Markos hasn’t told me what to think yet, but NBC tells me that Republicans have taken control of the House. Anyway, I’ll use this post for blogging my observations until I feel like doing something else.
6:11 PM
Here’s a question: who’s crazier, KY Senator Elect Rand Paul, or outgoing KY Sen. Jim Bunning? I’d say it’s a toss up.
6:22 PM
Carl and I disagree, on what really ails Democrats. I say that the key to winning is lying, and he says that we just need to do a better job of selling that we’re the party of truth. But my analysis is pithier, so I win.
6:31 PM
Palin-Rubio, 2012!
6:50 PM
More evidence of voter high turnout (and/or low vote handling capacity) in King County, with two-hour lines at the accessible voting centers, and over-stuffed ballot drop boxes. We’ll see.
7:15 PM
I wish I actually did drink liberally. That would make tonight more fun. Or at least, less not-fun.
7:22 PM
Via Slog, that’s a three-hour wait to vote at Union Station in Seattle. King County Elections has said that everybody who is in line to vote at 8 PM will be allowed to vote, so there’s still time to run on over to the accessible voting centers in Bellevue, Tukwila and Seattle. Or, if you’re somewhere else in state, particularly red country, well, fuck you and figure it out for yourself.
7:42 PM
Fuck Wisconsin. Really. Fuck ’em.
7:51 PM
So, if you’ve got nothing better to do, why not head out to Union Station with coffee and donuts or something, and try to encourage folks there to stay in line and vote.
8:05 PM
Money can’t buy you love. And apparently, it can’t buy you the California governor’s mansion either.
Happy Day! Congrats to all the early voters in the East. Maybe my doctor can stay in business…
Gird your loins, sailors. It looks like the pundits may have been right.
Watching FreeSpeechTV’s election coverage doesn’t make the day seem quite so bad. I’ll stick with that.
goldy; Rand Paul destroyed the opponent…you are not very smart in picking races :)
Bunning/Paul on craziness is a tossup, but Paul’s evil, where Bunning’s more of an idiotic good old boy.
The Dems need to do an even better job of paying/sucking off multi millionaires than they’re already doing if they want back in the game. You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans they can deep throat a 9″er without the slightest pause or gag.
Palin O’Donnell 2012!!! Dual Dingbats against the Dems!!!! C’mon….it would be amusing.
ok, how about running Palin/O’Donnell against….
Maxine Waters/Bernie Sanders?
goldberg, didnt you say if the gop took the house you’d leave the country and go back to tel aviv?
Michael @5,
In Bunning’s defense, he did once pitch a a perfect game for the Phillies.
righton @4,
Um… when did I express any opinion about who would win in KY? You must have me confused with somebody else.
Goldy, sorry, you implied, i guess, that “toss up” meant the results would be nearly even….uh…its not even close
Phillies; aren’t those the guys whose fans throw batteries at the opponents?
Palin/O’Donnell: will suck dick for votes (as long as they’re upperclass, white, Christian, dicks).
Righton @ 4: We assumed that at some point, the voters of Kentucky will revert to rationality in making their decision. Apparantly, in that, we overestimated them.
Palin/O’Donnell: will suck dick for votes (as long as they’re upperclass, white, Christian, dicks).
the only reason you could come to that conclusion is because they don’t look like your typical ugly jewish females.
“goldberg, didnt you say if the gop took the house you’d leave the country and go back to tel aviv?”
As usual, you fucked it up completely.
What Goldy said is that if the GOP took the house he was going on a shooting spree in Melrose, Massachusetts.
It seems that the newly unemployed are upset as well as the 99’s.
Horsey Marathon Cartoon
“Goldy, sorry, you implied, i guess, that “toss up” meant the results would be nearly even….uh…its not even close”
What the fuck are you babbling about??? Where did Goldy call the race a “toss up?”
Kentucky? Rationality? You’re joking right?
There are reasons, very good ones, that my ancestors left that part of the country and headed west.
Good point about Kentucky. It doesn’t mean much about the mood of the national electorate if a loony wingnut Republican in Kentucky is replaced by another loony wingnut Republican. It would have been nice to pick up a seat there, but Kentucky’s politics have always been rather strange.
Rubio is highly likely to be at the bottom of the ticket in ’12:
Wow — according to a La Raza poll, 62 percent of Latino Floridians broke for Rubio. Yet another reason why he’ll end up on the ticket someday. (
Dems might have kept Miguel Estrada out of the national mainstream, but they failed with Rubio.
Hickenlooper, ftw! At least it’s looking like Colorado’s got themselves a gay friendly, bicycle friendly, liberal in their Govenors office.
as of 7:20 p.m., MSNBC website is showing 11 Senate seats still in play. The Democrats need to pick up four of them to hold onto a majority. Wisconsin will probably go to the Republicans, but Illinois and Colorado to the Democrats. That leaves three more still to go.
