In the past, I have asked obese people if they like to hide snacks in the folds of their fat, instead of using their pockets. Sometimes they would become angry at my question. The above story proves my suspicion right. Fat people store objects in the folds of their belly fat.
3 – Marvin Stamn has spoken out against heavy people in these threads. In fact he called Obama’s candidate for Surgeon General, a “fat ass”.
But combine a heavy tea bagger, the second amendment and a health care townhall – you have a potent “conceal to carry” strategy to use against “union thugs” when it’s screamin’ time against the lib-leaning Congress Critter.
Susan Hutchinson says “my lips are sealed.”
Finally some honesty from her – about her campaign for county executive, which has been notable for what she’s refused to say about things voters want to know.
Like: is she a Republican?
She has fought for months the release of public records that were improperly sealed.
She won’t answer questions.
She avoids candidate forums.
Yes, her lips are sealed, unless her lips are reading from a script prepared by her campaign staff, which she does quite well.
@5: Isn’t it nice to know that we in Seattle can have our very own Sarah Palin clone?
Hutchison Another Lying Republicanspews:
Susan Hutchison lied to her employer and got caught. The thing is, when you’re caught red-handed, you should own up to what you did. She might would have been able to salvage her job if she’d told KIRO, “I was wrong,” and apologized. People can relate to calling the boss cause you were tired and just wanted or needed a day off. But lying and taking a vacation, then covering up the lie, makes the employee look untrustworthy to the employer. Hutchison claims to be a “Christian” but she went around lying to her bosses and spreading vicious gossip about her fellow workers. What kind of “Christian” is that? And who would want to work with someone like that? Or, who wants another LYING REPUBLICAN CLAIMING TO BE A CHRISTIAN running the government. Can’t trust Hutchison to tell the truth.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is how the bro’ with the credit card is paying for Porkulous, Cash for Clunkers, Auto Bailouts etc. From Doug Casey:
The size of this auction coming up, $235 billion, is really rather shocking – especially when you consider that that’s roughly the cost of the entire Viet Nam war. That was considered off the scale and lasted ten years. This action is just in one week. It’s an amount that annualizes to $12 trillion – and it’s still just starting.
They are going to have to borrow even more money to bail out all of the other banks that are going to fail (which is going to completely bankrupt the FDIC) and all the pension funds that are going to fail (which are insured by the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation). And there are lots of other financial catastrophes still on the runway.
This $235 billion is just a drop in the bucket – and I’m not entirely sure where they’re going to get this money. If I were a foreigner and I already owned massive amounts of U.S. debt, would I want to buy that much more? That’s especially questionable when any intelligent person can see that interest rates are being artificially suppressed. That makes buying this debt a guaranteed loss. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.
The Chinese have, say, $2 trillion in foreign-denominated reserves, of which they say about $1.4 trillion is U.S. paper. They realize they’re holding a burning match; they want to get rid of what they have, not buy more. But here’s the scary thing: even if the Chinese lent the U.S. all their $2 trillion of FX, it would only cover this year’s U.S. borrowing. Where is the U.S. going to get next year’s? Because next year, it’s going to need even more.
Let me be as clear as possible. There’s no way out of this without major structural changes. It’s not going to be just a disaster. Catastrophe is a better word.
Wait until the underfunded Obamacare and other free stuff hits the books.
Eventually the chickens will come home to roost.
No free ride losers.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Fortunately, Americans are not being fooled en masse by Obamunism
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Saturday, August 08, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 33% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -5 (see trends). Congress earns good or excellent reviews from 14%.
In the health care debate, 41% view the town hall protesters favorably while 35% have an unfavorable view. Twenty-five percent (25%) agree with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that health insurance companies are villains. Thirty-seven percent (37%) disagree.
Pelosi will be the easy target…with her faux face, it has been hard to tell when she is lying. Now it’s easy…WHENEVER SHE OPENS HER YAP!
5. Thor spews:
Susan Hutchinson says “my lips are sealed.”
She has fought for months the release of public records that were improperly sealed.
And lost. Just saw on NWCN that the judge unsealed the records.
Marvin Stamnspews:
4. YLB spews:
3 – Marvin Stamn has spoken out against heavy people in these threads. In fact he called Obama’s candidate for Surgeon General, a “fat ass”.
Is she not obese? You can make the call. Look up what is considered obese and just like you judge people you hate, judge her. Yes, SGs in the past have been obese, does that mean she should get a free pass?
An obese surgeon general giving health advice is a joke. Would YOU spend your money on a CPA that just filed bankruptcy for himself? Or maybe invest your earnings (oops, you don’t earn, you live off someone else’s work), would you invest someone elses earnings with someone that is piss poor?
If you don’t know, obesity is one of the big problems with healthcare, people have such little respect for themselves they allow themselves to get fat. Of course, it’s not all black and white, thereare a few people that are fat due to no fault of their own. But for the other 99.9% of the fat population, the blame lays on their plates.
Would you think it’s fair if you paid more for car insurance, not because of your driving habits, but because others drive drunk.
And if being called fat is so offensive to you, why have you never said anything when your fellow left-wingnuts call rush fat. It’s kinda looking like you have two sets of rules, one for the democrats and one for everyone else. Pretty fucking pathetic on your part isn’t it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Where did all those democrats go that believe in the “separation of church and state?”
I wonder why democrats are so scared to hear the voices of the citizens?
8 – Doug Casey – yet another batshit insane right wing crank.
And the biggest source of material that Mr. Klyn brings here.
I hope Casey’s made a lot of money for you Klyn. He’s predicted catastrophe at every recession and he’s been wrong every time.
Keeps the subscribers rolling in I guess…
11 – You don’t get it. Troll has informed us that heavy people can conceal weapons in the folds of their skin to fight “union thugs” when they object to your screaming at townhalls.
You can drop your bigotry now!
when your fellow left-wingnuts call rush fat.
And you don’t. I wonder why? I thought you were against heavy people.
And we call a viagra-fueled sex tourist and a pathological liar, hypocrite and racist.
The truth hurts doesn’t it?
Daddy Lovespews:
9 Cyn
A week ago the Index was -10, two days ago it was was -8, now it’s -5. The president is getting MORE popular even by Rasmussen’s meaning-challenged (and your favorite) measure.
Daddy Lovespews:
Deep Thought
In 8 years, Republicans never read a single bill in is entirety.
Daddy Lovespews:
8 Cyn
Or a little thing we like to call “economic growth” will occur.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I took a look at Lee Stranahan’s site. He had a bit on “unschooling,” that is, what he called home schooling.
I have a friend who home schooled his kids until the eight grade. When the oldest went on the public school and the ninth grade, the kid got straight A’s. Now he’s a CPA, and the other kids in the family have done well in their studies, too.
So, home schooling is not necessarily bad, particularly when it produces good results. I personally don’t have the talent or inclination to be a home educator, but if it works for someone else, then I have no problem with home schooling.
I have read about people surviving their parachute not opening, but I don’t care to try it myself.
10 – Yeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
We’re going to dodge yet another bullet!
When are Republicans going to put someone up for office that isn’t batshit insane?
Politically Incorrectspews:
To each his own.
