It’s Tuesday evening, which means that the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets for an evening of politics under the influence. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm. Or stop by early for some dinner.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 334 chapters of Drinking Liberally sprinkled liberally across the globe.
If Glenn Beck is comparing himself to MLK, you gotta wonder what drug (or mix of drugs) he’s on …
I know some of my fellow progressives on this blog are atheistics (or at least agnostics), which is okay, I don’t tell anybody what they should (or shouldn’t) believe. That’s a personal decision, you know?
However, in this comment, I’m going to throw a sop to our trolls. I have proof that God exists.
First, I gotta give you a little background. I come from a large family. (Who would’ve guessed? I mean, being a rabbit …) So naturally, there’s quite a bit of diversity in my large family. Inevitably, I have a sibling who is, well … how should I phrase this … a Republican-voting, christo-fascist, rightwing Taliban, wife-beating asshole who married for money.
Well, I was talking to Sister Rabbit on the phone tonight to get a medical report on Pop Rabbit, and S.R. told me something I didn’t know before: My sister-in-law has a gay son.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! I can’t think of a nicer guy for that to happen to then my intolerant, self-righteous, Bible-thumping brother!!!
This proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that there not only is a God, but also that She is a just God!!!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! I would have paid money to have seen the look on my Republican brother’s snout when he found out he’s the proud stepfather of a gay stepson!!!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
My rightwing fundie brother’s stepson lives in a state that recently instituted gay marriage, and one of his recent social obligations was attending his stepson’s wedding.
Who says there isn’t a God and there’s no such thing as divine intervention?!!
Hey KyniKal Klown, this validates what you’ve been saying all along!!!
So Darryl, Pelletizer@1, you got that from DUmmys?
For the clueless HA swineflu weasels, DUmmys is the Democratic Underground.
Here is Beck’s Twitter:
Where is the comparison fools? Another Barack the Magic Negro moment Pelletizer, Darryl?
BTW Frank Rich did a hatchet job. Mort Zuckerman took “the messiah” to task for what he didn’t say in Cairo. Of course Frank Rich skipped over that!
Watching de Glennn Beck cartoon, a horrible vision shot through my head of Ben Kingsley as Ghandi jumping up from his spinning mat, jabbing his finger into the camera and shouting, “Aw, gimme a break! Shut-up!! SHUT U P ! !”
Tell me again about defense of marriage:
Nevada GOP Sen. Ensign Admits Extramarital Affair
Puddy @ 4,
So Darryl, Pelletizer@1, you got that from DUmmys?
No…I got the video directly from the Headzup youtube channel. I go there for material to include in the Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza on
@4 A wingnut complaining about liberals swinging hatchets? You gotta be kidding.
@3 For years, I’ve not only been trying to convince the atheists on this board there’s a God, but also that She’s an activist judge.
@4 It wasn’t so long ago you asswipes were going around saying we couldn’t criticize your organ grinder monkey for starting a war because, you know, it’s “unpatriotic” to criticize the commander-in-chief when the country is at war.
Well, here’s a clue for you traitors: Our country is still at war because your stupid chimp couldn’t win his war, so how is your bashing the commander-in-chief not “unpatriotic”? Eh? Explain that.
I would hate to be at your family get togethers.
I thought it was just us trolls you hate, but your hate knows no bounds… not even family.
@11 “I would hate to be at your family get togethers.”
They’re usually pretty boring — until the kicking, biting, scratching, and eye-gouging starts.
Wow Pelletizer@10 Facts flew right past those droopy ears.
@13 Sorry, your answer is non-responsive. Please try again. … On second thought, don’t.
Yep, you missed “messiah” supporter Mort Zuckerman.
Yep, it’s hard trying to revive the brain of a dumb bunny.
Once again another IGNORED opportunity goes by for Goldy and the left to support the UNION workers in Seattle. At least you will all be driving your foreign made cars to the DL. Wouldn’t want you to actually buy an American Made UNION car. Or support the American Worker. Keep up the hypocrisy!
