete fool for believing a satire piece on Politico was the truth. Krugman and the other lefty’s who dominate the MSM, including our own HA slugs actually believed this and ran with it.
Now that is too darn funny.
What an embarrassment to Krugman and the NY Times.
Egg on the face eh Paul?
Wow! That made me a believer..
Notice I’m calling him by his real name.
Of course I’ll never vote for him. I’m just lovin’ his potential DOWN BALLOT!
The more he opens his mouth, THE BETTER THINGS GET!
romney is toast – which is fine by me.
@19 Piltdown Man,
Unprofitable? Staples? Created and trumpeted by Mitt Romney?
How’s that Washington based company, Costco, whose founder spoke in support of Obama doing? Costco closing stores? Costco unprofitable?
Where do you buy office supplies?
Maybe a “good business plan” involves paying people a living wage and not sucking revenue out to pay exorbitant executive salaries.
@20 Robbie,
Krugman must be an idiot huh?
Everybody knows Romney and “stench” is not synonymous.
Puddy so glad you useless HA morons eat up the leftist horseshit… Well pox on your house… Roger Simon’s column jumped on by the slobbering head up Obummer’s ASS libtard media was satire. What a bunch of used dirtbags!
# 14: Hey, Bush never denied the DWI charge, he just said he used to be “young and foolish”. The voters let him get away with it.
As for the forged National Guard letter, that wasn’t a Democratic plot. I’m sure that was a Karl Rove operation – it has his fingerprints all over it.
Rove knew (from warnings he received within the Texas Air National Guard) that 60 Minutes was investigating the story. So a forged document suddenly appears in the hands of a critic of Bush, which gets handed over to 60 minutes. The author of the document is dead, but his secretary said it sounds like something he would said, and she confirmed it conveyed accurately the author’s feelings about George W. Bush. But the document itself was forged – all of George W. Bush’s Air National Guard records had “mysteriously” dissapeared a few years after Bush left the service.
But the real proof of Rove’s involvement came from a conservative blogger themselves, who pointed out the difference in the type font within minutes of it being displayed on TV, and then the national media picked up the story. Who can tell the difference between IBM Selectric fonts and earlier manual typewriter fonts (Times Roman looks very similar in both instances) just by looking briefly at an image on a TV screen? The blogger obviously had been tipped off (by who????), but pulled the trigger just a bit too early. But it was enough to do the damage.
So Karl Rove ended up taking out Dan Rather, whom the Republicans have hated since the Watergate investigations, and damaged 60 Minutes and took away a campaign issue, all with one forged document. More importantly, other reporters were afraid to even touch the subject of Bush’s service (or lack thereof).
It was a variation of a “False Document” ploy used by the British Secret Service in WWII, and also in military and political history before that. In a classic “False Document” ploy, the document itself is supposed to lead the other side astray as to the purported author’s intentions. (Nixon’s plumbers used this against Muskie). But it has it’s problems – the document has to be perfect, and the method whereby it comes into the reader’s hands has to be convincing (This was used in WWII when the body of a “courier” was dumped near the Spanish coast with documents showing fake Allied landing plans for locations other than Sicily). In the Civil War, McClellan wasted half a day in pursuing Lee in Sept. 1862 when he suspected the famous “Lost Order” showing Lee’s detailed invasion plans were a “false bag” operation.
But in the variation used here, they combine a forged document with a “false flag” operation, so that they WANT there to be just enough defects to prove the document was a forgery, and blame the other side for attempting to present it. The trick here is that the document has to be convincing enough to pass the initial inspections, but still have defects which can be readily apparant once they are explained.
you really are clueless, arent you.
the particular stores they are closing down are probably under-performing. That doesnt mean the company is unprofitable.
They have 1,901 stores in the US, and are closing 30…big fucking deal.
wow….just….wow…on your comprehension.
Puddles & Robbie,
That “stench” punk is going to be a game changer, huh?
I highly recommend you keep talking about Rmoney=Stench. It’s funny.
more black helicopter stuff from rhpee!
dude, really, you need to take some meds and stop watching old reruns of the x-files.
Again you diminish yourself… You chose to believe it… Oh BTW the Ohio Poll has 9% more DUMMOCRAPTS than Republicans and Romney is winning the Independent vote per the CBS Poll.
