I just got to the Ale House, and will provide commentary and results as I find ’em. Feel free to scream, shout, celebrate, and weep in the thread.
7:02: Okay…according to Lee’s twitterfeed here is the good, the bad, and the ugly from all around:
47% voter turnout predicted by Sam Reed.
KY Governors race is a 21% spread for Democrat Steve Bashear.
With 1/3 of precincts reports in Mississippi, Initiative 26 (fetal personhood) is going down 60% to 40%.
In AZ, it looks like Russell Pearce (author of the anti-immigration law, SB 1070) is on his way out…53% to 45% with an unknown percent reporting.
7:12: Pro-union is voting to reject Ohio’s “Issue 2” that would repeal limits on collective bargaining. I mean…if The Twitter can be believed.
7:15: Virginia Senate is currently 22 D to 18 R. It is starting to look like Dems will retain their Senate majority.
7:17: It looks like Republican Phil Bryant wins for Mississippi Gov. Too bad…I heard an NPR piece about Democrat Johnny DuPree last night, and he was very intriguing. Sadly, Mississippi will have to wait to have its first black Governor.
7:24: As an aside…It seems to me that there is some type of metaphor here: Herman Cain reaching up the skirt for America’s genitals. On the other hand, Herman Cain pulling America’s head toward his crotch seems like an even better metaphor….
7:56: Just before WA results start coming in, I’ll shamelessly steal a summary from DailyKos on called races:
- All KY statewide races (D), except Ag Commish (James Comer, R)
- All MS statewide races (R), except AG (Jim Hood, D) & Treasurer (uncalled)
- OH Issue 2 (good guys)
- ME Question 1 (good guys)
- MS Initiative 26 (good guys)
8:15: Very early results from a couple of counties (Franklin, Lewis, Kitsap, some of Pierce):
I-1125 (Kill transportation infrastructure): 52% yes to 48% no
I-1163 (Health care workers): 66% yes to 33% no
I-1183 (Costco’s Law): 62% yes to 38% no
8:26: I-1125 is now down by 1.5% with just under a million votes counted. Tim “Biggest Lie of My Life” Eyman is reportedly already trying to spin this as a “moral victory”. And by that, we mean, he got rich hawking the initiative.
8:30: AP calls I-1183. Get ready to cancel your Costco membership!
8:34: Jane Hague is up over Richard Mitchell 54% to 46% with 28% reporting. Booooooooooo!
8:41: In King County, with 25% reporting, I-1125 is losing 60% 40%.
8:42: For Seattle City council I hear incumbents all the way. Being a Redmond resident, I don’t really care.
8:44: I’m sitting next to Lee, and he is FORCING me to let you know that Initiative 1 in Tacoma (Makes pot possession lowest priority for law enforcement, like a similar thing in Seattle some years ago) is winning big time! [Update: 65% to 35%]
8:49: The other statewide recall this election is in Michigan HD-15, where Republican Rep. Paul Scott is being recalled. I’m seeing tweets that it is very close, but it looks like he has been recalled.
8:52: Dem. Reardon is winning in Snohomish. I’m not really a fan of Reardon, but Hope (R) is one scary motherfucker!
8:54: The most important statewide issue on the ballot this election is I-1125, that would restrict tolling, shut down light rail, and cripple Washington’s transportation infrastructure for years. As the vote trickles in, it becomes clear that the initiative is going down.
8:58: Old news now, but in Arizona, Wingnut author of anti-immigration law, Russell Pearce (R) is outta dare! This election has a certain amount of “extremism will not go unpunished” to it
9:17: In case you were wondering, Sherril Huff will continue to be KC elections director.
9:25: I-1125 is still down, but the margin has narrowed to 51% NO to 49% YES.
9:33: Surprise of the night: I-1125 is losing in Garfield County. Really? Garfield joins King, Snohomish, San Juan, and Jefferson counties? Well, it is only losing by 2 votes out of 864 (so far). But still….
47% voter turnout is pretty bad. Over half the voters in the state are complacent or could care less about the issues
cant wait until I can get Woodford at Costco!
Good luck, Jay. More likely jugs of Smirnoff and Old Crow
1183’s passing by a landslide.
1125’s also passing
1133’s passing 66-33%. That one makes me happy.