IAFF “Fireman” @ 16,
Why the fuck would I buy a shitty car manufactured by an American car company? And how would that make me a hypocrite ? Please be specific in your argument.
@17 I think the more pertinent question is to ask this union-hating fireman how he likes the gas-guzzling Toyota pickup his union firefighter’s wages paid for.
@18 Which reminds me — it’s time to post “Joe Republican” again.
Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican
A TvNewsLIES Reader contribution.
By John Gray Cincinnati, Ohio
Joe gets up at 6:00am to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full of good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for minimum water quality standards. He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure their safety and work as advertised.
All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employer’s medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs this day. Joe’s bacon is safe to eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.
Joe takes his morning shower reaching for his shampoo; his bottle is properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents because some liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained. Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some tree hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work; it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see, some liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.
Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay, medicals benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe’s employer pays these standards because Joe’s employer doesn’t want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed he’ll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some liberal didn’t think he should lose his home because of his temporary misfortune.
It’s noon time, Joe needs to make a Bank Deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe’s deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some liberal wanted to protect Joe’s money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the Depression.
Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten Mortgage and his below market federal student loan because some stupid liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his lifetime.
Joe is home from work; he plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive to dad’s; his car is among the safest in the world because some liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers Home Administration because bankers didn’t want to make rural loans. The house didn’t have electricity until some big government liberal stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and demanded rural electrification. (Those rural Republican’s would still be sitting in the dark.)
He is happy to see his dad who is now retired. His dad lives on Social Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn’t have to. After his visit with dad he gets back in his car for the ride home.
He turns on a radio talk show; the host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. (He doesn’t tell Joe that his beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day.) Joe agrees, “We don’t need those big government liberals ruining our lives; after all, I’m a self made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have.”
Ohhh lookie here, Heather Podesta (where has Puddy heard that name before…) opened her pie hole
Oh yeah Puddy now remembers…
So much for the new “transparency in government.”
You gotta luv Jimmae Cahhhhhhhhhhhrter
“Meanwhile, two Palestinian sources told FOX News that the group had discovered two roadside bombs planted near a crossing between Israel and Gaza on a path Carter’s convoy took to meet with the group’s leaders — Hamas advisers, though, reportedly cast doubt on claims that extremists were trying to kill Carter.”
Puddy reported and the HA swineflu weasels let the outrage go pass.
Some priceless comments too.
This makes you go hmmm… Puddy wonders about his political leanings…
Hey Richard Pope what do you think?
Puddy @ 23
Do you honestly believe that link contributes to any sort of adult conversation about anything?
Absolutely Proud Leftist… See if you can figger it out. Puddy will give you a PuddyHint…
Apparently you don’t remember something about senate seats and how Dummmocrapts like to go through “machination shenanigans” when a Dummmocraptic senator needs replacement.
Hope the PuddyHint helps…
Here is something to pizz off the HA swineflu weasel tards on hump day.
Guess what fools, it’s not from Rasmsussen!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor!
Polls? Why didn’t Puddy tell you about this one. 38% of Republicans think Republicans suck. Heh- No wonder they can’t win an election.
Poor Puddy is reduced to name-calling and juvenile associations.
Is that the best you have?
Especially after I blew your crap out of the water on how Bush screwed the last election in Iran.
Here is a hint. If you are arguing position, try finding sources that actually verify what you are saying instead of general, after-the-fact articles that really prove nothing.
Also, the quality of the sources is more important than the quantity. Four sources that really don’t validate your point of view doesn’t even equal one that totally refutes what you are saying.
Just believing something to be true ain’t enough, you need to actually prove some points. Krauthammer and the other neocon fools have been wrong so often (on Iran and the Middle East) that it is hard to beleive anyone with any intelligence still listens to them.
Remember all the crap they put out on Iraq, the Bush doctrine and democracy in the Middle East? All worong, all false and all BS.
Predictably, the idiot republicans are calling for “a stronger” response from Obama (the exact WRONG thing to do) – but Obama has given the exact RIGHT measured response on Iran. the elections are suspect and the Us wants the will of the Iranian people to be honored.
