The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight. Please join us for an evening of conversation and political debate over drinks. We start at 8:00pm.
And then come back on Wednesday night for another episode of Crazy Guy pretends to be a Presidential Candidate. That’s right, we’ll be getting together to watch the third Presidential Debate. It starts at 6:00pm.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern.
For Wednesday’s debate, please note that the audio of the debate may not be perfect. We expect that almost every TV in the joint will be on the debate, but there will be cheers and jeers and all the other sounds of a working pub. If you really must hear every word, consider bringing a radio and headphones.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other Living Liberally meetings happening over the next week. There are 185 chapters, including twenty in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Our nation’s president and Bill O’Reilly agree…
“Obama Tells Trump To ‘Stop Whining And Go Make His Case To Get Votes'”
“Bill O’Reilly Tells Donald Trump To Stop ‘Whining'”
Sadly, it appears the right’s hammering on the “#crookedhillary” meme is working. Reuters reports today that in a survey of young Americans by the University of Massachussetts, when offered a choice between Trump, Clinton or for a giant meteor to destroy the planet, a majority picked the meteor.
@2 Sounds about right. When you stupid humans have made yourselves extinct, we rabbits will straighten out this place, and everything will be fine again. All of this planet’s problems can be solved by eliminating one species.
Ballots are mailed out tomorrow…
Thinking about live tweeting filling out my ballot to cancel out one of the HA ZEROES..
Will it be boob?
Will it be the babbling jackass troll???
(whew! this is tough.)
or will it be???
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh yeah it will be that one!
It isn’t just the “right”. WaPo’s Cilliza is making the shit up as he goes:
“According to emails released by the FBI, Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy asked the FBI to ease up on classification decisions…”
But no such emails from Kennedy have been seen or been released. Instead, investigative documents from the FBI show that the arrangement was sought by a now retired FBI agent (currently under investigation), that State declined to respond, and that the single Clinton email in question remained classified. #NoQuidProQuo
I just want to post this again. Tell me, of all the reasons this is creepy and wrong, would he try to kiss a little boy on the lips like that?:
Remember these ripe cherries:
“Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden are in league together and just weeks away from leveling New York City with an A-bomb”
“The war will pay for itself, we will be greeted as liberators and we’ll be home before Christmas.”
“Dubya is the greatest Murrican preznit in history and Liberal Iraq war opponents are terrorist-loving surrender monkeys who hate Murrica. Also Murrica!”
“The Surge worked!”
Until finally –
“Who the fuck are you calling “Republican”? I’m a Constitutional IndependentLibertarian Conservative Teabagger who has never even heard of George Bush.”
“We won in Iraq until Obama stabbed us in the back and invented ISIS.”
With or without Kim Jong Orange, they’ll do it all again if we let them.
Scott Foval, who has since been fired, admits that the Democrats have been rigging elections for fifty years. – Fired because Scott let the world know the truth!
New O’Keefe Video: Clinton Campaign, DNC Coordinated With Organizations To Incite Violence At Trump Events
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo all that vioilence was caused by the DUMMOCRETIN hiring crazy homeless people to incite the violence!
Looks like the jig is up for me. Guess I’ll have to go live my parents’ basement after being outed.
Will Hillary think of me as one of those Bernie supporters since I’ll be living in a basement?
The new religion enfolds me in a warm orange embrace of pure racist hate. I renounce all other allegiances. I am a red pilled Shitlord.
Actually it’s my votes that will be cancelling out yours. See how that works…
@12 that all you got troll? where’s the “lmfao”? where’s the deviant sex fantasy?
Many more heroes than zeroes troll. In your sticky dreams.
Unless of course you want to do shit like this… Wouldn’t for a new york nanosecond put it past an ha zero troll – especially one that whines about dead people voting in Chicago or closer to home, King County.
Counting the hours!
Yeah, remember King County Elections will make sure things turn out the way they want them to.
Said the two-time loser and tenement lord who shares a trailer in Algona.
Oh my little sociopath stalker, you keep counting those hours! You go girl!! Woooohooo!
While you are in the basement “counting the hours” to drop a ballot in the mail, I’m heading to one of the most exclusive restaurants in town to sign papers on a cabin with 8 acres of beautiful forest near Conconully Lake.
Do you see a pattern yet, you tool? I am busy extracting money from your area and reinvesting it in Sedona and Okanagan. Beautiful places, not destroyed by bums and socialist losers like yourself.
Think about THAT, as you ponder where your life went wrong……and counting those hours…..lolz.
Conconugly. Cheap dirt in the middle of more cheap dirt. Purchased with hours of dreary, potholed road miles. Where you’ll learn to say “personal water craft” with a big dumb grin on your sleep deprived face while discovering just exactly how many bums and losers Okanogan Co has to offer. Enjoy.
Just like an HA ZERO to run away and not give back to what’s been good to it..
Such an asshole.. Gloats from its own castle of selfishness and then..
it DIES..
I’m just so delighted to learn that frustrated, racist, Trumpkins
have had their details exposed to Cyber-criminals. Plus, this should make the Justice Dept’s job much easier when we begin the post-inauguration roundups and gun seizures.
Hmmmm… There’s one thing little maxwipe butt plugg can do for its fellow ha zero when it puts itself out to pasture..
Pfyzer can shoot video of the butt plugg driving whatever jalopy strokes its nuts these days to the private fort in Okanogan,
and then sell the little blue pills with the film. Might help with the mortgage.
(spelling altered to get past the filter, lets see).
@19 the babbling jackass troll in particular..
