In what may be a sign of End Times, Democrats and Republicans will commingle at tonight’s State of the Union address by President Obama. So please join us tonight as we prepare for the Rapture with an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.. We normally begin at 8:00 pm, but show up at 6:00 this evening to catch the whole SOTU.
I heard that Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-ME) will sit with Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME). I’m hoping that Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA-01) will sit with Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC-02) to offer him assistance with any impulse control issues that might arise…. It is just a vicious rumor that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) will be with Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA-04). But I know Graham isn’t that type. I mean, he’ll sit with another Senator.
Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY-09) will sit with Rep. Peter King (R-NY-03), apparently in pursuit of some sort of cold war-style mutual restraint:
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 209 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
No one is going to know when to clap/boo. Should be entertaining.
Not as entertaining as Bachman’s response to the response, though. I’m hoping she’ll talk about how amazing it is that people of all races, creeds, and colors have always been able to come to the United States to be equal, from the very beginning.
Can’t wait to hear Bachman bring TeH CrAyZ. At this point, I don’t really give a fuck what Obama says.
In other news, if the state legislature really wanted to do the people of Washington a solid they’d make it legal to kick hipsters in the shins. I had to spend a few hours on Capitol Hill this morning. I was so glad when I was done with that place.
sorry you had to spend time in that freak infested dump.
3 – Heh. “that freak infested dump”…
Your house?
I like most of Seattle just fine, Alki and Golden Gardens Park are great in the summer, Tromping around Discovery Park, Lincoln Park and Green Lake is great any time of the year. Down in Goldy’s neck of the the woods there’s the Columbia City Bakery, a kick-as butcher shop who’s name escapes me- and Seward Park.
But oh’ man, I thought people were supposed to outgrow the snot nosed brat stage before the age of 25, my bad a guess.
Seattle was and to a degree still is a working class town (fishing, boat building, lumber, lot of welding shops, Boeing, there used to be commercial sewing- REI used to sew clothing in Seattle). I think I’ll be sticking to those parts of the city that still stick closer to their roots in the future.
Forgot the port and shipping.
Have they turned the port into condo’s for hipsters yet?
WTF, did Obama just say that violence has ended in Iraq?
John Boehner looks like he’s going to cry.
Yay, Tunisia got a mention.
And, yes, some of the troops are gay….
And Obama just called on all college campuses to allow ROTC, so Puddy can STFU on that one.
OK, so it’s +1 for Obama. But, I’m still pissed at him.
Hey Michael,
Why did he HAVE to call for that moron? Some loony leftist peeps told us that the colleges were going that way now.
O’ come on, you were calling for it and now it happened. Be happy!
Yes I am happy. Finally the moonbat universities have no excuses. Their preznit told them to do it!
Why you still pizzed Michael? Cuts in spending?
That was a mighty fine speech Paul Ryan gave. Too bad he failed to mention it was REPUBLICANS who spent us into crushing debt. I guess he’s no more honest than the rest of the GOPer crowd.
@13 “Cuts in spending?”
Let’s start with Blackwater (a/k/a Xe). Not one more cent of taxpayer money should pay for $150,000-a-year mercenaries.
@13 Oh, and let’s cut off Clint Didier’s farm subsidies, too.
Obama’s one of the better Republican presidents we’ve ever had…
I’m all for cutting spending on the military industrial complex and handouts to the likes of ADM and Cargill.
Also, while he was complaining about Obama’s health reform, I wonder why Rep. Ryan failed to mention Bush’s $700 billion-plus prescription drug giveaway to the pharma companies?
Damn, it’s not Bachman giving the response.
Ryan’s only a minute in and he’s already quoting the gospels.
“Last year congress didn’t pass a budget.” WTF???
Ryan’s a pretty good propagandist, but there’s only smoke and mirrors behind those words.
‘O god, I think I’m gonna puke.
@17: Not sure about “republican” yet, but definitely more Clinton than FDR. (And that’s a very bad thing)
I heard some interesting things in the speech and I think he’s innoculated himself: Think Truman.
As for Ryan: What a waste of oxygen…
What, no smack down of Ryan? The man spewed fact free crap. Republican’s need to stop bitching about public television PBS gives the Republican’s a pass every time the spew garbage.
We have a budget! And why didn’t any of the talking head newscasters point this out. What a crock of shit.
Ooo… The CrAzY LaDy is on CNN.
We have a federal FY2011 budget Michael? When did Pelosi submit it? When did Obama sign it?
I guess the CrAzY LaDy was giving the Tea Party response. LOL… Nice to see the Republicans all pulling together…
My bad, I was thinking 2010.
That’s okay Michael. The whack-job kook-aid sites didn’t give you any guidance! Pelosi wouldn’t pass a budget because she thought she could sneak in a budget after the election when she thought she wouldn’t lose the House.
Good thing live blogging isn’t my paying gig.
Michelle Bachmann. Stupid, crazy, or both?
@11, 13 and 28 On ignore list.
I refuse to converse anymore with stupid crazy people. I’ve wasted too much time with that bullshit.
Did I miss something?
How does restricting who can file a lawsuit and how much they can file for square with the “free market”? Shouldn’t people be free to sue? Why is she connecting tort reform and buying a health insurance policy from another state, two unrelated things and why does she keep starting paragraphs with the word and?
In the other thread Don Joe farted
So when one enters what happens?
So when one enters what happens?
