Please join us tonight for the first evening of politics under the influence in 2011 at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm. Or join some of us for dinner around 7:00 pm.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 236 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
I’ll be there a little after 7 for dinner. I’m a tall blonde guy with a bright yellow rain jacket, I’m easy to spot.
Ed Schultz is a rush limbaugh wannabe…why the fuck anybody listens to either of those clowns in beyond me.
@2: Bullshit. Ed Schultz tells the truth. Limbaugh is a drug addled, racist gasbag.
But you know that. You’re just another piece of steaming dog shit looking for a shoe.
@2 Ed Shulz I understand; but why anyone listens to Limpdick, I can’t figure out.
Ed Schultz is the biggest gas-bag fake POS there is out there.
He is nothing but a jealous wannabe…..just like YOU.
Ahem… Let me see if I got this straight..
The health care package – no matter what its shortcomings or over-reaches got something like 80 hearings in the Congress?
And the Republicans want to bring a repeal straight to the floor for an up or down vote – no hearings, no amendments, not much if any debate I can see.
Sounds more like mob rule than democracy.
So is this designed to play to typical lipton tea bagger back at home?
Wow – great! All hail the low information voter!
Now we have this Issa scumbag who is determined to gin up phony scandals and talking points for the Republicans on the 2012 campaign trail grinding the government to a halt with non-stop hearings. There goes solving problems for the American people!
So… Next two years we’re going to have more of a circus in the beltway than Barnum and Bailey could have ever dreamed!
What happened to the “fair and balanced” condemnation of Limbaugh????
Yawwwwwn… Fake..
guess you missed post #2, eh basement boy?
the are both whore-ass fakes…along with Madcow, Beck, Olberman, Miller, and the like.
they ALL say what they say in order to make cash off the lemmings that listen to you.
and Big Eddie is about the worst of them.
Republicans, who forced President Obama to spend $900 billion on tax cuts for the rich, refuse to spend $1.4 billion on food safety.
I hope they choke on it.
9 – as I said: Fake. Like the fraud that is teh chickenshit troll..
@8 Mirroring again?
@11 These trolls would be hilarious if they weren’t so pathetic.
when you two are done handjobbing each other, then perhaps you can take your partisan glasses off and see the light.
@11..and the only fake around here is you…as in your a fake man and fake head of a household.
13 – Zotz called it pretty good on this one.
Called it spot on perfect actually.
I had the pleasure of doing a lot of driving around our beautiful state today. While driving, I mixed listening to music with listening to AM 1090. There is a huge difference between liberal (fuck this progressive nomenclature, although that fits, too) radio and Beck, Limbaugh, and the like. Ed Schultz, Thom Hartman, Norman Goodman don’t play around with facts. Limbaugh, Beck, and Hannity could not give a fuck about the facts. Do all of them display passion? Sure. But, one side pays attention to what is and the other just reaps profit because it can.
Peninsula gents who made it to DL tonight–sorry boys, I’d hoped to make it. Work, ultimately, trumped fun. Dammit. Next time, I hope.
Nice meeting everyone @ drinking liberal tonight.
Why Obama (Sigh) Will Be Re-Elected
Because GOPers don’t, and won’t, have a credible candidate that’s why.
@19: Further evidence that Republicans can’t field a credible candidate in 2012:
Yes, she’s seriously. And don’t call her “Shirley.”
@20: “seriously running.”
I guess that crazy fool Klynical meant it when he told us he was done.
I wish all the wingnut trolls would leave.
Although I suppose if they did it would get pretty boring.
Fortunately Puddy, troll and others remain to give us fodder to shove up their a$$es.
Hey, I was plumbing the archives for research on Puddybud’s name-calling when I came upon this:
And on and on. Not bad! Check it out.
On which thread did Cynny bow out? That would be great news if he is serious. (Referencing Cynny and serious in the same sentence is quite the challenge.)
24 – He did it right here (I missed it too):
In a halfway classy manner to boot. I disagree with a lot of what he said – he waves the broad brush (a bit) and doesn’t even offer scant apology for his own nasty behavior but as bow outs go it’s all right I guess.
Now watch him come back.
It’d be nice to think that he’s gone for good, but I somehow doubt that it’s true. Time will tell.
Re Klynical’s exit:
Our mock of Megyn Kelly? She’s a hack, that’s just laughable!
OTOH the attack on Goldy’s daughter was beyond the pale, but really nothing new — so it’s still got me scratching my head as a rationale.
Except for the address thing (which was deleted before I saw it), we have some of the nastiest, most despicable trolls anywhere when it comes to vicious personal attacks on Goldy. It makes ME sick to see them.
I won’t miss Klynical’s smarmy bullshit, regardless. And I pity his goat(s).
@27 “smarmy bullshit”
That’s how I’d sum up Klynical’s exit post, if that’s what it was.
I won’t miss this kind of dumbfuck comment very much,
@26 “halfway classy manner”
Klynical has no class whatsofuckingever.
@23 Hopefully Jeff Foxworthy hasn’t copyrighted the format.
I’m glad he’s gone too.
And I hope the rest of the trolls leave too and don’t let the mouse hit them in the tail.
Klynical isn’t the worst, but he’s still a jerk.
It will be better here when they are all gone.
The others are addicted to lame arguments.
28 – Poor schmuck was a little bitter after having his ass handed to him by Goldy after the Election Contest the preceding June.
You should have seen him the week before that. At (un)SP he was chortling about how Goldy was “going down” – over and over again. He really hated Goldy and wanted to seem him damaged. Didn’t work out the way he wanted.
And also he was anticipating the revenge of the wingnuts the following November over I-912. That didn’t work out either.
His posting activity went way down after that and by the first part of August 2006 went totally quiet. I see only 19 comments in 2007.
We had won.
For a while anyway. He won’t stay away for long. The antics of this new Congress will provide reams of new bullshit to rub in everyone’s noses.
another lemming……good job proud communist
people who believe the politico-entertainers = suckers.
you are another worthless citizen.
Im sure your boyfriend loves it when you shove stuff up his ass….
“Hey, I was plumbing the archives…”
So this is what you do all day while the rest of us work and pay taxes…
I’m sure your wife loves the fact that you sit at home all day and “plumb the archives” while she brings home the bacon.
talk about a nutless man you are….
Nice touch on the databaze eunuch! Probably the only plumbing he’s done lately!
35 – Just did a snapshot of December:
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -c handle:phrase~puddybud –snapshot 201012 -C
| count |
| 356 |
1 row in set
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -c handle:phrase~ylb –snapshot 201012 -C
| count |
| 208 |
1 row in set
Sorry fool, you’ve more than earned your #2 crown.
Maxie @ 32 and elsewhere,
You always add so much by way of compelling analysis, enlightened vision, and depth of experience to our threads. Is there any way that I might express to you my profound gratitude for the broadened political and philosophical insight you have provided me?
“Is there any way that I might express to you my profound gratitude….”