Please join us tonight for an evening of electoral politics as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally gathers for a presidential debate-watching party.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle.
We’ll get an early start tonight, 6:00pm, and meet in the back room with the debate on the TV. Note that the pub can get loud, so if you really want to hear everything, bring headphones and a way to stream the audio. There is free WiFi available at the Roanoke.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Trump will try to make Harris look weak by being a bully and a jerk.
Harris will look presidential by not taking the bait and prosecuting the case for not electing him.
Donald’s gonna feel like Baron’s nanny and a couple small animals.
@1 – Harris will laugh like a hyena on acid.
@3 Going out on a limb much?
Which is the appropriate response when Donald says he supports sending Roe back to the states, says he had the best economy, says World Leaders respect and fear him, says he knows more about (insert literally anything) better than anyone, says he has no ties to Project 25, says he aced his very hard cognitive test, says he won the club golf championship…
Well it’s started, and she’s taking it to him right out of the gate. Called him a liar in her first response.
“Wharton says your economic plan sucks.”
“I went to Wharton.”
“And they say you suck.”
“Tariffs won’t raise prices!”
“How much of Wharton did you skip? Can we see your grades?”
Here comes the “she’s a Marxist!”
“They are for executing babies!”
Just look at her face, she is so ready for this when he stops.
Even the moderator just called him a liar.
“You’re gonna hear a bunch of lies. In over 20 states there are Trump abortion bans. It includes prison for life. Trump abortion bans. No exceptions for rape and incest.”
He can’t even look at her while she tears him a new asshole.
@9 The best part is he’s bragging about states passing abortion rights.
“We have the biggest rallies.”
She totally goaded him into that and now he’s on to World War 3 and EATING THE DOGS!
It’s done.
And Moderators..”I’ve seen people on television who said my dog was eaten!”
Here comes the “they’re eating the dogs and cats!”
Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un are watching this, laughing their asses off, and crossing their fingers that Trump gets elected again.
Beautiful. Within the first 30 minutes she broke him.
He’s talking over the moderators to sputter and yowp about dogs being eaten. While the Vice President looks on laughing in disbelief.
“When somebody does a bad job, I fire them!”
Not true. He fired everyone else, but didn’t fire himself.
“I got more votes than any Republican by far. I got more votes than any sitting president!”
Aaaaaaaand….you lost and threw a shit fit about it.
I think doctors will be splinting a lot of cracked ribs tomorrow, from people laughing so hard.
The FBI was defrauding! It was fraud.
“This is so rich for someone who was convicted of fraud.”
She makes him lose his shit and become unhinged. Then she begins painting the picture of what another Trump Presidency would look like and the stakes and risks by simply talking about his history that everybody watching already know. While continuing to introduce herself and explain who she is and how she would be different and better.
So far this is going her way.
“I wasn’t handed $400 million and then filed bankruptcy six times.”
@18 She’s winning this debate with her facial expressions.
“They took over a big part of Seattle.”
I know solar! She wants sex changes for prisoners. Ashlii Babitt!
(The people who burned down Minneapolis were prosecuted. They were Boogaloo boys.
It was debunked. Laura Ingram, Sean Hannity, Jessie (fuck I don’t remember his name) proved it was fake!
Clip to put in the ad.
“Elections are bad!”
“Donald Trump was fired by 81million people”
Ooooof. That one got a reaction.
Geezus. This is turning into a gang bang.
Trump vs. The World.
@3 Hey dipshit, where’s the cackling you promised us?
Viktor Orban, he’s smart they call him a strong man. I love that guy. When he rigs an election it says rigged.
He’s really scoring points with the crowd that totally knows the Qanon theories, the Heritage briefings and the NewsMax worldview.
Everyone else….wow this is one fucked up dude.
Even the fellow travelers know. The GOP no matter who know.
No puppet. She’s the puppet.
Hey now that we’re talking about foreign policy and Israel….
We take this quick break to talk about the Keystone Pipeline!
@ 1
Harris will look presidential by not taking the bait and prosecuting the case for
not electing himdisqualifying him from consideration.She started her closing statement in the middle of a rebuttal a few minutes ago.
@26 Best show in years. But the dipshit @3 and millions of other numbnuts will vote for the high-strung, cognitively impaired senior citizen anyway. Honestly, this debate pits rationality against ADHD.
FWIW, here’s your Nate Update:
🟥 Trump: 64.4% (new high)
🟦 Harris: 35.3%
Probably won’t be that wide a separation a week or so from now.
@36 Probably not, and it won’t take a week.
This is killer. Harris’s meeting with Zelensky and handing over the five eyes is what forced Putin to a standstill in the first spring.
