The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight to contemplate the possibilities and promise of 2019. Please join us and start out the new year left!
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
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Donald J. Trump✔
5:08 AM – Jan 1, 2019
YLB, you forgot to take off the eyelashes. That’s why your vision is blurry today.
“Known for Big, dumb mouth”
Sounds like Bob~
from the group that knows hate the best….so sweet
Working their Brother P-Touch Label Maker….you go girls!
” 2019 WILL BE A FANTASTIC YEAR FOR….”, for What!? Bob, any 2019 prediction of 27,000 for DJIA? Should be easy, amirite!?
Heck, it might even happen at tomorrow’s opening bell.
2018 at least a good battle against racism and bigotry is winning – in my view!
Too bad Puffy wasn’t around to see it. Better luck next time Puffy.
“ENJOY THE RIDE” – yeah to hell and Moscow.
COUNTRY!MOSCOW!Bob, go back to fucking the horse – your wife might get lucky, after the horse bucks you in the head.
Here’s one for the potential of 2019 to be such a great ride. Wipeout!
Let’s play Jeopardy!
Question: What was it that Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron said to the 13 year-old girl as he was raping her?
@1 Interesting tweet from the most deranged hater of all. Psychiatrists will have a field day with this one. You’re not glued together so well yourself, doc.
I get the impression Trump likes anarchy. He obviously admires Russia’s system of gangster government led by a billionaire strongman who murders journalists and opponents.
@ 12
In his younger days Trump was mentored by a terrorist. Alinsky’s rules for radicals was the tome he carried with him at all times.
No surprise he turned out to be an anarchist.
I really think that the only reason why the far right of Israel is upset that millions were gassed was only because they were Jews, and not millions of people.
So long as they weren’t Jews, I’m sure some of the Jews wouldn’t really care.
@ 14
They were Jews, which is why you don’t really care, gman.
You sick, anti-Semitic fuck.
@12 this isn’t only about Trump and Russia. See @14….the only one missing at the Inauguration was Putin.
The World is building a new alliance of Fascists, who don’t like Freedom for all.
@15 no you sick fuck, I do care. That is the point, the Jews (as I said Far Right Jews) wouldn’t really give a shit if it was some other group of people. They only care or cared because it is their own kind.
And you know I am right…..
Just imaging Bob, Kill the Gays in Uganda – you will feel much better about yourself.
@15 until you address equality for all – you have no right to even open your dumb, big mouth, you sick fuck.
I’m White – but I fight racism.
I’m not Transgender – but I fight bigotry towards Transgender, even when it is with a discussion with my brother or sister.
And I don’t deny the Holocaust, like some of your Fascist kind.
If you don’t think something like the Holocaust can’t happen again, today, then you my sir are the biggest dumbfuck and fake mother fucker.
Are you Jewish? Did you miss Mass this Xmas eve?
You on the other hand – as others have pointed out here are homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, and stand with racists.
Here you go Bob…Netanyahu was there for this fuck!
Bibi only cared/cares about his Jews. Not Humans. Surprised you didn’t fly to Brazil.
Bob – I’m a non biased hater….I don’t hate any one kid, I actaully love all kinds, what I hate is anyone who hate any one of any particular kind…..yeah, I know, that doesn’t break a bad cycle. You sick fuck.
It’s downright amusing to see how dependent on Fed money-printing the free market, gold standard, Austrian-school capitalists have become …
… Karl Marx is laughing in his grave.
@13 “Alinsky’s rules for radicals was the tome he carried with him at all times.”
And these days, who around here is herding with the Alinsky-inspired radicals who are trying to overthrow our government, hmm? That would be you, Bob.
@15 I can’t speak for others, but I sure don’t want the Holocaust to happen again, either to Jews or any other group. Which is one of the reasons why the faint (but growing louder) echoes of Nazi Germany in today’s American rightwing are so disturbing.
Are you still going to herd with the Trumpistas when they become full-blown Nazi killers, Bob? At what point will you leave that movement? What would make you cut the cord with Trumpism? Just wondering.
As for me, I never joined; that’s the difference between you and me.
