Well, even if ignorance of the law was an excuse, Ann Coulter is going to have a tough time arguing it in her defense:
A Palm Beach poll worker says he tried to help GOP-loving pundit Ann Coulter vote in the right precinct last week. But, Jim Whited says, Coulter dashed out of the polling place when he told her she needed to file a change of address.
“I even ran out after her,” he says. “But she was fast.”
Later, elections records show, Coulter cast her ballot 2 miles up the road
And don’t forget to stop her from slandering people in the future.
>Hmm. I’m assuming the clean elections
>folk over at (u)SP would support
>throwing the book at her.
Are you kidding? They still don’t know Cheney shot someone yet.
Hey DOOFUS – the object of your wingnut desire has committed Distributed Vote Fraud.
Ann should use the address of a King County Welfare Office. Thousands of Democrats use it, and many dead Democrats as well, and noone seems to care. Not even Goldy.
Typical republican hypocrites will defend this conduct. They don’t really give one good goddamn of a fuck about clean elections. What they really want is NO elections. They want dictatorships run by inbred chickenhawk republicans. They’re all for vote reform if they can’t win votes. Thankfully, the public is starting to see through their tricks. But I guess we won’t hold our breath waiting on that piece of shit Steffy to opine on this.
Good thing about being donk in King County is that you dont even have to be registered on election night. Just put your ballot in the mystery bag and if the dems fall short they will pull it out during the next recount. It is not like votes are reconciled to voter registrations in KC anyway.
Listening to donks on election reform is like litening to an unemployed motivational speaker. It just doesn’t make sense.
Secretary of State Bruce McPherson has certified voting systems made by the controversial firm Diebold for 2006 elections in California, relieving registrars while alarming electronic voting opponents. As many as 21 California counties, including El Dorado, plan to use Diebold machines to meet new federal Help America Vote Act requirements intended to modernize elections and make polling places accessible. [How can this be? I thought these machines were racist!]
5, Left Turn……”They don’t really give one good goddamn of a fuck about clean elections”…….Like the black Milwaukee young tire slashing Democrats. Hell, black districts vote Democrat at 115% of registration, and I’m a racist for noted the voter fraud. “Progressives”: punk Marxists
Detroit: population: 800,000……….900,000 Democrat votes for Kerry in 2004. Not a word of question from the MSM.
Left Turn, It’s safe to say you didn’t take and classes from Authur Laffer at USC.
I’d like to see unindicted felons Coulter and Sotelo in the same prison cell — so they can LICK each other.
JCH, if you could give a link to one solid example of Democratic voter fraud in an election rather than apocryphal little anecdotes, you might be taken more seriously here. Snarky comments, while fun, are not persuasive.
Hey Ann — want to LICK a fluffy cottontail? For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT. :D
6 – RufuS
Correction Sir : the real mystry bAg is at Republican hq. in Bellevue. From that bag, they pull the candidates – like Ellen Crasswell, John Carlson. Dino Rossi and No Pay the Claim McGavick.
Is there a better system?
You seem angry – get more sleep, better food, and romantic comfort three times a week. Life will change for you on that common sense advice.
If Ms. Coulter did some spreads in Hustler in her early days, that might help in the romantic comfort area.
“Good thing about being donk in King County is that you dont even have to be registered on election night. Comment by RUFUS— 2/18/06 @ 10:55 am”
Thanks for pointing this out, Doofus. It’s true — if you’re a military voter, you don’t have to be registered in King County (or any other county of Washington state). In Nov. 2004, military voters voted in King County by the thousands, and contrary to what Republican liars claim, their votes were counted.
Over 14,000 military and overseas ballots were counted in King County in Nov. 2004.
2 Erik
Is that you? Is this the same Erik who made many logical and salient posts during the long haul election process of recent? If so, good to see you, er… read you.
Kevin Carnes @9
“Like the black Milwaukee young tire slashing Democrats.”