Spokane Counties elections server is running really slow.
Shit! Mary Vernor’s trailing David Condon for mayor of Spokane.
In the FTW column, Ben Stuckart’s for Spokane’s city council president.
It’s neck and neck for the Gig Harbor city council. Go Jill!
Jill Guernsey 933 51.38%
Robert (Bob) Frisbie 878 48.35%
Guernsey will suck slightly less then Frisbie.
Kind looks like a to hell with Government and taxes election to me. A prelude to 2012
Ha! The editorial staff at the Tacoma News Tribune isn’t qualified to suck my balls.
City of Tacoma – Initiative No. 1
YES 16,888 64.64%
NO 9,240 35.36%
Not necessarily, 1133’s passing 66-33%. That’s government and isn’t going to be cheap.
Looks to me like people want a much more narrowly focused government and are willing to pay for the things they care about.
State Elections readout!
KEY MEASURES YES NO I-1183: Privatize liquor 60% 40% I-1125: Tolling 53% 47% I-1163: Long-term care 66% 34% Seattle $60 car-tab fee 40% 60%
Government 1, People 3
Government 1, People 3
thats the kind of score it should be.
shit, isnt that what govt is supposed be?!?!?!
Yep, they’re narrowing the focus of state government. But, they’re also narrowly favoring the more liberal folks in the city council races.
I-1163 isn’t government 1. It’s really government 0. I-1163 is a followup to an initiative that passed a couple of years back the the government set aside. People are saying that, they want granny and their autistic cousin well cared for.
It’s what’s going to have to happen regardless of what people think they might want. We’re broke and we’re not going to get out of this hole any time soon.
The News Tribune’s editorial board pulled out all the stops saying passage of Prop. 1 was the end of the world. I love it. At least we can get high while we watch the world come to an end.
true that….and a bigger, tax hungry govt sure as hell isnt the answer…
hopefully, people are finally getting it.
THe privitazation of liquor has been a no brainer to voters, its time to get the government out of the private retail business, we cannot afford that any longer
A smaller, adequately funded, government is the answer and we’re still going to need to raise a bit of cash to get there. We’re going to have to fund I-1163 for starters.
So Washington voters don’t care that the liquor bill was skewed toward big business and they don’t care about small business. They also will believe any horse shit flung at them as long as it comes in a pretty package. Fuck Costco
Roger I owe you a shot of Costco purchased Woodford. And It looks like a won’t be paying a lifetime long toll to get it to you!
Haven’t you heard the news? Driving’s down all over the place. There’s 4 million fewer cars on American roads today then there were at this time last year. Next year will be the same. This might be a blessing in disguise.
If there’s a sunny side to this election it that Woodford’s Reserve wont cost $35 a fifth any more.
I think it’s $35, I can’t afford to buy it very often.
But, they don’t want granny shoved in the corner in some ADF and and left there, ignored, in a soiled Depends, all day either. ;-)
King county votes are going against Timmie’s initiative. It’s the big middle finger to that asshole
not to worry Micheal, the state will impose a special booze tax to make up the difference…you will see it within 24 months.
Looks like I am more popular than state liquor stores this year …
I’m miffed at Mary Vernor trailing in the polls. But, that’s what happens when you piss off your base by supporting a crooked cop who’s been found guilty of murdering a mentally ill homeless guy.
Live and learn I guess. Unless you’re a mentally ill homeless person in Spokane.
I’ll have to stock up!
I dont mind paying more – but first the govt has to prove to me that it isnt spending the money on bullshit stuff first…then, and only then, will I vote to open up my pocketbook more than it already is.
How it will cost more to lay off hundreds of state workers, close down state owned liquor stores, transportation, stocking, etc etc etc is beyond me.
Someone in Seattle needs to run an initiative succeeding Seattle from the rest of the state of WA and turning it into its own city state. Hell, Seattle’s got the cash to do it. I say go for it.
I love Costco–
Just bought a big strip of Ribeyes.
I cut my own. Real thick.
Great Wine–
Now some Cognac.
One stop shopping.
F&ck the State employees unions.
Welcome to unemployment and the real world a$$holes.
and they would get no argument from the those of us outside of seattle….
The state liquor stores were revenue positive. The questions are will the fees that stores will pay to the state bring in the same more more cash than the stores did and will the increased access to hard liquor increase the costs to the state from drunk driving and such. I think the juries out on those.
