I’ll try to offer some commentary throughout the evening, but the real fun will be in the comment thread….
Lil’ Marco has “suspended” his campaign after losing his home state of Florida.
What’s with this “We are ‘suspending’ the campaign” bullshit. “We” are not. You (singular) are. “Suspend” is a weasel word. Why can’t these weasels tell it like it is: “I’m quitting”, “I am dropping out of the race”, “I surrender to Mr. Drumpf”.
Oh…that’s right. They’re fucking weasels.
Seems like @JohnKasich is a little too surprised that he won his home state, people like him. #PrimaryDay
— Matt Wilstein (@TheMattWilstein) March 16, 2016
Duckworth easily wins in Illinois Dem Senate primary https://t.co/Cm6YbpIWCx #PrimaryDay pic.twitter.com/8QpgQrLypp
— The Hill (@thehill) March 16, 2016
John Kasich, speaking in Cleveland, promises to go all the way to Cleveland.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) March 16, 2016
"He's tough, he's smart and he's got a great future."
— @realDonaldTrump on "Little" @marcorubio, who Trump suddenly seems to like.— John Nichols (@NicholsUprising) March 16, 2016
"We need the rich in order to make the great." – Trump channeling his inner Scrooge McDuck pic.twitter.com/4A9AbdRHXR
— Colin Jones (@colinjones) March 16, 2016
Predictwise odds for Democratic president up to new high of 72% https://t.co/fidathupju pic.twitter.com/IYrMCVtOCE
— Will Jordan (@williamjordann) March 16, 2016
Its genuinely hard for me to fully get my head around the catastrophic range of choices the GOP is now looking at.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) March 16, 2016
7:48: While Cruz is giving his “victory” speech, CNN updates the vote totals and Cruz goes from 1st place to 2nd place.
Rubio's defeat is not only the end of his candidacy. It's a total blow to the post-2012 GOP reboot project, from autopsy to reform con mvmt.
— Robert Costa (@costareports) March 16, 2016
CNBC EXCLUSIVE: Paul Ryan won't categorically rule out accepting GOP nom. if a deadlocked convention turns to him https://t.co/NVPL7uqHg5
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) March 16, 2016
8:40 Carl Ballard commentary on the GOP primary: [fart noises]
Sanders looks set to win 1 state tonight. According to Nate Silvers, the next batch of primaries should be easier for him. Not a blowout night for Trump, but he’ll be hard to stop.
Sanders will probably squeak by in Missouri.
As for the next round of primaries, AZ, ID and UT, those are all deep red states. Yeah, Sanders will probably win there, but that’s like winning in an ugliest face contest. Good only for bragging rights.
President Obama will nominate Merrick Garland to SCOTUS this morning. Garland is a Harvard Law grad with a typical SCOTUS-track resume: Supreme Court clerk, high-ranking DOJ prosecutor (he oversaw the Oklahoma City bombing and Unabomber investigations), chief judge of the D.C. Circuit confirmed to that post with GOP support. No one will dispute his qualifications; the only possible reason GOP senators could have for rejecting him is obstructionism.
Won’t it be fun watching so-called “moderate” conservatives throw their support behind Huck-wanna-be Kasich? Meanwhile Rafael Eduardo Cruz will continue to languish out of the spotlight, and Trump will continue to roll up winner-take-all States.
Cue Bickle highlighting Kasich’s “electability” and proposing various running mate matches.
And another one bites the dust.
Hillary Clinton.
Fucking weasel, 2008.
Today, as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run. I endorse him and throw my full support behind him.
A suspended campaign is one that can be reactivated. Should circumstances permit. Something that both sides might have a reason to consider as events progress.
Once again, the republican voters chose the racist authoritarian with jobs message , not the cheap labor message , or the old testament theology message.
Democrats chose the message of evolutionary moderate change and stay the course, not a message of more vigorous change.
“A suspended campaign is one that can be reactivated. Should circumstances permit. Something that both sides might have a reason to consider as events progress.”
Cleveland’s riot police are scheduling 2-a-day training and stocking up on zip ties and grizzly gas.
I’m doing more than “considering” it. I’m looking forward to it with unrestrained glee! I might even buy a new SHD television so I can capture the action in all it’s gory detail!
@ 8
I’m doing more than “considering” it. I’m looking forward to it with unrestrained glee! I might even buy a new SHD television so I can capture the action in all it’s gory detail!
Sounds like you ought to be stocking up on K-Y and Kleenex as well.
You must have had a great time watching Ferguson and Baltimore, DR.
With or without a failed first ballot and floor fight, the RNC nominating convention promises to feature plenty of “action”.
Anti-Trump forces from all across the globe are preparing to travel to Cleveland to stage demonstrations. Add to that the prospect of thousands of Trump’s uniformed “Lion’s Guard” paramilitary members assembling to “protect” their “Dear Leader” and I’d say you’ve got a pretty volatile situation. If Republican establishment elites are crazy enough to step into the middle of that and try to toss the nomination to their anointed stooge, they get exactly what they deserve.
For the sake of the good people of Cleveland, and their hard working police department, I recommend the proven SPD Mardi Gras strategy.
Mind the rake, liddle Bickle.
Jeebus H. Crisco riding a bike!
Even Orin Hatch is fucking the dog on the SCOTUS nom.
If it’s all about the vital democratic PRINCIPLES (!!!!!) of “giving the people a voice” and “letting the next President decide”, then why would you consider “resolving” it in lame duck? That’s actually the point in the process when most Americans (and their two-term President) agree you should wait.
And this guy is one of their most respected senior political leaders. Amazing.
I’m not sure if this is a sarcastic post or not. The people have said no such thing.