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to an AOL poll, 54% of AOL subscribers agree with Palin that President Obama’s health reform is “evil,” and well over half those responding to the poll have a “positive” impression of Palin.
I’ve long suspected these AOL polls are being hacked by rightwing operatives who use computer programs to stack the numbers. Given that AOL’s (ever-dwindling) subscriber base tends (or, at least, historically tended) to be better-educated, upper middle class professionals, these numbers simply aren’t believable.
Roger Rabbitspews:
AOL News carried an article this morning about Eunice Shriver Kennedy being in the hospital. This woman has never been a politician or held public office, and has devoted her life to good works like the Special Olympics, but you wouldn’t believe the vitriol being posted in the AOL comment thread under the news story by the rightwing haters. I swear to the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit we have a rampant epidemic of mental illness in this country. Or maybe all the wingers were bitten by bats and have rabies.
Reason she lost job? She was a lousy news anchor few people wanted to watch. Reason she sued? Sour grapes.
Marvin Stamnspews:
15. YLB spews: when your fellow left-wingnuts call rush fat.
And you don’t. I wonder why? I thought you were against heavy people.
I completely understand you don’t understand the difference. Let me try once again to explain it to you.
I have the choice to not listen to rush, and the choice not to support his sponsors. I don’t listen to him. Rush has no power to enact any laws or regulations that I have to obey by threat of force by the government.
The new surgeon general has the power to change my life choices. I have no choice with her.
And we call a viagra-fueled sex tourist and a pathological liar, hypocrite and racist.
You only call people out of the other side of the isle.
Did you ever criticize teddy kennedy for his drinking problems? How patrick kennedy when he was caught under the influence of drugs when he crashed into the steps of congress? JFK for his “home tours of the stars” sex romps?
Why do you have more anger about rush the private citizen getting sex when john edwards not only had sex, was unable to figure out how to force his girlfriend into having an abortion was running for president. WHy don’t you hold democrats to the same standard as republicans.
I’m sure you were one of those that supported clinton and said it was only about sex and sex is a private matter. Yet now you have flipped-flopped talking about the private sex life of rush. Why do you change every single position you hold sacred when it comes to republicans? If you believe the democrats are that much better than republicans, shouldn’t you hold them to a higher standard?
The truth hurts doesn’t it?
That’s a question you can answer best with a few moments of honest self-reflection.
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. Roger Rabbit spews:
has devoted her life to good works like the Special Olympics, but you wouldn’t believe the vitriol being posted in the AOL comment thread under the news story by the rightwing haters.
Probably the same kind of hate and vitriol that was spread about palin and her kid trig.
Why didn’t that offend you?
Oh yeah, you never claim to be fair. You admit you’re as partisan as one can be.
Haven’t you complained about the healthcare you are receiving? Since you’re an retired government employee, how’s that free government healthcare working out for you?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Subject: FW: Health Tip of the Day
If you are bothered by occasional or frequent constipation, look in the mirror and repeat the following phrase three times in succession when symptoms occur:
My present and future financial and personal well being are totally in the hands of…
Barack Obama Joe Biden Harry Reid Nancy Pelosi Tim Geithner Rahm Emmanuel Chris Dodd and Barney Frank!
If that doesn’t scare the shit out of you, then you are probably destined to be backed up for the rest of your life.
There is no need to thank me for this advice; I’m just doing it as a public service.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The minons of the obama are making sure violence erupts at townhall meetings.
Considering the proliferation of digital cameras, video camers, cellphones and the internet, one would think people would be a little smarter when on camera.
Why do democrats need to use force and the threat of force to get america to approve of their agenda.
Don’t forget, I’m dissenting. Be good little serfs and report to your master my words.
This is the program cheney always wanted to implement, to get neighbor to turn in neighbor, except he couldn’t get enough republicans on board. You don’t hear a single democrat complaining. Strange how the democrats got exactly what they feared bush would do and now they don’t care.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
From today’s Bozeman Chronicle:
As chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Montana Sen. Max Baucus is a key ally for Obama in the Senate. But recent reports have suggested the health reform bill coming out of Baucus’ committee could strip key points of Obama’s plan, including a public option insurance plan.
Daddy Lovespews:
29 MS
You don’t hear a single democrat complaining
Yes, because no one is taking names,despite your paranoid fantasies.
And by the way, Cheney GOT the program he wanted, which was a massive illelgal domestic surveillance and data-mining operation. We’re still investigating it.
Daddy Lovespews:
28 Cyn
WHY do you persist in pasting other people’s words in here without attribution?
Daddy Lovespews:
27 MS
Sarah Palin just dragged ol’ Trig out into public one more time to complain about the nonexistent “Death Panel.” Seems to me that she has NOTHING that she can complain about on his behalf when she wields him like a club herself.
So suing her former employer qualifies Susan to run the county? LMFAO!! Oh yeah, let’s put her in charge!
I like how she called an intern’s mother and told her that the boss wanted to fuck her daughter. Too much.
Sigh. Yet another dumbassery dump from Stamn. Let’s see what we got:
I have the choice to not listen to rush, and the choice not to support his sponsors. I don’t listen to him. Rush has no power to enact any laws or regulations that I have to obey by threat of force by the government.
Uhhh.. Yeah right. Sure.. He just exhorts his zombie listeners to scream at Congress Critters trying to explain their positions to their constituents.. A real advocate for civil discourse that greedhead.
The new surgeon general has the power to change my life choices. I have no choice with her.
What she going to do? Recommend eating right, exercise, no smoking, moderate alchohol consumption, stress reduction and safe sex? Hell, Everett Koop recommended that. And you certainly have the “choice” to vote for idiot Congress Critters that will obviate anything she’ll do or say. The tobacco industry has done it for years.
You only call people out of the other side of the isle.
Who was in charge the last eight years? More than that actually. You a big fan of how the last crowd ran things?
Did you ever criticize, blah , blah, blah….
1) Teddy was never my Senator. I couldn’t vote yea or nay for him. Far as I know he never took money like Jefferson and served his State well – they kept sending him back. Some people can handle the bottle and some like Tower of Texas not so much which cost him the SecDef job. Again the people of MA kept sending Teddy back – your feckless right wing bullshit had no effect on them and yet you still believe repeating it here would bring you some comfort – as good a definition of insanity as I’ve seen.
2) Pat Kennedy? His constituents can recall him if they like. I don’t know anything about him beyond what right wing fools bloviate here and of course I take that with a shaker full of salt.
3) JFK – way before my time. The man is dead alright?
4) I supported Edwards. He screwed up big time. His career in politics is over.
There are Republicans in Congress right now OK? After 2006 they blocked the wind down of the war in Iraq after the American people had had it up to their foreheads with it. They stood to a man/woman behind Bush to block SCHIP, support Military tribunals for detainees, immunize Telecomm companies from violating our rights – down the line on the WRONG side of the issues. Yep, spineless Dems helped as well, but many Dems also voted correctly – can’t say that for hardly any Republicans.
I’m sure you were one of those that supported clinton and said it was only about sex and sex is a private matter. Yet now you have flipped-flopped talking about the private sex life of rush.
