It’s election day! So, first, make sure you vote. You can find a ballot box (before 8pm) here or get your ballot in the U.S. mail and postmarked by midnight. Find out if you can vote here. In King County, accessible voting options (on-line ballot-marking and in-person voting centers) can be found here.
Then, please join us for an election-watching party at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We usually start at 8:00pm, but some of us will be their early to watch the election coverage.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other 189 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
After today, he becomes a giant albatross around the necks of all his supporters.
What a small crowd that she attracted.
I just listened to Steve Inskeep interviewing Jamie Wareham to give some “context” to the Presidential election today.
Wareham is one of the intellectual super titans who spent $200 million dollars to earn Jeb! just three delegates to the RNC convention. And Inskeep, acting in his serious-person capacity as a “journalistic gatekeeper” and “master explainer” for all us little people from the outlying villages, invites this guy into his studio to explain to us on the radio what to think of the two major party candidates. A healthy dose of “both-siderism” followed, of course.
But I just can’t get over how blatant a misuse of journalistic empowerment this is. Its fine with me if NPR and Inskeep want to bend over backwards ever-so-gently to get the “conservative” viewpoint. But this guy? By definition, you could not find someone more out of touch. By definition.
Fuckin “Journalists”. Honestly. They are doing real damage to democracy with this kind of shit.
I find myself starting to agree with Trump supporters like this idiot.
This cheered me up.
Here’s Spray Tan Hitler being jeered and heckled by great New Yorkers as he entered his polling place this morning.
“If we don’t win,” Trump said Monday at his final campaign stop in western Michigan, “this will be the single greatest waste of time, energy, and money in my life.”
Sadly, I’m not at all sure we can say the same thing for Boob or that other troll, what’s it’s name?
Clinton’s turnout lead in Florida is beginning to open up.
@7 One of my relatives who lives in Florida informed me this morning that Florida Hispanics are massively pissed off at Drumpf and are turning out massively at polling places. If Hillary carries Florida, it’s game over for Cheeto Jesus.
On a lighter note, there’s a high probability that some sanity will prevail in regard to cannabis legalization. California looks to follow our lead and finally legalize cannabis for recreational use.
Once California goes, legalization country-wide is inevitable.
If CA goes legal the market size will create transformation. If you own stock in Corrections Corporation of America or GEO Group you should have put in your sell order back in July before DOJ/ICE decided to cut off their federal immigration detention subsidy. Legal weed in Cali will sink them further still.
Break down that prison industrial complex lobby and you go a long way towards weakening opposition to de-criminalization everywhere. Without hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to lobby state legs, the wind goes out pretty fast.
Who knows? In one or two places they might even decide to spend the money they save on better schools.
Early/Exit polling data are starting to come in now for most of the key states. Things started off pretty slow in PA with only about 5% of the vote observed. But with PA inching toward 50% things are becoming clearer.
Colorado: Clinton by 5 points with about 72% observed
Florida: Clinton by 4 points with about 75% observed
Iowa: Trump by 1 point with about 50% observed
Nevada: Clinton by 3 with 58% observed
NH: Clinton by 4 with 44% observed
Ohio: Clinton by 1 with 60% observed
PA: Clinton by 4 with 45% observed
Wisconsin: Clinton by 6 with 48% observed
With the evening vote yet to come, there’s a fair chance Clinton may surpass Obama’s 2012 turnout in Florida.
If that Votecastr exit polls site is within a few points of accurate then Trump is in real trouble.
Clinton is within 100,000 votes of outpacing Obama’s turnout from 2012 and Trump is closer to 300,000 away from Romney’s turnout.
The percentage of the vote Trump is going to need to make up the gap in the last 5 hours is pretty steep.
The surprising number is that Clinton is running ever so slightly ahead in Iowa.
Sometimes I love to pontificate. Today I’m justified. If you aren’t voting in this election (or any other election for that matter) know this. You are the problem. So every time you complain about your government, tell it to the mirror. There are many good people who sacrificed their lives for this freedom. Don’t let them, yourself and your nation down. Vote.
On this Election Day, let us not forget that Ronald Reagan (“Saint Ronnie” to True Believers) launched his 1980 presidential campaign by going to Philadelphia, Mississippi, where three civil rights workers were murdered, to pitch “states’ rights” to a segregationist crowd. Trump is merely carrying on the racist traditions of Reagan’s party.
I think there was a real movement during the Bush White House to begin to move away from the traditional Southern Strategy. Guys like Rove wanted to open the party up to socially conservative Latinos, Asians, and even African Americans by using culture wars wedges. Losing to Obama drove them crazy and drove a Racist Tea Party stake through that. I don’t think there is any way for them to turn back now. Going forward the Republican Party is the party of aging, racist, working class white men. But rather than focus on their diminishing prospects I think the time has come for liberals to focus on the new expanding coalition Democrats have formed behind Hillary Clinton. That’s the future.
Local police are now confirming some of the reports that have been flooding in of heavily armed Trump supporters patrolling the entrances to polling places in battleground states.
