Polls are closing in the East, and we have ourselves a horse race!
The Montlake Alehouse has CNN on the TeeVee box, but I’ll sometimes switch to NPR when their election coverage starts.
(Note: Times in PST)
4:47: Via Twitter:
Larry Sabato @LarrySabato
OHIO: Vast majority of pre-election polls & now election exit poll show Obama up 1-3%. Either all wrong or Obama wins.
4:50: A few minutes ago, Wolf Blitzer called South Carolina for Romney. And when he showed the vote totals, Obama was leading by a 4 to 1 margin. There were only 10,000s or so total votes. Blitzer had some ‘splaining to do!
4:57: Huh…Obama is still up by 57% in SC, with 40,000 or so counted.
5:02: CNN projects a bunch of states and it is Obama 64 EVs to Romney 40 EVs.
5:25: I just put on NPR and heard Matthew Continetti say that we are heading for a national vote/electoral vote split. E.J. Dionne expresses some skepticism….
5:31: I was wrong! Mitt Romney takes Tennessee!
5:43: It’s Romney 82, Obama 64 EV over at CNN. Prepare the capsules, my friends…..
6:02: Well…it would seem Romney did NOT have a good chance of taking Michigan. CNN calls it for Obama.
6:13: Geez…with Michigan out of the picture, Romney has a very tough road to 269!
6:25: Huh. Obama is way up in Colorado. How could that be? I thought Republicans were WAAAAAY ahead in the early voting?!?
6:42: Axelrod’s mustache breathes a sigh of relief! Pennsylvania is called for Barack Obama. Huh…what happened to that momentum the Romney camp had going in Ohio PA (you know, without actually winning a poll)?
6:46: Elizabeth Warren beats Brown in MA! Ted Kennedy can now quit rolling over and over in his grave and be peacefully dead.
6:49: Donnelly is called for Indiana! It’s good for America when Republicans express their true feelings about women’s reproductive health issues…and religion.
6:57: Oh dear, Mitt Romney loses another home state…New Hampshire.
7:00: It isn’t a total loss for Mitt…they just called Utah for him!
7:02: Romney is up +2% in the popular vote. Somehow I think California will have something to say about that!
7:09: McCaskill is called for Missouri. Have I mentioned how good it is for Americans when Republicans express their true feelings about women’s reproductive health issues…and religion?
7:18: Down goes (not) Joe the (not) Plumber!
7:21: Obama gets New Mexico. Not a surprise, really, unless you are living in the 1990s or something.
7:24: They are getting at the crux of the issue in Florida. Whether Obama or Romney wins, why didn’t Romney WALK AWAY with Florida? The answer: Demography. Republicans rule the demographics that are, for the most part, shrinking.
7:51: Minnesota is called for Obama.
7:57: George Allen has conceded defeat in Virginia!
8:01: Obama gets a big batch of love (and electors) from the West coast: CA, WA, and HI
8:04: (via N in Seatle). We can now say that Paul Ryan’s major contribution to this election is that…it took an extra hour to call Wisconsin. And Wisconsin is called for Barack Obama.
8:06: CNN projects that Democrats will keep control of the Senate. This is a remarkable accomplishment. Over the past couple of years, our right wing trolls have spared no mercy pointing out how the math of hanging on to the Senate just doesn’t work. Shows what they know about math!
8:10: Romney gets North Carolina!
8:10: Obama gets Iowa!!!!
8:15: I hear that NBC has called the ELECTION for Obama.
8:16: In the mean time CNN calls Oregon for Obama.
8:18: And CNN now calls the race for Obama!
8:21: Ohio was called for Obama by PBS CNN and it was that that put him over the top.
8:37: It is hard to get too excited about any of the state or King County races, because King County will only do a single ballot drop tonight.
8:44: On the other hand…now that KC has dropped, Inslee has a pretty hefty lead! Unfortunately the SOS web site is constipated, or I would have some details. DelBene 55% Koster 45%.
8:50: Nevada goes to Obama!
8:53: Back to WA: Inslee 51.7% and McKenna 48.3. Don’t get too excited though. There are many more votes to count, and King County was expected to process more ballots for their Tuesday evening drop than usual.
NBC has called IN, KY, SC, and WV for Romney and VT for Obama, which means absolutely nothing as these states are so solid red or blue you can call them in 5 minutes which is what NBC just did.
Donnelly leads Mourdock 49%-45% in Indiana.
I haven’t felt The Pain yet, anybody else? And what happened with that carpet bombing? Did I miss it?
Is that Mourdock from Mordor?
Huh…Obama is still up by 57% in SC, with 40,000 or so counted.
If Obama wins SC, you’ll feel pretty silly changing your model.
It’s gonna be a GOOD night!!!
Someone broke into Inslee/OFA’s office sometime before 5:30 am this morning according to MSNBC site. Minimal details.
Carl @ 5,
Damn straight!
Looks like Romney is pulling ahead in South Carolina now. 53% to 46% with 13% counting. No surprise here.
So far, the senate races look good and Obama’s on track for a win!
From the DailyKos liveblog…
Florida isn’t called yet, but NBC’s analyst suggests Romney is in trouble there.
