Spring has arrived! And that’s the only excuse you need to join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00 pm, but feel free to join some of us earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 217 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
rachel madcow looks like she straining to take a shit or something. bad screenshot there….
Your comment reveals more about you than it does about Maddow….
if you say so peter pan.
While the Maddow piece is spot on, the screen shot really does make her look like she’s trying to drop a load.
perhaps her “life partner” is under the desk reciting the alphabet…..
Being a piece of shit is no way to go through life. Rachel nails you fucks. Acknowledge the substance of what she did, instead of trying to divert focus. You fucks are simply whores for the rich. There is one big difference between people like you and whores, Maxie–whores do at least get paid for taking it up the ass.
Soo… I seems Arizona State Senate President Russell Pearce (R) may have been spending a little too much time out in that Arizona sun.
This is so far off the mark and stupid that I really don’t know what to say.
sorry proud commie, I didnt, and dont plan on, clicking on the video.
I am sure what she says fits in to your pre-conceived notions and opinion about the world – so of course you will agree with her.
you will excuse me if I decide to pass on shills like madcow, beck, and the like.
the guy from AZ sounds like he dipped into Lee’s stash….
Like I’ve been saying all along.
The GOP are Fascists. Period.
Strapping on those hobnailed boots and goosestep marching for Jesus. Bible and bankbook in one hand and a machine gun in the other.
Oh well, it was a nice country while it lasted. Too bad the Nazis won though.
mouth, meet foam….foam, meet mouth.
does this mean you are leaving? cool.
He’s your boy, not ours.
@ 7
He’s psychotic. A megalomaniac, and dumber’n a sack of horseapples. He’s the kind of man that thinks the Birchers are too liberal.
The perfect GOP candidate for President in 2012. Newt will be his VP.
my boy? LMFAO…
sorry dood, I dont play team sports when it comes to politics….I dont do the “ours” and “yours”…that for lemming who cant think for themselves.
@ cincoperhaps her “life partner” is under the desk reciting the alphabet…..
This remark is telling, and marks the writer as ignorant, biased, stupid, insecure, and prone to bouts of incredibly bad manners making them unfit for any meaningful social interaction.
Also you are an asshole, and the fact that you seem to think you are ‘cute’ further verifies this unbiased observation.
By the way, Maddow was spot on in her report. Modern day Republicans are simply liars.
that for lemming who cant think for themselves.
Well, there you go. Post something that proves you can think for yourself. So far you have not.
I prefer “handsome” over “cute” when self describing…just saying….
you dont like the alphabet? you better run that by your old lady first…I bet she does.
Poor chickenshit Rockatansky – I’ve got him twisted in a pretzel in the Shared Sacrifice thread.
oh Proud to be an Asslicker…..your so cute when you get frustrated…
you do? last I checked you were getting owned left and right.
maybe you should write about it more in you blog..HAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHHHHHAH
I swear, writing a blog about people posting in a blog is TEH GEHYEST thing I have heard of in a while.
so thats what people with no life and no job do…hmmm.
you can see how tenderhands YLB life revolves around HA…..fascinating.
Can’t argue facts out of a paper bag so he falls back on the same old homophobic slurs…
you cant recognize any facts, so I gotta resort to comic relief in order to keep entertained.
see, thats how it works.
24 – Yeah right. That why you claimed that this country imports Iranian oil.
What a moron.
iranian oil is on the world market you fool…which has a direct effect on the cost of our gasoline you twit.
it was your ass who keeps saying “we dont live in a vacuum”.
self ownage by the bleeder again.
Yay, USA Today admits, “City’s design, transit system can ease gas costs”
How come nobody is quoting John Stewart anymore?
You all loved him when was chumping Bush…but now that he is chumping and calling out obama, you all get eerily silent like John S. doesnt exist.
hmm…….I guess i cant look forward to any more john stewart quotes until he gets with the program.
You were the numbskull who claimed I could buy oil from Iran. But I’m typing this from Seattle and there’s no way I can buy oil from a country that is on the State Department’s list of State Sponsors of Terrorism.
How f’ing silly are you?