He would have handed Ukraine to Putin. He refuses to say otherwise. And she personally traveled to Ukraine to save the country from being overrun.
She’s made him look WEAK.
“Quiet, please.”
Who woulda thunk it?
The head of NATO came up to me. He had tears in his eyes and he said, “Thank you for being the best. I love you.” It was Trump that got that done.
‘Scuse me while I mansplain with some lies.
@40 Putin was weeping tears of joy, too. “No more NATO!”
I got involved with the Taliban. I got 5,000 Taliban fighters released into urban Kabul over Christmas while I was golfing in Florida.
Props to the ABC mod for pushing Trump into some beeeyootiful Race Science™.
Most one-sided debate ever. She’s slaughtering him.
Why was it OK to invite Yassir Arafat to Camp David, but not Vladimir Putin?
These are the final minutes and questions.
She’s leaving them with a postive message about economic progress and focusing on the problems of middle class Americans. He’s fuming and spitting and interrupting the mods and shouting them down.
Trump just admitted, “I’m not president right now.” That’s gonna be hugely disappointing to his many MAGA fans who believe he is.
We haven’t seen Harris squirm a single time tonight.
We’ve seen Trump squirm quite badly on Ukraine, on Jan 6, on ACA, on “his generals”, on his felony convictions, and on Dobbs.
@49 Harris has been flawless tonight. Trump has looked like a kid throwing a sandbox tantrum.
There won’t be another debate. His handlers won’t let him near another lectern.
Next up: Forced Birth vs. Teacher, Coach, and National Guardsman.
There won’t be another presidential debate.
Boo. yah.
You should read some books.
Arafat’s 20 years in the grave.
Only I can keep the nukes from flying.
I looked into his eyes and saw what I wanted to be when I grew up.
knock, knock, knock..
dang, there was some cognitive decline there..
But magats like that.. they see that on tv and babble, “that’s me.. on tv!”
In other news, Missouri’s supreme court put abortion rights back on the November ballot.
It will, of course, pass — as it will in every state where the people are allowed to vote on the issue.
noun, verb, BOXCHECK MOMALA!
Putin threatened to invade a neighboring sovereign nation, Ukraine.
Trump bragged he would have “negotiated” to appease the invading tyrant.
Harris traveled to Ukraine to personally deliver the intelligence Zelensky needed to effectively mount a defense and a counter attack that saved his country.
This is just one of dozens of examples of the contrasts that Vice President Harris was able to successfully draw between her leadership and Trumps’ before the largest audience either campaign will be in front of before voting begins. Plenty of others in many other areas.
Of course the biggest issue area of concern and where Harris needed the most closure was on the economy. There she was not as successful in my opinion. Trump was fairly effective at hammering away at the frustrations and grievances that many voters still have about the economy. And Harris was somewhat weak and ineffective at reminding them just how badly Trump left the economy when he was fired. So she probably didn’t make as much progress on that one issue. But otherwise it was a rout. She didn’t have to be mean, or get angry to make Trump look foolish. He did that on his own. She kept her cool and looked presidential throughout. And she scored major points on Dobbs, healthcare, national security, and Jan 6/Stop the Steal. She remained poised. Trump lost it within the first 30 minutes.
We don’t normally see huge poll movements from debates like this. But I’m cautiously optimistic. Harris’s campaign is only six weeks old. There are still a tremendous number of swing voters who before tonight knew almost nothing about her. If they watched, or if they follow subsequent news coverage and see excerpted highlights, what they will see by way of an introduction will probably leave a very positive impression.
The honeymoon lasted just long enough to get us to this debate.
And Harris crushed it as she crushed Trump.
Kamala Harris just agreed yo another debate.
I kid but seriously. That went really well for Donald didn’t it?
Dang, that washed up, bankrupt, twice impeached, serial sex assaulting, convicted felon, grifter, fucking liar.. was so, so..
But I must admit.. just a tiny bit more likable than that pos in Florida. Don’t look at me.. Just ask teh magats…
Fox tells truth for a change.
Spin for their dumber viewers is the best they can do tonight.
@ 53
You should read some books.
Arafat’s 20 years in the grave.
The reference during the debate was to the “storied” Camp David.
Well, Carter meeting with Begin and Arafat was one of the stories to which she was referring. Why can Boxcheck Momala refer to the Putin story, but I can’t refer to the Peace Agreement story?
You just don’t like the fact that Arafat brought AIDS into Camp David.
I..I..I was told that Cumala wasn’t smart. A DEI hire.
@63 Carter met with Begin and Sadat..
read some books, dumbfuck..