@18 Of course he has a right to open his dumb big mouth and put his own cock in it. This is a free country, and that’s what freedom is about. It’s also better for us to have Bob’s true nature out in the open rather than simmering in some backwoods KKK or militia clubhouse. Then we know exactly who and what we’re dealing with.
@13 “No surprise he turned out to be an anarchist.”
No, he isn’t an anarchist. Trump is all about a government this is of The Donald, by The Donald, and for The Donald. He simply wants to be a dictator and he surrounds himself with those that he admires, namely Putin and Kim.
This one is mostly for Bob (not that I am too naive or stupid to think that he will care or even learn something from this).
Last September I attended a Conference in Texas. I had to fly. I hate to fly. I hadn’t flown in over 10 years since that day. The flight down wasn’t the greatest, for me, but I managed to get thru it. And overall the Conference was a really good time, but i was distracted knowing that I had to fly back at its conclusion. I stayed an extra few days just to drag out having to fly so quickly back to back.
On the return trip, I get to the airport early, about 4 hours early. Anxiously, I wait at the gate on a semi uncomfortable chair, too nervous to venture off to get a bit to eat, so sit staring at the plane that is at the gate awaiting my boarding.
Closer to the time of the planes departure, the airlines people start to assemble at the gate check-in desk. A little before the time of boarding, an announcement is made that the plane will probably board late due to the later arrival of the crew of the plane that were late getting into the airport, due to weather. But eventually we board, and not much later than they expected. Once we fully board the plane, maybe 5 minutes before our departure time, the captain of the plane comes on and makes an announcement that we are going to be delayed because he was told that they need to change a tire on the plane. WHAT? My first thought, is the fucking plane was sitting for 4 hours, I sat and watched it sitting there, and how do they change a tire without jacking up the plane. Thinking about it now, maybe they deflate (if need be) the tire and remove it and install a new deflated tire and then put air in the tire?? He says, that he has never experienced anything like this, so he’ll get back to us after finding out more. So they take an hour to change the tire, but then they have to announce that because of the hour delay, the crew that was suppose to fly with us had to be changed out, and we had to wait another half hour for a new flight crew. This was apparent to me before the made announcement, after seeing the stewards saunter off the plane with their rolling luggage.
So anyways, this give me time to meet the two people I am sitting with. A young newlywed couple. Guy is American and the gal is Austrian. She was pretty but a bit snobbish looking or attitude but yet nice (conservative but with a touch of liberalness – I couldn’t figure her out). I was at the aisle seat, the guy was in the middle, and the gal was at the window.
At the first announcement of the tire change, they weren’t too happy. They were on a vacation and had to change their destination at the start of their trip due to the Hurricane in the Carolinas – they grumbled. Prior to the second announcment of the crew change, I turned to them and I asked, “Where are they going”?
After that we started talking and I told them that I hate flying. Throughout the flight they tried to make me feel more comfortable, and we talked about what we did for a living and also politics. The conversation was very cordially and didn’t get dicey, even though he expressed that he voted for Trump and I voted for Hillary. When time came for food and drinks, I didn’t take anything because I was too anxious to even eat. But he got three nips of whiskey and he offered me one, so I took it. We also found out the we both grew up close to proximity to one another in another State (not NY) and his father owned a construction company in this other state that I had heard of. Small world. He worked for his dad, but decided to go into Marketing and was in advertising. His wife worked for a company that helped other companies find good talent. Part of our discussion was how hard it is to find and keep good talent; I mentioned the turnovers that the company I worked for. He suggested that maybe his wife’s employer could possible help. I told that I’d look into even though I’m not that type of decision maker where I work – but I’d pass it on.
I know this is a long story – but anyways, he wants to exchange phone numbers and contact information. So we do. And we deboard the plane together and go on our separate ways after he suggests that we go out and have dinner sometime.
About a week later he contacts me to arrange for dinner. We have dinner, just he and I. I wasn’t sure whether his wife was going to join us, but it was just him. After diner he suggest a place to go have a drink, and I said sure.