The Daily Olympian has a hilarious full page ad inviting the Red Staters to form their own country and noting, among other things, they’ll get 92% of the mosquitos and 100% of the tornados.
Obama’s got it tied up in Florida and is way up in Ohio. Obama’s won it in Michigan.
WHOOHOOOO!!! NBC calls PA for Obama! That collapses Romney’s “backup plan.” This means Ohio is now must-win for Romney.
PA goes in the Obama column.
Where is Cereal to remind us of the coming pain?
Wow, Obama only getting 66% of the Jewish vote in FL. Kerry got 80% – Phillip Klein.
Chuck Todd: Both sides now expect Romney to win Florida – Mediaite!
Puddy said Jewish vote would be key! Y’all pooh pooh’d Puddy!
A few minutes ago, Florida was 193 votes apart with 6.8 million cunted, but Romney has opened up a 12k lead although of course that could change minute by minute.
NBC calls Michigan for Obama.
Darryl, Goldy et al. We miss you guys in Seattle a lot. We were just thinking how fun it would be tonight at Drinking Liberally. The one in Baltimore isn’t on Tuesdays.
Terri and Nate
Another super-rich Republican who tried to buy a Senate seat, billionaire wrestling impresario Linda McMahon, is getting her ass kicked after throwing $100M f her own money at it. LOL!
Another Meg Whitman.. What a vain disaster of a “politician”!
Another Meg Whitman.. What a vain disaster of a “politician”!
@17 We’ve expected FL to go red all along; if FL is called for Obama the election will be instantly over.
NBC calls WISCONSIN for Obama! Ryan couldn’t carry his home state.
MSNBC just called Wisconsin for OBAMA!
Where’s Cap’n Crunch?!
We’ve got Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan…
A very good night, so far…
Yay! NPR’s called Ohio for Sherrod Brown! More super pac money set on fire!
Person Playing Puddybud,
“Wow, Obama only getting 66% of the Jewish vote in FL. Kerry got 80% – Phillip Klein.
Chuck Todd: Both sides now expect Romney to win Florida – Mediaite!
Puddy said Jewish vote would be key! Y’all pooh pooh’d Puddy!”
Disregarding your babbly reasoning, I’ll just point out that I predict Romney takes Florida (previous thread).
Shut up you fucking moron. You assholes are getting the crap kicked outa ya.
I am glad Piddles is here to share “the pain”.
@25 – That makes it 0 for 2 for the R’s and their respective home states.
Later on Brownie! Buh-Bye.
Drinking himself under the table with a bottle of scotch.
Elizabeth Warren wins in Massachusetts.
It’s pretty much over folks. Obama’s up in Florida with 80% of the vote in.
Jay Nixon’s running away with the vote in MO. Yay!
Warren’s going to be a great senator.
Uhhh. Here’s why the right wing loses:
And these morons call us “haters”.
Hey, you takers, here comes The Pain!
Oh, damn.
New Hampshire called for Obama.
I’m glad Donnelly won, but he’s pretty terrible.
Richard Mourdock is getting uhhh “beaten”!
Who’d a thunk it?
So far the results are pretty closely tracking the pollsters’ projections.
C’mon Piddles, say something batshit crazy. We want to laugh at you. Just type what is on your mind. That’ll work.
Alan Grayson and Elizabeth Warren win!! If only, if only….Allen West goes down….a PUDDL TRIFECTA!!!
From kos…
NBC is interviewing David Axelrod right now, and Axelrod just dropped a blockbuster: With Obama 40k ahead in Florida, Axelrod says most of the remaining unreported votes in FL are in heavily Miami-Dade county. If correct, this means Obama probably wins FLORIDA.
McCaskill defeats Akin in Missouri.
Sherrod Brown and Bob Casey win.
Tammy Duckworth defeats deadbeat-dad Joe Walsh for a House seat in IL.
Pretty grim pictures from Willard headquarters and no one talking to the press. Frowns and cocktails and the vacant stare at the screens willing those Ohio numbers to turn. Florida not working out for them either. Either one and it’s OVER!
“You Lie!” Bye-Bye!
From the Dean of right wing asshats:
Little Maxee couldn’t say it better. In fact the moron is so dumb it’s IMPOSSIBLE for him to say this in so few words.. It takes him over 6500 trolling comments to say it.
What about delusional and f’d up in the head don’t right wingers understand?
Factoid: NBC News’ Brian Williams says 1 million political ads were aired during this campaign.
NBC calls Minnesota for Obama.
Congratulations HA people. Well done.
38 minutes of Willard Romney’s LIES (if you can stomach it):
If the right wingers couldn’t muster enough motivation to fight the voter suppression hoops (they affect the right wing too, just not as much), then this has to be the reason why..
The idiot is just all over the place.
From what the news is saying, people are still waiting in line in Miami to vote. It must be an interesting scene there. It’s pretty clear that if the voters in Miami just stay in line and vote, Obama will win the state and the election. What a feeling.
Only 35% counted in Cayuhoga County and The President is leading in the state. Only 21% in Hamilton County. Rove is putting on a brave face on Fox but…
Fuck George “macaca” Allen!
Another right wing idiot down the tubes.. 500k of his own money with him.
The Denver Post has called Colorado for Obama!
Yeah brother!