Anything more would be meddling into Iranian affairs and would screw over the protesters by labeling them as American puppets. Why is it that republicans have no clue about history and cannot understand the arrogance of meddling in other countries affairs?
Certainly, our elections in 2004 left something to be desired and our own hands have been dirtied by torture and illegal wiretapping.
How about the Rasmussen Daily tracking poll, Puddy? Our president’s up 150% over the last three days!
Your friend, Mr. Klynical, who lives and dies by the daily Rasmussen poll, must be really bummed out today. So sad.
NutsTooTight is truly delusional. He whipped an article from the rag the Boston Globe says “AN UNABASHEDLY LIBERAL JOURNAL THE AMERICAN PROSPECT OFFERS A NEW VOICE TO THE OLD LEFT” You deliver a rag which hates Bush for an argument. You are as bad as clueless wonder with his Daily Kos TV!
What a moron. Puddy used Time Magazine and the BBC to deliver the upper cut, left jab, right cross, and the knock out punch left hook.
Why do you run to libtard sources NutsTooTight? Are those prostate secretions backing up into your esophagus? Here is a PuddyHint, try to use a conservative rag to argue against Puddy just as Puddy used libtard sources to EVISCERATE your worthless position.
Oh something you missed in your libtard article
Damn, that’s just what the BBC said the reason Whackmaninthejob won fool.
Anyhow, do you pay attention to anything anymore anywhere at anytime or you just like to play with yourself on this blog?
BTW NutsTooTight, Iran is evil. They send weapons and materiel to your friends Hizbollah. They kill innocent Jewish women and children and you have nothing to say. That’s why you are a fool!
Good bye moron. Thanks for give Puddy a PuddyLaugh with this libtard “news source”.
But here is the NutsTooTight funny line of the day:
The PuddyMaterials were from the next few days after the election in 2005.
Here is the date of the NutsTooTight article:
Now who is using “after-the-fact articles that really prove nothing NutsTooTight?”
bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa
And the next funny line from NutsTooTight was:
A libtard paper NutsTooTight? Why not use Talking Points Memo? Or Daily Kos? Or Media Matters? Or direct from George Soros? You damned your own femtometer brain with that comment.
Nuff SAID Sucka!
But the pièce de résistance was this deflection whopper:
Can anyone show where Puddy used Dr. Charles Krauthammer from my Time or BBC articles?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor
@21 Warmongers always try to kill peacemakers, puddle — didn’t you know that? They hate peacebringers even more than they hate their enemies, because peace means they can’t kill the people they hate anymore.
22, 23, 26; also 30 – 33 — Poor puddlehead is frustrated because he’s not getting enough attention. It hurts to be ignored when you have nothing to say.
So who’s running in the primary against McDermott?
Pelletizer is off his meds again.
#34: Hamas off the terrorism list? They know how to get off the list but they want the US to unclassify them as a terrorist group. Glad to see Pelletizer is as dumb as ever. When do the Hamas leaders have to guard their stores hospitals or restaurants from Israeli suicide bombers bumb bunny?
@35: NutsTooTight uses a libtard web site and was eviscerated. You on the other hand haven’t said much lately except for your father’s condition. All else is worthless swill. Did you look up Mort Zuckerman’s commentary on “the messiah’s” Cairo speech? No? Of course not you lose another of your idiot of the day mantras!
If Puddy had nuthin to say why is NutsTooTight cummin back to attack Puddy?
What a dumb bunny fool!
Kirk91@36: Puddy heard the Fremont Troll is running! Too bad it’s difficult to tell them apart.
Who says “God” is just one entity? Why not follow the religions that existed before Judaism, Christianity, and Islam showed up?
I personally like the Neo-Pagan interpretations of things, revolving around the Sun, Moon and God and Goddess. It’s just as likely an explanation of where all this shit came from as anything else we’ve got.
@37 “When do the Hamas leaders have to guard their stores hospitals or restaurants from Israeli suicide bombers bumb bunny?”
The Israelis apparently don’t need suicide bombers in order to destroy hospitals.
