It is a special evening for the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally.
Tonight’s meeting will be held at Seattle’s Town Hall for a talk entitled “Barack Obama and the Challenge of the Bush Legacy” by Walter Williams (emeritus professor at the UW’s Center for American Politics and Public Policy) and Bryan D. Jones (professor at the University of Texas, Austin Department of Government). Start time is 7:30pm.
After the talk (around 9:00pm) the Drinking Liberally crowd will migrate to a (currently) undisclosed location for debriefing, drinks and discussion.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for some 320 chapters of Drinking Liberally spread across the earth. There’s bound to be one near you.
Glad you spoke up. As an only sometimes attendee, I had no idea. See you another time….
Roger Rabbit occasionally makes brief cameo appearances at DL but I dunno about going downtown … that’s a hassle …
A collection of Bush-hating LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS circle-jerking and making excuses for the Porkulous Package and Democrat Tax Cheaters.
Have a pleasant group masterbation session.
It’s all you KLOWNS have going for you.
“Fetal stem cells trigger tumors in ill boy.”
To no one’s surprise. Except maybe this group.
Hey, what do you KLOWNS think about my neighbor’s new Security System?
1. Go to a secondhand store and buy a pair of men’s used size 14-16 work boots.
2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Guns & Ammo Magazine.
3. Put a few giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines.
4. Leave a note on your door that reads:
Big’un, Duke, Slim, & I went for more ammo and beer.
Back in an hour. Don’t mess with the pit bulls – they
attacked the mailman this morning and messed him up
bad. I don’t think Killer took part, but it was hard
to tell from all the blood. Anyway, I locked all four
of ’em in the house. Better wait outside.
@ 4
Why would anyone here be surprised? We’ve argued in favor of funding research, which means that, in general, stem cell products are not ready for prime time.
@ 5
Cynical, I think that’d likely work very well in your neighborhood. It lacks all credibility in mine.
@5: You know THAT home would have nothin’ worth taking.
Just like cynucal has nothin’ worth sayin’. Obama has been in office less than a month, and the fat hypocriote cynical has a post everyday bad-mouthing Obama – yet the worst President in hsitory that brought this depression on us….cynical has nothin’ to say.
Hypocrites like cynical are a dime a dozen – nothing worthwhile to say and just like the republican party – a bunch of idealogues with no new ideas and a bunch of bad old ideas.
I would love to actually meet cynical – he talks tough but I bet he would run from me if he ever met me. What a freekin’ wimp. Not only an intellectual coward, but probably a physical one too.
@4 Penicillin didn’t succeed at first, either. And cars kill far more people than stem cells do. Hell, cars kill even more people than Republican military misadventures.
@5 I don’t need one of those redneck security systems. I’ve got a 12-gauge. With my security system they don’t come back again.
When Cynical starts recycling old jokes on HA, it usually means he’s got nothing else to do because the goats are menstruating.
Dr NotRight:
Another memory test for the libtards.
I thought Hillary told us some time ago:
“I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say, we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.”
Well, we’s jus followin dat Secy of State boss. Obama thought she wuza smart lady.
So wazza matta u doc?
Dr NotRight:
Cynical is a polished individual. I gots the brillo pad. When can I start on you?
Dr NotRight: Want the black version of that joke?
I’m sure leadless douchy has it memorized 24×7.
@12: cynical doesn’t debate – he/she doesn’t have the brain to actually debate. Cynical just takes cheap shots and then runs away.
When has cynical backed up anything with real facts? When has cynical actually hled republicans accountable?
I haven’t seen it yet. People like cynical are the worst kind of hypocrites – criticizing without any facts or any sense of balance. the worst part is that cynical doesn’t even know what a hypocrite she is.
Cynical @ 5: Yea, it might work. You left out the part about the car engine suspended by a chain in the back yard.
But then again, all it might do is advertise to the burglars that (a) they need to post an armed lookout who will shoot you without warning if you happen to drive up (after all, they will assume that you are armed); (b) shoot any dogs inside assuming they are dangerous; and (c) tear the house apart looking for the guns which you helpfully advertised as being present there and ready to steal.
A more effective remedy might be one a friend of mine used. After a couple of incidents of vandalism, he put a sign on the front and back doors which simply said: “You have already been photographed by hidden cameras. The pictures are stored on a computer at a different location. If you were contemplating commiting a crime, please note that you are already caught. Your best bet is to turn around and walk away.” Did he really have a hidden cameras? The technology is relatively cheap and accessable now. If you ask him, he just smiles, and doesn’t say a thing. He hasn’t had a problem since then.
I bet this man is a conservative. He saw a problem and reacted.
8. correctnotright spews:
cnr..before you go shootin’ yer mouth off, you might consult with Puddy before challenging me to some physical confrontation. Puddy actually met me. If you are soooo tough, perhaps you would feel confident in challenging Puddy & I to a “cage-match”???
What do you think Puddy??
That is a less violent approach.
Problem is most criminals are stupid and can’t read.
One of the best ones I heard was a tape recorder that played intermittent vicious dog growls at each door.
Criminals are stupid. But even if they can’t read, they sure as heck can hear!
Today’s Rasmussen:
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
It was at +38%.
Obama is in free-fall less than 1 month since taking office.
Porkulous is ridiculous.
So were his tax-cheatin’ appointees.
Gregg called BS on the White House take-over of the Census.
The list goes on and on.
@8 I bet he would run from me if he ever met me.
Godzilla would run away from you if he ever met you, you dope.
Cynical… while a cage match has promise could you deal with the libtard sliminess? You would have issues trying to get a good hand hold, as they would slip out of your hands.
Cynical @ 20: I notice you only quoted the “strongly approve” portion, rather than including those in the next catagory which make up the general “approval” rating.
I think it’s hillarious that after only three weeks in office, you are trying to proclaim the death of Obama’s presidency. Especially after spending so much effort, even as late as last summer, to claim that after 7-1/2 years, any problems during the Bush administration were the fault of Clinton.
Cynical, Using Rasmussen pizzes off the mASSes.
Good idea!
rhp-we’ve posted the Rasmussen links many times. Read it for yourself. Due diligence makes you smarter. Maybe that’s something y’all can demonstrate to HAs clueless idiot.
Even though Rasmussen has the best track record of any poll the past 5 years….for some reason it pizzes ’em off!
Sounds like THE TRUTH HURTS!
Poor Puddy and cynical – the idiots don’t even know how to read a poll.
If you even looked at the Rasmussen poll you would see the numbers are way down for all catagories a large p[ercentage of no answers, probably the way they asked the questions) – but the republican approval is even lower:
Boehner at 18%
McConnell at 21%
So much for the idiots even reading or interpreting a poll. If you look at the Gallup poll – it shows about 70% approval for Obama and around 30% or less for the idiot republicans (and dropping).
Ooops – wrong again. Do you guys try to be wrong so often or does it just come naturally?
Oh, and your hero (sic) Bush – worst President ever. Worst in war, worst in peace and worst in the hearts of his countrymen.
It is not often that President can cause the largest budget deficits in history and the worst economy in at least 30 years at the same time.
Not to mention the least respect for the US in the world.
@23 It’s so obvious that Cynical’s hoping that America goes further down the shit hole. He somehow believes that an America in flames would be good for his political party and the BIAW. Party before country. That’s his motto. I’ve been wrong to say that Cynical hates this country. He just doesn’t give a shit.
Isn’t that right, Cynical?
Actually you are projecting precisely what you did the past 8 years!!
Now you project the projection. Sick shit, Cynical. You need help.