@56 The party that lives by the Teabaggers dies by the Teabaggers.
NBC calls Iowa for Obama.
Here’s the guy who put it over the top for Barack Obama:
How can anyone with heart not cry at this rendition of “El Rey”?
Listen to the crowd shout “Julio! Julio! Julio!”
Latino disgust with right wing hate is clutching it for Barack!
Right wing asshats: shove your racism where it belongs!
Liberal Scientist was on the verge of outing:
“Dr. Robert H.”
Bullshit.. I KNOW the truth and the world will know right now:
This is a win for America. We’re taking back our country!
Bob and Puddy fucked in the ass!!
Probably the least surprising thing of the night is that it was Ohio that put Obama over the top.
Bitter wing nut tears!
The Secretary of State’s website has started posting local results. The only one that looks good right now is the Marijaunia legalization. Damnit, if the mouthbreathers kill gay marriage, that’s gonna suck. And McKenna as governor.. blargh.
Where’s the trolls????
Where’s the trolls????
NBC says $6 billion was spent to elect the status quo.
Gods will
Romney still has a 1 million vote popular vote lead but that will change when California reports.
Someone was shooting off fireworks in Ballard.
It is now mathematically impossible for the GOP to get Senate control.
McConnell “the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
Epic Fail.
But the repugs certainly caused a lot of pain for this country in their quest of failure.
Fuck all those multi-millionaire, billionaire right wing idiots..
6 Billion? That was just a drop in the bucket for those greedheads.
That’s how bad things are in this country. And they say paying the same taxes under Clinton is “bad for the economy”.
Who are they trying to fool?
Hey Serial, are you feeling the pain!
Where’s Puddydope?
How’d that ODS work out for you?
b cs -t puddymoron -b “epic fail” -c
| count |
| 214 |
1 row in set
Republicans In Denial
The Romney crowd in Boston are refusing to accept the Ohio call and are trying to convince themselves Romney is still in the game. The liberal media is lying!
Congrats to:
Tim Kaine
Elizabeth Warren
Tammy Baldwin
Sherrod Brown
Jay Nixon
Tammy Duckworth
That doesn’t sound like a sound investment.
b cs -t puddymoron -b “epic fayle” -c
| count |
| 107 |
1 row in set
b cs -t asshat -b “fail” -c
| count |
| 230 |
1 row in set
Cantwell’s going back to DC, of course. Derek Kilmer’s up by 20%, I’ll go ahead and call that a win. Inslee’s down, but not out, but you can’t win them all. We done good tonight.
Looks like same sex marriage is now legal in Washington, so we’re all going to go to hell or die in an earthquake or something.
Our resident trolls still won’t get the real message from this election. Mitt Romney is a used car salesman. And he still couldn’t effectively sell Republican policy ideas to the American public.
It’s not the candidate. It’s not the campaign. It’s the policies, stupid.
Politico has it at Obama 265 EV Romney 200. It’s over. Obama’s won. O’ the pain…
How’d that doubling, tripling, blah on rape work out for you right wing dings?
Close?? Huh Jerry the KLOWN??
Heh. It’s always the same – Willard was NOT conservative ENOUGH (right Anne Coulter)????
It’s always that!
Well, Siera Nevada Celebration Ale was on the shelves today. And now I’m having one.
Couldn’t beat the Kenyan socialist with a terrible economy AND they lost ground in the Senate.
It’s everything you stand for. Maybe there’s a lesson there. Hey, werent the Latinos going to go away because of Fast and Furious? I think someone was beating that around here.
How’d those super-edited James O’Keefe (JOKIII) videos work out for you right wing tools?
All the right wing literati called something right:
With an economy this bad, a losing Republican Party had better find something else to do.
It’s over!
Congratulations President Obama!
I’m really fucking glad this is over.
It looks like gay marriage is going to pass after all. Good.
And how about that, Colorado’s blue. Told ya. ;->
Wait for it….Wait for it….3…2…1… and the candidates for the 2016 presidential race are starting to campaign.
Looks like Obama might pickup 319 EV’s. That’s what I’d call a thumpin’.
What did we learn from the right about Obama?
He was born in Kenya?
His father was actually a communist poet who took dirty pictures of women?
His mother was a porn star?
Oh from that philanderer D’Souza we learned something about oh he’s not a REAL American.. Deep down in his heart he hates the Brits. He doesn’t even know he’s doing this?
We heard similar twaddle from Beck..
How can anyone intelligent be on the right?
I hope that’s true. It’d mean Kos has a crystal ball.
It’s dead silent at (un)SP.. What a freaking ghost town.
Suzane Belbene and Denny Heck are headed to congress!
And should we go easy on Obama?
Absolutely not. His political calculus has worked for him.
But everyone (except the one percent) have all paid the price.
It’s shouldn’t have even been anywhere close with this clown Romney.
Well libtards taxes going up next year.
Tax cut expires
Obummercare tax engages…
Suzane Belbene
OH THE PAIN (for the execrable Pudge)..
Very satisfying.