Seems to blow holes in your “argument”!
what exactly is a “living wage”??
maybe you should open a business, hire a bunch of people, and pay them a “living wage”(WTF?) and show all how its done!
@27 Piltshit,
WTF are you talking about?
“the particular stores they are closing down are probably under-performing.”
You think?
“That doesnt mean the company is unprofitable.”
Tell us spell check challenged cluefilled one, what does it mean? And what is your source?
“They have 1,901 stores in the US, and are closing 30…big fucking deal.”
I’m sure it is no skin off the back of the exec team or Slick Willard’s net worth.
How big a deal is it to those who will lose their jobs?
a) “Big fucking deal”
b) minor inconvenience; who needs to eat anyway?
c) no deal at all, they were underpaid and overworked
Fill us in with your wisdom!
Black Helicopters rhpee6033? Maybe you have some weekend reading…
# 27: My wife used to do business at the Staples print shop regularly – she has two different businesses as clients (as well as our own side business).
She had to drive a bit, but found one shop which had a print/copy shop worker who knew what she was doing. The could take .pdf files and print them on the right paper, offset correctly to account for binding and the proper margins, and coil-bind them without mangling them.
Then corporate told them to send everything over 50 pages to the Seattle main store – they would get it back within a week. They got it back – done wrong – and had to scrap 500 copies of a 50 page booklet, and do it over.
Then Staples told the only competent copy shop worker she could find that they would not increase her wages to $10.00 per hour, so she quit. She makes more now doeing menial labor.
The new person doesn’t even know how to change the toner in a copier, but Staples is happy because she is getting paid minimum wage. My wife, in the meantime, has found another primary printing source for our business and her other clients.
In the meantime, Romney campaign officials are telling reporters that the Romney campaign is “confident” that the public opinion polls are wrong and instead “trusts it’s own data and metrics”. Either they are whistling in the graveyard, or figuring in how they are going to rig the election by another few percentage points (example: Ohio 2004).
Staples…? Staples…? Staples…?
Very fitting description of the Obummer campaign!
In other news… With all these stacked polls against Romney, this will stop Obummer voters from showing up. Why vote, Obummer is gonna win anyway.
Puddy sez let them keep going. Obummer knows he’s manipulating the lamestream media. Now we know Obummer has lied about Benghazi!
Corrected! When Rove goes away, then people can start talking up positives.
Oh my buttspigot@39… Puddy is so much in your head.
Corrected again!
That’s the buttspigot for you, projecting his anatomical anomalies again… It’s a Psych 101 Thing. That’s why he’s the HA arschloch… all ASS all the time.
If you have Staples stock, you have my sympathy.
Somehow we are not surprised…
Heh. Willard “Mitt” Romney, a down ballot Dem’s best friend:
Here’s a video of the juveniles working for Scott Brown’s campaign that you probably will find offensive if you’re Native American.
Back in January, Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren signed a pledge to stick to the issues. Then, this month, Warren pulled ahead of Brown in the polls and what did the Republican do? He began attacking Warren’s Native American ancestry. And when his staffers behaved like little children, he promised to tell them not to do it again.
Back in January, Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren signed a pledge to stick to the issues. Then, this month, Warren pulled ahead of Brown in the polls and what did the Republican do? He began attacking Warren’s Native American ancestry. And when his staffers behaved like little children watching a cowboy-and-Indians TV show, he promised to tell them not to do it again.
@38 “all these stacked polls against Romney”
ROFLMFAO watching pudknocker trying to rationalize away the polls! If his man is trailing, the polls must be rigged! If his man loses in November, it’s because the Democrats “stole” the election! ha ha ha!!!
Hey Roger SENILE Wabbit… The issue is Warren’s character. She misrepresented her work at Travelers Insurance… She won’t talk about that… She misrepresented herself working unlicensed out of her Harvard Law School office… She misrepresented herself being a Cherokee. She claimed the Native American checkbox… Her family told her so. The Cherokees think otherwise.
It’s about character and she’s a character alright!
re 11: “Are using your computer at work to browse HA? That could get you in trouble at some places of employment.”
I thought that you were in favor of freedom?
re 50: I met a Chinaman in Texas who claimed to be a direct descendant of Davy Crocket — just like everyone else from Texas.
I can see the Native American in her face and eyes.