Good collection of photos from Libya:
Sigh, another day another gun-toting, Christianist, nut-bag…
This guy’s an Oath Keeper to boot!
re 28: Daydream Believer lyrics
Songwriter: John Stewart
“Oh, I could hide ‘neath the wings of the bluebird as she sings
The six o’clock alarm would never ring
But six rings and I rise wipe the sleep out of my eyes
The shavin’ razor’s cold, and it stings”
How’s ‘zat??
@ 31
Noodles almighty, that dude is nuts. Wonder how much Ammonium Nitrate he has stocked in his basement?
He’ll blow up a “government” school someday and the teapottiers will have their new hero for the next three day news cycle.
Chortle. One of the Republicans being recalled in Wisconsin no longer lives in his own district because he’s living in Madison with his 25 year old mistress even though he’s still married. Nice Republican values.
Do as I say, not as I do.
Ok conservatives, lets talk issues rather than name calling.
Do you think this is a proper way to balance their state budget? Yes? No? What would you have done differently?
Michael @ 7: Actually, he’s pretty much stating the argument which S. Carolina tried to put forth during Jackson’s presidency, when they argued that S. Carolina had the right to nullify any federal law the planters and slave owners who controlled the legislature there didn’t agree with. But fellow southerner Jackson threatened to declare the state in rebellion and send down troops to enforce federal law, and they backed down. They tried it again in 1860, and this time had more support from other southern states, but they still got beaten in the end.
One of the interesting things about the “states rights” argument is that the most ardent backers of the principle in the South ended up being against the Confederate government, because they felt it exercised too much power over the states as well. In 1864 and 1865, quite a few of the fiercest Confederate firebrands resigned from the Confederate Congress and went home to private life, insisting that the “purity” of their ideology had been sullied.
It seems that once faced with a crisis, the Confederacy was destined to fly into pieces from the centrifigal force of those who kept depriving the central government of the powers it needed to resolve the crisis.
After the war, the 14th Amendment made it pretty clear that we are citizens of an entire nation, not just of the individual states. But then, guys like this don’t like the 14th Amendment, either.
Im sure you would like to defend Joe Biden’s own words:
Stupid motherfucker @37…
You lose asshole.
Well then, you must be very upset with your Tea Party buddies in the House that aren’t moving to impeach Obama.
The facts are hard to take, when the words are taken from the mouths of your own, you have to bury them.
Not so, I’m seeing your own party going after the mess he has made not only of Libya, but of this damn economy.
BTW Silver just hit $37.00 today, and if you wonder why, look inward.
It is much easier to replace an idiot leader, than the masses of idiots that elected him.
@39. yeah, why are the teabaggers letting Kusinich do their heavy lifting?
@37. Unlike the conservative trolls here that won’t answer adult discussions. I’ll give my option. I am troubled that our Military is in Lybia. This is somewhat mitigated that it’s not JUST us, that there is a coalition. If it turns out to be a surgical strike and we are out in days, then I am OK with this. If this turns out to be another quagmire like bush’s invasions into Afghanistan and Iraq that never end and hemorrhage American tax money away from our schools and social programs, then he’s no better than bush. If that happens, then I would hope he is replaced in the primaries with a better candidate.
There, I gave gave you an adult answer. I await your adult response.
The price of thirty pieces of silver is more important to you than the suffering of so many people.
Hope you get better soon.
@ 37
The UN Charter, as approved by Congress supersedes that Constitutional requirement for Congressional declaration of war. As ugly as it is, the law is the law. By signing that treaty, congress pre-approved use of United States armed forces to end an international conflict or a domestic genocide, when those forces were under the authority of the United Nations.
That is why Bush made a big showing of sending his lapdog to lie to the United Nations General Assembly about Saddam Hussein and Iraq. He needed that approval of the UN. Otherwise, we would have been subjected to sanction and possible attack under the same laws.
I said the same thing when Bush 1 and Bush 2 did it. But I also understood that their reasons for doing so were rather less than pure, as history has borne out. They were wrong. They were the ones agitating for those wars and they clearly had manipulated the evidence they had presented before the Security Council and the General Assembly.
This last time with Libya, it was the French, and the Italians that were pushing for intervention. We just backed them up in the UN Security Council. This attack on Libyan Forces is a UN action, more akin to Korea in the early 1950’s, legally speaking.