Steve, steve, steve Yes, look at the “destroyed” hospital. Glad you brought that up Steve, cuz it shows how easy it is to sway that femtometer mind…
ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) reported it was a neighboring warehouse that was destroyed, not the hospital.
Thanks Steve for being the 11 AM hour HorsesASS!
Steve, you should bookmark the CAMERA site. You wouldn’t be such a moron if you did! Puddy would suggest this site to other HA swineflu weasel libtards, but they are mentally unstable. You become unstable when you drink your Stupid Solution. Then you think we whom think right use goats for personal pleasure when you really know in your heart of hearts that it isn’t so.
Special to Puddingbrain:
@41 Quibbling and infantile namecalling. From your own link.
Repair work at Al-Quds Hospital, which is run by the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), is under way after a quick assessment jointly carried out with ICRC staff. Water pipes supplying the facility were badly damaged by the shelling. Hospital services are expected to be back to normal in three to five days. The PRCS warehouse, which was also shelled on Thursday, was reduced to ashes. Very substantial stocks of relief goods were destroyed. (Jan. 17, 2009, Gaza: Civilians continue to suffer despite hopes for imminent cease-fire)
Civilians suffering. Does that bother you at all?
Anyways, let’s revisit what you wrote.
@37 “When do the Hamas leaders have to guard their stores hospitals or restaurants from Israeli suicide bombers bumb bunny?”
My point stands. Perhaps they needn’t guard against suicide bombers but apparently they do need to guard against destruction of their stores, hospitals and restaurants. Oh, and warehouses.
Wow rujax, media morons. You are proving everyday you are dense as spent uranium. NPR is whackjob left. Jeffrey Dvorkin, admitted NPR’s liberal bias back in 2003 as the NPR official ombudsman, and nuthin much has changed since then moron.
So Puddy asks you too rujax (is that for rumpled jaxASS?): do you pay attention to anything anymore anywhere at anytime or you just like to play with yourself on this blog?
Steve, infantile name calling? Puddy called you Steve, steve, steve. So when Puddy uses your proper first name it’s infantile name calling. Would your rather be called Schmuck, schmuck, schmuck?
When phosphorus mortars are raining down on you, the military determines the original trajectory and they fire back. Ever heard of mortar firing position determination? It’s a known fact your friends use innocents as human shields. They also park their weapons in civilian areas and you have no problem with that. Maybe it was a Hamas rocket gone wrong.
So again how does your story still stand? You claimed a hospital was destroyed. It wasn’t!
@44 “Jeffrey Dvorkin, admitted NPR’s liberal bias”
Go to Puddy’s link and this is what Dvorkin really said.
“FAIR refers to The Brookings Institution as a “centrist” think tank. This is, in my opinion, a trickily subjective adjective. Many would consider Brookings to be a solidly liberal organization whose scholars and pundits are frequently heard on NPR.”
Looks like Puddy’s reduced to making shit up and then linking to sites that don’t support his lies.
Steve, steve, steve, there you go again. Oops… you’d reather me not use infantile name calling so it’s Schmuck, schmuck, schmuck then.
They have the liberal Brookings institution on all the time and hardly ever the Heritage Foundation. Facts and Steve (Schmuck) are tricky dance partners. Deductive reasoning isn’t Steve’s (Schmuck’s) forte!
@33: Puddy doesn’t even know when he has been crushed – totally oblivious to the fact you have been exposed once again.
First, I never said you used Krauthammer to make your vapid little points. But you and Krauthammer (your freekin’ hero, even though he has been so wrong so often (maybe that is why he is your hero…))have the same foolish and wrong-headed opinions on Iran.
@46: Steve says:
Steve, this is par for the course with Puddy., He doesn’t even check his links (obtained from rightwingnut sites) to see what they say. Yes, it is sloppy and his points are irrelevant, but you don’t understand how Puddy argues.
In Puddy’s mind he wins every argument based on quantity of posts….see that is why we lose according to Puddy.
Puddy says:
First, I am attacking stupidity – don’t take it personally when you say stupid stuff and I attack what you wrote.