@ 49 RR
Thats the game. When Obama walks away with 400 electoral votes, the GOP is going to do a “Call To Arms!” and incite a riot. The TeaBaggers will be parking cars full of AMFO next to schoolbusses, Police Stations and Public Libraries for the next three years, and feeling fully justified in doing so.
Bear in mind, those same folks were all calling Tim Mcveigh a goddamn hero for chrissake.
@ 49 RR
Thats the game. When Obama walks away with 400 electoral votes, the GOP is going to do a “Call To Arms!” and incite a riot. The TeaBaggers will be parking cars full of AMFO next to schoolbusses, Police Stations and Public Libraries for the next three years, and feeling fully justified in doing so.
Bear in mind, those same folks were all calling Tim Mcveigh a goddamn hero for chrissake.
A New Jersey gay couple is suing a Colorado anti-gay group for using their photo on political fliers without their permission.
Remember the students pepper-sprayed by a campus cop at University of California-Davis in November 2011? They will each get $30,000 under a legal settlement signed by the University. The total settlement cost to the university is nearly $1 million.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That was an expensive testosterone moment for the UCD cops.
Romney’s Empathy Moment
“Mitt Romney on Wednesday pointed to the health care reform law he enacted as governor of Massachusetts as proof of his empathy and care for the American people.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This guy must be getting pretty fucking desperate.
@50 “she’s a character alright”
She can’t hold a candle to you.
I think I just found my all time favorite Youtube comment
That’s not satire folks…
The University got off easy.
Actually, this one might be my favorite.
@53 I believe that’s ANFO (ammonium nitrate/fuel oil) but small detail.
@59 Back in the 50s it was communists. Now it’s Muslims. Sixty years from now it’ll be Martians.
@2 You left out “dumb as a bag of hammers”.
Congressman for sale.
Akin Remarks at Fair Tax Kansas City Meeting, 5/11/12:
MAN: I’ve got a question, it’s kind of personal. What’s the best way to get in touch with a Congressman? Just write them a letter? I’m not on the internet so I don’t have that option.
AKIN: Yeah. Well, there’s a lot of different ways, ok? Writing them a letter is, I mean everybody says [inaudible]. The one thing we do is we pick up on the volume. If all of the sudden we’ve got 400 letters in the office, especially all hand written personal letters on something, woohoo! That just hit the radar screen. You’ve got incoming, you know? So, you pay attention to a big block of them. The staffers answer the letters because there’s no way as a Congressman I could begin. So, writing a letter is ok. If you’re going to write the letter say I represent 15,000 crazy fanatics. You want to try to create as much leverage as you can. So, the other question is — I’ll tell you, it sounds sort of self-serving to say it but if you go out and somebody is working on campaigns and you find out that you like them, you think they’re a good person, you go help on their campaign, that gets their attention.
I’m in a three way primary for the US Senate. I’ve gone to people and asked for their support, their help, or their endorsement and some people say yes. They write me a decent check. I remember that. The people that I thought were friends that tell me to go away because they are supporting someone else, I remember that. You know, I can remember back to 12 years ago. You remember who’s helping you. That’s one way that people get to know Congressmen and Senators.
Vid (audio) here.
So, likely the bigger the check, the more attention you get. No check? Then you can just fuck right off.
@ 63 RR
In the 30s it was Jews. In the 19-teens it was Chinese, in the 1870s-90s it was Irish and Chinese. The town I live in (and grew up in), ran all the Chinese out in 1910, quite literally at gunpoint. Burning houses down, firebombing businesses and shooting people in the streets. They all ended up in Vancouver, Seattle and San Francisco. It was a “Sundown Town” until the early 1960s. There is still, to this day, a huge contingent of old Ku Klux Klan folks here. The old Mount Baker Klan may not call itself that anymore, but it is still very active.
You know, TIME lists are meaningless, but do you think that maybe little Scotty Brown, who “meets with kings and queens” is a little threatened by something like this?
There’s just no way anyone anywhere is going to have Scott Brown on a list of 100 most anything.
Do you think that the relentless constriction of mediocrity, the dawning, inescapable sense of failure, the hollow emptiness of being a Republican tool is getting to him, making the facade crack and showing us the real, petulant, racist, angry Scotty Brown?
# 61: Yep, it’s getting really crazy out there. I’m friends with quite a few conservatives, and we can kid with each other, and verbally spar, without anyone taking personal offense.
