Please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00 pm, but feel free to show up earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 215 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
These comment boards have been relatively quiet lately. Did something happen to the trolls? Not that I miss them that much, but they did stir the pot from time-to-time, and their comments just gave me yet one more reason to vote against their interests.
By the way, I just found out a former co-worker’s elderly mother lived in the region affected by the tsunami. She has been unable to reach her since the earthquake. Any prayers would be appreciated.
You have the Puddy Family prayers RHP.
Hope everything works out OK for your co-workers family. I have family in Tokyo, they made it through OK.
Love the Sam Seder clip.
Wonder if any Christian Martialists will be showing up for drinking liberally.
@2 The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit just told me in a vision she’s okay.
@7 Warriors looking for a cause … the pages of history are bloodstained by the passage of those types.
I’m not afraid of idiots, I’m not afraid of guns but, when you put guns in the hands of idiots suddenly I’m afraid.
I picked up a nice lever-action .357 the other day, mostly because I missed the occasional session of plinking away at tin cans.
Michael,no regrettably, there will be plenty of atheists in attendance, to keep one’s heart, mind, soul and spirit warmed up and ready for hell.
@10 I’m not afraid of idiots with guns. But if the shit ever hits the fan, they should be afraid of me.
@11, Mrs. Rabbit:
If there is a heaven, the wingnut braindead mouthbreathers and mushy headed warm feeling Christians will be there.
That seems like eternal punishment to me.
Are you sure you don’t have your “hells” mixed up?
No messing around: 12 Gauge. Short barrel. And, have you seen these slugs?
Zotz: #14 “Hells” mixed up? Nah, we had an atheist call us who ranted and unloaded their darkened mind about their “beliefs” and try to ram their “unbeliefs” down my believer’s throat, heart and mind. It didn’t work, I refused to allow their spiritual darkness to touch my soul. But they disrupted my peace in my rabbit hutch with their darkly unspiritual rant, that was not asked for and not appreciated. Now, that was hell! :)
It would be like receiving a call from Dick Cheney telling you why war is good and not evil.
Hell is having a hypocrite, claim to be a peace loving atheist and really act like an intolerant bigot that hates believers and Christians and lumps all Christians, believers and spiritual people as one and the same.
I can’t scientifically or mathematically prove whether there’s a God, one way or the other. I do know this is a pretty awful world when people act without moral restraint. Most people do have moral restraint, and most of it comes from religion; so, whether or not there’s a God, religion performs a very useful service. Now the question becomes: How do we get political leaders and governments to behave morally instead of expediently? I don’t know. I only know that so far, we haven’t been able to, and much of the misery in this world is attributable to that failure.
My dear cute lovable furry mate has a faith as broad as the sky. She doesn’t try to pick it apart to understand it. Her faith is as much a part of her as her fur, paws, flesh, and bones. And she’ll defend it tooth and claw!
Yeah, I found another typical righty greed-head. He’s speaking about what’s going on in Japan.
#17. Michael We don’t agree with Larry Kudlow. The loss of life, environmental and economic damage are all tragic and all contribute to the fragility of our world.
My favorite charity is Doctors Without Borders and they have a medical team in Japan right now.
@17 Yeah, what’s a few tens of thousands of Japanese? The main thing here is that Ford and General Motors have an opportunity to grab some market share from Toyota and Honda! And think of all the reconstruction jobs for unemployed young Japanese males! Kudlow’s right, it could have been much worse, this earthquake and tsunami might never have happened! Then where would we be? What I mean is, if you’re gonna go in for this kind of thinking, you may as well go whole hog … sadly, assholes like Larry Kudlow are what passes for “journalism” nowadays. No wonder newspapers and networks are dying.
Given the kind of world that wingnuts are creating for all of us, at least they have enough sense to want to get Raptured Up as soon as possible …
Since Cynical has wimped out & bailed, I feel it is my duty in his honor to keep you abreast of America’s response to Obama’s lack of leadership on virtually everything, especially the Budget Deficit and National Debt
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The key number is the unaffiliateds. Not good for progs.
tea party crushes RINO in Miami-Dade
at least the tea party stands on principals, not blind partisan politics like the progs. you guys need to follow the lead and get rid of the non-Prog dems like obama.
@ 22
So its all about extremes? Tribalism? Absolutes? There is no room for compromise?
The Teapottiers are nazis. They openly espouse all the same philosophy as the German, Italian, Serbian, Austrian, Greek and Spanish fascists did during the early part of the 20th century. They publically say the same things. They are identical in nearly every way. They use the same language. They have the same type of financial backing.
