It is freakin’ cold out there…even for this Midwest boy. So dig out your parka and grab your boots and mittens. It’s time for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 243 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
For those who wonder at My presence here, I offer a full forgiveness indulgence for any sin less that grade 4.3 to any sinner who shows up for DL tonight.
This is a good chance for those who THINK they know Me as some HA blogger to test their theory!
Here is how it works: buy Me a beer tonite and I will tell you IF I am God.
The chance of a lifetime!
I am that I am
@1 Seattle is overrun with panhandlers but at least they vote the right way.
Polar caps are shrinking, alpine glaciers are retreating, sea ice is melting, and global warming deniers drive around with bumper stickers saying, “Global Warming — Get Over It.”
Well here’s a clue for the clueless: We rabbits are a lot more adaptable to environmental changes than you humans are.
So go right ahead and do what you’re gonna do …
After you humans disappear we rabbits are gonna run this place and I’ll be their King.
Hate to break it to you Roger.
Rabbits are a prey animal. So breed well and fruitfully. Us Froggs get hongry when the tide comes in.
Bush For President In 2012
Mrs. Rabbit’s theory is 2012 will be a Bush – Obama matchup. It makes sense, and there are signs the GOP establishment, which is dominated by east coast money, is planning to take out Sarah Palin with a shadowy candidate from their inner sanctum.
Palin is an insurgent. The GOP regulars can’t control her and that makes them nervous. They’ve already fired salvos at her — a sure sign they’ve decided to head her off at the pass before she can give Obama an easy walk to re-election by splitting the GOP base. Palin shows signs of wanting to replicate Ross Perot’s third-party run at the White House, which doomed Bush Sr.’s re-election bid.
Who else do GOP insiders have for 2012? Romney, a proven loser, and a Mormon to boot? Not a chance. They’d have to reach into the GOP backbench for an unknown who’d have little chance to win and would be difficult to control if he did. No, they’ll run a reliable insider with clout, proven vote getting ability, and name familiarity. Karl Rove, the Bush family, and D.C. strategists are already preparing the ground for him.
His name is Jeb Bush.
@5 No problem. I’m built for prolific breeding! Just line up the cute fluffy female bunnies and I’ll impregnate them a hundred at a time.
@5 And if you think rabbits are merely a prey animal I suggest you visit Australia and take a long hard look at which species is taking over that continent.
Trillions of rabbits! Trillions to the nth exponent! Our numbers are limitless! Imagine Mother Earth overrun with countless rabbits!
I’m working on it.
@ 6
Yeah, ol’ Jeb. Directly embroiled in the S&L scandals back in the late 80’s. Governor of the State with the highest number of fly-by-night insurance scam companies. The State with the highest number of companies under investigation for fraud, the national capital for white-collar crime. The State with the loosest banking regulations and insurance regulations in the entire nation. It’s been said that one-third of the entire economy of the State of Florida is black market operations, Dentists, plastic surgeons, auto body shops, pharmacies etc.
He’d be a wonderful representation of the modern GOP, their perfect example candidate.
@ 9
Does the wife know about this?
I’m stayin’ home to watch the Husky/Kentucky game. It may give me a heart attack. Kentucky reeled off 18 unanswered points, but UW has come back and leads by one at halftime.
just listening to that climate guys voice, he’s either a faggot or a jew, so naturally he wants to see the demise (read, take money from the middle class with phoney climate changes) of the old white, christian society.
oh, and i have to laugh st “climate deniers” lol
did he steal that from “holocost deniers”?
A buncha drunk Libtards trying to get home in the horrendously cold icy darkness in their P.O.S. VW’s, Lesbarus, and Prius’ (Prii?) That should be fun for the WSP. LOL.
@6, maybe Palin gets a cold.
Time to invest in climate cooling technologies..
“Seattle is overrun with panhandlers but at least they vote the right way.”
And a lot of them “work” in city government!
And if you go to Olympia, you’ll find thousands of panhandlers working for the state!!
The UN adopts the ImamObaMao Appeasement Strategy with North Korea! NK attacks, the UN decides to give them more FREE money!! Cool.
It’s nuts…but then again I speaking to a bunch of acorns who don’t know they and their strategies are foolhardy.
Funny!…Sad but true.
However, fortunately, at long last, we have no more money and must get rid of many of them or cut their diamond benefit packages.
I’m so sad about this…sniff, sniff.
Perhaps the Unions will organize a formal Panhandlers Union to negotiate with folks walking down the street demanding their contribute 50% of whatever they have in their pocket? Kind of like now.
In the middle of the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln, prompted by a series of editorials written by Sarah Josepha Hale, proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day, to be celebrated on the final Thursday in November 1863:
Since 1863, Thanksgiving has been observed annually in the United States.
Hey Jason Osgood… Puddy responded. Enjoy.
Why isn’t Goldy discussing this?
Puddy sees this coming because the US government has been creating a dependency society for the last 50 years and the chickens are coming home to roost (Jeremiah Wright)!