113 – Is that it? How’d that ODS work out for you?
b cs -t puddymoron -b “obummer” -c
| count |
| 810 |
1 row in set
b cs -t puddymoron -b “obamaa+” -c
| count |
| 140 |
1 row in set
b cs -t puddymoron -b “odumba” -c
| count |
| 477 |
1 row in set
Young people went heavily for Obama as did Latino’s. The Republican Party as we know it is over, they’re going to have to reorganize to stay alive and the right half of the right is done.
How’d that tool Dick Morris work out for you right wing fools?
59 – Heh. Thanks but no thanks..
Stay away longer you smarmy bastard..
Dr. Zachary Smith…
How’d those right wing websites work out for you?
We’ll examine the links you’ve left in just a moment.
Did I mention that Tammy Duckworth won by 10%?
Iowa’s in for Obama.
Suckit, teanazies. Your little fascist putsch has been put off for another 4 years.
332 Evs. LO fucking L. Your little boy done got smoked like the cheap oversold cigar he is. People know the smell of horseshit once things get cooking.
Isn’t is good to know I still PWN ylbuttspigot? Stalker!
None of this was really in doubt, but thanks.
As Bill Clinton said… America wants a president who will lie to you!
Inslee’s up!
Inslee 51.68%
Rob McKenna 48.32%
Montana’s not even close, John Tester’s cleaning house.
Virginia and Florida are leaning Obama with most of the uncounted votes expected to break for Obama.
Nevada is 53% Obama with 74% of the vote is in.
Andy Billig 58.11%
Nancy McLaughlin 41.89%
Looks like Spokane just elected themselves a great new state senator.
Bob Ferguson (D) is our new state AG!
Time already for Romney to give a concession speech … while a few people are still awake …
No, he didn’t say that.
And no, America does not want a president who will lie to us.
That is why Mittens is not going to be president.
Virginia goes for Obama, 303 EV’s!
Your goats have our sympathy.
As much fun as it generally is to mock you, what you’re going through now seems nearly sufficient punishment for being who you are.
The Twitt is conceding.
Just called Obama and will soon give concession speech.
Heidi Heitkamp’s (D) ahead by a whisker in North Dakota!
Is Mitt using a teleprompter? You mean his words are not really heartfelt and sincere?
Do we have to pretend that Romney’s speech wasn’t a steaming pile of shit?
On the Wisconsin Senate Race, I was concerned about Tammy Baldwin, because it was a statewide race, I did not think somebody from the LGBT community could win, but she pulled it out. The risk was too high, because before Herb Kohl, before Proxmire, this seat was occupied by Joesph McCarthy. I would not want that seat to go into GOP hands.
Down here in Thurston County, the public-power initiative went down to flaming defeat. No real surprise, considering the money Puget Sound Energy spent against it. We do now have a Democratic rep in Congress with Denny Heck, while Jaime Herrera Beutler will spend the next twenty or so years representing the GOP mouth-breathers further south.
Obama takes Nevada by 7%. I really thought that one would be closer.
Same Sex Marriage passes in:
So all those billions spent to knock Obama out of office and all they managed to do is flip to hardcore Republican states back to red. Woopie.
Wow. Good job.
Where did Serial Conservative go?
@ 147
He’s checking his loads and setting up to move to Serbia.
Hey, puddl….
I am so not above gloating.
I am feeling NO PAIN!!
Oh, poor Cap’n Crunch…he is presently sitting in the dark in his den in Langley, drinking good scotch (though it tastes like shit tonight), watching the Obama speech…he. just. can’t. turn. it. off.
He is, officially, feeling The Pain.
Not an ounce of sympathy, not one fucking ounce.
I know. There’s Tammy Baldwin and Sherrod Brown too.
Right on. I’m really proud we elected the first openly gay Senator…she’s going to be great. And Sherrod Brown is a hero.
We elected the first Asian woman Buddhist in Mazie Hirono.
Angus King is dedicated to filibuster reform.
Martin Heinrich seems great too.
Angus King’s awesome. I’ll have to checkout Mazie Hirono and Martin Heinrich. Tammy Duckworth and, of course Derek Kilmer are pretty awesome to and are headed to congress.
That was a great speech by the President. I’m proud to have helped re elect him.
Have they called Florida or Virginia yet?
Have we crashed? I’m having trouble posting
Hey Serial Conservative, wherever you are …
… you don’t know a horse’s ass from a hole in the ground.
Paraphrasing Josh Marshall (I can’t seem to post with a cut-and-paste)…
Tonight we elected the first openly gay Senator, Tammy Baldwin. We passed marriage equality by referendum in 3, possibly 4 state. We elected a President who openly supports gay marriage.
Isn’t justice sweet?
MSNBC now calling Virginia for Obama…running up the score.
Their still waiting for Nevada and Florida – and I think we take both.
Looks like Darryl’s model called every state correctly — except for Florida. Obama should very narrowly carry that state. So 332 Obama to 206 Romney on electoral votes. And probably about a 1.5% popular vote margin, maybe slightly less for Obama — which will take a few days to sort out.
Paul Ryan’s House district really wanted to keep him in Congress badly. Not only did they vote to re-elect him to the House by a decent margin, they apparently voted to re-elect Obama/Biden in that district as well …
Virginia’s been called for Obama, Florida’s still out.
The Rape Babies For Jesus crowd went down in flames. Alan West And Michelle Bachman’s house seats are neck and neck. The Tea Party’s over.