To the best of my knowledge, Clinton has never gone to the Dominican Republican on a sex tour packing viagra. But even if he did I don’t recall him trying to buy votes or in Limpblow’s case radio ratings with any holier than thou rhetoric about traditional family values.
Limpblows is a hypocrite!!
If you believe the democrats are that much better than republicans, shouldn’t you hold them to a higher standard?
I do. I’m no fan of Dems that hurt the progressive cause.
That’s a question you can answer best with a few moments of honest self-reflection.
Something you have yet to show much of, in my view.
Nobody said it was. The problem as I see it is setting a uniform standard for these independent settings. Unfortunately I’ve found that for every success story, like the one you described, there is another about a socially stunted failure.
Like you I think if it works go for it, but my concerns are while many people use it as an alternative for bad school systems far more others use it to shelter their children from the parts of reality they don’t like.
What sent this home for me was this: My mother makes educational games for dyslexic children (anyone curious you can see them here anyway one of the places she was displaying her wares was a home schooling convention. At the time I thought that would be the perfect market for her. But it turned out she hardly got any sales from it mainly because the average response she got was: “Oh I pray to Jayzus, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with my kid!”
Susan traveled such a hard road.
In a written and videotaped statement after the judge’s ruling, Hutchison said her lawsuit against KIRO prepared her for public office:
“There is no doubt that the hard road I chose in fighting against discrimination so many years ago also prepared me for the rigors of this campaign, and the demands of serving in public life.”
Yes, I’m absolutely certain now that she can handle the pressures and demands of serving in public office.
I am truly confident that she can handle the stress of serving in public office.
She claimed the stress of seeing Lee in the anchor chair aggravated pre-existing gastrointestinal problems.
She never returned.
Dealing with stress and the demands of holding public office? Hey, that’ll be no problem for our Suzie.
Vindictive and a quitter. Hey, I lost track, was I talking about Palin or Hutch?
Politically Incorrectspews:
I think Lee Stranahan, on his blog, was inferring that all home schooling was bad and inferior to public education. I don’t think that’s necessarily so, IMHO. That’s the gist of my post @ 19, nothing more. I’ve been to private and public schools, but was never in a home school environment, so I can’t say with certainty that it’s better or worse than my educational experiences.
Daddy Lovespews:
34 S
I’m thinking much the same. This is going to be a two bagger (popcorn).
Daddy Lovespews:
I’m sure you were one of those that supported clinton and said it was only about sex and sex is a private matter. Yet now you have flipped-flopped talking about the private sex life of rush.
This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. Rush Limbaugh (and dozens if not hundreds of other highly public Republican lawmakers, media personalities, activists, and pundits) took it upon themselves to moralize, tut-tut, and often flat-out lie to condemn Bill Clinton’s affair. Calling them out on their on indiscretions is justly exposing their hypocrisy, which they asked for in spades. This is regardless of my or anyone else’s opinion of whether these indiscretions should result in some sort of official sanction, which affirmative response is the only event that would render your argument valid.
What do you call a straw man when it is not just misleading but completely and utterly irrelevant? Maybe “Marvin.”
I would definitely call out Bill Clinton on HIS hypocrisy if he attempted now to moralize about someone else’s sexual peccadilloes, but you know if you’ve paid attention that he hasn’t.
@28 Lying bastard Stamn
You must have slept well when Reqgan ranup the largest budget deficit in history or when Bush did, huh?
Why are you such a stupid, biased bitter little person?
Did your Mommy not love you? Or did Daddy leave your family and you have been trying to make up for it ever since?
What a total loser you are! Did you even finish the 4th grade? Cause you are unable to actually make a cogent argument and you fail to recognize when you are being a hypocrite or contradicting yourself.
Daddy Lovespews:
35 YLB
There are Republicans in Congress right now? Well, I’ll be.
Daddy Lovespews:
42 cnr
I did not leave his family!
Marvin Stamnspews:
31. Daddy Love spews:
29 MS You don’t hear a single democrat complaining
Yes, because no one is taking names,despite your paranoid fantasies.
Of course no one is taking names. (wink wink)
Marvin Stamnspews:
41. Daddy Love spews:
This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. Rush Limbaugh (and dozens if not hundreds of other highly public Republican lawmakers, media personalities, activists, and pundits) took it upon themselves to moralize, tut-tut, and often flat-out lie to condemn Bill Clinton’s affair.
I’m not disagreeing. Lots of right-wingers had fun with clinton and him shaking his finger at the american people lying that he never had sex with that woman. Of course it was his lying under oath that got him in trouble.
Except for my enjoyment of left-wingers insisting that sex was a private matter all of the sudden being interested in the sex life of rush, I could care less if clinton had sex with a consenting adult.
What do you call a straw man when it is not just misleading but completely and utterly irrelevant? Maybe “Marvin.”
Call it what you like.
Just like you pointing out that reps have said one thing and done another, I’m pointing out that the dems did one thing (insist clinton/sex was a private matter) and now doing the opposite (being obsessed with rush/sex). Like the left-wingnuts said,
Everyone is a hypocrite to some point.
Thanks for the link, Marvin. I just turned you in as a danger to America’s goats. So you can expect to be called to appear before a socialist gub’mint “Death Panel” assigned to deal out justice to America’s wingnut goatfuckers *. Good riddance to you, you fucking America-hating loon.
*(wink, wink) Just kidding, asswipe.
“Everyone is a hypocrite”
Um, some more so than others, you loony goatfucker.
Except for my enjoyment of left-wingers insisting that sex was a private matter all of the sudden being interested in the sex life of rush, I could care less if clinton had sex with a consenting adult.
Limbaugh says he’s a holier than thou “conservative” on the radio. Many of his sheep supposedly believe him.
Except of course when goes on a sex tour with a bag full of viagra. Even then the sheep go along the scam.
Do you see the contradiction? He’s the de facto leader of the Republicans now. If the Republicans step out of line and diss him they are forced to apologize to him.
You must have slept well when Reqgan ranup the largest budget deficit in history or when Bush did, huh?
I didn’t vote for reagan or bushs.
Are you a hypocrite? IF you were bothered about regan and bush running up the largest deficit, besides the fact the president has a (D) next to his name, why isn’t the ballooning budget a concern to you anymore.
Why are you such a stupid, biased bitter little person?
Isn’t america great, you are free to say something belittling someone without having to show any proof that is beyond republican/democrat political hate. Yeah, you are exactly what you call me. Let’s say I am stupid, does your hate-filled calling me stupid help me at all? Calling me biased is your projection. Again, living in america we can choose to be biased against people that don’t share your views.
Did your Mommy not love you? Or did Daddy leave your family and you have been trying to make up for it ever since?
You got me there. Mommy didn’t love me and daddy ran off. Your powers of deduction are amazing.
What kind of person would write that about someone, a loving kind person or a “stupid, biased bitter little person?” Ouch! Your words.
What a total loser you are! Did you even finish the 4th grade?
Again, your “stupid, biased bitter little person” person is coming out.
The 4th grade insult doesn’t even make sense if for no other reason my spelling is dephinitely 6th grade.
