Please join us tonight for another evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by earlier for dinner.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
The Gretch Who Saved the War on Christmas | ||||
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Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL.
always a fucking kike bitching about christmas.
@ 2
Always a cracker bitching about bitching.
Jon Stewart is so funny, especially when he’s exposing the paranoid, propagandizing, historically illiterate, small-minded bigots at Fox News.
I just love that guy!
Drink away your anger towards ImamObaMao!
Check out the Times reaction to Gregoire caving in to the Unions-
What a joker Gregoire is.
An additional 3%…$27/month and oh yeah, it starts 15 months from now.
Ain’t that amazing? This health care debacle is getting better and better each day!
Any “Christian” who believes Christianity is threatened by a fucking parade being called a “Holiday” parade, rather than a “Christmas” parade has a rather shallow faith, a faith that fails to grasp Scripture. A parade. In Tulsa. Christ would be offended by calling that a “Holiday Parade”? Really? Personally, I think Christ would not much have been honored by a parade given in His name.
Oh, and the way that Gretchen puts her hand under her chin to try to look thoughtful, provocative, even. Priceless.
I guess the first Easter Parade was Christ carrying his cross up to Golgotha.
Many a barefoot conservative child sat on his father’s shoulder laughing in delight as that float trudged by.
She practiced that for weeks. I’m sure the psychoanthropologists at FOX told her how she needs to appear when doing such interviews.
Any “thoughtfulness” on the part of any of the staff at that company would be strictly oriented towards that next quarterly report to the SEC. AS an entertainment corporation, it has no need for anything but appearances. Propaganda is a strictly illusory business. Appearances are everything. As an actor, Gretchen is purely second-rate. If it wasn’t for FOX News, she’d be doing cleaning product commercials. I’ll bet that woman hasn’t had an orgasm in her life.
During Bush’s little snortfest in the big house, FOX was the only “news” channel allowed to be accessed by the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. All the other ones were blanked out and the troops were under strict orders to not attempt to access other news sources.
Got that straight from the horses mouth.
Believe me, there are a LOT of pissed off young veterans here at home. They really just haven’t found their voice yet. But they will.
And boy are we gonna get an earful when they do.
And just what was Jim Inhofe doing at the Acres of Love Alpaca Farm? Was Pud there?
And really, Gretchen, you’ve overdone the collagen lip injections to the point of looking like a blow-up love doll.
Happy Holidays!
I couldn’t help but be amazed that Christine O’Donnell, who once again lost her bid for elective office by double-digits in her bid for the Senate seat in Deleware, has announced she was setting up an “issue-oriented” PAC.
I’m guessing she’s been told by Sarah Palin how to set up a PAC, raise a few million dollars from the ignorant faithful, spend most of it on salary and travel and “consultants” who tell her how to market her own image, and then cast a few paltry thousand to candidates nobody has heard of before, so that their support is guaranteed in any future endeavors. This was Palin’s business model, and it was duplicated among quite a few other Tea-Party candidates and “celebraties”, most noticeably in Florida.
IN 2008 Palin ran into problems when she found that she couldn’t buy expensive clothes for her family using campaign contributions, but with her own PAC she doesn’t have any such restrictions. Her PAC, her deal with Fox News, and her reality show allow her to earn millions for her personal use, all while supporting her political ambitions. McDonnell, who has a long history of financial problems, probably feels that this is also a solution to her financial problems.
It might be worthwhile to remind everyone that Christine O’Donnell has never had a real private-sector job. Since she got out of college (without bothering to fulfill her graduation requirements until recently), she has worked for one Republican-financed lobbying group after another, being the attractive face of “Young Christian Republicans” available for TV interviews. But as she got older she no longer fit that bill, and her lack of talents and intellect in other areas caused her to be cast aside. Her rather heady foray into the media spotlight faded quickly, and she couldn’t find work with Republican organizations.
She tried to resucitate her career with TWO campaigns for the U.S. Senate, which was a long shot by any stretch of the imagination for anyone who had never managed a busines OR won a previous election. Yet she managed to hurt her campaigns even more than they were already handicapped, with her poor money-management, organization, and leadership skills alianating her own staff.
Anybody who gives money to her PAC pretty much deserves what they get out of it.
The woman HAS no intellect. Her primary talent is drawing attention to herself, both positive and negative. Stop paying attention to people like this, and they go away. We need intelligent people in government, not attention whores and chicken-little crybabies.
Our right wing trolls are very passionate about “deficit reduction”.
But “national security” (anything that leads to watching wars play out on Faux News) is sacrosanct:
Her primary talent is drawing attention to herself, both positive and negative.
I beg to differ. Her primary talent has been the capability of getting other people to pay for her talentless, meaningless life. The new PAC is yet another way to pay rent, buy groceries, and cover the costs of her phones and car.
@6 You got something against paying workers for their work? Sounds like it.
@9 “Many a barefoot conservative child sat on his father’s shoulder laughing in delight as that float trudged by.”
You nailed it. Christianity today is mainly a business. The only reason these people are “Christians” is because they make money off it.
Except when it comes to adding $700 billion to the deficit to give tax cuts to the rich.
@16 Are you talking about Sarah or Christine? Oh, hell, I reckon it doesn’t really matter.
Thanks ylb for the link
Now who was preznit back in 2000 ylb?
Did Odumba pass some new tax cuts for the rich? So the rich are paying less than they paid since 2003?
Ohhhh… it all in the semantics… progressives love to “twist things around!
Looks like ylbs good bud DynCorp like to give more to DUMBOCRATS than Republicans…
Thanks again for the link ylb! It was a pleasure destroying you
A G A I N!
Oh, oh, the psycho-laugh is back. Think meds, Puddy.
23 – No cuts of wasteful spending for the military fool? Of course not – you’re an idiot who talks about debt and pork but carries water for the right wing’s favorite spending.
And yes stupid military contractors give money to Dems – there’s military spending spread about in just about every Congressional District. That’s the core of the problem.
What a moron!
Butt butt butt butthead ylb you proposed it being a Fox News issue.
Now when you are liar liar pants on fire you return to your tried and true change the subject act. Sorry ylb Puddy do play dat!
You are the idiot who brought the issue up. Puddy destroyed ylb AGAIN!
Sucks to be you!