Yeah, three cheers for Darryl, he did great work!
Rove objects to Faux News calling it for Obama:
How dare you Faux? There’s more lies to tell!
How sweet it is!!!!
Remember when all those trolls came here to gloat over Scott Brown taking Ted Kennedy’s seat?
Where are they now?
Oh, oh, this is just too sweet…CRAZYman Allen West…
Oh, poor puddl…Elizabeth Warren dismantles widdle Scotty Brown…AND puddl’s bromance Allen West gets sent PACKING.
How sweet it is.
Got to meet Darryl, and Rujax!, and N in Seattle tonight at DL – quite the honor.
162 – What’s the matter with WI????
Ryan is a fatuous jerk whose “ideas” and “policies” have been shown to be laughably unworkable and unpopular.
Scott Walker said he’d “wait till the election” to determine if he can follow through on his promise of 250,000 jobs over his term.
Guess he’ll break that promise.
Why do these guys still have jobs?
Could not believe it, with all the money spent. Still, good to see. Wonder how FLorida will be called.
Right now, 19 women will be in the Senate, with two races that have women challengers still too close to call.
OH! And more puddle schadenfreude….
Crazylady Mia Love LOSES, in UTAH.
This of all those ticket-splitter in her district, voting lockstep for Willard, and crossing over to vote for a Democratic Representative.
As puddl would say…
A right wing fool and his/her money are quickly parted.
I’m sure Rove and his ilk skimmed a healthy sum for themselves.
pffffffft.. Those lily-white Mormons probably thought she was too “shrill”..
Some old attitudes towards people of color are slow to change in that cult.
Listening to the BBC overnight on KUOW..
They did a terrific job in 2008!
Goodnight fellow liberals!
Yep, Alan West is gone. Michelle Bachmann’s hanging on by a thread. With the Tea Party over maybe congress can get back to work.
The right wing talking heads don’t seem to have had the same “come to jesus” moment the rest of the right had tonight.
Hey Carl Rove! Go ahead and give Ohio to Romney, Obama will still win. Climb under a rock and fucking stay there Carl, you’re done.
Look, everyone knows Karl Rove is a slimy velveeta-ridden turd. I have no sympathy for him, he belongs in prison in any case.
It’ll start coming out that perhaps FOX has had taps on various congresscritters and likely some corporate boardrooms. What they’ve been doing with that information is anyones guess. But the reality is that they’ve had some interesting informational surprises concerning the stock markets and trading strategies that nobody else seemed to know, and a certain Casino magnate has had some pretty shady goings-on with the Chinese government and the Hong Kong gangsters. Its a sure bet that a fair amount of their money was channeled into the GOP races this year. Rove and Adelson are thick as thieves.
The shit has yet to hit the fan on that.
Wait…was this poll oversampled?
As I think about heading to sleep, Bachman has pulled back ahead but they’re still counting. West is out.
All-in-all, a good day. +3 in the Senate and a couple odious little dick-bags are out in the house and there are more Democrats in the lower chamber. Doubtful that the House will get the message, but in “the worst economy of any incumbancy” The gains are all on one side. Will moderate republicans…wait will not insane republicans…wait will Republicans with more than a G.E.D. in the house get that their policies are deeply unpopular and maybe…
Nope. Krauthammer is already on the “Willard lost ’cause he wasn’t a real republican” beat. REal republicans like Scott Brown. Real republicans like Alan West? Real republicans like Joe Wilson?
I saw an octogenarian couple waving Anti R-74 signs this morning. That pretty much summed it up. The “values” the Republican party is fighting for in 2012 are shared by only the nearly dead and the evangelical crazies. There is no future in those constituencies and even the likes of Piddles knows it deep down.
All three states that could vote to legalize gay marriage, done. Minnesota rejected making it illegal.
Justice Ginsberg, you can retire, it’ll be O.K. Scalia? Gonna hang on ’til you’re 80? Kennedy, you don’t want to still be doing this at 80 either. Breyer might give us a shot at putting another youngster in his place.
I didn’t get everything I wanted, but I feel like the kid who got the totally awesome slot car racing set for Christmas only to find out that you only have enough AAs to run one of them so you can’t race until tomorrow. But there’s no way to spin this. The aging white Christianist base of the republican party got their ass handed to them tonight. But feel free to not learn a lesson and try it again in 2014, 16, 18…
Deep Thought
How do you spell repudiation in Washington state?
Answer: R E P U B L I C A N
Allen West gone
Mia Love gone
Racism does continue to live in the DUMMOCRAPT party.
Nuff SAID Suckas!
179: Scalia will leave when a GOPer gets the White House, or feet first. Spite’s probably the only thing keeping him going at this point.
If the amount of stupid that spilled out of Alan West’s pie-hole came out of a woman/man with less melanin, I’d be celebrating just the same. It’s not about race, it’s about the moron.
An ignorant jackass in Congress is gone. Is it racist to celebrate Joe Wilson’s demise? Only in your insane little basement.
Obummer wins Asian stocks fall.
They know Obummer’s policies suck. They know the world economy will suck for the next few years!