Not until your (and my) tax bill went up after they left. Seattle pays the bills around here.
They’re voting against puppies in Spokane. Puppies! Prop 1’s trailing 19,001 19,116.
Heartless bastards.
How can you vote against puppies?
Would they feel it if we did? They have a mighty big box after all.
@20 Find my burrow in Green Lake Park and drop it down the hole.
@30 Won’t Costco have the same costs?
@32 Why are state liquor store clerks assholes for wanting to make a living at a job that pays $28,000 a year? And it’s a hard job — they have to lift heavy cases of liquor, sweep floors, and deal with customers like you.
Drunk wingnuts on cheaper booze means more wingnuts wrapped around telephone poles.
Just kidding! Anne Coulter humor you know!
Fuck Costco! At least Eyman is getting beat. Apathy is killing this state.
@33 I’m all for cutting off the subsidies the rest of the state gets from Seattle taxpayers.
@36 What do you expect from a Republican town?
I’m one of the folks that would be getting the tax hike after you guys left. But, it would be worth it to see the looks on my righty neighbors faces when their taxes went up.
Without question tonight’s closest election is in Virginia where a recount will determine control of the state senate.
The 3rd LD a good solid Democratic LD. I was hoping D’s were making inroads.
@32 may you get mad cow from your Mexico beef sold at Costco.
Initiative 1163 winning in ALL counties.
The Tacoma News Tribune’s editorial board came out hard against this. Ha! Ha! Fuck you TNT.
This is also a win for the SECIU, but not nearly as big of one as the editorial boards and the no on I-1163 folks would have you believe.
Unlike Costco’s box, I-1125’s getting tighter.
Okay, here’s the situation in Virginia (per Washington Post):
GOPs have the governor, Lt. governor (who casts tie-breaking votes in the state senate), and lower house. Dems went into this election with a 22-18 seat advantage in the senate. As things stand now, it’s Dems 20, GOPs 19, with 1 race too close to call.
In that race, with all poll and absentee ballots counted, the Democrat trails by 86 votes — but an “unknown number” of provisional ballots remain to be counted tomorrow. Also, Democrats complained about “discrepancies” in vote tabulation in that race. With the stakes so high, a recount seems like a sure thing.
@44 You always have the option of moving back to the civilized portion of the state. =:-D<
Roger I said i’d share a shot with you. The rest I’ll need to listen to how Obama has bettered this country…ha ha
Obama is now sweatin’ like the pig he is.
In the Republican-controlled House of Delegates, the GOP picked up at least six seats.
Obama can say good-bye to Virginia.
Listen to Mary Vernor, losing Spokane Mayor, blaming some radio guy for her raising water rates and the cost of government which is why she is behind-
Typical lefty overspender
Is the web site of the Democratic Party of Washington really wa-democrats.org? I can’t believe the crap that they have against Prop. 1183. Christ on a crutch, that shit is weak.
Did you guys see this? Here’s Joel Connelly on the PI’s website commenting on last night’s action, specifically the $60 car tabs:
I think that makes us Playahhs!
I don’t mind paying more…..if that’s the cost of getting from under the thumb of seattle, then so be it.
I think this will be the trend of 2012 too…not a swing liberal vs conservative per se, but a rejection of the crazy extremists (re: Tea Party, everyone I don’t like is a NAZI, lookout for the Mexicans, etc). I think this is wearing on people. You can only shout and scream and froth at the mouth for SOOO long before people just say “oh shut up!” and folks start looking for sane normal people.
Yeah…bingo, asshole. Big Win. in a redredredredredred state.
The anti-teabag, anti clownservative, anti-1% backlash is beginning.
Voters REJECT policies and politicians that are out to deliberately SCREW them.
What a shock…
REALLY Stupid Motherfucker@54,55…
She raised water rates so you folks wouldn’t run out of water…
And had Verner gotten re-elected she would have been Spokane’s first two term mayor since something like the late 1970’s.
I’m not so much worried about Cain shoving his hand in our pants to diddle our naughty bits as I’d be about him and his pals picking our pockets.
“Get ready to cancel your Costco membership”
Not to mention, get ready to take some profit on your Costco stock (Right, Roger?)