That leaves the West – Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Alaska, and Hawaii. Alaska should go to Murkowski (if Alaskans can spell her name right – God knows I have trouble doing so). I’m assuming Idaho will go Republican and Hawaii Democrat, without having any specific polling data to back that up. So we have to take at least half of the remaining four.
If it ends up in a tie, then a certain Connecticut “Independent” Senator will be making the deal of a lifetime.
What Goldy said is that if the GOP took the house he was going on a shooting spree in Melrose, Massachusetts.
so daryl, are you saying i should report goldberg to the boston office of the fbi?
by the way, i was wrong about you saying you dont deserve to be a college professor. you are in fact, the 100 per cent perfect example of the sorry condition our college professors today. so tomorrow, teach your comrades how to commit better voter fraud.
Of course, I don’t know how in the world they are going to call Washington, until at least Thursday. I saw lots of people at the Bellevue post office today trying to buy a single stamp so they can mail their ballots.
Bitter even when you win? Or do you realize that you’ll lose it all in 2012, after 2 years of GOPers doing nothing but sucking at the corporate tit?.
Marco Rubio,
Latinos recognized what the Clinton/Odumba pair were up to in shady shenanigans and voted for Marco. Imagine how Latinos will vote for Rubio in future elections. Can you say a DUMBOCRAT smackdown?
What is very telling is the dirty tactics DUMBOCRATS implemented against Republican women in ad hominem personal attacks while conservatives attacked DUMBOCRAT women on their voting policies.
The left needs to work on better message control. I think we should all be saying the GOP sucks corporate cock, not tit. Corporations should be said to be sucking at the government’s tit.
That is one UGLY shade of dark orange:
whoohoo, the jew feingold lost.
The Greenbay Packers were my 2nd team.
From now on, echo Goldy.
Oh happy day…
Alan Grayson LOSES.
poor rujax won’t have Alan Grayson to cheer about anymore.
One less turd to sweep into the toilet in 2012!
30 – Their loss. They picked a guy who wants a woman to bear a rapist’s kid.
Heh. One more turd for Puddybud to sniff in his toilet bowl.
As Sharon Angle would say, “make lemonade!”.
Their loss? You are a certified dirt stain moron ylb!
The idiot Grayson was a classical DUMBOCRAT fool! Crazy Graysie lost 6%age points when Grayson called his opponent Taliban Dan.
What a sad showing from the Republicans. When the Democrats “took back” our country from the Wall Street cronies and crooks (Republicans) they took BOTH houses!
So sad the Republicans couldn’t even do that! Pathetic half assed party! LOL LOL LOL LOL!
Obama is still polling RIGHT on track with Ronald Reagan, with the economy slowing improving (Reagan had a ‘double dip’ too remember, and an opposing party in Congress). Obama if history holds, should sweep the next election by 90% electoral victory when the Republi-nuts put up one of their crazy losers like Palin or O’Donnell. It’ll be FUN!
Let me join in and pretend to be a Republican blogger on here too! blah blah stinking jews…blah blah blah dirty fag…blah blah lazy black people…blah blah.
“so daryl, are you saying i should report goldberg to the boston office of the fbi?”
Yes…go now. Tell ’em. It’s urgent!
“by the way, i was wrong…”
Yes…you always are.
“so tomorrow, teach your comrades how to commit better voter fraud.”
In fact, tomorrow will be on mathematical models of natural selection, since you asked.
But, just for you, maybe I’ll do a brief tangent on how Hitler hated himself for being part Jewish, too….
I think I can work that in….
32 – Yeah celebrate the election of a man who want to force women to accept the issue from non-consensual sex. Celebrate Puddybud!
Sniff hard Puddybud! Inhale!
GOOD GOD Christine O’Donnell got her ass handed to her. The Republicans HAD that Senate seat in their pocket until the crazy Tea Party folks jumped in…NICE GOING! Tea Party 2012! PLEASE!
Once again moronic ylb the HA dirt stain… it had nothing to do with Dan, it had everything to do with removing the blight of Alan Grayson from the halls of the US House of Representatives!
At the crossroads mall drop box in bellevue there was a line to drop off ballots around 7pm! Not sure that bodes well for fuck ups Rossi or Reichert.
This isn’t as bad as I’d anticipated.
Don’t you see how this works for Congressional Republicans in the house by not having the Senate?
1) The House Republicans pass the whole Bush Tax cut.
– Senate Democrats and Odumba have to go back to the Real Americans and tell the world well we have to veto your tax cut to invoke class warfare.
2) The House Republicans repeal Crap and Tax.
– Senate Democrats and Odumba have to go back to the Real Americans and tell the world well we have to veto that bill because we want to raise your utility rates ~$1700 a year.
