Please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by earlier for dinner.
Who knew he had it in him? When state Rep. Leo Berman (R-TX) starts spewing Birfer Conspiracies and Stuff, Anderson Cooper goes all fact-checky on his ass (via TPM):
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 235 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Talk about a guy who is utterly outside the fact-based community. Shocking that Anderson Cooper actually laid the wood to him. On the other hand, why did AC have to honor this guy’s “service” to his country? The reality is that birthers hate this country and its democratic values. They are causing harm to this country by continually raising this lunatic nonsense; this guy even seems to support the soldier who defied an order because he doesn’t believe Obama is a legitimate president because he was supposedly born elsewhere. Boy, that supports the military, doesn’t it? Whatever service to the country this idiot may have performed at some time is most assuredly wiped out to the disservice to this country that he is currently performing.
Another Democrat CROOK!!
John Conyers III
Read this with disgust. What is a 20 year-old doing driving a government vehicle…a Cadillac Escalade.
Julian the WikiLeaker Assange sez Hilary Clinton should resign.
Julian Assange for President!
The DOD wanted access to that kind of information on its network and did a piss poor job of securing it.
What business did a 22 year old MI analyst have with State Dept cables?
Smells like something that could be traced to the Rummy era. We’ll see.
“We must remember that one of the main purposes of government secrecy is to protect the government from its own people” Noam Chomsky
Ever since Lincoln was assassinated there has never been a Republican who wasn’t a congenital liar. This interview was simply further factual confirmation of this bedrock truth.
The rotten truth you see today simply demonstrates that the current crop of GOP screeching monkeys did not fall far from the Whig tree.
Remember, this leak happened on Odumba’s watch. And here’s what over the border thinks.
Prolly do better than Odumba! Hilary wouldn’t be spying on the UN.
@2 and 3, You two can just STFU until the day comes that you finally know shame for having been associated with Republican pervs such as these,
You two should know such shame that you crawl on all fours while weeping and gnashing your teeth as you travel through the remainder of your miserable, pathetic and utterly meaningless lives.
Oh Stupid Solution Steve,
Shame? Toooo Damnn Funny! What’s your point? Another rerun post? Nothing new here… just move along.
@1 I dont think these people hate this country. I think they just hate Obama and refuse to accept the fact they are wrong. If you say birthers hate this country by weakening the president, then that means that people that went against Bush hated this country too. Do you hate this country?
Chris @ 12
Birthers are lunatics. No question about it. I did not say that these freaks are harmful for weakening the presidency–read my words. They are wasting governmental resources defending against this insane allegation, that has been disproved time and time again, and, I said this Republican from Texas promotes a soldier who defies a military order because he thinks the president is illegitimate. Do you think that is a healthy position to take? Birthers hate this country’s democratic values. Those who defied Bush love this country’s democratic values. Sorry, Chris, there is not the slightest correlation between your comparisons.
The biggest bouquet of bullshit today!
Bush/Cheney hated democracy. Executive orders, secrecy, flip-offs to treaties, etc. Those of us who said no to the most disastrous presidential administration (in terms of harm done, both domestically and internationally) in the history of this country did so because we love this country’s beaten-down, dishonored, forgotten democratic values. You don’t like democracy, Pud. So, it be.
Yes, Puddy, shame. What else could be expected of a man who gives a pass to the rank perversion displayed by his party’s leadership? What else could be expected of a black man who cavorts with racists and bigots? Yes, Puddy, shame. Please understand that you don’t have to believe in progressivism in order to denounce the foul racist, perverted stench emanating from the likes of the KLOWN, Troll and mot. You’d just have to be a man for once in your miserable life. But I don’t believe that you have it in you. No, you’ve already fulfilled your destiny. You did that when you became the KLOWN’s self-loathing bitch.