Cause you are unable to actually make a cogent argument and you fail to recognize when you are being a hypocrite or contradicting yourself.
I’ve never said I’m not a hypocrite.
Like dr phils says, people hate in others what they refuse to acknowledge in themselves.
By the way, I contradict myself a lot for the amusement of watching the gullible lap it up. Like above when I was talking about my spelling skills and spelled definitely incorrect. Or like the way gbs assumed I was black when I said I was on welfare. Of course I’m not on welfare, it was funny to me to see someone expose a little more of himself in the attempt to insult me.
Marvin Stamnspews:
47. Steve spews:
*(wink, wink) Just kidding, asswipe.
Daddy Lovespews:
45 MS
Well, I guess until people start spilling their guts like they did about Bush’s programs, they’re still just your paranoid fantasies.
Daddy Lovespews:
46 MS
Lots of right-wingers had fun with clinton and him shaking his finger at the american people lying that he never had sex with that woman. Of course it was his lying under oath that got him in trouble.
Wrong, it was the four-year, $40 million investigation (ginned up originally by Drudge and the Republican-owned media) that came up with exactly nothing that “got him in trouble.” And “lots of right-wingers had fun” telling us all how Clinton was morally bankrupt and had given up his moral right to hold office because of his affair. Not that they waitied for the affair to attack him, which began on January 20, 1993. And, of course, the president never said he never had sex with that woman.
Except for my enjoyment of left-wingers insisting that sex was a private matter all of the sudden being interested in the sex life of rush, I could care less if clinton had sex with a consenting adult.
Sex is a private matter. But hypocrisy is not, even if it’s Rush Limbaugh’s. It’s totally fair game. I don’t give a damn who Rush fucks, whether they are of age, or what drugs he has to use to make it possble, given his obesity. But I will point out his incredible hypocrisy, over and over, amen.
So, in conclusion, you pretending that something isn’t so doesn’t make it not so. Maybe Daddy DID leave, which led to the stunting of your emotional and intellectual understanding. It’s just a theory.
Daddy Lovespews:
50 MS
besides the fact the president has a (D) next to his name, why isn’t the ballooning budget a concern to you anymore.
Ah, but we DO care. Which is why we supported our president and the Democratic Congress in 1993 raising the taxes that balanced the budget without a single Republican vote.
But take a look around. The last president left us with two hot wars and a global financial meltdown unequaled since the Great Depression. Consumer spending, the demand cornerstone of our economy, is in the toilet. The recession started in December 2007, for God’s sake. The government has to provide the spending that partially replaces consumer purchases until the economy recovers. We’ll fix things now, and balance the budget later.
Daddy Lovespews:
@53 had a bad tag closure.
Marvin Stamnspews:
An excellent link for viewing the protesters, both for and against free government healthcare.
Hey, do yo know how many e-mail addresses they ahve I heard they even had such e-mail addresses during Bush’s term. Clearly the e-mail police state began long ago.
Marvin Stamnspews:
57. Daddy Love spews:
Swastikas? Sure, Marvin, right here.
Those people are opposed to hitler and nazis. Didn’t you see the red line through the swastikas? You’re not pro-nazi are you?
Once again let me expose your left-wing hypocricy…
Since you’ve been living in a cave for the last 9 years, let me inform you that what the left is now complaining about the left has been doing towards bush/republicans for 8 years. Here is a pic and a link to more pictures so you can learn the left has been playing the hitler/nazi card for quite a while.
Wouldn’t that be that hypocrisy thing you used to beat the toe tapper and the sanford guy over the head with.
The hypocrisy is there, can you admit it?
Hey, do yo know how many e-mail addresses they ahve I heard they even had such e-mail addresses during Bush’s term. Clearly the e-mail police state began long ago.
And what was the email address that bush used when he asked republicans to turn in democrats.
Got link?
Marvin Stamnspews:
The obama sure doesn’t like being questioned… the planted questions at townhalls, the telepromters, and his Be a good comrade and turn in your neighbor that isn’t being a good american program.
It seems like only yesterday when prominent democrats would say we have the right to disagree with ANY administration.
Funny how things change with a democrat in office.
Oh, I get it…
That;s the change the obama promised. No more dissent allowed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
One of my mouse friends in Oregon got inside an ATM machine and built himself a nest from $20 bills. Now that burrow is what I call a gold-plater!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 So, Marvin Stupes, as I understand it you’re upset because Democrats are allegedly behaving like Republicans? (snicker)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 “the left has been doing towards bush/republicans for 8 years”
Uh no, Marvie, we spent the bush/gop years getting arrested and thrown out of town hall meetings before we could even say a word. It seems the Rethugs weren’t willing to let us have a say. We’re not saying you guys can’t say your piece; we’re merely asking you to do it in a civil manner and let other people hear and be heard, too. But that seems beyond the ability of the toddlers who make up the Rethuglican Party.
Daddy Lovespews:
if the Republicans win with “Just Say No To Fucking Everything” on health insurance reform, we’ll still have the present healthcare system. Meaning that we’ll have (1) flat-lining wages, (2) exploding Medicaid and Medicare costs and thus immense pressure for future tax increases, (3) small businesses and self-employed individuals priced out of the insurance market, and (4) a lot of uninsured or underinsured people imposing costs on hospitals and local governments.
Just what they want. Except for the part about Medicare and Medicaid, because aprently they cannot uncderstand what those are.
Daddy Lovespews:
Makes you wonder, though, ot only why conservatives are opoposed to insurance reform, but also why they are so angry about it. Part of the anger is because of liars like MS and Cyn telling them patent untruths that they are too ignorant and too dependent on the teat of Faux News to evaluate independently.
But some of Jum DeMint’s constituents are one serious illness away from bankruptcy that republican suport for the so-called “bankruptcy bill” made nearly impossible. Some of Michelle Bachmann’s voters can’t get coverage because of a pre-existing condition. Some Susan Hutchison supporters will see their insurance companies drop them when they need their coverage most. Many of Sarah Palin’s fans already enjoy the benefits of government-run health care (hell, MOST of the people I see protesting in pics are over 65). A bunch of the same people who attended tea parties in April saw the insurance for themselves and their families disappear after they lost their job.
Everyone is getting screwed by the status quo. A huge chunk of the country is uninsured, underinsured, or uninsurable, and the system does not care how you voted in the last election.
But what it the Republican solution? “Tort reform.” It’s nuts. Suppose you’re a 52 year-old with a pre-existing medical condition who kinda wants to leave his job and start a new company. Under the current system in the United States, you have a serious problem. Republican proposals (if we can even dignify them with that name) do nothing for you. Or suppose you had good insurance, got sick, and are now suffering from “rescission” (you know, cancellation) of your policy. They’ve got nothing.
Bottom line: in GOP-land we’ll “solve” the problem of cost largely by having people not get the health care. The RNC is the “death panel.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 “Since you’re an retired government employee, how’s that free government healthcare working out for you?”
What free government healthcare? I pay over $900 a month for health insurance. State retirees don’t get free anything. Our pensions came out of our paychecks; we pay for our health insurance; there isn’t a fucking dime of taxpayer subsidy anywhere. The only people who get taxpayer subsidies from the state are corporate blackmailers like Boeing. The lowly worker bees sure as hell don’t!