It doesn’t make it right. But Ghaddafi is a well-established supporter of terroristic actions, has used his own forces to commit terrorist war crimes on foreign soil, and now is butchering his own people based solely on their tribal affiliations.
All we’re doing is dismantling his military, making it impossible to control it and use it in the way he has been.
I just wish this was a consistently applied law. It would now also apply to the Saudis, who have sent several thousand troops into Yemen and Oman to quell rebellions there. They’re doing the same things Ghaddafi is. Slaughtering civilians, sniping into crowds and using aircraft to conduct reprisals against villages that supported the protests.
What I find most amusing in all this, is the fact that all the Fascist pundits on the radio and TV are now caught up in supporting Ghaddafi, and denouncing the United Nations which they hate even more than the US Constitution.
It is NOT constitutional for any president to just lash out at another leader, no matter what they think of him, if he has not attacked this country nor was an iminant threat to this country..PERIOD
Put that at your drinking liberal table this evening and discuss.
And Be Sure to WATCH BIDEN’s take on this..he is right on in his video.
PS Silver’s rise is the canary in the coal mine. I’m sorry if you cannot see that, but don’t blame me that:
Home sales are the lowest in history
Unemployment is 10.3%
Federal, State and local governments are bankrupt
Your people are making all the decisions
I don’t see anyone I like saying that Obama’s made the messes you’re claiming. It’s you righties that are saying that and your righty heros in the house aren’t doing much about it. Sucks to be you.
See #43. Sorry, you got owned.
Yep, and by and large they’re making the right decisions.
14,250 trillion in debt – A great decision
Who’s in charge? Germans pull forces out of NATO as Libyan coalition falls apart
Yet another in a long line of great decisions
Then of course there is Obamacare
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
I want to OPT out of that one!
@ 47
You really are linking to the Daily Mail as a source? A Rupert Murdoch owned tabloid? The very one that actively supported the Germans and carried their water in the Allied Press during the buildup to WW2?
Not true.
50 United States Code, 1547
Those are all your beliefs and not only are you entitled too them, you have a bunch of folks the the US House that when they campaigned they said they agreed with you. What are those folks doing now? Have they stopped “Obama Care?” Have they had the laser like focus on jobs that they said they would? Are they trying to impeach Obama over Libya like you say they should?
@ 49
Article 6, clause 2 of the US Constitution:
Fact is, the law you state in your post really has never been Constitutionally tested. The fact is, the United States, with a 2/3 approval of both houses of Congress, signed and ratified the UN Charter as a treaty. That puts that treaty in the position of becoming the law of the land. That treaty provides for the use of United States forces under UN control to intercede in foreign conflicts if such a conflict threatens the general stability of the world or the region where the conflict is occurring.
The intention was to stop another pogrom such as the Germans had conducted against the Jews, Gypsies and eastern Europeans. It was also pointedly directed at the Turks, who had conducted a few such campaigns against the Armenians and the Kurds. The law was about reprisals, genocides and pogroms. Specifically outlawing such conduct by a governing body. It pre-authorized the use of UN member military forces to end such pogroms. Congress approved it, by the required 2/3 majority.
That became the general law of the world.
It may not be right, it may be a major mistake. but until that Charter is changed, we don’t have a legal leg to stand on. No domestic law can supersede the Constitutional provision for treaties being held superior to domestic laws.
The whole goddamn thing is an ugly mess, and people can sit around and argue on internet forums about this legal nuance or intention, but that doesn’t change the fact that there are people in this world, controlling Governments, who have absolutely no qualms about conducting mass murder campaigns against the people they are supposed to be governing.
You have absolutely know idea about what’s going on and how we got here.
Watch “Inside Job” and come back when you are smarter, sonny.
Looks like Ghaddafi is the madman. Saddam was small potatoes next to this guy.
Looks like we’re winning and we might be out of there in fairly short order. Let’s say Obama did the right thing the right way.
These assholes will just go BALLISTIC. Much fun will ensue.
Like Republicans with their war on the poor and middle-class?