58% think President Obama should nominate and 66% say hearings should happen if he does. (March 3)
Only 38% think the Senate should fail to have hearings (Feb 22)
55% oppose blocking a nominee and of those 4 of 5 strongly oppose (March 9)
Expect those numbers to trend upward now that a nominee is named.
I believe by suspending a campaign, you are allowed to still take donations and clean up remaining debt.
@ 13
If you’re correct that might be the most useful spew of the day.
@ 11,12
In a/the scenario in which Clinton wins and the Senate flips, this possibility was raised:
Matthew Miller @matthewamiller
Imagine December: a lame-duck GOP Sen rushing to confirm Garland & Dems filibustering so Clinton can choose someone younger, more liberal.
7:04 AM – 16 Mar 2016
I heard a radio report that indicated that ending the campaign releases your delegates automatically to become “free agents”. I don’t know if that’s accurate.
Apparently a candidate with a suspended campaign theoretically retains control of pledged delegates. I guess that makes sense. Why else would the GOP have let Santorum onto the podium in ’12?
BTW Clinton owed around $25M to her ’08 campaign, including personally loan(s) of $13.2M she had made to it. Bill shilled to get the money repaid.
Of course Bernie said he was opposed to billionaires funding campaigns, not multimillionaires, so it’s all good.
@ 16
No mention of fucking weasle that I saw. Sloppy commenter that I am, I likely missed it.
The argument for blocking is much stronger AFTER an election. If the vacancy comes up between the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November but before January 20th, which really is unprecedented, the public response would probably be different.
Republicans are playing a dangerous game. The political winds for delay are against them. Initial accounts are Garland is moderate. The press can point to Grassley holding up his DC Circuit confirmation for over two years, nominated in a non-election year simply to keep from filling the seat and relenting only when Clinton won a second term. There are 8 R Senators who confirmed him to the DC Circuit still in office (Collins, Cochran, Hatch, Inhofe, McCain, Murkowski, Roberts, Warner).
Trump is the likely nominee and he’s going to get destroyed in the general so yes, the possibility of President Hillary Clinton withdrawing the nomination and nominating say, Alan Dershowitz, is very real.
It’s a brilliant pick because Chuck Grassley has a history of blocking judicial nominees for no apparent reason. Garland was nominated in 1995 and had a hearing and then no vote. Not in 1995. Not in 1996. Finally in 1997. Really Chuck Grassley? You want the press and public all up in your grill about why it took almost three years to schedule a vote on a circuit court judge and how is blocking him again NOT just bullshit politics?
“America, this isn’t about the Supreme Court, it is about Republicans keeping the government dysfunctional at any cost as long as a Democrat is in the White House. They do it all the time (shutdowns, cabinet nominees, lower court judge vacancies) and they are doing it again” will become the narrative in the press.
Good luck with that.
@5 Hahahahahahaha!!! A suspended campaign has no money, staff, strategy, or plans — and no votes. But Bickle, like all egomaniacal doctors, believes it’s possible to raise a corpse from the dead.
@ 19
You’re either an incredibly knowledgeable individual with a deep legal professional background, or your spew is missing one or more links. Since you apparently started to quote somebody in your last paragraph, my bet is on the latter.
Which is not to say you don’t know jack.
@ 20
But Bickle, like all egomaniacal doctors, believes it’s possible to raise a corpse from the dead.
We assume that’s how you get them to the voting booth.
@9 “You must have had a great time watching Ferguson and Baltimore, DR.”
Black people in Ferguson and Baltimore have a lot more reason to riot than Republican convention delegates do, but that’s a story for another day. I’m with Better. I want to watch the fascist cops beat the crap out of the fascist Trumpistas on teevee. You know, karma. Maybe if they find out what it feels like they’ll have more sympathy for the blacks.
@15 Yeah, I’d be in favor of screwing the Republicans that way.
Conservatives got soooo close to revoking Roe v. Wade, and then their main man dropped dead. Sure looks like God’s trying to tell them something.
@19 “Republicans are playing a dangerous game.”
They might as well. Their party is doomed anyway. Why not smoke a cigarette before the firing squad shoots? Your doctor will understand.
@22 Keep looking for those zombie voters, Bickle, while your party keeps getting blindsided by the live ones. Maybe someday you’ll wake up and realize how many ordinary citizens find the GOP repulsive, but I doubt it. You’re too dense to understand what’s going on around you.
What is it called when one plagiarizes a plagiarizer?
“Conservative Daily Caller suggests Donald Trump plagiarized Ben Carson op-ed”
@ 28
That is a symptom of what I’ve been talking about for decades. These idiots have no original thoughts at all. They have to steal from each other. They’ve got nothing of their own to offer.
Ronald Reagan was fucking famous for his phony platitudes and anecdotes. All swiped wholesale from somewhere else, and he did it for 50 years while people licked his shoes and told him how great he was. He was a cheap B-Grade actor, and every Conservative Candidate since has tried to vicariously recapture that. He’s a man who sold cigarettes on television during Saturday morning cartoon shows for chrissake.
White Power!
Black Conservatives are going to have to hold on to their asses.
I never really thought that Trump planned it this way, but you have to wonder how these Nazis all go behind him so quick….Was it the vampire Son that had connections with the White Power people? I just think their is something fishy here – like it all just kind of fell into Trumps lap.
Hey Boob – seems like you have a buddy you swig booze with.
I’m just following my orders. Heil Hitler!
@ 32
Well, they are pursuing a particular demographic.
Whats the harm in making those filters positive?
Matt Miller’s martini fueled musings aside, if Clinton wins and the Senate flips, Obama will probably withdraw the nomination. And quote McConnell’s words back to him as he does so.