Please join us tonight for and evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm. Or stop by around 7:00 pm and join some folks for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 234 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Something of local interest to discuss.
FBI: Pipe Bomb Found On MLK Parade Route
The abandoned backpack found Monday along the route of Spokane’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. march contained a bomb capable of inflicting “multiple casualties,” the FBI has confirmed.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s terrorism task force is offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for planting the bomb. The FBI on Tuesday issued a bulletin asking for the public’s assistance.
Frank Harrill, special agent in the charge of the Spokane FBI office, would not discuss what specifically made the bomb so dangerous but said the investigation has become a top priority.
“It definitely was, by all early analysis, a viable device that was very lethal and had the potential to inflict multiple casualties,” Harrill said. “Clearly, the timing and placement of a device _ secreted in a backpack _ with the Martin Luther King parade is not coincidental. We are doing everything humanly possible to identify the individuals or individual who constructed and placed this device.”
This was obviously the work of some left wing crank who is seeking to put the blame on the innocent Aryan Nations paramilitary hate group or some other foaming at the mouth rightie hate group.
Can’t wait for the righties to blame the left for this.
Great minds think a like. Either that or this has all gotten really stale and predictible.
Well its a good thing the progressive fags finally got rid of that Dire Straights song up in Canada.
gotta love those progressive thought/speech police.
I mean really, I think the progressive queers up in canada felt left out after we in the US decided to edit(or neuter) Mark Twains classic work, for the sake not wanting to “offend” anyone. what a load of shit.
Where will it end? How many more books will be scrubbed and “edited” because they go against popular culture or are “offensive”
Censorship, thought police, speech police, re-education camps….ahh yes, welcome to the “all inclusive as long as you agree with us” world of leftist progressivism.
Orwell called it right.
and you want us to give up our guns? you are fucking crazy.
Yawwwnn.. Books on paranoid chickenshit bigots with popguns should never be banned.
They make for good belly laughs.
Hmm… Book ban week tends to feature more books banned by the right than the left. And the left is pretty well armed too.
nice to see you support the censorship of Mark Twain……and Dire Straights!
good little progressive.
apparently YLBasement has also censored his resume, seeing as how he has refused to send to any prospective employers…
8 – Always nice to see an angry, bigoted, know nothing here in the comment threads. You have to laugh if not for crying.
Don’t go Loughner on us now.
Loughner appeared to be a nutty, jobless, undereducated loser…..seems the two of you have lots of similarities YLBasement.
poor YLBasement……slow at the switch again.
Yep, you called it perfectly.
While looking in the mirror!
Damn right wing sites do everything half-assed.
ehh…pretty lame comeback, even for you.
teh fayle.
Does tehchickenshit have junk “gold” coins from Goldline as touted by Beck?
Loughner would approve.
I see 8 spewings of bile from the angry chickenshit troll.
Must be deep in his cups tonight. Yawwn.. Got to take a break from this angry, bitter, know-nothing very boooooring character.
“Where will it end?”
Zotz called it best of all: a steaming pile looking for a shoe….
watch in amazement as YLBasement posts to himself…..
@5 We’re not saying you can’t say whatever you want. We’re only saying you’re a shithead because you do.
@16 This is what happens when someone is still a virgin at age 45.
I don’t need a resume. I made $475 in the stock market today. That’s the same as working for $59.38 an hour. With no commuting, no boss hassles, and you don’t even have to get out of bed. And no taxes! Man, I love capitalism …
I’m glad the stalwart Republicans at the American Library Association are supporting banning these books and focusing on how horrible they are with Banned Book Week. Books filled with vulgarity and about gays, sex, and drugs (the left’s favorite subjects!) have no place in our schools or libraries!
Looks like the bomb in Spokane was, live, sophisticated, and could have done a fair bit of damage. Eeps.
I’m glad they were able to find and stop it in time.
I checked a conservative blog. On the first page of the message board…
Wow. just Wow. Never mind the facts, it’s a conspiracy.
I’m not going to name names, but a certain state senator in the west sound isn’t exactly gung-ho about Rep. Seaquist’s plan to look at phasing out tax breaks. The senator isn’t saying no, but I’m wanting to hear a yes and I’m hearing it.
They never cease to amaze, do they?
@25 Comment #1 at Free Republic
#23 (why am I still reading this?)
When a gunman shoots a democratic congresswoman, the right tells us not to jump to conclusions, their rhetoric had nothing to do with it.
When a bomb plot is foiled at a MLK march, the right jumps to conclusions and says it was a conspiracy by leftists.
Hey WSP/SPD/KCSO (post copied):
Just look for the swerving Volvos, Lesbarus, others with 2008 Lord Obama stickers still on them and those parasitic Prius’ (Prii?) and little Davey Goldstein’s piece of shit gray nineties-something 4-door Nissan. DUI arrests for the night completed. :)
And the fat retired KC Courthouse janitor may be suspect as well, (he’ll be the raving lunatic with the oxygen tank dragging behind him….check his CPL as well). Good luck, and happy hunting!
Hope you had fun queefing on each other assholes.
Love, Mark1. ;)