One of the best speeches I ever heard was delivered by Julian Bond (Puddy probably doesn’t even know who he is), the great civil rights activist. Bond said that with regard to politics for African-Americans, there is a short line (he was referring at the time to Clarence Thomas) and a long line. He said that if you want to stand in the short line and make your way straight to–well, not quite the top, because your skin color would never permit you to get to the top–a place of prominence, then be a black person in the Republican Party. Bond said merit doesn’t matter, just spew the line and have brown skin. The Rs will promote you, despite their racism, because pragmatism requires that the party have some people who are not white. Then, Bond said, there is the long line, the line in the Democratic Party for African-Americans, the party in which you must earn your way, through merit, because skin color doesn’t give you a pass. Puddy, how the hell do you so closely identify with a political party that fundamentally hates you?
@13 The correlation is opposition to the president. They are excercising their First Amendment rights. We dont need a First Amendment for non offensive speech. While Obama was certainly born in Hawaii, if he had not been, it would be good to stop him from being president because of what is in the constitution (while I, personally think that clause is stupid and we should NOT bar foreign born people from being president, if its in the constitution it has to be enforced to keep the constitution’s legitimacy). Therefore, while the birthers are factually wrong and are idiots, anyone who truly believes obama was born in kenya, indonesia or mars SHOULD say something. I stand by the idea of “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
@ 18, Chris
Yeah, that way we know who the psychos and stupid people are. Such folks can be dismissed outright, as they aren’t really capable of understanding anything.
@ Puddy
Bush openly stated in public many many times, his open disdain and contempt for Democracy and the Constitution. His entire being during his tenure was dedicated to eliminating law enforcement efforts against his friends in the banking industry. He transferred the entire contingent of relevant investigators in the FBI over to anti-terrorism efforts after 9/11. The corruption of that administration will probably never be measured.
Once upon a time, no-bid contracts to cronies and financial supporters brought a President down. In fact, several times.
Andrew Johnson, who WAS impeached.
Woodrow Wilson ignored the antics of the Bankers, allowing them to run the farm economy into the ground and openly courted the Ku Klux Klan during his campaigns, and there were thousands of lynchings during his period in office, mostly around people efforts to vote. but much of that was to facilitate the theft of black farmers land.
Warren Harding had late night poker parties in the White House, fueled with lots of booze and oversaw the transfer of the US Federal oil reserve to the Department of the Interior, and his buddies there handed the reserve to Hardings buddies in the oil business, no bids, open bribery and the scandal brought the President down.
Calvin Coolidge also ignored the bankers antics, and his refusal to bring them to heel caused the Great Depression.
Spuddy, I know you have mental health issues, but please try to understand. The conservatives in this country look back to the days before the States War, and long for them. They oppose efforts by black folks to vote, stripping entire neighborhoods of voter registrations and polling places. They oppose efforts by the black community leaders to educate people.
Your support for the GOP is only pointing a gun at your own head.
This is all written wrong…
Fixed with the latest.
Stupid Solution Steve,
Puddy won’t repeat himself. Puddy has chastised mot, Cynical and others when Puddy feels it’s necessary not on YOUR SCHEDULE. You seem to have a very bad memory here on HA drinking your Stupid Solution concoction.
Man up and give it up!
Another stupid venture into conjecture. Puddy met Julian years ago when he was more level headed. Now Julian is whack.
Puddy takes that comment back above. This is the biggest bouquet of bullshit delivered. Puddy gives you two examples: Harold Ford Jr and H Carl McCall, two blacks who “came through and earned they way” only to be thrown to the curb by white DUMBOCRATS when the big election came around. This so called racism was buried when the Tea Party placed 14 black men into congressional elections, many in the south. Two won in the deep south. The rest were kicked to the curb by black DUMBOCRATS. This is the reason when a black man actually reviews the past of the black man in the DUMBOCRAT Party, they leave.
Where is Julian’s call for DUMBOCRATS to help the inner city poor? No where. It’s missing in action.
Second biggest bouquet of bullshit delivered. read above about H Carl McCall and Harold Ford Jr.