I’ll try to be short here – during the conversation in the bar we go to he asks me if I was married, and I told him no that I never married. After a little while, he then ask me if I am (gay). Instead of saying the word “gay”, he does so by lifting his arm and then lowering his hand at the wrist downward. HAHAHA, I did think it was funny….so I said yes. He says he has no problem with it. He says to each his own. I told that I thought it was pretty interesting in the manner in which he asked, but I am glad that he asked….it kind of gets things out there without me having to “hide” it. We are in a bar that is pretty mixed, gay and straight. We continue to have good conversation and things are pretty normal. Eventually we go on our separate ways after an hour or two of drinks. There was no intention on my part of making out with this guy, have an affair with this guy, it was strictly developing a new friend or friends in the city. He even asked me if I would be interested in attending a party at his place that he and the wife were planning to have. He wasn’t a bad looking guy, and not in the best shape, he had a lot more potential if he lost a bit of way and was in better shape, but he was a married man and straight.
Anyways, we communicate via email there after. First saying how we both enjoyed the dinner and conversation. And then him leading into seeing if the company I work for would be interested in her employers services and that he will let his wife take it from here regarding that.
So there after I am emailing with the wife and copying him on me trying to set up a meeting between her or someone she works with someone where I work. I was like, hey, they have a service to offer and the company I work for pretty much needs to fix the problem they are having. I even forward them the emails that I am having with the coworkers of mine. But during the back and forth she is slow to respond and kind of taking a back seat approach.
Eventually, I stopped and she stopped responding to each other. And I have not heard back since from the guy.
Not sure – but I think that little hand gesture was a Freudian slip.
Negro athletes must not be disrespectful when it comes to the flag.
Only The President may do that.
@26 C’mon, let’s be honest about this, it’s not flying you hate, it’s not flying when you should be flying that you hate.
@28. No, I hate flying so much that it wouldn’t have bothered me if they had to take another 3 hours to change the tire. Or if they had told us that we had to Deborah the plane, then I was ready to see if I could rent a car and drive back to NYC, even if I had to stop somewhere between for a 2 day trip.
I forgot to mention that the bar he suggested is called “Employees Only” – I find that funny to the story.
* deboard
I don’t think Romney plans on being a Senator for too long.
I guess some Mexicans couldn’t put up with the first openly gay mayor of Mexico City.
I wonder if The Hump will all of a sudden appreciate “raping” Mexicans.
trump does not think about his actions:
From the internet. “I just came back from Mexico. CBP employees aren’t getting paid. As a result there were 3 guys in the entire building to process over a thousand of us. The 1 I had a chance to speak with had been there for 15 hours. How did they do it? Simple, they blindly stamped the passports, asked no questions and inspected no bags.”
48% of you all voted for this.
A Republican is someone who hires Bristol Palin to be a chastity spokesperson and elects Donald Trump to run a country.
Why liberals don’t attend fake churches to listen to fake preachers.
@35 what about when it comes to killing an elected, openly gay, official of a major city?
I haven’t had one news alert on my handheld device. A lot of other news of nothing stuff, but nothing of the dead Mexican mayor. Any tweets from regular folk on it? Like maybe from #BLM
@ 33
Well, if it’s from the internet and it’s unsourced, it’s gotta be accurate, amirite?
Elizabeth Warren burnishing her likability and relatability credentials.
Politicos: Elizabeth Warren beer video all flat
“She’s nervous about newer younger faces in the Democratic party. She’s making a pretty desperate attempt to make it look like she’s cool.”
I don’t know how she managed not to call it firewater.
Can you say which part of it you are disputing?
That CBP agents, having been designated “essential employees”, are compelled to work without pay while Republicans in Congress lay around hungover and covered in porn lube?
Or that said “essential employees” when confronted by that spectacle of Republican degeneracy, respond by work slowdown and sick-out?
@38. godwin “But I’m not a racist asshole”
You must admit, Republicans know more about how to become poor, and what it takes to be poor than Democrats ever will.
Falwell Jr. grifted the money to buy his own Jeezus-fueled airline, and dozens of tacky Bible-filled gold-plated homes preying on Republicans.
This is really “the status quo” of Republicans from now on.
@ 33, 37, 39
Can you say which part of it you are disputing?
1. That someone being processed would know how many employees there were in the entire building.
2. That the CBP staffers would be doing their jobs with indifference because of a temporary interruption in their paychecks, rather than because they’re in boring, dead-end jobs which are notable only because they pay more than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was paid when he was a government employee.
