Please join us tonight for another evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm. Some of us will be there even earlier for a quiet dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 235 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Roger Rabbit made a rare personal appearance at DL tonight to discuss comparative legal systems with the cognoscenti.
Well, now that START has as good as passed the Senate, wingnuts are disappointed that the world isn’t going to be blown up with nuclear weapons for a while. These guys just can’t wait to get their hands on the “football” to expedite the Rapture. And they not only want to Rapture themselves up, but want to take the rest of us with them.
Actually, I am betting that Obama will get re-elected in 2012, so the Dems get possession of the football until January, 2017.
If Obama get re-elected and the House and Senate are dominated by the Reps and Dems respectively, that ain’t such a bad situation. I’m thinking that the next 6 to 8 years are going to be OK for us.
The Tea Partiers are moving here, to a “NO INCOME TAX STATE”
Census: Fast growth in states with no income tax
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
So the Blue state will be truning red very soon!
2. Roger Rabbit spews:
Huh? This Treaty is flawed. Read the preamble. It limits defense systems. Yet Obama tells Senators that part is NOT BINDING. Makes no sense. Look for problems down the road. If right out of the gate, sides dispute what is binding and what is not..not good.
Just a quick update on how the Obama Regime is being viewed these days. His Strong Disapproval numbers have dropped some…but so has his Strong Approval numbers down to only 22%. That’s Obama’s base.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
This one is waaaaaaay too funny and pathetic at the same time. ImamObaMao’s Director of National Intelligence ain’t very intelligent!
@5 Cynical
I assume this is the clause of the preamble that you find problematic:
Which effective, deployable ballistic missile defense system might be limited by this treaty? OK, I’ll make it easier, which missile defense technology shows promise of being developed into an effective, deployable system that might be limited by this treaty?
Indeed, there aren’t any.
For a moment there I thought you had something substantive to say, that you had some incisive analysis of this treaty to share. Alas, more FUD, this time in the guise of longing for Ronnie Raygun’s Star Wars.
I wonder how many DUI’s have come out of the Drinking while Libtarded group? Just curious. Also, how large was the collective carbon footprint by all those that drove there to attend? Just askin’.
Rodent, I need your advice. Since you were in a professional advice giving mood under the influence last night and all…. I need my floors stripped, then waxed, and I was wondering if you could recommend any specific products and/or a good company that offers these services. I value any information you may have for me, as I’m sure in your thirty-something years of experience as head Courthouse Janitor, you probably learned a thing or two. Thanks in advance!
Roger is a lagomorph, not a rodent. I hope he is not offended by your mistake.
@10, The fact that rabbits are lagomorphs not rodents show the lack of fact checking and knowledge that the Right has when spewing their hate filled garabage.
I just heard Canada has an unemployment rate of 7.6 percent.
Wow that’s high – by Canadian standards..
Just another “socialist” basket case I guess. That “medicare for all” they have up there is just killing them.
@10 It’s like some of these trolls have nothing better to do with their lives than to see what stupid shit they can pull from their ass. It’s not humorous. It’s not original. It’s just gawdawful stupid. My best guess is that this very strange behavior comes from fucking too many goats or, in some cases, ineffective meds. heh- With Mark, it just might be both.
I was not trying to be factually correct using the word “Rodent”. It was intended to describe him personally. Get a grip Libtards, and a little humor while you’re at it! ;) I come here for entertainment purposes only. It is amusing to me to see the ignorance & the crash n’ burn spin attempts of the Progressive Libtard bowel-movement. Almost a comedy routine.
As for you Stevie, there’s that obsession with goats again. Can you manage a post without referring to them? Try it, you will find there are other more important things to think about when you wake up in the morning. Good luck!
And BTW, the first two questions in my post remain unanswered. Typical Libs, ignore things you don’t like or want to think about and point away from that saying “look over here” to try and distract from questions you cannot or don’t want to answer. Right out of Goldy’s playbook. I know I’m shocked.
Good day all, I have to get back to this thing called work. (Take note YLB, and look up that word in Webster’s, I know you are unsure of the definition of it.)
No gives a damn about what a miserable right winger like you has to say. I’m sure you’ll be here a year from now spraying the same lame taunts, as perennial as another Dino Lossi disaster.
Truer words were never spoken. Sorta the right-wing MO really.
@4 “So the Blue state will be truning red very soon!”
That must explain why Rossi keeps losing by ever larger margins every time he runs.
@5 So now you’re a nuclear arms control expert? What part of the treaty that says the U.S. and Russia will cut their nuclear arsenals in half don’t you understand? Verification is a technical detail. We don’t have to trust the Russians. Our technology does that job for us.