@ 49
Some more, afterthoughts
This can be argued against as an ex post facto law. This is specifically addressed in the Constitution, Section 9, clause 3:
You cannot make a law that creates an offense and prosecute it as such if such an offense was legal at the time the offense occurred. Likewise, you cannot ratify a treaty, and then pass a law after the treaty was signed negating all or part of that treaty, without deratification of that specific treaty by a 2/3 vote by both houses of Congress.
Incidentally, that 2/3 vote requirement takes the President completely out of the picture, there is no requirement for him to sign the law to put it into effect. It has the same level of legal authority as a Constitutional amendment.
Just to see if you are consistent, could you please post links to your outraged posts at the time, when bush invaded Iraq?
Well there DeadToad goes again… telling another lie and creating revisionist history. Even when the facts are there front and center it’s more of the same.
What are you rujax, besides a real dipshit?
You need to speak to an Iraqi man who’s sister was raped by Saddam’s sons. Yes you moron, she was taken off the street an raped. Butt wait, that would force prime idiot #1 to process facts. Oh you’ll never see that in the libtardo MSM because it would make Bush look good and we can’t have that.
This small potatoes Saddam had many body doubles. Does Moammar?
Man this moron is the biggest cotton picking idiot on this blog.
What are you rujax, besides a real dipshit?
Heh. Man on the street interview:
PB: Hey moonbat! Yeah you! Name’s Puddybud. I’m here in liberal la, la land to ask some qweschuns about that DummoCraptic fool Odumba!
MOTS: Huh?
PB: Typical moonbat. Deaf as a doornail or can’t remember two words nailed together.
MOTS: Shit! Get the fuck away from me!
MOTS: I’m outta here. Shit! Uh.. MCSAME RULES!
Why It Is Good to Be a Conservative:
Being a conservative means I can be selfish and not feel bad about it.
Being a conservative means all the problems of the world can be attributed to liberals.
Being a conservative means I never have to acknowledge flaws in my philosophy.
Being a conservative means anything a Democrat does is bad.
Being a conservative means any bad thing I do is either justified or the work of somebody who isn’t really a true conservative anyway.
Being a conservative means I root for failure when it punishes a liberal and reward failure if it is profitable for fellow conservatives.
Being a true conservative means I’m more worried about protecting a definition than I am protecting the rights of Americans.
Being a conservative means I never have to try to solve any problems in the government because I insist government is the problem anyway.
Being a conservative means I lay off workers to boost profits then complain about lazy unemployed people.
Being conservative means I am staunchly pro-life and will put a bullet through the eyes of any liberal who challenges that.
Being a conservative means I am furious my tax dollars aren’t being spent blowing up as many countries as I would like.
Being a conservative means you can blame problems on poor people instead of the rich ones who actually run things.
Being a conservative means believing because of fear instead of hope and change.
Being a conservative means sometimes people have to starve if it proves my point.
Being a conservative means Democratic presidents don’t count.
Being a conservative means a president shouldn’t pay attention to public opinion when he is doing what he believes is right for the country. (Strike all this if the president is a Democrat, in which case it is a treasonous act.)
Being a conservative means supporting the right to deny pre-existing conditions.
Being a conservative means someone else dying for your country is noble and patriotic, but my paying taxes for it is obscene.
Being a conservative means it’s okay if I do it because I am conservative.
Being a conservative means you get to yell your talking points and write in all caps, especially the word “liberal.”
Being a conservative means pretending the Republican party was born the night Ronald Reagan was elected.
Being a conservative means putting your car in reverse, driving backwards through a bunch of weeds, and complaining that it isn’t the beautiful parkway you swear used to be there.
Being a conservative means knowing that everything that was bad up to 2006 was Bill Clinton’s fault; everything bad that happened from 2007 to 2009 was Nancy Pelosi’s fault, and everything after that is Barack Obama’s fault.
Being a conservative means having absurdly high standards for Democrats and pretty much the lowest standards for myself.
Being a conservative means criticizing the tiniest details of any Democratic plan, but talking in only huge generalities about my own plans.
Being a conservative means I can accuse Pres. Obama of being divisive because I didn’t vote for him and he won anyway.
Being a conservative means I can view all things I don’t understand with contempt and not have to make the effort to change.
Being a conservative means I know I was right not to share my toys as a child.
Being a conservative means I am not a racist–black people are the real racists.