Second, I don’t call you names. I just point out when you are wrong (unfortunately for you, that is often).
@45 “your friends”
Bullshit no doubt pulled from your ass. I condemn the violence on both sides.
“You claimed a hospital was destroyed. It wasn’t!”
Pathetic attempt to deflect, as usual. Here, I’ll fix what I wrote: The Israelis apparently don’t need suicide bombers in order to partially destroy hospitals.
The point still stands and you’re full of shit to boot.
“Maybe it was a Hamas rocket gone wrong.”
Maybe it was just Puddy farting near a lit match.
All can see you used Dr. Krauthammer as a kraut hammer against Puddy. Otherwise why did NutsTooTight enter the good Dr. into your NutsTooTight vapid insipid argument? NutsTooTight is running away from NutsTooTight’s exposed libtard source of “truth” which is
Puddy DEEEEEEEEEESTROYED your biased “after-the-fact article” with facts from liberal sources which sliced and diced his worthless argument like the Ron Popeil Chop-O-Matic vegetable slicer does to vegetables.
Puddy loves it when Puddy uses the libtard MSM against a HA swineflu weasel libtard.
Now Puddy doesn’t know what to call @50. When Puddy uses his parental unit given name he’s called an infantile name caller. So IT@50, you now try and clean it up?
First IT@50, Puddy was one of the first to condemn the tactics of Hamas. Puddy has placed many pictures of Hamas, Fatah, and Hizbollah weaponry hidden in civilian areas on this blog many times. Yet many HA swineflu weasels take the Hamas etc. position like you did in your IT@40 entry.
1) Did Israel fire the phosphorus mortar first? No
2) Did Israel tell Hamas to hide in residential areas near the al-Quds hospital? No
3) Was the al-Quds hospital “destroyed”? No
4) Are you an ASS? YES
Well IT@50 25% ain’t bad for a libtard.
BTW nice Blazing Saddles reference with the lit fart. Did you singe your ASShairs fart lighting last night and you figgered out how to “slip it in” today?
@51: Glad to hear I was “destroyed” in your fantasy world.
But here in the real world – you are being taken apart for the joker that you are.
Speaking of that fool Krauthammer, this takedown by Glen Greenwald really punches the air of that over-inflated balloon (right wing fool-pundits). Krauthammer is a whining complainer who fails to back up what he says with facts…just like Puddy. And Jonah Goldberg is a pompous fool:
Ouch! Hoisted on their own foolish petards.
Wow NutsTooTight… Bitchslapped silly now you are jumping all over the place today. Making no sense whatsoever. Giving Puddy a headache trying to decipher your meanderings.
Funny Glenn doesn’t take Mort Zuckerman to task on his attack on “the messiah’s” Cairo speech.
Let’s see if Dr. Darryl will erase the posting since you basically copied the whole article.
@52 “Yet many HA swineflu weasels take the Hamas etc. position like you did in your IT@40 entry.”
I did no such thing. Repeat it 100 times and it’s still a lie.
“an infantile name caller”
@37 “Pelletizer”, “bumb bunny”, “NutsTooTight”, “libtard”, “the messiah’s”
@41 “femtometer mind”, “11 AM hour HorsesASS”, “moron, “swineflu weasel libtards”, “Stupid Solution”
@44 “morons”, “dense as spent uranium”, “whackjob left”, “rumpled jaxASS”
@45 “Schmuck, schmuck, schmuck”
@47 “Schmuck, schmuck, schmuck”
@51 “NutsTooTight”, “libtard”, “swineflu weasel libtard”
@52 “HA swineflu weasels”, “libtard”, “ASS”
Hey, call people names all you want. I’m OK with it. However, when I call you Republicans “goatfuckers” you can just shut the fuck up, take it like a man, and stop whining as though you stand on some fucking higher moral ground.
Steve schmuck steve, too bad that goat sex problem is affecting your leetle femtometer mind.