Please regale us Don Joe…
It’s really easy to determine this when you cache specific HA threads Don Joe. Butt being the butt you are… So it seems only ylb has the “rest of the story”. Goldy must be glad ylb caches his erased links! Goldy trashes ylb caches.
Bachmann forgot manifest destiny!
She’s Teh CrAzY LaDy!
no, your wife’s kootchie..
Do not believe Puttfucker. He lies. The budget has not passed in a timely manner (i.e., prior to the start of the new fiscal year) since 1998 (this includes the years under that spoiled brat Bush the Younger). A brief time of operating under a continuing resolution is not new stuff.
The stuff he made up about Pelosi’s alleged scheming is pure unadulterated bullshit.
I repeat. Puddfucker is a liar, a con, a puss.
3. Winston Wolf spews:
Getting a bit self referential there, aren’t we, winstontastesgood?
There are some big demonstrations in Egypt against Mubarak. Check it out.
Yeah, Puddy’s full of shit, I know that. What I did was space on the whole it being 2011 thing. I was thinking about the 2010 budget.
Ryan is also full shit, but he was technically correct in his statement. We might have a budget right now if the Republicans didn’t act like Capitol Hill Hipsters (see #2) with infected ear plugs (they’re so going to regret those when they turn 30).
nope…you guessed wrong again.
@40: like this kootchie?
You’re kinda’ silly in an inept sort of way.
Wow FartASS is at it again. Butt wait a minute what did Hoyer say?
Let’s see what FartASS has. Puddy got plenty more where dat came from. Koko-aid kook-aid tastes great when you drink it from he leftist kooks!
@42: No guessing to it, winstontastesgood. You posted #3 and referred to @3. I’d say it’s either (1.) a Freudian slip or (2.) a typo.
Survey says (1.)
OK proud, so we know your arent into females…
its a simple typo…nothing more.
your conspiracy theory is TEH FAYLE…..
lying puttfucker–the quote in no way backs up your assertion. You are a truly defective lickspittle.
@49: Irrelvant. You’re the one who brought up kootchies. You lose again….pretty much like always.
Ain’t the first time Michael. Butt then there’s more Michael…
Need to see more of your “space”?
Now why did FartASS run to that site in #47. Maybe them be his “kootchies”? Is that one of your pay sites?
to the heterosexual crowd(you know, the one you are not part of), kootchie is slang for pussy(you know, that thing you have not seen since you peaked at your mom showering when you were 12)
but then again, I am stating the obvious.
nice to know you are mr-johnny-on-the-spot with the queer links….
bet you already have your front row tickets for the next pride parade.
Let me sum up Paul Ryan’s speech:
Blah blah blah. Repeal Obamacare. Blah blah blah. Limited government. Blah blah blah. Obama’s going to raise everyone’s taxes.
Winston Wolf’s being a true canine and pissing all over the place while not to be outdone Puttybutt flings more feces.
rating: 3 out of 10
Egypt is following in Tunisia’s foot steps.
Good, now maybe all that money we ship over there might do some good instead of just lining the pockets of the corrupt fuckers that have been running the place.
Can you say Idiot show……Keep spending the change….14 Trillion, 15 Trillion, 16 trillion,
No Jobs
Home values ———–
States Broke
Fed Broke
People Broke
$10m video. wow.
Republican Roadmap To The Future
No government spending
No jobs
No consumer spending
No economy
her husband is basically useless to her. $10Million isn’t anything close. King County… interesting indeed.
I would much rather see the money that we ship over there just stay here to help out Americans…not ungrateful tunisians and egyptians who get off on burning US flags….
just sayin…..
by the time the lawyers and feds/state are done taking her money, she will have about $62.35 left.
Idiot at 56: “to the heterosexual crowd(you know, the one you are not part of), kootchie is slang for pussy.”
Well, no, it is not. The term your small brain is searching for is cootchie. This is why we have dictionaries.
You had all night to figure this out, and you failed miserably.
A FAIL that is an order of magnitude beyond epic.
@67: Then there’s cooter — both C words, as is cunt and crotch.
Probably should have stuck with pussy.
No matter, Winny is now your bitch.
Who’s yer daddy, Winny!
I keep hearing how smart the character who plays the puddybitch is. When does anyone get to see THAT?
Winston @ # 66 said:
Wrong again. The typical contingency fee arrangement locally is 1/3 of the recovery, plus expenses for things like hiring expert witnesses, etc. The only thing which would be taxed is the amount of the settlement which could be allocated to future earnings, but the parties usually assign a smaller figure to that amount because neither side has an interest in paying more taxes. So all things considered, the wife should have at least 60% of the settlement to use in providing full-time care for her husband over his shortened lifetime.
I’m sure the county wouldn’t have settled prior to presenting it’s own defense if it felt it had a reasonable chance of obtaining a defense verdict. That’s why we have such cases tried by a jury of our peers.
But note something important: the great majority of the settlement is to fund the ongoing medical and disability care of the injured person. That’s the case in most large personal injury suits. The unfortunate fact is that it requires a huge amount of money to provide full-time care for a profoundly disabled person.
If we had a true national health care system, which treated such injuries on a no-fault basis, the lawsuit would have probably been unnecessary. Last year’s health-care reforms didn’t go nearly far enough in reaching that goal.
fine, “cootchie” then.
still find it humorous that you all are so well versed in the world fag-slang.