Join us tonight for election watching, conversation, and lots and lots of celebration at the 2012 Election Edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Our normal starting time is 8:00pm. But for election night, we’ll start at 5:00 pm.
The Alehouse will have TV coverage of the election (with reasonable audio levels). But bring your own radio and headphones/earbuds if you want to concentrate on results—there will be some celebrating and the normal high background noises of a busy pub. Also, there is free WiFi available for streaming, surfing, blogging, tweeting. Whatever. Ask your server for the password.
I’ll be liveblogging the festivities (perhaps with others), so you can always join the party by diving into the cesspool discussion threads.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week. On Tuesday the Tri-Cities chapter meets, and on Thursday Drinking Liberally Bremerton meets.
With 233 chapters of Living Liberally, including fourteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter that meets near you.
Joe Biden snuck in one final trip to OH today.
Seems there is someone in that state somewhere who hasn’t personally seen Joe stick his foot in his mouth, and Team Obama wanted to make sure everybody gets to see Joe be Joe.
Apparently this has been seen in several parts of the country.
If you gooper/fascisti are so convinced of the veracity of your political stance on various issues, why is it then, that in every election, outright fraud is a major part of your electoral process? If you really were anything but a gang of thugs, thieves, wanna-be mass murderers and book burners, this sort of shit wouldn’t be necessary for your fuhrers to get into office.
“We don’t need someone to think. We need someone with enough digits on one hand to hold a pen. All we have to do is replace Obama. We are not auditioning for fearless leader, we know what to do. We want the Paul Ryan budget. We just need a President to sign this stuff, we don’t need someone to think it up or design it.”
– Grover Norquist
@ 2
I see we’ve got our full-blown Godwin lederhosen on today.
You’ll need them. You’re getting ready for The Pain.
@ 3
Um, yeah. About that.
You really are a terribly delusional and deranged individual.
@ 4
Funny. You’re correct for at least another 2 hours and 46 minutes.
“I see we’ve got our full-blown Godwin lederhosen on today.”
That brings me to Steve’s Law, that anyone invoking Godwin’s Law in response to the appropriate use of a Nazi analogy is probably a fucking Nazi himself.
“You’re getting ready for The Pain.”
Geez, you goose-steppin’ Nazi, will it hurt as much as gout?
Good fucking gawd, you’re such a stupe, Bob.
re 1: …and the Romney campaign kept Ryan traveling around rural Alabama because any voter with a brain who spoke with him for five minutes would realize that he is a fascist tool with no business being in high office in the USA.
Guess that means people are gonna want a president with a track record of creating jobs.
Just a quarter of those surveyed in the exit poll say they are better off than four years ago.
Oh, yeah. Obama’s got this. No prob.
Anyone hearing some Dem optimism out there?
Evidence of illegal voter purge in PA:
Ooops! A voting machine programmed to change an Obama vote to Romney:
Machine is back in service. Working fine.. Nothing to see here..
Yeah right.
In Ohio, Republicans give black voters faulty ballots:
Applications for absentee ballots?? Nice trick.
Obamacare derangement syndrome ballot measures in some states:
Even if they win – totally meaningless!
Puddydope and Jerry the Klown should love this. If Obama loses and a devout Mormon is put in the White House, God will delay Judgement Day:
I thought all Christians looked forward to the day when God brings them “home”.
LOL! You can’t make this shit up!
@ 10,11,12
That’s not optimism. Those are weak-ass excuses for what will be piss-poor Dem turnout, YLB.
In Hillsborough County, FL:
Doncha just love the right wing?
@ 14
God will delay Judgement Day:
Er, today is Judgement Day.
@ 16
And I’m the victim of male pattern baldness.
Grow a pair, will ya?
Oh this is funny. Wall Street turned on Obama because of a “vibe”…
Not because of anything he’s done.. Have those assholes looked at their bonus checks lately?
Poor guys and gals got their fee-fees hurt.
Hey puddydope I remember you ordered us not to tell you anything contrary about Wall Street and Republicans..
Orders ignored..
The “silver lining” to the Super PAC threat to democracy:
Nothing makes me more happy than a right wing idiot with more money than sense pissing away the central meaning to his miserable existence.
One thing that I liked about the President’s last rally last night, was the story about the lady from South Carolina that inspired the “Fired up and Ready to go”chant he had in 2008, and he had invited her there last night. She could not make it. Her and a few friend were heading up into North Carolina for one last get out the vote effort. It was moving. No campaign should ever give up anywhere the polls are close.
A few months ago, I was listening to a podcast of the CBC’s only national call-in radio show, and the week’s topic was on the Liberal Party leadership race. A caller from Alberta had a good response to one of the Liberal party members who was a guest. The caller said, it is not just their policies that people in his province might have a problem with, but that they do not like a quiter in their province.
Right wing voter fraud/ballot tampering. CAUGHT red-handed:
Fired? How about cuffed and thrown in the hoosegaw?
Remember, in the right wing mind, the worst crime imaginable is “getting caught”.
Franklin County, OH. “True the Vote”, a right wing , Koch-financed, vote suppression crime syndicate is caught forging signatures on paperwork required for poll watchers.
This is a felony. Black poll precincts were targeted of course.
Nope. Try all-out right wing vote suppression designed to put their degenerate politicians with their failed ideology into office..
Discouraged people are walking away – it’s that way by design.
It’s called the Big Lie Professor. And even FDR commented on its use by the right wing in this country back in his time.
This is Cap’n Crunch’s response to complaints about the systematic disenfranchisement of some Americans by Republicans in power.
It is very illustrative, of something we already know…Cap’n, like many Republicans, is an amoral creep perfectly willing to threaten/weaken/destroy our democracy in his pursuit of more money for himself.
I can’t attend DL tonight because I have an out-of-town election assignment. I will, however, be with a group of Realist Americans (aka Democrats) tonight.
So far Indiana, KY – Willard
Vermont – Obama
I’m at the Tacoma Democratic HQ and the place is packed. It’s been packed all week, we’ve had tons of people out knocking doors and making calls all week. Great vibe going on here.
If this was a black voter in OH or FL waiting in a line for hours on end and this happened what would the vote suppressing poll watchers do?
I’ll tell you: “Let him die! Let him die! It’s GOD’s WILL!!!!”..
Talk about determination. I don’t care about his political orientation.
The office has been over run by toddlers and puppies!
Awesome times at the HQ!
LOL! 31 – continued, the black voter expires many yards from a rigged voting machine. The Koch-financed vote supressor exclaims,
PRAISE GOD! This child of God (misguided by Satan) has been called home to defeat the Kenyan, Muslim, Abortionist usurper!