His medical care was a lot like mine.
But cool to see you doing gay panic too. There’s cats in the dimsum in Ohio.
noun, verb, DEI HIRE!
That was GREAT. Youvdid SUCH a good job!
knock, knock, knock..
and y’all have heard about teh swifties, amirite?
knock, knock, knock..
News flash: Taylor Swift endorses Hairy-Balz for ‘24.
When it rains, I guess.
Taylor just endorsed.
Signed off as
Taylor Swift
Childless Cat Lady
65)In For All Mankind, it was Reagan, different outcome. The events of Season 2 set in an alternate 1983 towards the end of Reagan’s second term(Nixon wasn’t re-elected) lead to the Middle East being irrelevant.
I love that basically Taylor Swift lays her decision to publicly endorse Harris/Walz squarely at the Trump campaign’s feet for having produced an AI faked Trump endorsement about a week and a half back
Another classic Republican #OWNGOAL!!!
I wonder if Scotty P is going to remain quite as hot on Grubbard after this miserable debate performance. If she ever “had Harris’s number” like he claimed, why didn’t she whisper it into Trump’s prosthetic ear?
And she did it attached to a picture of her holding her cat.
20 million girls who are RVs not LVs are making friendship bracelets for November 5th.
“The Moderators might as well be on the DNC Payroll. This is ridiculous.” -Lindsey Graham
Oh I’m sorry but your guy was talking about eating cats and post birth abortion again and we’re journalists not Judge Jeanine.
@76 Groveling Lindsey’s humiliation is only beginning.
And Trump’s final debate prepper was …
Do yourselves a favor and click over to Fox News dot com before they start pretending tonight never happened.
They only fact checked TRUMP! (Well he was the one telling such lies. Not even nuanced bullshit but LIES)
Taylor Swift endorses (but it’s not in our headline. A story this bad for us we’re at least getting the clicks)
“Harris mocked for exaggerated facial expressions as Trump spoke at debate: ‘Comes across fake and weak’” -some dudes on Twatter!
“Stefanik claims victory for Trump”
Kamala wants another debate. 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
And Republicans did that.
Including dumbshit Republicans like Diet Private and Scotty P.
They gleefully spread around stupid Ian Miles Cheong bullshit and their gullible dipshit king picked it up and ran with it.
Now that will become a leading story describing his debate performance from now until election day.
If we act really fast we can make JD totally normal Vance the nominee. We have 48 hours.
Allen Brenycz of Minnesota lamented that Trump is “truly our last chance” to “address the issues that are affecting small businesses like mine.”
Brenycz’s restaurant has a digital billboard along the highway, which he dedicated “to supporting Donald Trump’s election campaign 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”
His restaurant promptly lost half its business. Doesn’t he know Minnesota is a blue state?
Here’s how various folks are describing tonight’s debate:
“A beatdown.” “She lit him up.” “Melted his orange face paint like the Nazis in Indiana Jones.” “Harris is winner by a knockout.” “She pitched a shutout.” “Trump looked old tonight.” “He’s fucked.”
And just like that,
Dark Brandy is born 😎
My God, she was Ammmmmmmmaaaaaaaazinggggg!
I wonder if Scotty P is going to remain quite as hot on Grubbard..
That whacko grifting kultist.. almost forgot about her..
kreepshit pinned a lot on her.. fayle…
Reminds me of the guy off 167 near the Auburn mall who for two years had the Real (U6) Unemployment Rate on his big lighted sign and then was all in for Romney/Ryan on it.
Dude. Been a long time since Auburn was redneck farm country. Place is a septic service company now.
Well there’s our first one. The CNN sequestered audience poll:
Who won the debate?
Harris: 63
Trump: 37
Same group on who they expected to win the debate
Harris: 50
Trump: 50
The 37% were seen passing around a bottle of Rumplemintz.
So part of me really feels this substack can’t be that nate silver but there’s a decent amount of deep fact checkers quoting it…
It’s a good thing Bob doesn’t have to debate Kamala, because I’m sure the Horse’s name would be brought up at some point.
They know. They saw.
DJT:US set ton opens down almost 15%
It’s now the investment version of the Barnes and Nobel 80% off table copies of ‘Art of the Deal”
Now that a televised presidential debate has brought us all the thoroughly enlightening opportunity to see a Republican Party nominee for President of the United States engage in an extended argument with moderator David Muir about an internet fable alleging falsely that family pets in Springfield Ohio are being hunted down and eaten for food, are we finally ready to let go and do away with this ridiculous performance art political tradition?
It obviously only serves the media. And they don’t work for us.