Be sure to have the ASS sitter ylb check the databaze for the references.
Looks like Corrections Corporation of America is getting some bad press, and they don’t like it. Video was released of some guy in an Idaho prison getting assaulted while the guards watched. The guy manages to get to the guard cage and plead for help, but they ignore him. The assailant actually sits down for a while to take a break, then returns to beat the guy into unconsciousness. Only after it is all over, and the assailant leaves the scene, do the guards go out to check on the victim.
The CCA tried to block release of the video, claiming that it “unnecessarily put corrections workers at risk”. Bullshit. It just puts CCA profits at risk.
“Puddy has chastised mot, Cynical and others when Puddy feels it’s necessary”
Yeah, sure thing, Puddy. Your take-down of Troll was one for the ages.
I’m sure that Troll felt quite chastised after that vicious smackdown you laid on him.
You’d think the big p’dumbski’s dick would be sore after all the jacking off.
I hadn’t seen that story. Man, if I could do this blogging thing full time, I’d devote much of that extra time to digging into what CCA is up to. They’re a shady group. They’re like a Blackwater that few people know about.
Here’s a right winger with an idea for cutting the defict:
At least he’s thinking.
How much anyone want to bet the bleat from the teahadist crazies is “tax increase!”???
Get your money out of BofA gang.
@ 29
Already done last year, when they changed my account type (without asking me or giving notice) to one that enabled them to charge me $.50 per check written, and $37.00 per month for “maintenance fees”.
They sent me into overdraft 5 times in a year, then charged me $55.00 per overdraft, against my account. They’re excuse was that I didn’t keep a minimum of $300 in my checking at all times, even as my hours had been reduced and my Rent had gone up by $120, insurance on my car, and health insurance from my employer had nearly doubled in the same 2 month period.
But that never showed up until my account statement at the end of the month. I had to PAY THEM $75.00 to close the account, after they had ripped off my account for about $450 over a period of about 2 years.
BoA can choke. It’s too bad we don’t have an actual law enforcement organization for the banks. I hope the entire institution collapses.
Break out the guillotines. Its time.
Not going to address most of this as they are self-refuting or rambling, but before you accuse the President of ignoring Republican health care ideas, you really ought to read Richard Nixon’s 1974 State of the Union address.
Yes, the hated “Obamacare” is Richard Nixon’s health care plan. Richard Nixon, that pinko commie, granny-snuffing, death-panel-creating, liberal-elite, lame-stream media loving, Kenyan socialist plant/stooge of the New World Order.
Final thoughts on democracy. When Democrats won Congressional elections in 2006 and 2008, Republicans screamed about how Democrats stole the elections. When Republicans won big this year, Democrats accepted it as the result of an angry nation. Democrats think elections should be funded by individuals. Republicans think that elections should be bought and paid for by corporate donations. Democrats think that they should go to Washington to fix the economy and create jobs. Republicans think their highest priority over the next two years is making sure the President isn’t re-elected in 2012. The Administration talked yesterday about working together with Congressional Republicans. (Minority) Republicans in the Senate published a letter today saying that they’re not willing to compromise on anything until the Democrats do exactly what they want. Who actually respects and supports democracy as the will of the people?
@31 “Republicans in the Senate published a letter today saying that they’re not willing to compromise on anything until the Democrats do exactly what they want.”
LMFAO! Nailed it. The wingnut concept of “compromise”.
I’d settle for guillotines, but death by bunga-bunga would be better — being slower, more painful and analogous to the underlying crime.
I hate B of A as well.
I have never paid 1 cent of interest or late fees ever on my Credit Card.
I sent in my payment as usual 1 week before the due date.
They showed it credited 2 days late.
I called and said reverse the charge & late fee or I will cancel the card (which I’ve had for at least 15 years). It was like I was asking for their left nut!
Finally they reversed it after about an hour of hassle.
