Last week I forgot to mention in the Drinking Liberally post that tonight is the monthly meeting of Drinking Liberally South Bellevue.
They meet at 7:00 PM at the Mustard Seed Grill and Pub.
From their mailer:
The topic, of course, will be the debt ceiling. Tuesday is the deadline to raise the debt ceiling. Will we have a deal? If so, how bad will it be? What is the damage assessment? Extortion : 2. the crime of obtaining money or some other thing of value by the abuse of one’s office or authority .
The debt ceiling extortion on behalf of the Tea-Party and House Republicans represents the most brazen and potentially destructive abuses of political power I can remember in my lifetime. In an attempt to achieve their political agenda, Congressional Republicans are threatening to blow up our economy and the “full faith and credit” of the U.S. Government. Many of them are, I’m afraid, actually too stupid to understand the implications of default. Lawrence O’Donnell yesterday characterized them as “uneducable”. Even the US Chamber of Commerce thinks they are nuts.
Some have called the endeavor “economic terrorism”and even”treason”. Ironically, it is being perpetrated by the group that fancies themselves as the most patriotic Americans.
Why are they doing this? To weaken the President, cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and shield the richest individuals and corporations from any shared sacrifice in the attempt to get our deficits under control.
Meanwhile, Congress has completely abandoned any and all efforts to create jobs.
This is truly a very low period in our political history. So lets have a beer or soda and commiserate.
Hope to see you Monday.
Can’t make to Bellevue tonight? The Seattle chapter meets tomorrow night and the Tacoma chapter meets on Thursday night. Essentially, with 230 chapters of Living Liberally, including seven in Washington state, chances are excellent there is a chapter near you.
Bruce Bartlett destroys every Republican fiscal talking point in 5 minutes
So funny. Sad, too. But he forgot to mention the hobbits.
I think John McCain did hobbits a real disservice, hobbits seem like friendly and sensible creatures, nothing at all like the tea baggers.
Here’s a book leftists will not dare read!
Another $7 Trillion in debt over the next 10 years. Last week in Europe Standard and Poor’s said they would downgrade our debt because these “compromises” didn’t address the needed $4 Trillion in real debt reduction.
So scream all you want DUMMOCRAPTS. It will probably happen anyway.
@3 I’d love to read a liberal-biased media, if you can tell me where to find one. I need a vacation from all the media rightwing crap.
@4 Gee, pussybutt, is it finally dawning on you that our congress critters just actually cut $20 billion from a $3 trillion-plus budget? You can get that much just by axing five SR-520 floating bridges.
Does anyone here seriously believe that Congress would actually cut their own spending? The most anyone ever got from Congress was a promise that a future Congress would cut unspecified future spending. This time was no different.
Heh. Federal Way isn’t too far from Auburn.
Obama had 4T worth of cuts on the table and the Republicans walked away from it.
Let’s see.
End Iraq and Afghanistan
Bring troops home from Europe
Cut Military spending on projects Pentagon does not want
Kill all Gov’t spending in Texas (They plan to succeed from the Union anyway)
That should save a lot.
Fix the Rethug’s Medicare Part D
Allow the Gov’t to negotiate drug prices.
Change that silly have to subscribe to a subscription plan you are stuck for a year with no matter what to an Amazon like market place where you can shop for lowest price/appropriate drugs for your problem.
Ans allow legitimate drug suppliers from anywhere in the world into the market.
That should also help with reducing the debt.
And what were they Michael? Seems no one knew what they really were including his mouthpice Jay Carney.
Need to see the Whitey House presser again?
Read da book Roger Dumb Rabbit!
you guys are slacking, i actually saw a white male judge on tv last night.
‘O come off it Puddy, the Democrats repeatedly put more cuts on the table than the Republicans and the Republicans ran away like scared children every time.
I don’t need to read some stupid book that you identify to know that the media in this country is biased to the right. All I have to do is read, watch, and listen. Reality leans left. What is reported here, by media outlets owned by massive corporations, leans to the inane, the implausible, and the right. No question about it.
Jay Inslee is catching hell on Face Book for the Democrats selling out to the Republicans.
You have to really feel sorry for the ButtPutty’s goats.
When ButtPutty, who really, really smells bad, reads a right wing whacko’s book like this one, he really gets a hard-on. Poor goats. They are in for a bad, bad night. They’re going to need Preparation-H for sure, come morning.
All things are relative
If your viewpoint is that Fox News is “Fair and Balanced” and not slanted, then it is true that pretty much all of the rest of the world’s news outlets do slant radically to the left. The exceptions being owned by News Corp.
But if you judge by that yard stick, you will see even Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan were flaming liberals.
What a surprise…
Support the technical amendment to the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002!
(otherwise known as the debt ceiling increase …)
If a member of Congress, I’d have voted yes, then gone and puked afterward. The risk of a no vote was too huge. Inslee did the right thing. But, he’ll have a hangover in the morning.
What was that other book the very smelly ButtPutty tried pushing on us? Something about Intelligent Design, wasn’t it? I’m sure this book lives up to the same standards…
Be sure and discuss all of the interest income you are all getting from your investments, and house profits, and raises….
Yes indeed I’ll second Puddybud’s recommendation on that book to folks on the left and extend that to people on the RIGHT side of aisle to boot!
And while you’re at it, don’t forget to read ALL of Puddybud’s 30,000+ comments here in the threads.
The gist of most of the comments is that voting “yes” was the right thing to do. The problem was allowing yourself to be held hostage by a handful of dim bulbs so that you had to vote yes. I agree with them.
The whole nation did, indeed, get held hostage to a bunch of dim bulbs in the House. Of course, nobody got held hostage more to them than did John Boehner. He’s drinking wine right now and chain smoking, I’m pretty sure. I think the Republican Party is on its deathbed. I hope in 2012 that those who voted in those dim bulbs recognize what they did. Fat chance, I suppose. About time this nation grew up, wised up, and hit adulthood.
We need to vote a few folks with D’s after their names AND spines into office. I wonder what it would take to stage a bloodless coup. Get enough backing for new folks for the office holder to decide it was time to step down and “spend time with family” and endorsing the newcomer.
the joke is, you have the jew steve rattner, criminal, stolen millions from america, complaining that the tea party are terrorists.
You’re on EDT. Way past your bedtime. Of course, noon is way past bedtime for someone as comatose as you.
The Obomaconomy is going to sink him in the next election.
avg 40 weeks job hunting, and 2% drop in wages, and this is the average
Stock market tanking almost 1000 points
Hopee Changee ain’t goin so well for election time…
If we assume the current national debt is $14.5 trillion dollars, our defense budget is approximately $700 billion, and we use 4.06% as an interest rate for that debt, if we do not spend a cent on defense but use the yearly $700 billion to pay off the debt instead, it would take us approxiamtely 45 years to pay-off the $14.5 trillion.
Kids graduating this year from high school will be contemplating how they’ll ever be able to retire when this crushing debt is finally repaid. Children born in 2011 will be solidly into their middle age years.
Just a little something to cheer your day!!
@10 “End Iraq and Afghanistan
Bring troops home from Europe
Cut Military spending on projects Pentagon does not want”
So what are they cutting? Veterans’ benefits.
4000 FAA jobs.
Boner and the hobbits think their August recess is more important that doing the work of the Congress. Boner promises to take up the FAA reauthorization bill some time next month.
So 4000 FAA employees have been laid off for 11 days and the expectation is it will be another 5 weeks Boner and the hobbits get their act together and get these FAA employees back to work.
So instead of paying them 100% of their pay to do their jobs we’re paying them 3/4 of their pay to do nothing? Do I have that right?