Please join us tonight for another evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm. Some of us will be there even earlier for a quiet dinner.
Here is an interactive holiday song from Roy Zimmerman. Decisions, decisions:
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 235 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
So it turns out that stem cells can cure HIV.
I am not spending one red cent in this state for Christmas. I will buy everything elsewhere.
Join the club.
Seeing the feeble effort Gregoire has made thus far to address long-term budget issues makes me glad I sold almost all my Washington properties.
A lot of folks headed to Oregon and Idaho.
The latest move by the Marxist regime is to now adopt the “NO LABEL” label.
It’s the same darn folks that used to call themselves Liberals, then Progressives and now………..DRUM ROLL PLEASE….NO-LABEL!
This is really hysterical.
You sold them, you still have them. you sold them, you still have them. You moved to Montana, you have lunch every day at a cafe in Lacy, you moved to Montana. Get your fucking stories straight, you dumbfuck KLOWN.
Seems like NO LABEL doesn’t include folks with Conservative views.
Are they really No Label??
Hell no!
It’s just a bunch of Marxist elites trying to reinvent themselves…again.
You might want to sell some of the gold stocks you’ve never owned and then buy yourself a fucking clue.
I can’t wait for Goldy’s NW Division of Lunatic Moonbats to start waving the NO-LABEL banner.
It’s really hysterical.
For example, you can no-longer call a FREELOADING A$$HOLE like YLB, a FREELOADING A$$HOLE…even though that is precisely what he is.
Calling him what he is is LABELING and frowned upon by the leftist elite.
Only they can label Conservatives, Tea Partiers etc.
Apparently if you are a lefty and claim to now be a member of NO LABEL, you get an exemption and can LABEL people.
I’d love to see any of you folks try and grab onto that with your track records here at HA.
Screw civility.
This is a battle of ideology.
Big Government with high taxes & massive DEBT VS.
Limited government
Leftists truly believe they know best how to spend $$ other successful folks have earned.
Many of the lefty’s here like YLB are too lazy to earn their own. They are bottom-feeders relying on government to suck money away from the earners & redistribute it to him.
This is fucking outrageous.
Once again you show bitterness toward someone who is successful because you had it tough. Hey, you’ve shared with us that you were a successful engineer, yacht klubber and kountry klubber. I don’t own the luxury items you do..but I’m not jealous. Spend your hard-earned money as you please, give it to whomever you please and I’ll do the same.
Are you a NO LABELer Steve?
That would be kind of hard to sell, dontcha think?
Your guy ImamObaMao is pimpin’ this tax cut.
Stop whining & take it up with him.
He has the VETO pen.
He is your guy.
The messiah.
Disappointed rujax??
What king of fucking know-nothing (and SOOOOO proud of it) MORON is this idiot anyway?
Disappointed, yes.
Surprised, no.
Happy to call you out as an absolute fucking twenty-four carat prick?
Liar. You were leading the Obama bandwagon and grinding our faces into all the dreams you had about what Obama was going to do to us.
Look, I know you are disappointed and surprised.
I don’t blame you.
You gulped on that Kool-Aid jug pretty hard.
Seems like it has elevated for you into RAGE–
Call me out??
Where are you calling me out rujax?
All you are doing is hurling insults & labels.
Your application for the NEW MARXIST/PROGRESSIVE NO-LABEL group has been officially REJECTED Rujax.
Take something to soothe your anger & bitterness. It will help you. Go see LEE, he’ll set you up with one of his pot vendors.
Perhaps Marijuana is ok for seething Marxist Progressives to sooth their Obama rage.
Try it and tell us if it works.
Hey Rujax–
Remember what Obama said…this is a long battle.
Do you trust him Rujax?
That’s what he is asking.
How f*cking stupid and unstable would you have to be to trust ImamObaMao after watching him for 2 years??
Remember Rujax, if you dare question or call out are a racist.
So be very careful.
Be a good USEFUL IDIOT rujax.
I think you are highly qualified to be one.
You’re such a dumbfuck KLOWN. Your success?? Goldy’s had my trade confirmations for two years. You’ve got two years of nothing. Go fuck yourself and give the goat a break today.
Here’s MISTER-Cynical-ASS-Klown’s shepherds of the public trust sucking at the public tit. Typical of ALL banana-republicans.
How does MISTER-Cynical-ASS-Klown feel about swallowing…I mean swallowing the LIES fed to him and his fellow true believers by McConnell and Boehner. All the banana-republican “leadership” (THERE’s and oxymoron for ya) has to do is thump that bible a litle and they can face-fuck MISTER-Cynical-ASS-Klown and his gullible buddies all they want.