Christ Spuddy, aren’t you due for another Leucotomy procedure in a few days? Methinks you should be resting, you know, taking it easy. Having half of one’s brain scrambled like an egg is not something to be taken lightly.
Shanghai -.01%
Nikkei -.03%
Hang Seng +.71%
Taiwan +.7%
ASX +.67
So you ever tire of being an idiot? Yeah, Asia is in FREEFALL after Obama won.
Europe is stable or positive….
@184 Asian stocks fall
Think of it as a buying opportunity.
Bob? Has anyone seen Cereal Bob? They’re strangely silent over at (u)SP, too. Geez, I hope those guys didn’t kill themselves!
I want to mock and humiliate them!
Not in America deadtoaddy!
Republicans spent billions and have NOTHING to show for it!
Where did Puddy said that moronic one? checkmated himself!
Wow Piddles, did you drink heavily tonight or have you not realized that I’m making fun of you?
Japan’s Nikkei 225 index fell 0.1% to 8,965.17.
Hong Kong’s Hang Seng fell 0.2% to 21,908.29.
South Korea’s Kospi fell 0.2 % to 1,924.72.
That’s all Puddy said and checkmate drops another load like always!
You are insignificant so who cares what you think. Puddy don’t drink. Been to 5 DLs when in town and bought Sprite.
Stay stoooooooooopid… Oh and DUMMOCRAPTS are racists. They only vote for those blacks they control on the reservation!
Deep Thought
The election was skewed.
I’m only gong to flog this once…
Hong Kong’s Hang Seng fell….only in Piddles crazy little basement.
You can see why, when the ‘master of the internet’ is wrong about something that’s so easy to check, I have to assume he’s been drinking. Or he’s just full of shit. Wait, answered my own question.
You are right checkmate. When Puddy looked before it was down.
Considering that Republicans suppressed or stole several million votes, this election result is a decisive repudiation of the Republican Party and its twisted ideology.
Deep Thought
The Kenyan Mooslum Soshuulist Usurpers team was so good it infiltrated and captured the Faux News decision team without Sean Hannity ever figuring it out.
Meanwhile in the US futures are…
The Trumpster has totally lost it!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Good! hee hee hee
Sometimes the simplest explanation is the most plausible one.
“But tonight, America told the guy who’s been trying that they appreciate it. And they told the crazy party: you’re crazy.”
Bachmann’s Re-Election In Doubt
Michelle Bachmann, despite facing a novice opponent, outspending him by $11 million, and enjoying a redistricting advantage, is hanging on to a slim 2,400-vote lead out of 300,000 votes cast.
Oh what a beautiful morning
Oh what a beautiful day
Deep Thought
Your unborn grandchildren will know of President Obama mostly because of ObamaCare.
Wondering about Serial and his pain fetish. He’s been in his garage, flagellating himself with a cat-o-nine tails since about 2130 last night. Somebody better check on him. Blood loss can be incredible with those. The scars will be there for the rest of his life if he doesn’t get them treated.
The pain, its never enough. Need more, and more.
More pain.
All that ball spiking I did between the 40 yard-lines and when it was all over I hadn’t gotten anywhere near the end zone. Damn, I feel so humiliated. And The Pain! Damn it all.
Not if you are ButtPounder’s goat.
Maybe Bob has gone to see the anesthesiologist.
Bob? Bob? You there?
Yeah, I’m here.
Thoroughly chastened, but here.
I got one thing I wanted – gay marriage passed, and apparently not just in this state. OK, we all got that.
Looks like, so far, the charter school initiative is passing, which I think is good.
Beyond that, I don’t see much for the GOP to be happy about other than some governorships.
I’m glad Pete Stark is gone for the same reason I’m glad Joe Walsh is gone.
Congratulations especially to some guy named MikeBoyScout who apparently put in the time to make a difference elsewhere rather than just in WA.
I looked around online, saw a few post titles by conservatives, and my silent response to most of it was STFU.
I will share this, from a hotair.com post:
The story of the election: Obama turned out his base. As a percentage of the electorate, young voters (18-29) actually increased by a point. So did turnout among Latinos. And turnout among blacks matched 2008. O’s ground game was simply amazing.
Well done, all of you.
The question of where the GOP goes now is a good one. The question of what the GOP does with the Tea Party is a better one.
I have no answers. Right now I’m just really impressed with the Dem machine and the turnout they achieved, particularly if the younger voter turnout number proves accurate. Wow.
I’ve been out sick for the past three days, unable to watch TV or use the computer (that’s pretty sick!). But I must say, the absence of noise about the election has been pretty nice.
I watched two hours of election coverage on NBC last night, until the Presidential race was called. Then I turned it off and went back to sleep. The antibiotics are finally kicking in, and I’m feeling a little bit better today – but only a little bit.
But from what I’ve heard on the radio this morning (yes, I went in to work – I couldn’t avoid it), I should have been watching Fox News. When the other networks called Ohio, Fox News waited a few minutes before it, also, called Ohio, and the screen flashed the banner that Obama had won re-election.
But the news anchors were still talking as if Ohio was still too close to call. And just offscreen, Karl Rove was heard in a loud conversation on his phone, and was yelling something to the effect that it was a mistake, that Fox News should take down the re-election banner.