It was important to me because I have preached to our kids…no credit card interest or late fees OR Bank Charges..only irresponsible idiots pay those things! I was 50% successful (2 out of 4 listened).
Credit card debt==buying shit you can’t afford.
I saw the interview with this guy on AC360, and it reminded me of Larry King intewviewing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinijad. Ahmajinidad clearly isn’t functioning in reality, with the grandiose assertions he makes and the answers he gives to very straightforward questions. This guy from Texas is exactly the same.
Stupid Solution Steve,
Puddy isn’t going to replay the ones Puddy chastised Troll, Cynical and MOT. You can continue to live in your internal delusions!
Stay Stupid!
Another strange comment
That’s why Democrats spent over $1,078 Million while Republicans spent over $677 Million. Yeah!
Yeah, it’s called create a US fiscal budget for the FY 2011 year. Tell it as it REALLY is!
Hmmm. Not what this says:;Type=A
Republicans are ahead on most measures and definitely ahead in the aggregate – taking into account all candidates.
I don’t see any chastisement for this either:
or this:
Puddybud is nowhere to be seen in that thread. Not one mention of troll from Puddybud in that whole month.
xar @ 31
Responding to Puddy with reason is like tacking Jello to the wall. He moves before you can find the tack. Good luck with it. I don’t want to discourage you, but this brand of “conservatives” doesn’t respond to reason.
@41: Good point. I can’t believe I fed the troll . . . momentary lack of judgment.
Keep looking ylb. Pavlov called it perfectly.
@41, 42
Yeah, I’ve fallen for that, too. I have really tried to be earnest and rational (and speak slowly and use small words). It really doesn’t get you anywhere.
My last go-round with him involved the mythical MSM attack on Palin about her minor North Korea gaffe. He actually posted what appeared to be a cogent and researched response with hyperliks and everything. Unfortunately, that response didn’t survive even passing scrutiny – when I looked at the first link, it said nothing like what Pud claimed it said (and in fact affiratively contradicted him). It also stongly suggested that Pud merely googled “Palin” and “Korea” and threw up every link he found – without reading them.
It really is a waste of time.
I looked enough stupid. The silence is damning.
YOU SAID NOTHING when it counted and that would be in August 2009!
You racist enabler you!
I also looked for comments you made in 2004 about John Kerry.
Now you’re saying you were here in 2005 in your handle.
Yawwwn.. I predict you will say you were NOT “identifying useless moonbats” in 2004. You were a “nice guy” back then.
Yeah right.
Racist enabler… oh you mean your North Pasadena comments.
This attack was proven true by using his Media Morons link and displaying seven of their references were Media Moron lies. Roger Rabbit sez just use one to prove them wrong. Puddy used seven, YEP, 7 of their links to destroy poor poor poor Liberal Scientist.
When you looked at the first link Liberal Scientist? Here is the whole comment #50 again since Liberal Scientist has problems with sequential integer numbers. Somehow you’ve become the latest historical revisionist.
Since there were 7 links and when you claimed to go to the first link as you wrote above, you prove to all you are a historical revisionist. BTW historical revisionist here is what was said…
Such an amazing abomination of a historical revisionist.
Soon you’ll join the HA pantheon of chronological idiots.
Sucks to be you Liberal Scientist.
Hey ylb, in 2005 Puddy started identifying useless Moonbat!s such as you HNMMT! Another failure at his useless databaze.
Continual failures each day on HA!
said nothing about North Pasadena I can recall.
You accused others of racist enabling by their silence.
You were silent when Troll had that 08/2009 N-word explosion.
Therefore you are a hypocrite which by definition means failure. Yawwwn.. You’ve been doing that continuously since 2005. Why do I even bother pointing it out anymore?
Someone’s got to do it…
You can’t recall your North Pasadena comments? The ones Marvin Stamn wiped your silly FAT ASS all over this blog?
Your databaze doesn’t display your putrid shit? Puddy wonders why?