Yeah, I agree Kevin, those Milwaukee dudes shouldn’t have slashed GOP tires — they should’ve slashed GOP throats instead … just kidding ha ha … wait, no, I’m serious … no, wait, I’m joking … ah, hell, go ask Ann Coulter if it’s funny. No, wait, go ask Ann Coulter to LICK me … now THAT is funny!!! :D
For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT.
contrary to what Republican liars claim, their votes were counted.
Perfect. DOOFUS=Republican liar
’nuff said!
Biggest news of the Olympic DAY — the Swiss beat Canada in Hockey a few hours ago — 2-0. That is history. Semi final round.
Apparently hockey is the number one sport in upper status Switzerland.
A truly amazing country, was there a few years ago for two weeks. The whole country oozes wealth and wholesome good health. Must be profitable to have trillions of dollars of clandestine wealth in your vaults. And good products like watches and pills, choclate to boot.
Did not know hockey was so bug — Watched on game on Canadian station. Canucks seemed shell shocked.
re 10: That’s a lie! Cite your source.
22, Shouldn’t the Swiss, a good “progressive” socialist country, take in a couple hundred million Muslims, Haitians, and Sudanese to help their country “diversify”? Yes, these new immigrates have soooooooo much to offer!!!
“Switzerland … oozes wealth … trillions of dollars of clandestine wealth in … vaults ….”
Yep, business has been good ever since the Bushies got in.
GOP = corruption
GOP = theft and concentration of wealth
Do wingnut wannabes really believe the billionaires who run the GOP will SHARE their wealth with trailer park sycophants and suckups?
Yeah, I agree Kevin, those Milwaukee dudes shouldn’t have slashed GOP tires – they should’ve slashed GOP throats instead …[RR] [Kill these young Democrat punks, and pile them like cordwood! Send a 2nd admendment message!]
re 10: It’s still a lie. Watch out for your tires, [JCH], it’s the only thing worth a dime on your 80’s K-Car with the hate stickers on it. The closest you’ll ever get to Hawaii is to buy a wig that looks like JACK LORD’S POMPADOUR!!!
Famous Democrat Strongholds: Detroit, Harare, South Central LA, and Upper East Side NY [ACL Jewland]. What do these people have in common?
Election worker told Coulter she was registered in the wrong precinct
If it had been King County the election officer would have been forced to leave and an apology would be issued to Coulter.
REV, Spend a little time with your Democrat “bros” on 8 mile in Detroit. Say about 2 AM on a hot summer night. You will think you are in Port-au-Prince, or Harare. Any not a Republican around for miles.
Famous Republican BASE VOTER strongholds = Any run-down trailer park overrun with weeds and crushed cans of BUD!!!!
33, cont…..Yes, Detroit, like Harare, Zimbabwe, the perfect “Hillary Village”. 100% black, 100% crime, 100% shithole, and 115% Democrat.
Goldy, Anne needs a little time to get the ducks in a row!
For photo of Ann Coulter’s election reform proposal, click here:
For photo tour of GOP voter precinct, click here http://www.mytrailerpark.com/
Still stupid, still a racist, still a gutless punk.
The more things change….
Once again – come to Seattle and say that anti-semitic shit to my face, you little coward.
JCH = brainless, gutless, clueless self-loathing homophobe.
Total registered voters in Wayne County (in which Detroit lies) was 1,412,388
Total votes in 2004 – 864,728 (257,750 Bush, 600,047 Kerry)
Numbers are from the Michigan Secretary of State.
Therefore, you are a LIAR, as well as a troll.
I fid it amazing how Goldy can write an good, well written and often entertaining note. Then most of you just get out your cut’n’paste trash and use up defenseless bytes. I’d suspect you of automating it, but I doubt you have the talent. Apologies to those who post useful comments, and you know who you are.
39, Mr. X, Was your real name Myron Goldberg? Are Chuckie Schumer and Hillary Clinton your Senators? I can’t “fell your love” in post 39. Sounds like “hate speech” to me!