In post #40 the link you provided ran with the al-Quds hospital being destroyed. Yet when the facts were correctly presented the link you gave never corrected the story. Hence you didn’t accept the CAMERA link, you replied:
So if Puddy corrects the lies of Hamas and others and you continue to agree with their lies how are you not taking
The Prosecution Rests
Also those special names, you earlier admitted you didn’t think Puddy was a bigot (wasn’t it a nanosecond) so those are terms of endearment. BTW NutsTooTight is a classic!
Puddy thinks Steve is jealous cuz he can’t think too fast on his ASS or on his feet (his lower ASS).
@56 “too bad that goat sex problem is affecting”
What’s Marvin and that hapless goat of his got to do with anything?
“al-Quds hospital being destroyed”
Deflection. As the hospital came under Israeli attack, my point still stands – both sides commit violent acts against civilians on the other side. Of course, pointing out that violence is a two-way street ends with you accusing me of being on the side of Hamas. Dream on, Puddy.
“you earlier admitted you didn’t think Puddy was a bigot”
That’s what I wrote. I’ll even add here that I regret even refering to your years-old remarks. I’ll state the reason again. I don’t believe (even for a nanosecond) that you’re a bigot. I did notice that you said nothing when I was repeatedly accused of bigotry by your friend based on the flimsiest of reasons, but that’s your business. You handle things your way, I’ll handle them mine. I say you’re no bigot. If you think I’m a bigot, spew it here all you want.
“Puddy thinks Steve is jealous cuz”
Hmm, that’s not what yo mama sez.
Steve…I think the puddybiotch is under the delusion that we really give a flying fuck about anything he spews.
For myself…I love to see him go into one of his Donald Duck style, tongue-chewing babbling idiot right-wing christo-fascist rants.
Beats listening to beck or o’liely for shits and giggles ferchristsakes…
I wonder how much longer Ron Christie will be able to stand being a member if the Racist Republican Party?
rujax you said what again? Someone pissing into the wind again?
Hardly anyone responds to your tripe at all.
@59 Puddy and Mr. Klynical don’t speak in tongues like they used to do here. Perhaps their faith has been shaken by the decline and fall of God’s own, the Republican party.
Steve, steve steve…
Here are your words again from #40:
Here is your latest comment when reminded the hospital wasn’t destroyed
Plain and simple dude. Your media source lied, Puddy’s media source proved the lie. Either you accept the media arguments put forth by their friends or not. Puddy doesn’t channel their media. That’s how cum Puddy knew the hospital story was a lie.
Why didn’t you Steve if you are not their friend?
Why didn’t you verify before trusting?
Stupido, my momma dead fool. Been channeling them crystals again?
Steve, glossolalia is something totally different. Too bad you don’t comprehend things spiritual.
“Here are your words again from #40:”
Irrelevant, as you ignore my amended comment @50. Too bad. You lose. Again. But you’re used to it so I won’t fret for your well being.
“Stupido, my momma dead fool.”
I already know that, fool! All’s fair in yo mama jokes and you know it, my now overly sensitive friend.
@64 Let me help you out here, Puddy.
Steve steve steve,
Partially destroy hospitals? Hospital back in operation in less than 5 days.
Is that like ELF partially destroying cars in lots by burning 40 Hummers and SUVs?
Is that like partially destroying the plant area in the UW Merrill Hall at the Center for Urban Horticulture then ridiculing the researchers who didn’t have computer backups?
That’s partial destruction. That was a pin-prick by the Israeli army.
Not only are you a homophobic bigot, you are a hypocrite.
You whine like a 5 year old child that Puddy calls people names yet you do the same thing.
You sure do know how to insult people. (chuckle chuckle) Faggot or goatfucker… all your insults are sexual, or as adults would call it, junior high school humor. Isn’t it time for you to grow up??
p.s. Why don’t you beg Puddy to tell you that you’re not a bigot again. It was entertaining watching you grovel at the feet of Puddy.
Ahhhh Steve, as Puddy said in #64 you don’t understand spiritual things. When people are in true God-led glossolalia, other people know what they are saying.
The only certain schizophrenic syndromes from the “glossolalia” you espouse are those exhibited by the HA swineflu weasels.