3) The House Republicans repeal the health care bill (hated by 58% of Real Americans).
– Senate Democrats and Odumba have to go back to the Real Americans and tell the world well we have to veto this because we don’t like Real Americans.
This works out great HA morons.
Uh Puddy Dummy….
“Cap and tax” never passed the Senate dufus.
But, just for you, maybe I’ll do a brief tangent on how Hitler hated himself for being part Jewish, too….
actually you are quite right. typically thats a taboo to admit that. thats why he rzaed his hometown to destroy any records of his ancestry. so, you’re not a total dumbass teacher.
Rossi is toast. King Co, Snohomish, Pierce all for Murray.
Tim F,
Yes that’s correct Tim and this shows how dumb you are. It was Odumba’s third rail and he campaigned for it. He didn’t care if utility bills climbed $1700 or more. The senate didn’t want to be on record for this. Now with the House repealing their vote the Senate will go along and Odumba is in a quandary.
Another HA libtardo who can’t figger it out!
“actually you are quite right. typically thats a taboo to admit that. thats why he rzaed his hometown to destroy any records of his ancestry. so, you’re not a total dumbass teacher.”
Well…I’ll be sure to add your endorsement to my CV then….
Well…I’ll be sure to add your endorsement to my CV then….
you’re more than welcome. i hope you know i just like busting your chops.
manatee @ 13, 28
I’m Jewish.
I admire the courage it took for you, the anonymous coward, to spew your racism.
Jason @ 47,
“I’m Jewish.”
manoftruth also has Jewish heritage. And like Hitler, he beats himself up over it.
Ohio Governor to John Kasich.
Now how many times did the Odumba sadministration visit Ohio this year? Just think, Republican Governors and legislatures set the congressional boundaries for the next 10 years.
Listen to Chris Matthews get the smackdown from Michelle Bachmann…
Hey dirt stain ylb, goat leftist, rujax, et. al., here’s your hero, crying…
Dave Reichert delivers the smackdown again? Guess Real Americans in the 8th district like their pork?
@39 “This isn’t as bad as I’d anticipated.”
Yeah, either that or Puddy missed his meds again.
heh- Rather than check returns, I just check the Puddy Crazy-o-Meter. heh- It’s red zoning again. Dems must doing better than expected.
Odumba’s old senate seat! Illinois DUMBOCRATS screwed themselves in 2009 when they rejected the special erection.
Sucks to be you Stupid Solution Steve. Puddy don’t do drugs but you drink the Stupid Solution every day!
Rossi hits the podium and one of the first things out of his mouth is how he’s gone back and forth to New York about six times.
I guess he knows where he was making his application for employment.
He’s got a tone of desparation in his voice.
By now, he knows what an upcoming concession speech feels like. He’s not quite there, but he can tell it is coming.
And it’s Jerry “Moon Beam” Brown FTW in CA.
Meg Whitman demoralized and having blown her fortune will be reduced to giving blow jobs to motorist on the Sana Monica freeway.
“Puddy don’t do drugs but you drink the Stupid Solution every day!”
So…you are sayin’ it is some kind of organic defect or something, Puddy? Because I sure as hell cannot make any sense out of about 90% of the PuddyDroppings.
Looks, like Murray’s in, but I wouldn’t call that one just yet.
I wonder if Christine O’Donnell will get a gig at Fox?
I told Puddy not to bet the house on Christine, but would he listen to me? Hell no! Now look at him. So sad.
Who bet the house on Christine O’Donnell? Where Stupid Solution Steve?
Christine is like, “Whadda ya mean, I don’t get to keep the campaign money??”
1098 down the toilet!
They pro 1098 lied about the bill!
goldy sounds like a sore loser already…
ass whoopings…theyre whats for dinner.
Michael, Whitman only has about $900mil left. She spent $140mil to lose. To lose to an old man, the oldest man ever elected governor in CA. (imagine that, older than Reagan… who was 75 his whole life). A man who was also the youngest governor in CA history. There is something symbiotic about his two elections to Governor of California.
Hi Puddy. I see you never give up. I am doing well and hating Texas.
Yeah Darryl, hold that thought while America repudiates OdumbaVision!
How are you? How is da wife?
Puddy give up? After seeing what Clinton/Odumba did to Meeks in Florida?
Has there even been a party who swept itself into power just to piss it away again in just 2 short years?
talk about a repudiation of progressivism and obama-mania.
Seeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ya Nancy Pelosi!
Doing well. Wife is wonderful, loves her job, hates Houston. Me too. Weather sucks. We long for Seattle something awful.
Is Roger Rabbit still around?
Oh, oh, the Puddy Crazy-o-Meter’s needle broke. Harry Reid must have beat the crazy teabagger lady.
oh..and take your taxes and shove them up your ass.
the people have spoken….enough is enough with being raped by the state. cut your god damned spending.