Being a conservative means the news I don’t like hearing is just liberal propaganda.
Can anyone decipher ylb?
It’s another attack of the non compos mentis syndrome!
Seems to happen hourly now!
I’d tell you to seem medical assistance but you’d whine about something really stupid… so STAY STUPID!!!
You talking to me…you, the lying bigot who supports thieves and murderers??
Apples and snow plows.
Bush followed the law in Iraq.
Bush followed the law in Afghanistan.
Who…without any shame whatever… supports thieves and murderers??
You’re calling ME out????
Smooth move.
There is only one line needed for #60.
Being a liberal means you never have to say you’re sorry for anything you say or do.
If I heard Bill Maher had called my wife a twat, Bill would have a face to face visit!
What are you rujax, besides a real dipshit?
You mean the DUMMOCRAPT PARTY? Nope you Dope don’t jock strap those foolish idiots!
What are you rujax, besides a real dipshit?
What are you rujax, besides a real dipshit?
Yes you are a bowel movement each day in any thread of HA!
What are you rujax, besides a real dipshit?
61 – Poor Puddybud can’t tell when his own moronic bullshit is being parodied…
Thanks for the memories…
If the big p’dumbski, rightstuff and ld are typical republiclowns, and of course they are…then it’s no wonder folks are wising up and getting ready to kick the goopers out.
It’s soooooooo cuuuuute that rightstuff thinks ANYTHING the Cheney/Bush Administration did was legal, ethical or in the best interests of the People of the United States of America.
Perfectly articulated by Puddybud…
while the chump was looking in the effing mirror!
Following her iconic child star performances, Liz Taylor had more than a few iconic adult incarnations. There are not that many people who have pulled that off – the multiple distinct icon thing. Judy Garland was another.
Doesn’t this shit write itself sometimes?
Add @73…
Maybe this doofus:
NPR keeps getting PWN3D
Can start a fund.
But, but, I thought Republicans were the ones that know how to handle money???
Too funny. You couldn’t make this shit up.
“In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.”
H. L. Mencken
Heh. JOKIII can’t get a bank loan to save his life and Breitbart pays himself first when he gets his ad revenue and wingnut welfare checks.
By the way I hear Crapkansky is pushing another Liquor Store initiative..
That scumbag must be getting some of Dunmire’s money.
Parodied? It’s another attack of the non compos mentis syndrome!
A new databaze entry and a memory until Jesus comes again!
What’s sad? You. You got nothing when confronted with facts.
The fact is President Bush sought congressional authoriztion BEFORE committing forces.
I know it hurts, when little things like facts, get in the way of your propoganda.
But run along now, there are some adults debating issues of the day here. Your “Hey look at my blog too, and oh yeah, I hate republicans too etc etc etc, can I be a cool kid?” is tired….
Heh. You mean the malady that inspired the circle jerks between you and MWS???
Does rujax live on anything other than left-wing whackoff sites?
No wonder his world view is “cracked”. Just like a discarded cinder block.
Go back to fucking your goat.
Yep, the Democrats did about as good a job opposing Bush as the Tea Party crowd in the house have done opposing Obama.
Treaties do not supersede the US Constitution.
This is actually been argued, see Reid v. Covert
“no agreement with a foreign nation can confer power on Congress, or on any other branch of Government, which is free from the restraints of the Constitution.”
Well the point I’d make to you is that President Bush went to congress BEFORE committing forces. Thus allowing for opposition and constitutional process.
I think the VP Biden was so worked up about Iran that he threatened impeachment, if then President Bush committed troops against Iran.
I think if congress is going to continue to “roll over” and abdicate so much of their constitutional authority…Then those members should be prepared for strong challenges come election day.
re 63 — “Bush followed the law in Iraq.”
Wrong again SoftSpot:
John Conyers and the Center for Constitutional Rights have drawn up a list of laws violated by the Bush administration that are contained within the Constitution in Crisis’s pages. They include:
•Committing a Fraud Against the United States (18 U.S.C. 371)
•Making False Statements to Congress (18 U.S.C. 1001)
•War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148)
•Misuse of Government Funds (31 U.S.C. 1301)
•Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (50 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.)