Marvin, only libtards get a pass on name calling.
Not looking good for the obama when newsweek starts turning on him…
The fact is the economy has lost more jobs, and the unemployment rate is significantly higher, than the administration originally predicted would be the case if Washington did nothing. In fact, the original projections of Obama’s economic aides have turned out to be off by a very wide margin.
President Obama has said that “the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has saved or created nearly 150,000 jobs.” That’s always been a soft statistic, as we explained on the FactCheck Wire in May. The President’s Council of Economic Advisers hasn’t actually counted those 150,000 jobs. It’s a rough projection based on calculations made before Obama even took office.
The Obama team originally estimated, for example, that unless a stimulus plan was enacted, the unemployment rate would reach nearly 9 percent sometime in the first three months of next year, as shown by this chart, which we copied from the original Romer-Bernstein study:
But as things have turned out, even with the big spending package in place, the jobless rate shot up to 9.4 percent in May, according to the most recent figures from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Maybe it’s not just ylb that should be called clueless.
@68 “p.s. Why don’t you beg Puddy to tell you that you’re not a bigot again. It was entertaining watching you grovel at the feet of Puddy.”
You are batshit insane, Marvin. I never asked anything of Puddy. It’s obvious that you need to make shit up in order to keep your head from exploding.
Seeing as how Puddy is in a spiritual mood, Marvin, how about you repeating some of the hate you’ve spewed in the past about Christianity? We can see what excuse Puddy comes up with for you.
@68 “all your insults are sexual”
No, but since you fuck goats, I make an exception for you.
@69 “When people are in true God-led glossolalia, other people know what they are saying.”
To rephrase, when the batshit insane Mr. Klynical starts speaking in tongues, the batshit insane Puddy follows along like everything is just fine.
Maybe. But that has nothing to do with you groveling at the feet of Puddy the other day.
I agree, that was hate against religion. Why do you feel that so many on the left hate God?
If you believe those words were mine, provide the link to the words you find offensive and I’ll tell you which democrat/liberal spewed that hate against God.
If you don’t want to provide a link I’ll understand. You are just trying to use me to insult Puddy. Unfortunately for you, both Puddy and I are too smart for your elementary school trick.
@75 You’ve become the one thing that a troll simply can’t afford to become – boring as hell.
I’ll believe that the day you stop replying to me like a trained monkey.
Of course you dropped the whole religious hate accusation when I asked for a link.
Go figure.
@77 I’ve read your diatribes against Christians. That’s good enough for me. I’m sure Puddy and others have read them as well. If you want to go into denial about it, that’s up to you. Meanwhile, you’re still batshit crazy and you still fuck goats. Find a link for that, asswipe.
Of course it’s good enough for you.
I’ve seen the standards you’ve set for yourself as far as your feelings about “faggots.”
Your standards aren’t very high.
Which explains why you are so reluctant to post a link to back up your words.
Even you don’t believe the crap you write.
Here’s an example of *YOUR* standards…
Like I said, not very high.
Hmmm, Marvin admits that he fucks goats.
Yup, Marvin’s batshit insane.
Yup. I wrote that.
I also wrote I was on welfare.
Strange how gullible both you and your fellow bigot gbs are.
But thanks for proving my point.
If you had links to my religious hate you would have posted it.
Good try steve.
You really ought to do something about that goatfucking, Marvin, before you end up in the slammer like this Republican who was recently busted.
Heh, that Republican perv wore a panda costume. Republican pervs and animals. Nothing new about that, huh, Marvin? Say, what kind of animal costume do you wear when you’re out perving around?
Um, dude, you’re the one who claimed that you’re on welfare and that you fuck goats. Perhaps you should try taking it back, not that it will do you any good.
And don’t worry, I doubt that the very forgiving Puddy would ever hold it against you that you hate both blacks and Christians.
Here’s another recent Republican perv that was busted. This creep molested a five year-old. I understand that he first started down this path to perversion by fucking goats like Marvin admits to doing.
Some sick shit, huh?
Why anybody would let an admitted wingnut goatfucker like Marvin around their kids is a mystery to me.