Is there anything you stupid wingnuts aren’t misinformed about?
Marvin Stamnspews:
61. Roger Rabbit spews:
@59 So, Marvin Stupes, as I understand it you’re upset because Democrats are allegedly behaving like Republicans? (snicker)
In #59 I believe the point I was making was the hypocrisy of the left.
That during the bush years hitler/nazi references were acceptable, now with a democrat in the white house they feel it hits a little too close to home and want the same name calling stopped.
That during the bush years the left believed in “dissent is patriotic” yet once a democrat is in the white house dissent becomes reportable.
So be a good trained bunny and report me to your supreme leader.
That during the bush years hitler/nazi references were acceptable
I never called Bush a Nazi. I’ve been in these comment threads since at least December 2004 and I can’t remember a single time when someone on my side of the aisle said Bush=Hitler.
Now I’ve called his regime fascist which is different. Remember Bush himself said things would be easier if this country was a dictatorship as long he’s the dictator.
And anyone who considers Obama’s administration as anything close to Nazism is lying or just plain stupid.
Oh shoot I remember now. This is Marvin I’m talking to!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why shouldn’t we call Republicans “Nazis”? After all, they want to overthrow our government, eliminate our civil rights, and exterminate us. They even said so.
Marvin Stamnspews:
67. YLB spews: That during the bush years hitler/nazi references were acceptable
I never called Bush a Nazi. I’ve been in these comment threads since at least December 2004 and I can’t remember a single time when someone on my side of the aisle said Bush=Hitler.
Damn, I’m impressed. One of your better misdirections.
Gee you wingers keep saying the left-leaning folks in these comments threads are so EXTREME yet I can’t remember any regulars here who called Bush “Hitler”.
We called him a bunch of other names but it’s only natural to do that to the worst President this country has ever had.
Ahhh the Kennedys’, the ultimate American crime syndicate.
Marvin Stamnspews:
70. YLB spews:
Gee you wingers keep saying the left-leaning folks in these comments threads are so EXTREME yet I can’t remember any regulars here who called Bush “Hitler”.
Did you google it or just rely on your memory?
I googled, “bush/hitler”
Your memory has been proven faulty.
Marvin Stamnspews:
70. YLB spews:
Gee you wingers keep saying the left-leaning folks in these comments threads are so EXTREME yet I can’t remember any regulars here who called Bush “Hitler”.
Do you have anything to say about moveon running their bush/hitler commercial?
Can you name a conservative group running an obama=hitler ad?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
These KLOWNS are in denial. And this poll only includes a day or so from the Leftist plan to call the minority “Nazi’s”! These KLOWNS may know how to win elections in the new millenium…but they don’t know how to retain power.
The same Rasmussen Poll had Obama at +32 post-inauguration. He is now at -8. But according to the KLOWNS, America is strongly ehind him…NOT!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 31% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8.
Ooops… they took that down might quick…
What do you know about the Represnetative Darryl Issa on the Maher show last night. He seemed pretty bright.
I actually liked his comments on healthcare and there seemd to rapport between Issa and Huffington.
Fat inmate hides gun in the folds of his fat:
In the past, I have asked obese people if they like to hide snacks in the folds of their fat, instead of using their pockets. Sometimes they would become angry at my question. The above story proves my suspicion right. Fat people store objects in the folds of their belly fat.
3 – Marvin Stamn has spoken out against heavy people in these threads. In fact he called Obama’s candidate for Surgeon General, a “fat ass”.
But combine a heavy tea bagger, the second amendment and a health care townhall – you have a potent “conceal to carry” strategy to use against “union thugs” when it’s screamin’ time against the lib-leaning Congress Critter.
Susan Hutchinson says “my lips are sealed.”
Finally some honesty from her – about her campaign for county executive, which has been notable for what she’s refused to say about things voters want to know.
Like: is she a Republican?
She has fought for months the release of public records that were improperly sealed.
She won’t answer questions.
She avoids candidate forums.
Yes, her lips are sealed, unless her lips are reading from a script prepared by her campaign staff, which she does quite well.
@5: Isn’t it nice to know that we in Seattle can have our very own Sarah Palin clone?
Susan Hutchison lied to her employer and got caught. The thing is, when you’re caught red-handed, you should own up to what you did. She might would have been able to salvage her job if she’d told KIRO, “I was wrong,” and apologized. People can relate to calling the boss cause you were tired and just wanted or needed a day off. But lying and taking a vacation, then covering up the lie, makes the employee look untrustworthy to the employer. Hutchison claims to be a “Christian” but she went around lying to her bosses and spreading vicious gossip about her fellow workers. What kind of “Christian” is that? And who would want to work with someone like that? Or, who wants another LYING REPUBLICAN CLAIMING TO BE A CHRISTIAN running the government. Can’t trust Hutchison to tell the truth.
Here is how the bro’ with the credit card is paying for Porkulous, Cash for Clunkers, Auto Bailouts etc. From Doug Casey:
Wait until the underfunded Obamacare and other free stuff hits the books.
Eventually the chickens will come home to roost.
No free ride losers.
Fortunately, Americans are not being fooled en masse by Obamunism
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Pelosi will be the easy target…with her faux face, it has been hard to tell when she is lying. Now it’s easy…WHENEVER SHE OPENS HER YAP!
And lost. Just saw on NWCN that the judge unsealed the records.
Is she not obese? You can make the call. Look up what is considered obese and just like you judge people you hate, judge her. Yes, SGs in the past have been obese, does that mean she should get a free pass?
An obese surgeon general giving health advice is a joke. Would YOU spend your money on a CPA that just filed bankruptcy for himself? Or maybe invest your earnings (oops, you don’t earn, you live off someone else’s work), would you invest someone elses earnings with someone that is piss poor?
If you don’t know, obesity is one of the big problems with healthcare, people have such little respect for themselves they allow themselves to get fat. Of course, it’s not all black and white, thereare a few people that are fat due to no fault of their own. But for the other 99.9% of the fat population, the blame lays on their plates.
Would you think it’s fair if you paid more for car insurance, not because of your driving habits, but because others drive drunk.
Why are you offended I am pointing out obesity is a major problem in amerikkka?
Obesity, which disproportionately affects African Americans and other minority groups, is a risk factor for a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers.
Strange how the planks of the democrat party works out. For abortions, which blacks make up a disproportionately number of those aborted. Now you are whining about me raising the issue of obesity while once again, blacks suffer disproportionately. And lets not forget how in the same school district (democrat controlled of course), blacks drop out disproportionately to the white students.
Funny how the democrat agenda works out for the black population.
And if being called fat is so offensive to you, why have you never said anything when your fellow left-wingnuts call rush fat. It’s kinda looking like you have two sets of rules, one for the democrats and one for everyone else. Pretty fucking pathetic on your part isn’t it.
Where did all those democrats go that believe in the “separation of church and state?”
Loretta Sanchez disguises her Town Hall Meeting as a “Prayer Vigil” to avoid protesters
I wonder why democrats are so scared to hear the voices of the citizens?