One thing we’re learning this cycle. There aren’t enough white rich assholes or white poor people who truly believe every bad decision or bad luck in life is the fault of an immigrant to put a rich while asshole who believes he’s earned it by being born to rich white assholes in the Oval Office.
@9 Now -THERE’S- one helluva credible source…..(not!)
White privilege. Knowing that all you have to be is rich and white to be deserving of votes so the only way you can lose is a rigged election People should love me. I’m rich. And White.
“I could make America great again of we don’t let the brown people and the coloreds and the women steal my birthright. It’s rigged I tell you! We the Whote God Fearing citizens of this country need to make it great again “
We’ve got a bunch of new trolls here, and I suspect they’re all the same idiot. How ya doin’, little maxie?
Reports that Trump is bringing Obama’s half brother to the debate. Apparently he thinks Obama is running for something. Oh and the mom of someone killed in Benghazzi. Apparently Cindy Sheehan was unavailable.
Assholes gotta asshole.
It appears as if crazy wing nuts will go down in defeat in the presidential election.
Fortunately the congressional elections have been designed (NOT rigged nor gerrymandered!!) to ensure we wingnuts will not lose the power to threaten the good faith and credit of our nation.
We may have lost the battle, but unless you give into our demands, you lose your country.
God bless Puddy and our ignorant electorate!
Also paying taxes to support infrastructure and services in three different jurisdictions. Smart?
Meg Whitman is Hillary’s guest at the debate?
stomach turns…
Mark Cuban is better – he’s got the tax stuff down pat but in other areas?
stomach turns…
I think most of us agree that Hillary is more centrist and corporate than we’d like but Whitman has a lot of message:
A Woman
A recent Republican Gubernatorial Candidate in California
A Republican Immigration reformer and not in the deport them all mode
Endorser of McCain and Romney
And now she’s not just endorsing a Democrat but she’s sitting at the last chance Donald has and laughing at him.
Spoken like a true limp wrist….some of the best fishing and snowmobiling in the country. I know, outdoor life scares you.
Enjoy your forest of bum tents….as you pay $3k in RENT for 750 sf…lolz.
Lolz…clueless….keep paying your RENT….
Pro tip: you should do some research before posting about things you are unfamiliar with.
Youve got it. It’s all down ballot now. Whitman helps us in the Senate races.
Just doing my part to seed despair among the deplorables. But perhaps the sound of unmuffled two-stroke engines is something you find restful. Meh.
And they pay me rent. I may have left Seattle. But I certainly didn’t sell out.
@14 Still pushing that “stolen election” myth after getting shot down by your own handpicked Republican judge in your own forum-shopped Republican county, two-time loser?
@16 You must be the developer building more slums with Chinese particle board and drywall in the pasture next door to my rabbit hole.
@32 “you should do some research before posting about things you are unfamiliar with”
This pretty much describes the entire loser right. Three-quarters of Republicans believed for years that Obama was born in Kenya and is a Muslim. Bwaaahaaahaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
@31 I don’t pay ANY rent. I own my digs free and clear. Zillow says my rabbit hole is worth over half a million bucks. Can you believe that shit? My annual property taxes are probably more than you paid for your, ahem, cabin in the woods. Fifty miles of dirt road between you and the nearest grocery store or doctor’s office. You get what you pay for.
@27 “we wingnuts will not lose the power to threaten the good faith and credit of our nation”
That’s why I put my money into stocks instead of Treasuries when Republicans control Congress. You’ll never see your money again if you lend it to Republicans. Let ’em rip each other off.
the idea of “researching” Okanogan County just makes my teeth hurt.
That troll is going to get a very expensive first hand personal tutorial on what Pacific Northwest post-forest-products economies look like. Can’t really say I’ve stayed current, but back when I was involved with the Okanogan they led the state in unemployment, SSI, and S-chip. Friday night at the emergency room in Omak was like a fuckin’ circus.
Too many people don’t understand that for all the Sturm und Drang you don’t really experience “inequality” in places like Seattle, Portland, or San Francisco. You just notice it more in those places because it’s all outside.
@40 The thing I’ve noticed about eastern Washington during my annual inspection tours of lettuce fields over there is that all the private property is full of junk cars and trash. Apparently they don’t have trash collection there, they just throw their refuse into the yard, and all the rural homes have a hundred years of garbage in their yards. America the Beautiful, not! Those rural areas are more pigged up than the cities.
Among the other things noted above, Meg’s also doing a bang-up job of finishing the destruction of Hewlett-Packard that Carly Fiorina started.
people in different areas measure “value” and “wealth” differently. When you get into these rural areas like where I now live, often vehicles represent the highest value assets that some of my neighbors will ever own. They become fixated on them in much the way people in high value real estate areas like Seattle become fixated on their homes. That makes it hard for them to let go of them when they are fully depreciated and no longer serving any purpose. Vehicles covered in blue tarps are a very common sight where I live now. Folks who rent mobile homes may own five or six cars – some of them even running! I’ve learned not to judge.
Whitman was a disaster in California.. She’s just a slightly less well-known greedhead than Carly Fiorina.
I laughed at silly Darrell Issa when he cried over failing to buy the Governorship of California for over 1 million dollars, steamrollered by a declining Hollywood action star who could barely pronounce California.
Whitman hardly batted an eye shamefully wasting over 100 million dollars of her own money trying to buy the same office trusting she’d could surf the teabagger wave. Thankfully, she wiped out.
Running HP? She’s just used the place to claw back some of that 100 plus million.
No. She doesn’t help anything. She make me puke.. She’s succeeded in almost making me feel sympathetic for Issa.