Goldy goes to work! It’ll be interesting to see if he has the time and interest to visit his buddies at Drinking Liberally tonight. Or maybe he wants to show up but Dominique has sent him off to cover some PTA meeting in Longview….
With or without Goldy, please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.. We start at 8:00 pm, and sometimes even earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 209 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL because he’s busy making more rabbits to replace those who get run over by cars.
This clip should work like bloody chum in a shark corridor for our wingnut friends. Yet — no response, as yet.
Aside from Puddy, Alan Keyes, and Clarence Thomas, there are very few African-Americans willing to support the wingnut agenda. I can understand Kasich’s dilemma–how do you locate and appoint black cabinet members who support racists? You have to throw diversity out the window when you’re a contemporary wingnut.
Yikes! What’s with home page? Is it down for everyone else?
Haitian Farmers Burn The Seeds of Exploitation
After the Haiti earthquake, Monsanto Corp. “donated” 400 tons of genetically modified corn seeds to Haiti.
Haitian farmers burned them. To find out why, read this article.
14.1 Trillion and counting……..Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Talk Wingnuts on a spending spree – Where will it end…Can you spell GREECE
@6 Speaking of wingnuts, they’re holding an FAA bill and 300,000 American jobs hostage to grandstanding on health care reform appeal even though polls show a solid majority of Americans opposing repeal.
Suspected Nazi War Criminal Dies
Peter Egner, 88, who lived in Bellevue and was accused of being a member of Hitler’s notorious Einsatzgruppen, reportedly has died of natural causes.
Egner was to go on trial in federal court this month in a move by the government to strip him of his U.S. citizenship (by naturalization) and deport him to Serbia, which had agreed to try him for war crimes.
Egner denied participating in atrocities but admitted being a guard on trains bound for death camps.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
“A Renton man has been arrested in connection with the shooting death of a 28-year-old Bellevue man early Monday morning, according to Bellevue police.
“An 86-year-old man was shot in his home Monday … in Skagit County after exchanging gunfire with a young man who had been drinking with a woman in a home nearby. …
“The incident occurred … when the woman, apparently intoxicated and acting irrationally, ran into the 86-year-old man’s house, according to the sheriff’s office. …
“According to the sheriff’s office, the young man had gone looking for the woman and when he heard her yells, he armed himself with a rifle and went to the 86-year-old man’s house.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These incidents were brought to you by the 2nd Amendment and all the nuts (including those on the Extreme Court) who think it means any damn yahoo is entitled to have a gun.
@6 A Republican complaining about deficit spending is like Gary Ridgeway complaining about the crime rate in his neighborhood.
I don’t know what you are smokin down in that wabbit hole Roger, but the majority of Americans greatly favor repeal of that Healthcare law.
And Yet another judge says the whole damn thing should be thrown out
Date Jan 29-30
Favor Repeal 58%
Oppose Repeal 38%
And 10% Unemployment matters!
Didn’t seem to matter when Bush was doubling it.
Now we’re still in a painful recession when government spending is needed and right wingers are all of sudden fiscally “responsible”.
Bunch of unhinged liars.
10 – I don’t think I could have put it better than that.
In the midst of Republicans clammoring for even more tax breaks for business, while labeling taxes as “job killers”, I ran across an interesting quote in the book “Jet Age: The Comet, the 707, and the Race to Shrink the World”. I don’t have the book with me right now, so I’ll paraphrase.
In 1952 the U.S. was still engaged in the Korean War. The British were about to put the Comet into the air, the first civilian jet transport plane. But U.S. manufacturers (Boeing, Lockheed, Douglas) were unwilling to start design and development without firm orders from airlines, and military contracts enabled them to remain profitable without the risk of a radically new aircraft program.
But things changed suddenly when Allen, a former tax lawyer and now President of Boeing, realized the effect of the War Profits Act. In order to discourage profiteering on military contracts during the Korean War, this act taxed the profits of companies with military contracts at 85% of the amount their profits exceeded those of 1947. Since Boeing had no commercial business in 1947, and it’s WWII contracts had been cancelled, it made no significant profit that year. Almost all of it’s profits from 1952 onward would be taxed at 85%. Other airline manufacturers, which posted profits on civilian contracts in 1947, weren’t affected quite so much.