8 – Doug Casey – yet another batshit insane right wing crank.
And the biggest source of material that Mr. Klyn brings here.
I hope Casey’s made a lot of money for you Klyn. He’s predicted catastrophe at every recession and he’s been wrong every time.
Keeps the subscribers rolling in I guess…
11 – You don’t get it. Troll has informed us that heavy people can conceal weapons in the folds of their skin to fight “union thugs” when they object to your screaming at townhalls.
You can drop your bigotry now!
And you don’t. I wonder why? I thought you were against heavy people.
And we call a viagra-fueled sex tourist and a pathological liar, hypocrite and racist.
The truth hurts doesn’t it?
9 Cyn
A week ago the Index was -10, two days ago it was was -8, now it’s -5. The president is getting MORE popular even by Rasmussen’s meaning-challenged (and your favorite) measure.
Deep Thought
In 8 years, Republicans never read a single bill in is entirety.
8 Cyn
Or a little thing we like to call “economic growth” will occur.
I took a look at Lee Stranahan’s site. He had a bit on “unschooling,” that is, what he called home schooling.
I have a friend who home schooled his kids until the eight grade. When the oldest went on the public school and the ninth grade, the kid got straight A’s. Now he’s a CPA, and the other kids in the family have done well in their studies, too.
So, home schooling is not necessarily bad, particularly when it produces good results. I personally don’t have the talent or inclination to be a home educator, but if it works for someone else, then I have no problem with home schooling.
I have read about people surviving their parachute not opening, but I don’t care to try it myself.
10 – Yeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
We’re going to dodge yet another bullet!
When are Republicans going to put someone up for office that isn’t batshit insane?
To each his own.
According to an AOL poll, 54% of AOL subscribers agree with Palin that President Obama’s health reform is “evil,” and well over half those responding to the poll have a “positive” impression of Palin.
I’ve long suspected these AOL polls are being hacked by rightwing operatives who use computer programs to stack the numbers. Given that AOL’s (ever-dwindling) subscriber base tends (or, at least, historically tended) to be better-educated, upper middle class professionals, these numbers simply aren’t believable.
AOL News carried an article this morning about Eunice Shriver Kennedy being in the hospital. This woman has never been a politician or held public office, and has devoted her life to good works like the Special Olympics, but you wouldn’t believe the vitriol being posted in the AOL comment thread under the news story by the rightwing haters. I swear to the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit we have a rampant epidemic of mental illness in this country. Or maybe all the wingers were bitten by bats and have rabies.
The Seattle Times has the Suzie story for all to read.
Reason she lost job? She was a lousy news anchor few people wanted to watch. Reason she sued? Sour grapes.
I completely understand you don’t understand the difference. Let me try once again to explain it to you.
I have the choice to not listen to rush, and the choice not to support his sponsors. I don’t listen to him. Rush has no power to enact any laws or regulations that I have to obey by threat of force by the government.
The new surgeon general has the power to change my life choices. I have no choice with her.
You only call people out of the other side of the isle.
Did you ever criticize teddy kennedy for his drinking problems? How patrick kennedy when he was caught under the influence of drugs when he crashed into the steps of congress? JFK for his “home tours of the stars” sex romps?
Why do you have more anger about rush the private citizen getting sex when john edwards not only had sex, was unable to figure out how to force his girlfriend into having an abortion was running for president. WHy don’t you hold democrats to the same standard as republicans.
I’m sure you were one of those that supported clinton and said it was only about sex and sex is a private matter. Yet now you have flipped-flopped talking about the private sex life of rush. Why do you change every single position you hold sacred when it comes to republicans? If you believe the democrats are that much better than republicans, shouldn’t you hold them to a higher standard?
That’s a question you can answer best with a few moments of honest self-reflection.
Probably the same kind of hate and vitriol that was spread about palin and her kid trig.
Why didn’t that offend you?
Oh yeah, you never claim to be fair. You admit you’re as partisan as one can be.
Haven’t you complained about the healthcare you are receiving? Since you’re an retired government employee, how’s that free government healthcare working out for you?
Subject: FW: Health Tip of the Day
If you are bothered by occasional or frequent constipation, look in the mirror and repeat the following phrase three times in succession when symptoms occur:
The minons of the obama are making sure violence erupts at townhall meetings.
Considering the proliferation of digital cameras, video camers, cellphones and the internet, one would think people would be a little smarter when on camera.
This woman was actually trying to start fights with people in line, waiting to get into the auditorium at the Rep. Russ Carnahan townhall forum on aging.
Turns out the same woman in a video from the past she identifies herself as working for carnahan.
Why do democrats need to use force and the threat of force to get america to approve of their agenda.
Don’t forget, I’m dissenting. Be good little serfs and report to your master my words.
This is the program cheney always wanted to implement, to get neighbor to turn in neighbor, except he couldn’t get enough republicans on board. You don’t hear a single democrat complaining. Strange how the democrats got exactly what they feared bush would do and now they don’t care.
From today’s Bozeman Chronicle:
29 MS
You don’t hear a single democrat complaining
Yes, because no one is taking names,despite your paranoid fantasies.
And by the way, Cheney GOT the program he wanted, which was a massive illelgal domestic surveillance and data-mining operation. We’re still investigating it.
28 Cyn
WHY do you persist in pasting other people’s words in here without attribution?
27 MS
Sarah Palin just dragged ol’ Trig out into public one more time to complain about the nonexistent “Death Panel.” Seems to me that she has NOTHING that she can complain about on his behalf when she wields him like a club herself.
So suing her former employer qualifies Susan to run the county? LMFAO!! Oh yeah, let’s put her in charge!
I like how she called an intern’s mother and told her that the boss wanted to fuck her daughter. Too much.
Sigh. Yet another dumbassery dump from Stamn. Let’s see what we got:
Uhhh.. Yeah right. Sure.. He just exhorts his zombie listeners to scream at Congress Critters trying to explain their positions to their constituents.. A real advocate for civil discourse that greedhead.
What she going to do? Recommend eating right, exercise, no smoking, moderate alchohol consumption, stress reduction and safe sex? Hell, Everett Koop recommended that. And you certainly have the “choice” to vote for idiot Congress Critters that will obviate anything she’ll do or say. The tobacco industry has done it for years.
Who was in charge the last eight years? More than that actually. You a big fan of how the last crowd ran things?
1) Teddy was never my Senator. I couldn’t vote yea or nay for him. Far as I know he never took money like Jefferson and served his State well – they kept sending him back. Some people can handle the bottle and some like Tower of Texas not so much which cost him the SecDef job. Again the people of MA kept sending Teddy back – your feckless right wing bullshit had no effect on them and yet you still believe repeating it here would bring you some comfort – as good a definition of insanity as I’ve seen.
2) Pat Kennedy? His constituents can recall him if they like. I don’t know anything about him beyond what right wing fools bloviate here and of course I take that with a shaker full of salt.
3) JFK – way before my time. The man is dead alright?
4) I supported Edwards. He screwed up big time. His career in politics is over.