[JCH] has got a hardon for Prescott Bush — who made millions off of Jewish slave labor. He longs for the “good old days”. That’s a very conservative mind-set. If it happened in the past it’s “O-TAY!!!!!!”
JCH is a racist prick.
see posts 31, 33, & 35.
I hope someday a black Democrat jewish person from Hati has the choice to save your life, or let you die.
45, Left is Right…..I hope someday soon you get mugged by a young Crip MoFo Democrat who pushes a 9 MM up your nose and “axe” for your wallet. Maybe it will be a Mexican illegal Democrat. Or a Haitian illegal Democrat. Don’t bitch to me!
Washington – The first vaccine designed to prevent infection with the lethal Ebola virus has passed initial safety tests in people and has shown promising signs that it may indeed protect people from contracting the disease, government scientists reported Friday. Just 21 people received the experimental vaccine in this early stage testing. /break/ the results are encouraging for U.S. scientists who worry not only that the horrific virus might be used as a terrorist weapon [REV AA, This is a white trick! The black African countries must not let “whitey” trick any blacks into using this vaccine!]
Oh yeah, y’all are for the right to privacy.
Michael @32,
Actually, there was a huge difference between the two situations. In Palm Beach County, the pole worker tried to assist Coulter in changing her registration to the proper address so she could vote correctly in this election. She was standing at her proper polling location, and he was attempting to assist her in voting properly, there.
In King County, Stefan tried to dissuade a provisional voter from voting at all.
That shouldn’t be such a subtle distinction.
Goldy is doing his community service thing by letting JCH, among others, post here. The therapy does him some good. . .sadly the meds do not seem to be helping and they say the electroshock has to have something to work on. . .
No, folks, you really can’t make this stuff up. JCH is real. A wonderful exhibit of a life gone wrong. . .sexual degenerate Penn State grad, Navy failure, right wing nut job. A walking billboard of what’s wrong with the Right. Goldy is to be commended for letting him display his symptoms here.
I sort of view it as a target recognition training session. Study him well. If it comes to it, and you have him well placed in your reticle, you wouldn’t want to miss. . .just kidding, of course.
When he posts, he does a service to all.
re 47: I can cite a study from the 1940’s that proves that of white people north of the Mason-Dixon Line 20% have a direct black ancestor within the past 3 generations. It is much lower in the South , where taboos are much stronger.
[JCH]: Your strident approach to race makes me suspect that you are among those 20% of whites— and you know it.
Instead of the defensive approach you’ve chosen, I suggest that you adopt an attitude of pride in yourself that encompasses ALL the aspects of who you are and not just some. There are negative and positive aspects to every culture and race and my suggestion to you is to look a little harder on the bright side of life.
There are negative and positive aspects to every culture and race and my suggestion to you is to look a little harder on the bright side of life. [REV AA, Tell me about some of the “positives” of the Crips and Blood “culture” in LA?]
re 52: Many are millionnaires — just like Anne Coulter.
re 52: Poppy production in Afghanistan is higher than it’s ever been. Where do you suppose all that raw product ends up and who is being financed by it?
Think about it and let me know what you come up with.
George Soros is not an acceptable answer.
53, Black doper gang thugs……Yes, these are positives to the black Democrat community. Human trash. Nothing more.
54…..REV, Blacks using crack and coke. Yup, These are the positives in the black Democrat community. Smack, reefer, King Cobra, and KFC. Lincoln was right. Back to Liberia.
Tree Frog, You need to take your family on a little vacation to Detroit, Harare, or maybe South Central LA. Stay out late, and show your children the Democrat “diversity”. [hehe]
Yes, Tree Frog, Maybe Mrs. Tree Frog and your daughter could meet some Crips or Bloods and make new friends! Maybe exchange some “culture”.
Now that you’ve buried my unassailable refutation of you, [JCH], I will redirect people to comments #51 thru 54 to see your absolute logical humiliation. I don’t mind repeating this stuff as many times as I need to to keep you off balance.
Have a nice day!