As for your (and the right wing’s) pathological faith in anti-missile shields, I’m glad you think those things work. Me, I’m gonna keep my bomb shelter stocked with water and biscuits. You wanna believe “Star Wars” can score 5,000 hits against 5,000 warheads, every time, without fail? Go right ahead. If even one of those fuckers gets through your defense shield, you’re vapor. Me, I’ll stick with MAD — it has worked for 70 years. The world doesn’t need 10,000 nuclear warheads to assure peace. A couple hundred on each side is plenty. If even one of those fuckers gets through … well, Putin’s boys can do the math as well as we can.
“Can you manage a post without referring to them?”
I pull that out when someone really, really fucking stupid shows up, so I can see how you’d get the wrong impression.
I mean really, Mark, do you have anything intelligent to say? I’ve read your comments for a few years now and I haven’t seen it yet. You bring no wit, no humor, no intelligence – just really fucking stupid comments.
The biggest problem with anti-missile defense technology is not that it doesn’t work — although that’s a problem — but what our winger friends will do with it, if the engineers ever get it to work.
It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out what wingnuts would do with our nuclear arsenal if they thought they could hide behind a missile defense shield without fear of retaliation.
They would use it.
@9 “I wonder how many DUI’s have come out of the Drinking while Libtarded group? Just curious.”
It would be interesting to correlate DUI arrests with concentrations of Republican voters and see what you get. I’ll bet the DUI-per-1,000-people ratio is considerably higher in eastern Washington than King County.
@9 For the best-looking floors, you should rip out the old flooring and install new floors.
That’s what I’m going to do in my burrow. After discussing various options with my flooring contractor, I learned that I can save $5,000 by doing the tearout and new installation myself, paying the contractor only for sanding and finishing.
@13 Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit they’re fucking goats instead of rabbits, because they’re so stupid they can’t tell the difference between a buck and a bunny.
Just another stupid rodent courtroom janitor comment. Way to bring it, Mark. Again, and again, and again, and again. By comparison, Puddy and the KLOWN come off as, well, sentient beings.
I’ll stick with my previous diagnosis – too many goats and not enough meds.
You bet they would.
Nihilist Christianist, apocalypse/Rapture awaiting, frightened and hating, convinced that Jesus is coming back just for them while the rest of us unionist, leftist, feminist, gay-loving multi-hued peace-seeking hippies are going to burn in the hell we deserve, would certainly push the button.
@14 “Typical Libs, ignore things you don’t like or want to think about and point away from that saying ‘look over here’ to try and distract from questions you cannot or don’t want to answer.”
I hate to break this to you, Mark, but we liberals don’t march in lockstep with an ideology or commands from Wingnut Central like you guys do. I, for one, openly disagree with my fellow liberals and, yes, with Goldy the proprietor of this blog, whenever I feel like it which is quite frequently.
“Good day all, I have to get back to this thing called work. (Take note YLB, and look up that word in Webster’s, I know you are unsure of the definition of it.)”
You have my sympathy, but I also think you’re a fool. Not only is work unrewarded in our culture, it’s also disrespected. If you’re a worker, you’re looked down on. I don’t work. Why should I? So far this morning I’ve made $650 in the stock market by doing nothing more than sitting here on my fat rabbit ass typing on HorsesAss. That works out to $81.25 an hour, based on a standard 8-hour workday, for doing absolutely nothing PLUS i get favorable tax treatment of this unearned and undeserved income. I’m so sorry you have to work, Mark, but it’s your own fault. You should have consumed less and saved more, like I did, so you’d have some investment capital, like I do. Clearly, you’re morally inferior. It’s your own damn fault you have to work.
Indeed. And…his own side thinks that only property owners should have the right to vote:
See? Only the ownership class gives a damn about this great country we have here. They should really have all the say in how it’s run.
Interesting Mark1’s comment here about the “testicular virility” in the WA State Supreme Court.
Mere hours away from the “manly” Dino Lossi begging off an appeal with a cowardly taunt about the ideology of the court.
Way to keep the faith in that perennial loser…
Steve @ 26
Let us not get carried away here with unsubstantiated allegations of cognitive function.
Hey! DADT is no more, the 9/11 first responders finally get the health care they deserve and we have a new agreement on nukes with Russia..
Thank you “do something” Congress.
Now on to the “do nothing” Congress rebooted. Nothing like old times.
Heh. The sniping begins..
Couldn’t even wait until Jan 5. Break out the popcorn!
@31 Point well taken, Jason.