You posted the link to the goat sae.
Post the link to my religious hate.
As far as blacks… why do you think gbs assumed I was black when I said I was on welfare?
Not looking good for your fellow bigot gbs.
Hell, it’s not looking good for you and your homophobic bigotry. Didn’t manocrap post earlier today that he agrees with you on a lot of racial issues?
What’s up with that?
Let’s see, from his trail of hate-filled screeds we’ve seen that Marvin, a treasonous racist and a bigot, hates America, Jews, blacks, hispanics, Asians, rabbits, Christians and gays, and that he readily admits to fucking goats. Did I leave anything out, Marvin? Hmm, what about that panda costume? Yeah, what the fuck is up with these animal costumes you Republican pervs are wearing these days? Do you need someone to tell you how fucking weird that is?
I’m not the hateful bigot that actually wrote something like…
I’m sure if I was what you claim, you would be posting the link to prove it.
I enjoy posting your words to prove exactly the kind of person you are!
And there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.
Well, nothing except make stuff up like a 5 year old child.
p.s. Did I tell you how entertaining it was to watch you grovel at the feet of Puddy, almost begging Puddy to tell you that you’re not a bigot? Thanks for the laugh.
Hey Puddy went to the driving range and hit some leetle white balls. Wow I missed some fun here.
I hope steve isn’t injured too bad.
Gotta luv that libtard media bias.
Just in case it disappears…
Wed Jun 17 2009 15:15:00 ET
ABC is refusing to air paid ads during its White House health care presentation, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, including a paid-for alternative viewpoint!
The development comes a day after the network denied a request by the Republican National Committee to feature a representative of the party’s views during the Obama special.
Conservatives for Patients Rights requested the rates to buy a 60-second spot immediately preceding ‘Prescription for America’.
Statement from Rick Scott, chairman of Conservatives for Patients Rights:
“It is unfortunate – and unusual – that ABC is refusing to accept paid advertising that would present an alternative viewpoint for the White House health care event. Health care is an issue that touches every American and all potential pieces of legislation have carried a pricetag in excess of $1 trillion of taxpayers’ money. The American people deserve a healthy, robust debate on this issue and ABC’s decision – as of now – to exclude even paid advertisements that present an alternative view does a disservice to the public. Our organization is more than willing to purchase ad time on ABC to present an alternative viewpoint and our hope is that ABC will reconsider having such viewpoints be part of this crucial debate for the American people. We were surprised to hear that paid advertisements would not be accepted when we inquired and we would certainly be open to purchasing time if ABC would reconsider.” “
To us whom think right: Purchase this for Goldy?
Or maybe this one?
Son of a gun, Puddy, hitting golf balls these days, are you? First time out or do you play the game?
Steve, been playing the game since 1980. On good days Puddy gets below 90 for 18 holes. Most days not! Puddy seems to like hazards (water, sand, high rough). Haven’t had much time to work on the game for the past three years so Puddy went to hit two buckets. Hit the ball further left handed vs right handed.
Seemed to drive the clueless wonder and rujax balls the furthest. They were the cut and scratched ones with the word RANGE stamped on them.
FartyArt: Puddy got a question for you.
On both sides of Iran are US inspired democracy experiments. While there are problems with them they are moving forward. The Iranian peeps are seeing these democracy activities and are now inspired. Yet these democracy activities were from the previous administration. Now there is a “the messiah” in the whitey house. Yet he is mute.
Senator John McCain said we need to come out with support for the Iranian people. Yet two losers, ones who said the Iraq War was lost, lost, Joe Klein and John Effin Kerry don’t seem to believe that we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness should apply to the Iranian protesters. Why are progressives listening to these fools?
Yet, your progressive friends are so quick to give terraists in Hotel Club Gitmo US rights butt not tell the Iranians we support them. Makes no sense FartyArt.
@93 How about that! I knew that if I was patient and kept looking I’d find that you had at least one redeeming quality.
“Seemed to drive the clueless wonder and rujax balls the furthest.”
Heh- I even got a chuckle out of that one.