Shortly after that some anchor named Meagan (?) was confused as she was getting contradictory information being fed to her over here earpiece. She walked off the set, with a camera following her, down several floors until she came to the room where the data analysts and pollsters were doing their work. She asked them if the numbers were right, and they assured her that they were – Obama had won Ohio.
In the meantime, the other Fox News anchor was trying to get Karl Rove to sit for a planned interview, but Rove was too busy shouting into the telephone to do so – maybe he gave an interview later.
Thank-you Bob.
That turn out was the result of the committed, dedicated, coordinated, excited, unwavering daily work over one year of volunteers who brought out people like themselves, a bright colored rainbow of what America is in the 21st century, because our message resonates with Hope & Change.
Bob how does it feel to be wrong about everything you’ve said over the last many months? Dream up a bunch more shit for yourself.
You know, I have a good life, and like most of the people on HA I’m going to be OK regardless of the election outcome. I learned a lot from a lot of the commenters on here, and certainly from Darryl’s posts. It’s really why I’m here – so that I don’t spend all my time around like-minded individuals.
Although thinking back, Gman, I’m pretty sure I learned nothing from you.
And this morning, Fox News “pundits” were talking about how “shallow” the American voters were, that all they cared about was the last week and the government’s response to Hurricane Sandy.
I think Chris Christie may have secured his place in New Jersey politics by saying kind words about the President’s handling of the crisis, but the Republican Party will blame him for their loss in the election. Christie, who was considered a viable Presidential candidate less than a year ago, may get hit with a well-funded Tea Party challenge when he runs for re-election. Republicans don’t take “going off message” kindly, especially in the final weeks of a Presidential campaign.
I’m reading and hearing all sorts of stuff. Is it true that I can now legally possess up to an ounce of pot starting Dec. 6?
Right. Fucking. On.
Vote resoundingly (65%) to enforce a 2/3 majority vote for tax increases
Vote for Charter schools (eliminating Teacher Unions)
Vote for Inslee
And expect somehow to pay for all of their dreamland.
I don’t think the Teahaddists will get much traction in NJ.
Without belaboring the point, all Christie did was his job, not a miracle, his job. He put aside his usual offensive behavior and worked with a Democratic federal administration during a humongous disaster.
That’s what he was elected to do.
Like you say, he’s in a tough spot – governing competently is not usually a vote-getter from their crazy base. The whole Romney-Christie spat blew up during the most critical phase of the election – the Republicans are going to be looking for goats, and he’s candidate #1. It’s hard to see a path forward in national politics for him, at least as long as the Republican party as configured the way it is – though what’s an ego that big going to do with himself? He’s not dumb – maybe pull some sort of Charlie Crist? That could be part of a total implosion of the Republican Party, now that the Tea-baggers have totally ruined the brand.
Thanks to MikeBoyScout….traveling to a critical state, taking time out from your life, knocking on hundreds of doors – I read your DailyKos diary BTW, really moving – really putting rubber on the road, living your convictions…
I would direct your attention to the audiences at various conventions and rallies and the end of the campaign parties last night.
One is almost exclusively white, and a bit older than average.
The other is dramatically multi-hued, with many many young people.
One party really emphasized, “We are all in this together” – and that party turned people out, knocking on millions of doors, made 125+ million phone calls, their people stood in line for hours to vote. Hours.
And the icing – as you say, the voter stats are amazing, with sustained massive African-American turn out and a larger youth vote than last time – I would not have predicted it either – but fucking amazing. That’s the future.
@220, thank-you.
It was fun.
And as liberal Democrats we know the joy of hard work for its own sake, and rejoice with each other when that work ethic returns rewards.
Gekko/Galt was the anvil, but
WE(!) were the hammer that hammered it home with gusto and grace.
John Roberts…age 57
Antonin Scalia…age 76
Anthony Kennedy…age 76
Clarence Thomas…age 74
Ruth Bader Ginsberg…age 79
Stephen Breyer…age 74
Samuel Alito…age 62
Sonia Sotomayor…age 58
Elena Kagan…age 52
Obama is going to get to reshape the court…and Hillary might get to appoint a few, too!
This is from FoxNews-LATINO (no really)…
I believe Arizona (where Latino Republican voting is in the 16-17% range) and Texas are the next states going demographically BLUE.
@ 214 In Hawaii Tulsi Gabbard won big with her GOP rival only getting 17.5% of the vote! Linda Lingle the not so great GOP hope for the US Senate also took a major ass kicking. Many here in Hawaii think Dan Inouye will retire soon and are looking at Tulsi Gabbard for the future.
From kos…
Yes, the big poll last night was skewed!!
How many of you tonight are going to have your bar trivia questions asked by a State Senator?
As my crazy-ass relative said…”Cheryl Pflug’s plan worked.”
@ 223
Hillary might get to appoint a few, too!
Was anyone a bigger winner last night than Bill Clinton?
The first “First Gentleman’ in 2016, I bet.
Walsh got beat by a Democrat. Stark got beat by a Democrat.
And Dan Lundgren is presently behind, about to lose his seat to a very progressive Democrat, Ami Bera.
Bill Clinton was certainly a HUGE asset to Obama. Maybe that was the difference last night. Popular former Presidents.