No thanks. Take your blackshirt bullshit somewhere else.
And then we have Rush Limbaugh, who tries to use the earthquake/tsunami to take a swipe at environmentalists by, well, just making things up….
@21: Well, you have to account for the 41% of Republicans who believe that Obama wasn’t born in the U.S., and the 18% of the population who believe he’s a Muslim (i.e. the utterly, righteously, and proudly uninformed).
So, you take out the ignorant people, and the numbers aren’t so bad.
@24: He’s a lousy excuse for a human being. Does any reasonable person really doubt that?
@15, 16:
A rational interaction is unlikely if one or more of the parties is driven by superstitious beliefs.
Life’s too short to get bogged down in lies.
And it would totally suck to be stuck for eternity with people who have no loyalty to the truth.
Please drink to your 78 bil in one day deficit. That would pay for a buttload a beers, but the stockmarket is diving, and your life long pensions are next on the f’n chopping block……..mi here we come
Even THIS “brainiac” knows that if corporations paid their FAIR SHARE OF TAXES there would BE NO DEFICIT.
But he’d rather be a fucking shill for the plutocracy…hoping they’ll toss him a crumb.
American liberals, when making the case for George W. Bush’s deficient character, used to point to one especially grotesque episode where he mocked a woman about to be executed and laughed at her plight. This was supposed to represent a sort of vicious insouciance and brazen cruelty. Even if he believed the woman deserved to die, the polite response would have been to lament the regrettable necessity of the act, the sometimes unkind exigencies of justice. That he instead derided her and laughed at her and treated the legal killing of a human being with frat-house humor was seen, rightly, as evidence of a major missing slice of humanity, a sort of exuberantly violent and inhuman automation where a soul ought to reside.
If his psycopathic committment to killing people hadn’t already convinced you that Barack Obama shared this particular quality of being a vacant, blood-driven monster whose outward appearance as one of our own kind is no more than an act of ingeious fakery, then you may wish to consider his response to the torture of Bradley Manning, which he treats with the blithe indifference of a busy manager signing off on some subordinate’s expense report. Yeah, he assured me everything was copasetic. It’s all good.
Here is a fine opportunity to engage in a little free and painless magnanimity, to make vague noises about according decent treatment even to one’s enemies, to blather a bit about America’s committment to the humane treatment of all God’s precious children, to give the poor kid some boxer shorts and a couple of books to read, and to throw that paltry bone to his supporters in the Democratic faction, who would immediately beatify him as better-than-Cheney, and he passed on it. He said, no, we’re going to go right on torturing this person, who has not been convicted of any crime, lest he commit suicide before we are able to consign him for the rest of his life to the tortures we are already visiting upon him. Here, then, is a man who considers torturing a kid barely past his youth for an alleged crime whose principal result to-date has been an acute case of The Embarrassments, more important, more pressing, and more necessary than the public maintenance of his own image as a moderate reformer and as a conciliator. I find that interesting indeed.
What this episode reveals is that the most salient aspect of Barack Obama’s character is that he is an asshole of the worst order. He does not delight in cruelty like his predecessor, but is grossly indifferent to it. The Ts have all been crossed. Proper procedures followed? Yes. Fine. Let’s move on. I have been assured.
So hows your stock portfolio been doing the last 5 days Roger? As I predicted, this Obama Idiot is going to have to run for office with a tanked Stock market, and the 401k’ ponzi scheme that went along with it..While he sucks on $300 bottles of wine and looks like a deer in a cars headlights when it comes to his radical deficit spending! 72 Billion in February alone!
oh excuse me, 72 billion in new deficit spending in just 1 day, yesterday!
Wherever will we get all the money that right wingers want for new wars to watch on Faux News?
Afghanistan is getting a bit long in the tooth.
Whoa whoa! I thought the 401k was the role model for the right wing Social Security “reform”.
@30: Any actual evidence that Manning is being tortured? Or just vague innuendo, or claims by Manning himself? Any evidence that Obama hasn’t asked the appropriate people to look into it?
Of course not. Innuendo’s more fun than facts.
@31-2: Where was your screaming about the deficit from 2000-2008? Or is it just spending on the poor and the middle class that offends you, while while redistributing wealth to the top 2% is fine with you?
35 – You can start with Glen Greenwald’s writing on the treatment of Manning.
It’s appalling – there’s no excuse for it. And the Army’s charges against Manning are infuriating – aiding the enemy? Wikileaks? Is the next enemy going to be the NY Times?
Manning should be shot by firing squad…period.