@68 Roger is still kicking and posting. A few of us had the pleasure of meeting him a few weeks back over dinner.
Giants win! Jerry Brown wins! Barbara Boxer wins!
Patty Murray is looking pretty solid right now.
I’m a happy camper! Not as if I haven’t lived with idiots controlling the House in DC or badly misguided people voting in bad stuff in this crazy State.
We’ll muddle through and keep the faith alive!
Good night!
Remember Darryl,
Puddy is considered the enemy per Odumba! Puddy just delivers facts you libtardos hate to read.
Remember it’s the Economy Stupid!
Dave Reichert in the majority again!
Yep, so many badly misguided people voting for Patty Murray.
Puddy’s favorite fascist, Hans Zeiger, is down two points with 71% reporting. That’s gotta suck. heh- Never, ever diss the hairy-legged lesbian girl scouts.
“1098 down the toilet!”
I don’t see how that’s possible. My cat and I each voted twice for it.
“Seeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ya Nancy Pelosi!”
What the fuck, Puddy? Didn’t she win?
“Remember Darryl,Puddy is considered the enemy per Odumba!”
I have no fucking idea what you are getting at here Puddy.
I’m a happy camper!
are you daft, man? the republicans control the congress of the united states of america!
i’m just figuring you’re watching msnbc so they have you convinced that the whole night is only about harry reid winning. so delusional. keep on being delusional when obamacare gets defunded.
Heathcare is not going to be “defunded”. Try getting that spending/budget bill past the veto. Republicans talk a good game, but actually repealing it goes against getting reelected and they know it. They will lose everything but the rich white vote and that vote is not near enough to get reelected.
It takes a 2/3rds majority to override a veto. You don’t have those votes or the Senate.
What you have now is pure and simple gridlock gubmint. You stupid anti-Semitic ignoranus.
Ignoranus- when you are both ignorant and an asshole.
Yeah, but my story with her giving blow jobs is much more fun and fits with my theme for the night.
Yays, Derek Kilmer and Larry Seaquist are headed back to the state ledge.
1082’s going down in flames as are 1100 and 1105.
Other than Feingold losing, I’d say things turned out alright.
I’m off to bed.
The Democrats will lose the White House and the Senate in 2012. With 23 of the 33 contested Senate Seats currently held by Dems, it is inevitable.
It is now projected the R’s will pick up 65 House Seats. How is that not a clear message to our electeds to get control of spending?
Carl @ 80–
Good to hear from you. Hopefully your health is good and your heart is obviously strong as evidenced by you surviving the Democrats getting drubbed tonight.
I don’t know if you’ll be able to survive what will happen in 2012 though. I hope so.
Just make sure you have your Nitro handy!
You are a good man.
Sore loser Pelosi’s statement lacks congrats to R’s!
What a nasty person..and sore loser.
It’s now 232-172 in favor of R’s with 31 undecided (Koster/Larsen is one of them)
How can you spin something like this KLOWNS??
And the R’s also kicked butt in the Governor’s races which are very important for 2012 elections and re-districting.
Lying? Wow, you don’t even try to hide it anymore. Lying has been the M.O. of The Enemy since becoming the enemy, and you guys faithfully employ the tactic regularly. We’ve come to expect it.
Regarding Harry Reid,
Never underestimate a dirty politician.
Never underestimate the power of being senate leader.
Never underestimate the power of the union get out the vote memos posted yesterday.
Never underestimate the power of illegal votes.
Never underestimate the power of being outspent.
While Ohio voters woke up and realized Odumba policies have affected their lives, Nevadans still are clueless like most King County leftists with dementia!
BTW California deserves Jerry Moonbeam Brown and Barbara call me senator Boxer. Let’s see Jerry get out of the deficit pickle now that the US House will not be bailing out California no matter what shenanigans Boxer tries to pull in the senate.
Did some HA leftist idiot say something about Sarah Palin? And it’s left wing libtardo!
It’s morning now, but they wouldn’t let you give donuts to the voters at Union Station. Some people tried to give pizza to the folks in line, and the lawyers stopped them. In case it would influence people to vote for the Italian Senate candidate or something.
Right wingers had a good hate thing going with Nancy Pelosi to make up for the loss of Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd.
If Nancy leaves the scene what are they going to do?
Awwwww. Finding someone new to pile the hate on is the easiest thing in the world for right wingers.
Sarah Palin endorsed Christine O’Donnell, Joe Miller, and Sharon Angle, and they probably won their primaries because of her. She probably lost the Senate for the GOP. Suck on that.
The GOP never had a chance to win the Senate. NEVER!
This how much a fool Curtis Little Daddy Love is…
CNN said Mike Castle would have lost in Delaware.
The Republicans didn’t back Sharonn Angle.
Joe Miller shot himself in the foot.