But while the other airlines were pleading for government subsidies to finance a U.S. answer to the British Comet, Bill Allen decided to go it alone. Since he was going to have to turn over 85% of his company’s profits to the government anyway, he might as well spend it all on R&D on making Boeing’s proposal for an Air Force tanker jet into a commercial project as well. This started as the Dash 80, but eventually was named the Boeing 707.
When the Comet suffered from several fatal crashes before it was removed from service, the 707 was the only commercial jet airliner available for quite a few years, and it was well into the early 1960’s before other airline manufacturers caught up. In the meantime, tens of thousands of jobs were saved in the Seattle area, and the U.S. had the lead in the commercial aerospace industry for the next decade and a half.
So instead of taxes being a “job killer”, in this case it encouraged long-term planning and development, and investment in the future.
interesting info from today’s Times
we are the fastest growing haven for illegal immigrants. is that good or bad? how does it impact our State & Local government budgets?
perhaps these illegals were reading and noticed how illegal-friendly the progressives of seattle much they felt their pain.
The core of the right wing mentality, resentment:
Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die…
perhaps arizona would be willing to bus up thousands more per day? we could advertise in the illegal daily newspaper? let’s try to be #1 and show the world our compassion.
15 – Troll alert. Perhaps the undocumented workers are coming here because the right wing greedheads that you identify with hire them to pad their pockets.
And right wing greedheads come here why?
Oh! No income tax.. i.e. greed…
Again the solution is simple – don’t hire them. If they can’t get an income, they won’t come here.
Poor Id – are you citing the BIASED Rasmussen Poll on health care?
Here is the latest REAL POll:
1/15-19/11 (CBS News Poll) that asked the simple question: Repeal the law or let it stand as is?
40% Repeal
48% Let Stand
12% Not sure
A majority of americans favor letting the law stand as IS.
Republicans are showing that they talk a good game on the deficit – but their actions have INCREASED the deficit:
1. The health care law in creases the deficit by 260 billion in the next ten years and 1.2 trillion after that.
2. Tax cuts for millioniares incerases the deficit and is one of the biggest drivers of the deficit.
3. Republicans want to cut social security and Medicare – but not the defense budget.
4. Republicans want to redefine rape…since when is rape a budget deficit question?
Face it – republicans LIED about being concerned about the deficit. They want to line the pockets of their good friends in the insurance industry, in the oil industry, in agribusiness, in banking and any other rich billionaire they can find.
@14: rhp
Nice point RHP – government policy DOES matter and taxes can be used to push business where it would NOT go on its own – for instance green energy and infrastructure incentives.
It just plain stoopid that we still have a oil based economy that relies on Middle east oil – we should be the innovators in alternative energy and electric vehicles! But republicans like bush and Reagan put their heads in the sand and pretended cheap oil in unstable dictatorships would be around forever….that was just plain Stoopid!
The problem with Health Care Reform = “Give us all the benefits, but we don’t want to pay for them.”(TM)
Money’s got to come from somewhere.
What a moron. There have been a bevy of polls, all recent:
and all BUT the one you singled out are against (or in one case, tied) including those from CNN and ABC/WP.
Did you see this AP story today
i wonder if kennedy paid any attention to details in his office? seems like it should have been caught long ago.
hard to notice the details when you are shit-faced drunk all the time.
He’s another of Cass Sunstein’s useful idiots.
“there are very few African-Americans willing to support the wingnut agenda”
Actually there are about 2.7 million black republicans…and ya wanna bet how many aren’t on welfare?
“The core of the right wing mentality, resentment”
What, like the resentment of thinking whitey is responsible for all your sufferin’?
Still wondering how proud goatee became a lawyer with his warped world views. He always talks about how he “knows” things.
ylb just a filthy cockroach mulling around trying to get an audience.
Both are Cass Sunstein’s manipulable Homer Simpson useful idiots.