It took you about 45 min. to discover you had no legs.
Rev, ya gotta remember I’m a cock sucker and claim to be retired and yet 50% of my salary is taxed.
Anne Coulter lied about her address and voted in the wrong precinct, there fore she is a voter fraud and felon.
This kind of voter fraud is common among Republican voters.
My apologies, Reverend Tappman. Someone is hijacking my handle.
I saw a “W 08” sticker on a truck last week. Two things came to mind:
1. Wow. There are still Republicans out there who think GW is the best their party can do. I thought it would be obvious by now that McCain would have been much better for them.
2. The education system in this country is really failing if people are getting hyped up to elect a president for a third term.
Sorry.. that last post was meant for the open thread.
Over 14,000 military and overseas ballots were counted in King County in Nov. 2004.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/18/06 @ 11:40 am
Roger how many ballots didn’t get counted and how many were stuff in the ballot box? Untill the Fed’s check out King county no one will belive anything is done honesty. Sorry Rabbit to many shady things happen in King County these last few years. Maybe Dean Logan can help by finding a new job in the bay area.
Klake, take your meds. No, I mean really. Someone with your reality issues shouldn’t be let out without a keeper. You might mistake a signal light for a windmill.
saw a “W 08″ sticker on a truck last week. Two things came to mind:
1. Wow. There are still Republicans out there who think GW is the best their party can do. I thought it would be obvious by now that McCain would have been much better for them.
2. The education system in this country is really failing if people are getting hyped up to elect a president for a third term.
Comment by Hayduke— 2/18/06 @ 6:11 pm
1. Anyone is better than the shit democrats put out there.
2. Anything is possible in KC.
RoofieUser@67 In your case I would recommend NOT taking your meds.
hello….So when sharkansky did that he was a thug, but the guy that did it to coulter was ok?
how cool is that.
Over at SP, we have heard ad hominim from you folks that many people don’t want their real address showing anywhere for several possible different reasons. Well, considering the number of death threats Anne Coulter has received from the looney and violence-tended left, I don’t blame her!
Karl@69 This is a reading comprehension test. SEE GOLDY’S POST @49.
I know it’s an effort, but try. Read it. Move your lips if you have to, but try.
Looneytunes@70 The Coultergeist is the one advocating violence.
“Roger how many ballots didn’t get counted …? Comment by klake— 2/18/06 @ 7:29 pm”
16 were received too late, and 204 other ballots weren’t counted for other reasons. http://www.metrokc.gov/electio....._01_05.htm
“Sorry Rabbit to many shady things happen in King County these last few years. Comment by klake— 2/18/06 @ 7:29 pm”
Sorry, klake, I rely on facts, not wingnut talking points.
Klake, you guys spent $2 million litigating your talking points in Wenatchee, and came up empty. End of story. Please stop repeating GOP lies about the 2004 election, it’s time to move on.
karl = apologist for genocidal maniac
Hey karl why is it okay for Coulter to lie about where she lives on her voter registration form? I thought you guys were against voting fraud? That’s a felony in Florida, ya know.
Coulter = felon
Why is a felon like Coulter allowed to vote in the first place? They must have lax voting laws in Florida.
katomar @70
You should look up big words like “ad hominem” before you misspell them and misuse them. Otherwise, you look like a silly uneducated fool. Which you are.
HAYDUKE Education is failing. Mostly is democrat strongholds.
It’s a genetic problem.
Just axe me.
Seventeen posts from JCH and no condemnation or praise, in fact no comment at all, on Ann Coulter’s willfully illegal registration.
katomar @ 70
I applaud you, sir or madam, for at least atempting to defend Coulter’s illegal registration. The reason you offer is silly, untrue, usually not allowable under the law, and one not claimed by Coulter, but in contrast to the other wingnuts in the room at least you had the balls (or ovaries) to attempt a defense instead of throwing out the traditional “baffle them with bullshit” finger-pointing.
klake @ 65
Good idea. We all know how honest and competent our federal government is these days.