•National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. chapter 15)
•Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 222)
•Stored Communications Act of 1986 (18 U.S.C. 2702)
•Pen Registers or Trap and Trace Devices (18 U.S.C. 3121)
•Obstructing Congress (18 U.S.C. 1505)
•Whistleblower Protection (5 U.S.C. 2302)
•The Lloyd-LaFollette Act (5 U.S.C. 7211)
•Retaliating against Witnesses (18 U.S.C. 1513)
•Anti-Torture Statute (18 U.S.C. 2340-40A)
•The War Crimes Act (18 U.S.C. 2441)
•Material Witness (18 U.S.C. 3144)
Well, I agree with you on this part anyway.
But, I doubt it will happen. The big Tea Party Too Do was brought/bought to us by the Koch brothers & Dick Armey and I suspect any other big challenges will be along the same, “meet the new boss, same as the old boss” lines.
i feel like its a fallacy to refer to tax cuts as spending. just not sure if a dollar not stolen is the same as a dollar not spent… thoughts?
i get the strange feeling that republicans don’t want to stop the unions anymore than democrats really want to save them. after this spectacular failure in wisconsin, nobody will want to touch the unions again. its a dead horse issue.
and interestingly enough, we never discussed it.
LMAO! we’re going to drop a giant turd in lybia and just leave it there. sounds like afganastan in the 80s? classic republican move!
re 89: “I feel like its a fallacy….”
Why not think about it for awhile, and come back with why you think it’s a fallacy.
Name one millionaire or billionnaire who has lost his/her fortune because of taxes.
Really…I heard that the rightstuff has the right stuff where stuffing the goats is concerned.
Another good ‘ol right-wing goatfucker. Whatever floats yer boat, I say.
@60 wonderful list. Spot on!
I agree with you on that. I just wished they had done that during bush era times. We wouldn’t be in the crisis we are now.
@91: actually i’m pretty sure a penny not earned is not a penny spent but i’m open to being wrong about tax cuts not being spending. because i’m an open minded bloke.
@92: that is really besides he point dude.
@93: are you secretly a 12 year old boy?
No…”I am Shiva, the god of death”
Looks like puddy and the segregationst-loving pastor hutch just didn’t pray hard enough this time.
Hahaha… Another epic fail for the Tea Crew.
Didya’ hear the one about Rep Don Young (R-AK) palling around with domestic terrorists and endorsing their agenda?
You can always tell who’s never done any hard work when they start spouting: ‘Hard work never hurt anyone (no one in ‘Bagger-speak)!!’
Ahhh poor ylb@80.
You spend all day here and your non compos mentis syndrome pile of debris precedes you.
12? Mentally maybe 8 or 9.
What are you rujax, besides a real dipshit?
Daily Kos,
See how rujax is a mental condition?
What are you rujax, besides a real dipshit?
Name one millionaire or billionnaire who has lost his/her fortune because of taxes.
Still, no answer. That’s because the prose of Ayn Rand is F-I-C-T-I-O-N. It’s not real. Jesus warned against building your house upon shifting sand — but he never imagined the current day Republicans whose house is built upon steaming piules of slippery BULLSHIT.
LMAO! Let’s put that to a test shall we? Let’s look at the whole of March so far:
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -c handle:phrase~ylb –snapshot current -C
| count |
| 135 |
1 row in set
Hey that’s almost 6 comments a day for yours truly.
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -c handle:phrase~puddybud –snapshot current -C
| count |
| 168 |
1 row in set
Ooops… Ya got me beat Puddybud. Carry on in your foolishness as you always have – as you always will…
LMAO! Cribbin’ from his kid’s law books. It’s going to get stupid REAL FAST…
Wha happened to tehchickeshit troll today???
The idiot is probably trying to shop for barrels of Iranian crude in Lewis County.
I know what I’m NOT…
…I’m not a shameless, lying apologist for thieves and murderers…and I’m not a goatfucker like you.
rujax sez…
Enjoy the pretty lights kids!
It’s on! Time to re-elect Mary Verner.
Mayor Verner is one of only a handful or so of elected officials that I’m actually excited about.
@98 i’m yama also known as naraka, god of death. you can take your transformation powers elsewhere. ;-p