It only took us about six months to figure out that we were going to get the shaft from the Obama Administration.
MISTER-Cynical-ASS-Klown and his litle christianist freak show STILL don’t get that they are being used by fucks that are WAYYYYY richer than MISTER-Cynical-ASS-Klown and his pallys will EVERRRRR be. MISTER-Cynical-ASS-Klown and his fellow rube’s have had THIRTY FUCKING YEARS to get that they’re all getting cornholed by their banana-republican masters.
Those rich folk will flush MISTER-Cynical-ASS-Klown and his little sheeple down the shitter like a used condom.
Really asshole…just WHO is the “useful idiot here”?
This is really getting to you.
You could have made the above point in 2 sentences.
Instead you chose to rant & rave and fill your response with vitrol.
Shame on you Rujax.
I’m unhappy with all the pork in this Bill…you bet. There are apparently over 6,000 add-ons. I can’t wait to see them vetted. It’s horrible. I will not support any R who added pork.
How about you with the Dems rujax??
Are you happy about the pork??
Good fucking luck asswipe.
Their your guys…they’re gonna squander YOUR precious money.
Have fun.
Merry Christmas from the compassionate corporation. MISTER-Cynical-ASS-Klown will be pleased.
This is really getting to you.”
You project too much, KLOWN, especially when you pull shit from your ass.
I’m pleased to see that Rujax! is getting to you.
@ 20
“Are you happy about the pork??”
Being mathematically literate, I don’t give a flying fuck about the pork in the bill. Explain to me why I should care.
Don Joe–
Because it adds to the National Debt which is already unsustainable…and does little to create long-term jobs.
You were just kidding I hope???
Some ASS-Klown forgets which banana-republican president got us into this fix in the first place.
Tax-cuts for the filthy-rich and less regulation will solve ALL our problems.
FUCK yeah….
@ 25
On why I should care about some $8.3 billion dollars worth of pork in a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, particularly in light of the fact that the Senate just blew a nearly $8 hundred billion hole in the deficit, Mr. Cynical responds with this brilliant piece of chicanery:
“Because it adds to the National Debt which is already unsustainable…and does little to create long-term jobs.”
My God, man, but can you really be that fucking stupid? You’ve argued in favor of special tax cuts for the rich that were nearly one hundred times greater than the earmarks over which you think I should be horribly concerned, and your response is to talk about the national debt?!
@22. It is not a corporation’s purpose in life to compassionate. It’s purpose is to make money for the stockholders and/or owners of the company and the upper management.
If that means firing everyone in the company a week before Christmas to get an extra .01% profit, the company is required to do it.
Going further, if it’s more profitable and not forbidden by regulations, to use cheaper child labor, or have a percentage of it’s employees end up in grinders, or dump toxic waste into the river is acceptable.
The only thing that matters to a company is profits. And that is what the conservatives want to run the world.
To me, that seems like an unpleasant mindset to be allowed to control government.
Well, it seems the viaduct tear down date has been bumped up yet again, it’s now 2016. The things going fall down before it gets torn down.
29. Blue John spews:
You are correct about the role is to make money for stockholders. Unfortunately, short-term profitability has become the target…not long-term. As an investor, I look for long-term companies. As a Speculator, I look for short-term plays.
Give me 3 examples of companies firing folks before Xmas to jack the profit? Give me one??
Companies that play those games do not get the best people. Of course Retailers are going to lay-off seasonal workers. That comes with the job.
We were told the viaduct was going to collapse 6 years ago. Thankfully Goldy and his NW Division of Lunatic Moonbats has taken it upon themselves to physically hold the thing up the past 6 years. And thanks to Goldy, it hasn’t fallen down.
They should have retrofit it 6 years ago.
It would have been done & safe.
Instead, the spend hundreds of millions planning, re-planning and re-re-planning and nothing gets done. It’s the Progressive Process way that seems to override common sense and getting things done. This has been the planner/consultants dream project! Keep planning!
“They should have retrofit it 6 years ago.
It would have been done & safe.”
Imbecile. STFU, KLOWN. You know absolutely nothing about structural engineering, geotechnical, structural strength and ductility, or anything else to be considered. Go back to the goat shed and leave this to people who actually have a fucking brain.
Like THAT’S gonna happen.
The study was done by Jones.
No one ever debunked his plan technically.
It was all emotional.
Since you are the professional engineer, tell me what was wrong with the Retrofit plan?
At least it would have been completed and paid for by now.
Mrs C & I read several Daily Devotionals after breakfast. This one was especially powerful for those feeling in a deep dark hole.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Up and Out
Read Psalm 40:1-5