@71 Yes, Goldy @49 tries to say that the fact that Coulter had another legal option, which is to vote 2 miles away in the precinct where she actually lives, that that situation is significantly different from the situation with Sharkansky, where the voter had no legal option to vote, because the 15 day window for registration had already passed. This may make a difference from the point of view of a lawmaker, but to an individual poll worker, telling someone that they are not welcome to vote in your precinct is the same in either case.
We have heard sub rosa —- is that better Rodger Elitist Fuckhole
Why is a felon like Coulter allowed to vote in the first place? They must have lax voting laws in Florida.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/19/06 @ 1:55 am
We let domcrats to vote, why not Anne. The fellon vote put Chrissy over the top.
@85 Sturmfeurher Sharkansky had no LEGAL authority to make this judgement. He got cashiered, and rightly so, for trying to assert this bogus authority. What this authoritatian little s-ithead had authority to do was to politely hand a provisional ballot, as provided by LAW, to the prospective voter. NOTHING MORE. Wingnut.
Idiot@85 Coulter was invited to vote in her proper precinct, WHERE SHE WAS STANDING AT THE TIME, but she chose TO COMMIT A FELONY INSTEAD.Go back and spew your Bs on Unsound Politics.
Just because she bought a house in a certain precinct doesnt mean she LIVES in the house. Im certain that a woman of her stature owns more than one house.
UpChuck@90 Take your meds. Get a grip on reality. Try a little reading comprehension. The Republican Poll worker knew Coulter’s address from a feature story he had read, IN WHICH SHE CLAIMED RESIDENCE AT HER HOME IN THAT PRECINCT. Hello?
TFF, you must understand, Lil Chuck only gets to his computer twice per week when his caretaker is out shopping for more diapers. He doesn’t have the time or the intelligence to actually read any articles. He is noted as a ‘jumper’, he just jumps into any thread and dribbles his .00002 cents worth of phlegm
This thread really exposes the hypocracy of the left. Don Sims, Ron Sims’ nephew, is registered to vote at Ron Sims address, although he clearly lives in New York. It seems unlikely that he ever lived with uncle Ron. But that is ok if you are a Democrat. Registering in your uncle’s precinct just so you can vote for him is ok, but registering at your realtor’s house is wrong?
Michael @ 93. I think you got lost. You must have been looking for u(nfounded)S(sharansky)P(us). You know, the place where all of you ‘good ole boys’ sit around and pat yourselves on the back and repeat wingnut talking points.
Michael @ 93. I think you got lost. You must have been looking for u(nfounded)S(sharansky)P(us). You know, the place where all of you ‘good ole boys’ sit around and pat yourselves on the back and repeat wingnut talking points.
Comment by Drivel— 2/19/06 @ 6:27 pm
Yeah Micheal, take the truth somewhere else. Drivel and the other lefties don’t want to be bothered by the facts. You tell him Drivel.
a little off topic but can we replace the cake with Coulter?
Looks like Rep Schmidt will be the first person in history to get their head cut off twice. Once yesterday at the ‘party’ and once more in either the primary or the November elections. Could not happen to a nicer ‘witch’.
a little off topic but can we replace the cake with Coulter?
Looks like Rep Schmidt will be the first person in history to get their head cut off twice. Once yesterday at the ‘party’ and once more in either the primary or the November elections. Could not happen to a nicer ‘witch’.
sorry, seems like everytime I post it ‘doubles’. Must mean it is extremely important.
he did not get cashiered, he quit in protest for his interpretatoin of the rules.
Considering one supervisor initially told him he had violated nothing its a matter of opinion if he was wrong.
What is true is the person he confronted was not a legal voter.
He went overboard in trying to tell him he couldnt vote, so no this is not a shark support post.
And coulter if she violated the rules should suffer the same consequence as every othewr ilelgal voter.
He didn’t tell him he couldn’t vote, he told him that if he cast an illegal provisional ballot that it would be annotated.