He called in to Fox and Friends of course:
It’s so unfair. Everything I said was perfect and if there was the teeny tiniest slip, which there wasn’t I was perfect in the interest of fairness if I said it then it’s always true.
Why didn’t they ask Kamel-uh about Hunter’s cocaine in the White House?
A real country like North Korea would have those so-called journalists executed.
If the 78-year-old convicted felon backs out of all further debates all of America should be grateful to him.
All except Grubbard, who will be left friendless, unemployed, and unable to continue to afford her Ozempic prescription.
“WE’re just keepin’ it real’ -MAGA
“I’d end the war today by giving it to Putin!”
“I’m in Kyev”
If for whatever reason any of you are so inclined, you can relive all the weird shit the Republican presidential nominee said during last night’s debate as well as decades worth of other weird shit at this frankly hellish website put together by Creatives for Harris:
Where you can also give directly to the campaign and register to vote. Spread it around.
Kamala Harris could murder someone on National Television and gain votes
And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate
And the creepers gonna creep creep creep creep creep
I’m just gonna say a convicted felon rapist doesn’t have any business in politics or behind a microphone.
Oh, btw contrary to the red faced spews of last night immigrants do not have the highest rates of crime.
Immigrants have the lowest rates of crime. – sourced from official FBI statistics rather than some random racist violent cop from Queens, who btw is statistically also the greatest threat to your family pets. Just sayin’
Last night’s biggest loser? Dumbfuck, or as I think of him now,
“Doctor Dingbat”.
So far flying under the corporate media radar is one exceptional moment of Fat Donnie’s performance.
But not for long I suspect.
Even he knew it was over the line. And I think it caught everyone off guard. But I also think women especially are going to pick up on this and focus on it some because of how perfectly it captures his grossness about race combined with his misogyny.
Heh.. Oh ’bout that ‘flayshun…
Inflation eased again in August, dropping to the lowest level in more than three years and locking in expectations that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates next week for the first time since the pandemic’s early days.
Thank you Joe and Kamala.
knock, knock, knock..
What else is going on today?
Asked to comment George W. Bush got the royals out of the country through the now closed airspace and asked, “But look at these paintings. I’m done with that stuff now.”
“Melted his orange face paint like the Nazis in Indiana Jones.” is poetry.
Weird button is that. Trump has said the weirdest, most vile things.
Vote blue.
The people who lost the debate were the American people. We have shitty choices this election.
Easy choices.
Very, very easy choices.
@ 105
What else is going on today?
Well, it’s an anniversary of the Palestinians’ celebration of the carnage in NYC and Washington DC at the hands of OBL’s minions.
Speaking of easy choices, when Republican nominee Trump wasn’t bragging about his willingness to negotiate a handover of Ukraine and it’s 40 million peaceful, democracy loving European citizens to a brutal dictator who gasses his own citizens and murders reporters, he was also bragging about his “very close” relationship with “Abdul” of the Taliban.
Who is this Abdul?
Why that would be Taliban warlord Abdul Baradar. He’s the heroin kingpin terrorist warlord who worked with the Russian Unit 29155 collecting bounties for all the U.S. soldiers they could kill.
Same Taliban who sheltered the 9/11 planners that Scotty P unwisely wants to remind us of this morning. Trump’s pals.
It’s a very easy choice.
The asshole looks lost…
Babbling weird shit.. get it to the old folks home before it hurt itself.
I’m assuming that Nate closed options on DJT before the debate yesterday.
Good for him.
But it was awfully cruel of him to play with Scotty P like that.
In yet another brilliant move, as the global collective media continue to struggle to figure out just what in the high holy fuck they are talking about, both old man Trump and his wonder-boy sidekick Diet Private have decided to Streisand the living shit out of Cat Eating by doubling down.
Both are reposting crazed, debunked racist troll memes while continuing to fake quote “sources” who deny both the claims and having ever been in touch with anyone from Trumpland. Vance has sought to shift his claims away from Cat Eating onto other less insane sounding, but still false claims about immigrant communities. But of course, as any reasonably competent modern media consultant might have told him, wild-assed lunatic claims about half-starved zombie mobs roaming through neighborhoods and roasting family pets drives more engagement than statistical debates about housing impacts. Oops. The media won’t let this one go as long as Trump and Vance are willing to lean into it.
So far so good.
@91 Actually, I think he owns the Horse With No Name.
@93 I disagree. It also serves to expose frauds like Donald John Trump. He can bullshit people on Truth Social, but it’s harder to do on a debate stage.
@99 I think she just did.
@100 So now Elon wants to fuck Taylor? Good luck with that, runt. There’s a big football player in the way.