Please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. We start at 8:00 pm, but feel free to show up even earlier for dinner.
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Walker Backing Down?
Private e-mails between Gov. Walker and absent Democratic senators show the governor is now willing to negotiate on collective bargaining, although the Democrats called his new proposals “inadequate.”
Democracy is about negotiation and compromise, and the Wisconsin protesters have now forced the Republicans to negotiate and compromise. Even if they ultimately succeed in passing anti-union legislation, they’ve been defeated in their attempt to ram their “our way or the highway” terms down the throats of Wisconsin’s public workers. And they may have done irreversible damage to their party’s prospects in Wisconsin’s 2012 elections.
Why I am a progressive:
Science and technology. Progress. A better world for all people through science and tech breakthroughs.
All sane people want this save for one group – willfully ignorant right wing degenerates.
Remember the biggest lie of 2010:
But but but….
Science is COMMUNISM!
Big government Republicans at work
And the summary of the bill is fascinating
Heads roll at NPR due to the antics of right wing degenenate JOKIII.
So Ron Schiller said right wing tea party degenerates are seriously racist people.
Yep. Quite a few are. No doubt about it.
Ousted for telling the truth imagine that.
Oh and some of them tote guns too:
Heads roll at NPR due to the antics of right wing degenenate JOKIII.
So Ron Schiller said right wing tea party degenerates are seriously racist people.
Yep. Quite a few are. No doubt about it.
Ousted for telling the truth imagine that.
Oh and some of them tote guns too:
@ 6
They’re taking Detroit private.
You know what? Let it happen. Detroit is a shithole, has always been a shithole, and unless some radical change occurres it will always be a shithole. The reliance on a totally corrupt manufacturing paradigm to support local revenue streams is obsolete. It is obvious to anyone with a brain, that the automobile manufacturing industry, designing cars that were designed to be obsolete every year, was itself a form of planned obsolescence.
YLB has the relevant link above.
Blue Jon @ # 6: Yep, the Republicans always talk about the inherent value of “local control” of government, yet when they get in power at the state or federal level, the first thing they do is try to get dictatorial powers over the state and local governments. Bush’s unfunded mandates are just one example, but the example you provided is rather shocking – it proposes government by executive fiat. Quite a few Latin-American dictators would have been impressed with the prospect of having that much power.
Republicans want total control, period, so they can take all the wealth for themselves. A better world? You’ve gotta be kidding. Their idea of a perfect world is one in which one-percenters own and run everything, and the other 99% of us exist only to be their wage slaves.
Republican = Corporate Lackey
@12: Basically a Koch sucker…
Newsbreak: Authorities have made an arrest in the bombing attempt of the Spokane Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade. No details yet, more is expected to be forthcoming. The arrest is already making national news. I’d add the link, but it merely says what I just said and then goes into the history of the case, so I’ll wait for more details.
@6 There’s a guy who calls himself NNadir who writes diaries at Dailykos who leans liberal politically of course and is fanatically pro-nuclear. So fanatic and scathing that he’s alienated just about everybody over there even those like me who are halfway sympathetic to his cause.
But as annoying as he is, he’s a crackerjack chemist and really knows his stuff about nuclear power and nuclear chemistry.
He also HATES cars and what they’ve done to this country.
I think I’m finally coming around at least to this aspect of his point of view.
Based on the Walker-(fake)Koch political phone sex tape and the fact that Walker is still in office, the NPR execs shouldn’t be resigning for saying what everyone knows to be true about the Tea Party.
Hopefully they are resigning for suggesting that public broadcasting should be privatized and rely entirely on corporate donations.
Good, I’m glad she’s quit. The whole things absurd. The person that made the, fairly accurate and off the cuff, remarks isn’t even employed there anymore. If you don’t have the balls to standup for your organization in a situation like that the best thing you can do is quit.
NPR’s become a joke anyway, some new blood will do them good.
NPR has it’s limitations – it’s always so self-conscious of the criticism it gets from the right that it tends to over-compensate in their favor.
But I like listening to the NPR stations because sometimes I get to listen to the BBC World Service. Listening to it for a half-hour reveals how poorly U.S. broadcast news deals with most of the world. They’ve been reporting on the situation in the Ivory Coast for months now, and it’s still barely making the news at all here.