There are Republicans in Congress right now OK? After 2006 they blocked the wind down of the war in Iraq after the American people had had it up to their foreheads with it. They stood to a man/woman behind Bush to block SCHIP, support Military tribunals for detainees, immunize Telecomm companies from violating our rights – down the line on the WRONG side of the issues. Yep, spineless Dems helped as well, but many Dems also voted correctly – can’t say that for hardly any Republicans.
To the best of my knowledge, Clinton has never gone to the Dominican Republican on a sex tour packing viagra. But even if he did I don’t recall him trying to buy votes or in Limpblow’s case radio ratings with any holier than thou rhetoric about traditional family values.
Limpblows is a hypocrite!!
I do. I’m no fan of Dems that hurt the progressive cause.
Something you have yet to show much of, in my view.
Nobody said it was. The problem as I see it is setting a uniform standard for these independent settings. Unfortunately I’ve found that for every success story, like the one you described, there is another about a socially stunted failure.
Like you I think if it works go for it, but my concerns are while many people use it as an alternative for bad school systems far more others use it to shelter their children from the parts of reality they don’t like.
What sent this home for me was this: My mother makes educational games for dyslexic children (anyone curious you can see them here anyway one of the places she was displaying her wares was a home schooling convention. At the time I thought that would be the perfect market for her. But it turned out she hardly got any sales from it mainly because the average response she got was: “Oh I pray to Jayzus, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with my kid!”
Susan traveled such a hard road.
Yes, I’m absolutely certain now that she can handle the pressures and demands of serving in public office.
I am truly confident that she can handle the stress of serving in public office.
Dealing with stress and the demands of holding public office? Hey, that’ll be no problem for our Suzie.
Vindictive and a quitter. Hey, I lost track, was I talking about Palin or Hutch?
I think Lee Stranahan, on his blog, was inferring that all home schooling was bad and inferior to public education. I don’t think that’s necessarily so, IMHO. That’s the gist of my post @ 19, nothing more. I’ve been to private and public schools, but was never in a home school environment, so I can’t say with certainty that it’s better or worse than my educational experiences.
34 S
I’m thinking much the same. This is going to be a two bagger (popcorn).
This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. Rush Limbaugh (and dozens if not hundreds of other highly public Republican lawmakers, media personalities, activists, and pundits) took it upon themselves to moralize, tut-tut, and often flat-out lie to condemn Bill Clinton’s affair. Calling them out on their on indiscretions is justly exposing their hypocrisy, which they asked for in spades. This is regardless of my or anyone else’s opinion of whether these indiscretions should result in some sort of official sanction, which affirmative response is the only event that would render your argument valid.
What do you call a straw man when it is not just misleading but completely and utterly irrelevant? Maybe “Marvin.”
I would definitely call out Bill Clinton on HIS hypocrisy if he attempted now to moralize about someone else’s sexual peccadilloes, but you know if you’ve paid attention that he hasn’t.
@28 Lying bastard Stamn
You must have slept well when Reqgan ranup the largest budget deficit in history or when Bush did, huh?
Why are you such a stupid, biased bitter little person?
Did your Mommy not love you? Or did Daddy leave your family and you have been trying to make up for it ever since?
What a total loser you are! Did you even finish the 4th grade? Cause you are unable to actually make a cogent argument and you fail to recognize when you are being a hypocrite or contradicting yourself.
35 YLB
There are Republicans in Congress right now? Well, I’ll be.
42 cnr
I did not leave his family!
Of course no one is taking names. (wink wink)
I’m not disagreeing. Lots of right-wingers had fun with clinton and him shaking his finger at the american people lying that he never had sex with that woman. Of course it was his lying under oath that got him in trouble.
Except for my enjoyment of left-wingers insisting that sex was a private matter all of the sudden being interested in the sex life of rush, I could care less if clinton had sex with a consenting adult.
Call it what you like.
Just like you pointing out that reps have said one thing and done another, I’m pointing out that the dems did one thing (insist clinton/sex was a private matter) and now doing the opposite (being obsessed with rush/sex). Like the left-wingnuts said,
Everyone is a hypocrite to some point.
Thanks for the link, Marvin. I just turned you in as a danger to America’s goats. So you can expect to be called to appear before a socialist gub’mint “Death Panel” assigned to deal out justice to America’s wingnut goatfuckers *. Good riddance to you, you fucking America-hating loon.
*(wink, wink) Just kidding, asswipe.
“Everyone is a hypocrite”
Um, some more so than others, you loony goatfucker.
Limbaugh says he’s a holier than thou “conservative” on the radio. Many of his sheep supposedly believe him.
Except of course when goes on a sex tour with a bag full of viagra. Even then the sheep go along the scam.
Do you see the contradiction? He’s the de facto leader of the Republicans now. If the Republicans step out of line and diss him they are forced to apologize to him.
To him of all people.
42. correctnotright spews:
@28 Lying bastard Stamn
I didn’t vote for reagan or bushs.
Are you a hypocrite? IF you were bothered about regan and bush running up the largest deficit, besides the fact the president has a (D) next to his name, why isn’t the ballooning budget a concern to you anymore.
Isn’t america great, you are free to say something belittling someone without having to show any proof that is beyond republican/democrat political hate. Yeah, you are exactly what you call me. Let’s say I am stupid, does your hate-filled calling me stupid help me at all? Calling me biased is your projection. Again, living in america we can choose to be biased against people that don’t share your views.
You got me there. Mommy didn’t love me and daddy ran off. Your powers of deduction are amazing.
What kind of person would write that about someone, a loving kind person or a “stupid, biased bitter little person?” Ouch! Your words.
Again, your “stupid, biased bitter little person” person is coming out.
The 4th grade insult doesn’t even make sense if for no other reason my spelling is dephinitely 6th grade.
I’ve never said I’m not a hypocrite.
Like dr phils says, people hate in others what they refuse to acknowledge in themselves.
By the way, I contradict myself a lot for the amusement of watching the gullible lap it up. Like above when I was talking about my spelling skills and spelled definitely incorrect. Or like the way gbs assumed I was black when I said I was on welfare. Of course I’m not on welfare, it was funny to me to see someone expose a little more of himself in the attempt to insult me.
45 MS
Well, I guess until people start spilling their guts like they did about Bush’s programs, they’re still just your paranoid fantasies.
46 MS
Wrong, it was the four-year, $40 million investigation (ginned up originally by Drudge and the Republican-owned media) that came up with exactly nothing that “got him in trouble.” And “lots of right-wingers had fun” telling us all how Clinton was morally bankrupt and had given up his moral right to hold office because of his affair. Not that they waitied for the affair to attack him, which began on January 20, 1993. And, of course, the president never said he never had sex with that woman.
Sex is a private matter. But hypocrisy is not, even if it’s Rush Limbaugh’s. It’s totally fair game. I don’t give a damn who Rush fucks, whether they are of age, or what drugs he has to use to make it possble, given his obesity. But I will point out his incredible hypocrisy, over and over, amen.
So, in conclusion, you pretending that something isn’t so doesn’t make it not so. Maybe Daddy DID leave, which led to the stunting of your emotional and intellectual understanding. It’s just a theory.
50 MS
Ah, but we DO care. Which is why we supported our president and the Democratic Congress in 1993 raising the taxes that balanced the budget without a single Republican vote.