@15 I agree. God helps those who help themselves. There’s not much we can do for a working class that keeps voting against itself. It wasn’t Democrats who destroyed their unions, closed their factories, beat down their wages, looted their pension funds, and voted against universal health care. They put Republicans in power, and now they’re paying the consequences.
In Los Angeles, a motorist was killed Sunday night by a road-raging bicyclist.
@15 I haven’t seen any media reports of “poll watchers” with guns, but Huffpo reports a Trump “poll watcher” behaving like an asshole.
Cyclist are killed all the time and honking at a cyclist is a common harassment technique. It happens to me at least once a week. It works like this. Car comes up from behind on a roadway where I am riding as far as safe on the right hand side. Once the car is very close they lay on the horn.
I have a mirror on my helmet so can see cars coming but still, the sound of a car horn just a few feet away is quite terrifying and in my experience that is the intent 99% of the time. I’m a recreational rider on weekends and weather permitting to go grab lunch or an errand run since I rarely travel more than 2-3 miles on such a trip. If it happens to me as regularly as it does the law of averages says it happens to daily cycling commuters very very often.
Not that the cyclist is justified but it’s pretty hard to imagine what it’s like for cyclists if you aren’t one.
Just last week I had a guy tail me and try to force me against a jersey barrier for the “crime” of signaling a left turn and then moving across the lane with 15-20 yards of distance between me and his car when I made the move. Clearly I’m the asshole.
While this is an extreme example twice in the last year a driver has followed me until I came to a stop so they could get out of the car and confront me for being slower than a car on the legally used road so it is entirely possible that the road rage began with the driver.
It’s been an ongoing issue in open carry states so far. Many reports coming in. Police response has been limited. No reports so far of any Trump supporters brandishing their weapons or taking aim. But lots of Trump supporters appearing at polling places in open carry states wearing fire arms and confronting voters entering the polling places.
Not “billy clubs”.
Trump supporters carrying signs wearing vulgar pro-Trump tee shirts, and bearing multiple semi-automatic firearms carried in plain sight for voters to see as they approach the polling station.
How much data are the campaigns able to access?
This is anecdotal at best but curious. I work out of my home about 70% of my hours. 2012 election I hung onto my ballot until election day and then made a big deal of dropping it into the drop box with my kids with me on the way to school to teach a little something about taking the time to vote.
This year I dropped it at least a week ago.
2012 I got maybe a half dozen robocalls and 2 live person calls urging me to go out and vote. This year nothing.
Is it possible that the some form of the “Track your ballot” feature on the King County website is available to campaigns so they know I’ve voted and calling me is a waste of time?
@21 Either that, or they all just got tired of the whole thing and gave up. Hope there’ll be beer left.
“or that other troll, what’s it’s name?”
Don’t know his name, but he answers to “the loon”.
Memory check, from Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 7:28am:
Yeah, I’m here.
Thoroughly chastened, but here.
I got one thing I wanted – gay marriage passed, and apparently not just in this state. OK, we all got that.
Looks like, so far, the charter school initiative is passing, which I think is good.
Beyond that, I don’t see much for the GOP to be happy about other than some governorships.
I’m glad Pete Stark is gone for the same reason I’m glad Joe Walsh is gone.
Congratulations especially to some guy named MikeBoyScout who apparently put in the time to make a difference elsewhere rather than just in WA.
I looked around online, saw a few post titles by conservatives, and my silent response to most of it was STFU.
I will share this, from a post:
The story of the election: Obama turned out his base. As a percentage of the electorate, young voters (18-29) actually increased by a point. So did turnout among Latinos. And turnout among blacks matched 2008. O’s ground game was simply amazing.
Well done, all of you.
The question of where the GOP goes now is a good one. The question of what the GOP does with the Tea Party is a better one.
I have no answers. Right now I’m just really impressed with the Dem machine and the turnout they achieved, particularly if the younger voter turnout number proves accurate. Wow.
Those of you who might find yourself on the losing end tomorrow, be mature about it. I managed to do it.
CZ, we ate at Fat Matt’s a couple of hours ago.
Great recommendation, thank you.
Global Surveys Show Strong Support For Hillary Clinton
Not so much for the Dumpster
Majorities of people polled in many countries prefer Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump ― except in Russia.
Cool. If you have more time there’s a local chain of 5-10 burger places called Flip that is also really good. Not go out of your way for good but if you see one around lunch time it’s probably your best bet.
@ 26
Well, yeah. Of course they do.
Otberwise all those bribes their leaders paid to The Clinton Foundation are wasted.
I am mentally ill, suffering from delusions of grandeur and paranoia. And I’m using the whole “Hugh Mungus” episode to enrich myself.
Bickle from 35,000 feet. Nothing but a sea of red below for the next 1700 miles.
First Dem to haz a sad is Evan Bayh. Quite the collapse for Birch’s boy should that hold.
…all those bribes…
That’s what Republicans call money for hospitals and water treatment.
When it’s money stolen from charity to pay for Pam Bondi’s bikini waxing they call it a campaign contribution.