Oh, and it looks like Newt Gingrich is trying to clear the decks for a presidential run. Apparantly he’s taking seriously the polling which indicates that his adultery while married to his second wife is a problem. As one Republican evangelical said of him, “He’s had one too many marriages”.
For those who might have forgotten, Gingrich married his high school teacher not long after graduation, whom he visited in the hospital while she was having surgery for cancer to discuss a divorce. According to his first wife, he explained that she was too old to be an assett to his political ambitions. After the divorce he married his second wife, but was having an affair with a staffer/intern even while he was loudly expressing outrage and demanding the impeachment of Bill Clinton for that President’s one-time tryst with an intern. He subsequently divorced his second wife and married the woman with whom he was having an affair.
At one point he tried to pass off his “indescretions” as “courage”, saying it was awful brave of him to take a stand against Bill Clinton when his own hypocricy might be subsequently revealed. But that didn’t fly very well.
So now Gingrich claims that he’s asked for God’s forgiveness. If God has forgiven him, then who are we to accuse him? Apparantly it’s not even proper for us to bring up the question, in his eyes.
But perhaps what’s most revealing is that even in admitting to improper conduct, Newt Gingrich can’t even bring himself to admit he did anything wrong.
Gingrich sought ‘God’s forgiveness’ for affair
(Continuation of # 19):
According to Gingrich, his sin was not really a sin, it was “not appropriate” conduct – kind of like using the wrong fork at a formal dinner. Moreover, it really wasn’t his fault, his only fault was in “working far too hard” and feeling to “passionate” about his country. I’m just guessing, but apparantly he feels that if you work too hard and feel passionate about your country, it pretty much justifies anything you do.
Which still doesn’t explain his hypocracy about Bill Clinton, whom certainly worked just as hard as Gingrich and felt just as passionate about his country.
And more importantly, if Gingrich WERE ever to become President, then wouldn’t he be working just as hard (if not harder), and wouldn’t he still feel passionate, and therefore wouldn’t he be subject to the feeling that he’s somewhat above the rules which apply to the rest of us, and that he should be rewarded for his sacrifices? I’m guessing that if he simply has another affair while in office, we would be getting off lucky. More likely, he would embrace the idea that it’s not his turn to become party of the uber-wealthy, and that any means of achieving his policy goals would be acceptable, regardless of their morality or legality.
Because as Gingrich has amply demonstrated, morality and ethics aren’t his strong suit.
@19 and 20:
Newtie’s not dumb.
Sexually related perfidy and repentance are like porno to the batshit crazy evangelical / charismatic set — in political terms, the teahadists and the social conservative base of the R party.
Lots worse are still major figures (e.g., Swaggert, Roberts, Graham et al).
Newtie has to get this behind him to be a credible R nominee candidate and repentance is the ultimate get out of hell free card with the religiously delusional.
# 21: I agree in general, and Newt knows he’s got to win at least a couple of the first three caucuses/primaries in order to win the nomination, before he can even get to the general election. The Tea Party folks have proven pretty adept at knocking off anybody with whom they don’t agree completely. So Newt will do whatever it takes to get past their “purity test”, all the while being prepared to change course quickly after he gets over their hurdles.
But I wouldn’t put Billy Graham on your list of scandals relating to major religious figures. I’m not aware of any credible accusations against him.
Interesting discussion on the radio this morning: with the Kock brothers putting together their own PAC fund, and Karl Rove attempting to raise hundreds of millions himself for the sole purpose of beating Obama, it might be rather tough for Republican primary candidates to raise large sums of cash from wealthy donars. Most will be hitting the same wealthy people, who will ask: “I just gave a couple hundred grand to Rove, a proven entitity. I’ve got six other people asking me for major donations, as well as yourself. Why should I give even more money to you?”
@22: Graham: Leaving aside getting caught on Nixon’s tapes being a racist, anti-semitic cracker?
# 23: I thought you were referring to sexual or financial misconduct. Yep, the Nixon tapes were an embarrasement to him.
@24: I think being a racist anti-semite is worse than being a philandering hypocrite.
And Newtie never, ever pulled a crowd or had establishment credility like Graham.
Can anyone give some legit examples where lowering corporate tax rates caused long term economic growth? It seems every red state is doing it, but I have not read of where it’s doing any good?
Nevada, South Dakota, and Wyoming should be economic powerhouses since they have zero state corporate taxes. Why aren’t they?
(WA is almost exactly in the middle, BTW)