But take a look around. The last president left us with two hot wars and a global financial meltdown unequaled since the Great Depression. Consumer spending, the demand cornerstone of our economy, is in the toilet. The recession started in December 2007, for God’s sake. The government has to provide the spending that partially replaces consumer purchases until the economy recovers. We’ll fix things now, and balance the budget later.
@53 had a bad tag closure.
An excellent link for viewing the protesters, both for and against free government healthcare.
It’s a right wing website so you don’;t have to read anything.
Look at the signs of those opposed to the government healthcare and the signs of the pro-obama healthcare.
Why do the pro-obama healthcare all have the same sign. Do they march that exactly in lockstep or were the signs made and trucked in for the protest.
Strange, no pictures of any “teabaggers” with swastikas like pelosi said.
Maybe one of you can provide pics of those swastikas being worn at the healthcare protests.
Swastikas? Sure, Marvin, right here.
Hey, do yo know how many e-mail addresses they ahve I heard they even had such e-mail addresses during Bush’s term. Clearly the e-mail police state began long ago.
Those people are opposed to hitler and nazis. Didn’t you see the red line through the swastikas? You’re not pro-nazi are you?
Once again let me expose your left-wing hypocricy…
Since you’ve been living in a cave for the last 9 years, let me inform you that what the left is now complaining about the left has been doing towards bush/republicans for 8 years. Here is a pic and a link to more pictures so you can learn the left has been playing the hitler/nazi card for quite a while.
Wouldn’t that be that hypocrisy thing you used to beat the toe tapper and the sanford guy over the head with.
The hypocrisy is there, can you admit it?
And what was the email address that bush used when he asked republicans to turn in democrats.
Got link?
The obama sure doesn’t like being questioned… the planted questions at townhalls, the telepromters, and his Be a good comrade and turn in your neighbor that isn’t being a good american program.
It seems like only yesterday when prominent democrats would say we have the right to disagree with ANY administration.
I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.
Funny how things change with a democrat in office.
Oh, I get it…
That;s the change the obama promised. No more dissent allowed.
One of my mouse friends in Oregon got inside an ATM machine and built himself a nest from $20 bills. Now that burrow is what I call a gold-plater!!
@59 So, Marvin Stupes, as I understand it you’re upset because Democrats are allegedly behaving like Republicans? (snicker)
@58 “the left has been doing towards bush/republicans for 8 years”
Uh no, Marvie, we spent the bush/gop years getting arrested and thrown out of town hall meetings before we could even say a word. It seems the Rethugs weren’t willing to let us have a say. We’re not saying you guys can’t say your piece; we’re merely asking you to do it in a civil manner and let other people hear and be heard, too. But that seems beyond the ability of the toddlers who make up the Rethuglican Party.
if the Republicans win with “Just Say No To Fucking Everything” on health insurance reform, we’ll still have the present healthcare system. Meaning that we’ll have (1) flat-lining wages, (2) exploding Medicaid and Medicare costs and thus immense pressure for future tax increases, (3) small businesses and self-employed individuals priced out of the insurance market, and (4) a lot of uninsured or underinsured people imposing costs on hospitals and local governments.
Just what they want. Except for the part about Medicare and Medicaid, because aprently they cannot uncderstand what those are.
Makes you wonder, though, ot only why conservatives are opoposed to insurance reform, but also why they are so angry about it. Part of the anger is because of liars like MS and Cyn telling them patent untruths that they are too ignorant and too dependent on the teat of Faux News to evaluate independently.
But some of Jum DeMint’s constituents are one serious illness away from bankruptcy that republican suport for the so-called “bankruptcy bill” made nearly impossible. Some of Michelle Bachmann’s voters can’t get coverage because of a pre-existing condition. Some Susan Hutchison supporters will see their insurance companies drop them when they need their coverage most. Many of Sarah Palin’s fans already enjoy the benefits of government-run health care (hell, MOST of the people I see protesting in pics are over 65). A bunch of the same people who attended tea parties in April saw the insurance for themselves and their families disappear after they lost their job.
Everyone is getting screwed by the status quo. A huge chunk of the country is uninsured, underinsured, or uninsurable, and the system does not care how you voted in the last election.
But what it the Republican solution? “Tort reform.” It’s nuts. Suppose you’re a 52 year-old with a pre-existing medical condition who kinda wants to leave his job and start a new company. Under the current system in the United States, you have a serious problem. Republican proposals (if we can even dignify them with that name) do nothing for you. Or suppose you had good insurance, got sick, and are now suffering from “rescission” (you know, cancellation) of your policy. They’ve got nothing.
Bottom line: in GOP-land we’ll “solve” the problem of cost largely by having people not get the health care. The RNC is the “death panel.”
@27 “Since you’re an retired government employee, how’s that free government healthcare working out for you?”
What free government healthcare? I pay over $900 a month for health insurance. State retirees don’t get free anything. Our pensions came out of our paychecks; we pay for our health insurance; there isn’t a fucking dime of taxpayer subsidy anywhere. The only people who get taxpayer subsidies from the state are corporate blackmailers like Boeing. The lowly worker bees sure as hell don’t!
Is there anything you stupid wingnuts aren’t misinformed about?
In #59 I believe the point I was making was the hypocrisy of the left.
That during the bush years hitler/nazi references were acceptable, now with a democrat in the white house they feel it hits a little too close to home and want the same name calling stopped.
That during the bush years the left believed in “dissent is patriotic” yet once a democrat is in the white house dissent becomes reportable.
So be a good trained bunny and report me to your supreme leader.
I never called Bush a Nazi. I’ve been in these comment threads since at least December 2004 and I can’t remember a single time when someone on my side of the aisle said Bush=Hitler.
Now I’ve called his regime fascist which is different. Remember Bush himself said things would be easier if this country was a dictatorship as long he’s the dictator.
And anyone who considers Obama’s administration as anything close to Nazism is lying or just plain stupid.
Oh shoot I remember now. This is Marvin I’m talking to!
Why shouldn’t we call Republicans “Nazis”? After all, they want to overthrow our government, eliminate our civil rights, and exterminate us. They even said so.
Damn, I’m impressed. One of your better misdirections.
But we both know it was a common occurrence. A simple google search proves it.
Not in the HA comment threads to my recollection.
Gee you wingers keep saying the left-leaning folks in these comments threads are so EXTREME yet I can’t remember any regulars here who called Bush “Hitler”.
We called him a bunch of other names but it’s only natural to do that to the worst President this country has ever had.
Ahhh the Kennedys’, the ultimate American crime syndicate.
Did you google it or just rely on your memory?
I googled, “bush/hitler”
Your memory has been proven faulty.
Do you have anything to say about moveon running their bush/hitler commercial?
Can you name a conservative group running an obama=hitler ad?
These KLOWNS are in denial. And this poll only includes a day or so from the Leftist plan to call the minority “Nazi’s”! These KLOWNS may know how to win elections in the new millenium…but they don’t know how to retain power.
The same Rasmussen Poll had Obama at +32 post-inauguration. He is now at -8. But according to the KLOWNS, America is strongly ehind him…NOT!