But last night I learned that one couple had moved out of their home and into a travel trailer so they could quickly move some spot in the mountains as soon as the President is re-elected. They spent their mortgage money on a new arsenal of weapons and ammunition. They said it was because next March, the Obama administration would put into effect it’s “secret plan” to install microchips into each American, ostensibly to register them under Obamacare. That chip, they insisted, would include a registration number for every American, with the prefix “666”, designating their obedience to the Antichrist as indicated in the Book of Revalations. Once any American accepts the microchip installation, they insisted, their soul was beyond redemption, they belonged eternally to Satan.
Okay, I understand the references to the Book of Revelations, I’ve read it a few times and I understand it fairly well (well, as much as anybody can – it’s full of symbolism and predictions which are subject to multiple interpretations). But a secret plan to microchip every American? Where do people get this stuff?
And the Republican wingnuts complain that the Democrats are going negative???? Hey, we’ve never called Romney the Antichrist. Heck, we’ve never even called him a secret Mexican Muslim Terrorist! All we’ve done is point out that he’s a liar who wants to take our money and give it to his rich friends.
Here is a bit a rational, reasonable, fact-based discourse on the nature of polls, and what I hope is a bit of education for puddl and Cap’n Crunch.
Perhaps they can now stop with the misinformed (and pathetic) bleating about “2008 turnout!!” and “oversampled Democrats!1!” when discussing the disastrous (for them) polls presaging the coming Romney apocalypse.
No, it probably won’t help, and we’re all consigned to their whining for the next 6 weeks, but I tried.
Really? You actually know people, like, first hand, that actually ‘think’ that way?
They spent the mortgage money? Reminds me of this.
Are they really going to let their house go into foreclosure? Hope the bunker in the woods is nice.
# 70: Yep, I know these people. On a personal level, they are good friends, kind and decent and willing to help others. They’ve come to our house often and we came to theirs. They were Republicans and I was a Democrat, but we could just avoid politics in our discussions and everything would be fine. But somebody got to them and convinced them that Obama is the Antichrist, and it’s downhill from there.
I’d try to argue with them, but I really don’t think it would work at this point.
What’s really depressing is how much damage the people who are spreading these rumors are doing. Do you think they are going to be willing to help those who believed the lies get a new house when nothing happens? Of course not. They will just try to sell another lie, like the con artists they are. They’ve probably figured out how to make some bucks on it in the process.
Oh, absolutely. The truly evil – spreading lies and fear and hate – and, as you say, likely making a buck off of it.
The Tony Perkins and Bryan Fishers and Ken Hutchersons of the world.
I guess it just stuns me that there really are people for whom the argument “Obama is the Antichrist” could actually have a real-world, concrete reality and predictable consequences – to the point of abandoning one’s house, forfeiting your equity, and holing up in the woods with lots of guns and ammo.
RFID chips with the signal ‘666…’ linked to ‘Obamacare’…
Crazy, just fucking nuts. With apologies to all the good-hearted and loving God-believers around here, this is one admittedly extreme, but apparently quite real, example for why I find religion utterly nuts and very destructive.
I was doing a little web-based research on Scotty Brown this morning, and came across a bit of irony.
First, I (re)learned that Scotty and I are both Jumbos – we both went to Tufts, though he’s a few years older than me and we didn’t overlap there.
I was friends there, however, with this man’s daughter, a lovely and intelligent and liberal woman, from a very liberal family. Her dad was a prominent jurist in Massachusetts, and we, apparently, have him to thank for saving Scotty Brown’s future, as he seemed to rescue him from a very difficult childhood and the road to petty criminal obscurity.
From Brown’s wikipedia page:
So…we have Scott Brown, broken home, abused, teenage petty criminal, son of a Republican politician, who has the good fortune to come before a caring, thoughtful liberal judge, who intervenes, and to Brown’s own admission, saves his future.
What does Brown then become? A tool of monied interests and the “I got mine” crowd that would have cared less if an inconsequential little thief swirled away into the prison industrial complex’s series of inescapable hellholes.
There’s character for you, puddl.
no need to feel sorry, I dont own any of their stock.
shorter mikeboytoyscout: I need an Econ 101 refresher course
dude, are you really that dense? really?
thanks for confirming that you do not own a business…or much of anything for that matter.
Just throwing this out there. I wasn’t watching closely and haven’t gone frame by frame through any video.
Here’s the current question:
What if HA ran a thread based on a falsehood by MSNBC?