Where was the last Republican President last night? The Caymans, still?
Listening to the conservative local talk radio,
Caller after caller bitterly complained the only reason that President Oboma and the Democrats won at all was the fault of apartment dwellers and welfare sponges.
The host felt Romney lost because he was a secret moderate pretending to be conservative. If they had just had a real conservative running, they would have won.
Given what we’ve seen happens when Republicans appeal exclusively to older white males (the Stegosaurus strategy), and what happens when the True Republicans (read: Teahaddists) win primaries, we should go forward with a “Please proceed, Governor” strategy.
Go Rightward, Young Republicans!
Yep, that would be Barack Obama.
I just had two thoughts about 2016…
First, can you imaging how this multi-hued, multi-oriented, multi-generational coalition and ground game will behave when confronted with the opportunity to elect the first woman as President?
How about a Clinton/Villaraigosa ticket??
Second, and sadly, now that 2016 is starting, I fully expect Darrel Issa to crank up the scandal machine and try to destroy, or at least damage, Hillary as deeply as possible. It’s going to be nothing but BENGHAZI!!1! for the next 4 years, only not directed at Obama, but Clinton.
How’d that right wing bullshit work out for you right wing idiots?
@210 You reap what you sow Baghdad Bob:
@228 (nice post btw, good question about the Tea party)… I think Obama was a bigger winner than Bill Clinton.
BUT… Bill will have a price tag for his support.
To be fair, Obama probably needs Clinton’s help for all the stuff that Clinton does better than Obama.
I’m minded of a line from a Terry Pratchett book about witches.
“It’s all very well a potion calling for Love-in-idleness, but which of the thirty-seven common plants called by that name in various parts of the continent was actually meant? The reason that Granny Weatherwax was a better witch than Magrat was that she knew that in witchcraft it didn’t matter a damn which one it was, or even if it was a piece of grass. The reason that Magrat was a better doctor than Granny was that she thought it did.”
Yeah asshole…
Barack Hussein Obama, 44th President of the United States of America, Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces!!!
‘Ol Rujax called it at @6.
Me and Nate Silver!!
Republicans are DEAD for another 20 years.
Me too, fuckwad.
YLB @ 236: One of the big problems with the Republican Party is that they have become so insular. They only talk among themselves, they don’t care what minorities and unmarried women think (they figure white males will tell married women what to think). In this insular environment, where they listen only to Fox News, attend conservative churches, and socialize only with other Republicans, they become tone-deaf to the problems of other people, and how they are perceived by them.
So I don’t think the Republican projections leading up to this election are entirely grand-standing. I think they are simply ignoring evidence which contradicts their view of the country. After all, if every member of their country club thinks just like them, doesn’t that indicate that it’s the polls which are in error?
“Was anyone a bigger winner last night than Bill Clinton?”
Looking at the electoral map, I’d say probably everyone but the New-World-Order-theo-fascist-the-south-will-rise-again types. The GOP really needs to come up with a plan to put them back in their cage and once again come off as a party that represents the right of center and not just the far right. If they don’t find a way to change course towards center, they’ll be increasingly irrelevant with each election cycle. It’s really not for the GOP that they need to do this, as at this point I’d have to say that it’s for the sake of the nation.
A note to Serial:
Glad to see you sticking around, at least so far. I was convinced for a while that you were someone who was being paid to post on multiple websites the Republican message for the day. I hope that by remaining here, you might prove me wrong, as I expect those operations to have closed up shop by midnight last night.
# 223:
John Roberts…age 57
Antonin Scalia…age 76
Anthony Kennedy…age 76
Clarence Thomas…age 74
Ruth Bader Ginsberg…age 79
Stephen Breyer…age 74
Samuel Alito…age 62
Sonia Sotomayor…age 58
Elena Kagan…age 52
Gee, I dunno. Ruth Bader Ginsbert is the oldest on the bench. And Steven Brer is the same age as Thomas – age 74. Besides, it’s not that unsusual for a Supreme Court Justice to stay on the bench into their 80’s, as long as they are basically healthy.
The four highlighted Republican appointees in their 70’s won’t leave the court in the next four years unless they have no other choice (simply can’t get out of bed, or taken out feet-first). The figure they can hold on for another years, and hope a Republican is elected in 2016.
If a Democrat is elected in 2016, however, that changes the dynamics. The Republican-nominated justices may have to face the prospect of at least four, maybe eight more years of work. Granted, there are worse jobs than being a Supreme Court Justice. But at some point they may begin to ask – “Do I really have to get out of bed this morning and put on that silly robe and go to work?”
@214 That’s because you are one stupid fuck!
@214. Serial “Ridicule the looks an African American girl and call it a joke” conservative is a petty mean little man to the bitter end. He never missed a chance for cheap shot.
He personified one of the big problems I see with the Republican Party. He would never, never discuss why the Republicans were better; he could only say, over and over, that the Democrats were wrong.
I fault him for that. If he truly believed what the Republicans stand for, he would be able to advocate for those ideals, again and again, despite it being a room mostly of progressives.
All he seemed to have was hate and greed and maybe, in hindsight, that’s what he did advocate for; over, over and over again. So maybe he was being true to his values and the values of the Republican Party.