3. That someone going through a turnstyle would have any real idea how the system works.
Jesus, every time I come back through from Vancouver, BC I could say the same thing as the anonymous internet guy said – to me it looks like disinterested people in booths giving my passport and license plate a quick look and passing me through in about 10 seconds. A few of them to process thousands of us. That’s in the summer, when there’s no government shutdown.
Got it, QoS McHillbilly?
In other words, if the facts in front of you conflict with your chosen world view, they do not exist:
-Biggest ever innauguration!
-No collusion! You’re the collusion!
-Very fine people!
-Crisis actors!
-Nuclear Free Korean Peninsula!
-Millions of Clean Coal jobs!
-Balanced budget!
-Greatest bull market in history!
-We won the mid-terms!
-“I don’t know that woman!”
-“Those aren’t my sticky condoms!”
-“I own the shitdown!”
@ 43
You do you, QoS McHillbilly.
Red pulled a Cz-252 and I called Bullshit on him. I gave you specific answers to your question and you have to turn it into something having nothing to do with the topic.
‘from the internet’. To you that’s no different than ‘facts’.
I think you consumed methanol on NYE. Don’t buy Maker’s Mark from a street vendor.
I thought Obama was still in charge at the border.
That is all just total bullshit.
My boss has never worn a condom in his life!
Pizzagate was real. But i have to provide a three page investigate paper.
@ 47
You didn’t provide a link. “from the internet”.
Even YLB puts more effort into her work than that.
Sure. They don’t ban idiots from posting ‘from the internet’ garbage but they do this:
Washington bans anyone under 21 from buying assault rifles
Yeah, that’ll curb crime.
Let them sleep in their car in the garage. Problem solved – they can even say they have a roof over their heads.
Goldy Retweeted
Dan Bertolet
2019 in Seattle and it’s still illegal to use this building as a home for people instead of storage for cars because the city mandates off-street parking spaces.
View image on Twitter 16h
Another: Jeez, does she come off as phony and unlikable, or what?
Goldy Retweeted
Dan Pfeiffer✔
One major takeaway from the coverage of @ewarren’s announcement is that the traditional political media sees the Democratic Party’s desire for diversity as “identity politics” and the GOP’s explicit race-based appeal to white men as “nostalgia”
You’re achieving real greatness here Teh Dumbfuck.
You’ve shutdown the government you are in charge of because you can’t get out of your own way, and rather than face that you choose to focus on punctuation and proper citations.
Somewhere there surely must be some deleted text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page you can blame this on too.
Remember that time Christopher Steele failed to properly capitalize “Prague”?
I was so offended I abandoned my national allegiance and agreed to cooperate with foreign espionage agents and white supremacists.
@ 52
You’ve shutdown the government you are in charge of because you can’t get out of your own way…
No, it’s because we ran out of tear-gas cannisters.
US fires tear gas at migrants at Mexico border crossing
Hey, maybe this is why there were only three CBP staffers in the whole building @ 33, whaddya think?
Everyone else was outside stuffing the gas cannisters into the Howitzers to fire at the wannabe aliens.
Or maybe the story is fake news because since the CBP dudes weren’t getting paid due to the shutdown, who cares if a few get past, amirite?
Oh, to be a liberal. You get to simultaneously criticize the CBP staff for not doing their jobs while criticizing them for doing their jobs.
“I won big, and she didn’t.”
OK, so I inserted a letter. Sue me.
So, Liz Warren is visiting Iowa this weekend. The county she’s visiting is located between Cherokee County and Pocahontas County.
You can’t make this shit up. I know, because I’ve tried.
Again, according to Fox and Friends, Obama is still in charge at the border.
Did I miss something?
@49. Like raising the drinking age to 21, it is to reduce deaths.
“You get to simultaneously criticize the CBP staff for not doing their jobs while criticizing them for doing their jobs.”
And here we were criticizing Republicans in Congress and the White House for not doing their jobs. I think Teh Dumbfuck was doing better when he was focusing all his outrage on spelling and punctuation.
“You can’t make this shit up. I know, because I’ve tried.”
It’s all the many times you tried and failed that will always endure as HA lore.
Hɑndlyjemy rozgrtaniczenia spośród sieci instytucϳe Ьetafence.