@16, 17 – Your comments actually are offensive. You’ve obviously never been anywhere near a state or city office. I have, because I was a state worker for 27 years and Mrs. Rabbit was a city worker for 25 years, so I know how hard state and city workers have to work and I also know how much they put up with from assholes like you. And they’re not well paid for it. It’s not public workers who live in waterfront mansions or drive Jaguars and BMWs. Go fuck yourself, and while you’re at it, fuck the goat you rode in on.
@18 “The UN adopts the ImamObaMao Appeasement Strategy with North Korea!”
Last time I checked, Obama said we’d defend South Korea if the crazy Stalinists north of the DMZ attack. Get your head out of your goat’s rectum and read a newspaper once in a while so you know something, goatherder.
Wingers like Mr. Goatfucker would have no talking points if they didn’t like through their teeth. Everything that comes out of a wingnut’s mouth is a fabrication or fantasy. Why would anyone in his right mind vote for those people?
MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown would have HATED Abraham Lincoln.
Gee I wonder if the p’dumbski would have hated that flaming liberal too?
Well, Jeb Bush converted to Catholicism, which shouldn’t really be a problem in running for President, since Kennedy broke that barrier 50 years ago. But with the Evangelical branch of the Republican Party being what they are, I’m sure some of them would stay home rather than ever vote for either a Mormon or a Catholic.
But it’s hard to say, many of them are pretty inconsistent. I know a number of them rejected Carter, a sunday-school teaching Southern Baptist, because he “gasp” served and drank wine at a White House dinner, and chose instead a divorced actor who regularly imbibed in alchohol (in moderation) and never really attended church service except as part of an official duty.
The U.S. has engaged in an appeasement strategy with N. Korea since the 1970’s, including both Republican and Democratic administrations. Even without nuclear weapons, they have artillary close enough to level downtown Seoul, and it’s in dug into concrete bunkers so deep that there’s no way we can hit more than a fraction of them by air strike or counter-battery fire.
The key to dealing with North Korea is China, which can turn off the spigots of both military aid and commercial activity. But even the Chinese have only limited control over Idiot Sr. and Idiot Jr. over there.
In all probability, this recent activity seems to be more related to internal power struggles within N. Korea than anything else. If we retaliate, it may simply be exactly the type of response wanted by whoever initiated this artillary fire in N. Korea. Perhaps Idiot Sr. wants to create a patriotic ferver while he hands over power to Idiot Jr., or he want’s to give Idiot Jr. a live fire excercise for him to manage. Or perhaps someone else in the power center in Pyongyang wants to create a crisis which would allow a military coup there.
Whatever the reasons, we should beware of allowing the N. Koreans to “push our buttons” to elicit the desired response.
cnbc say “a lot of white collar lawyers will be busy this thanksgiving” regrading goldman sachs leaks, …no kidding, the kikes on wall street have been running wild. sadly most have not had to answer, because a jew will not investigate another jew.
Read this after you’re done munching on that factory farmed, fossil fuel intensive turkey:
Some snippets from the Key Points up front in the report:
Enjoy and be thankful for the last few drops of ancient sunlight!
300 YEARS OF FOSSIL-FUELED ADDICTION IN 5 MINUTES (a cool animation narrated by Richard Heinberg from the Post Carbon Institute):
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
4. Roger Rabbit spews:
Not the point Rog..
The point is the crazies and terrorists have zero respect for ImamObaMao. They view him as a gasbagging “college professor” unable to make difficult defense decisions…
For example, he gave the Taliban many months to regroup while he “pondered” the next step when he inherited a situation where they were on the run.
The world is NOT a safer place with ImamObaMao.
Don’t you get it?
I didn’t look at the paper, but I’m pretty sure the numbers for global peak coal and peak uranium are rather off. Though with coal I may be mixing the global peak up with the US peak (the US has a shitload of coal).
Too many of these papers rely on current proven reserves economically exploitable at current prices. With coal and especially uranium there are a number of sources that don’t make sense to mine today but would if the prices were higher. There also hasn’t been much in the way of uranium exploration in about 30 years as the prices have been to low to make it worthwhile and exsisting sources have been enough to meet demand.
Furthermore for nuclear power there is also the possiblity of using thorium which is much more abundant than uranium.
This isn’t to say non-renewables won’t run out, but I’m a bit skeptical of the numbers thrown arount for anything other than peak oil and natural gas.
The best way forward is probably to push renewables as much as possible and use nukes to ease the transition.
If I hated America, I’d vote Republican.
So smart boy what should the President do about North Korea?
Of course the VERY specialspecialspecial MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown doesn’t know what the comment policy says about cut and paste.
I thought that was mainly about copyright.
In general anything published before the mid-20’s is public domain as is anything published by the US government.
Chris: Even the IEA is now on record that peak oil has already happened (2006). So is Senior military: “Substantial shortfalls in global production by 2012.”
You may scoff at the coal, etc. numbers but this report is very recent (Oct) and fact based (with lots and lots of charts).
EROEI (energy returned on energy invested). Then there’s scalability and economics to deal with.
We’re going to be relatively OK here. The problem for us is going to occur when other folks figure that out…
Chris: The major feedstock for fertilizer that allows indsutrial scale agriculture and the current population? Natural Gas. It peaks 2019-30 (even with shale gas).
I agree that Thorium is an alternative assuming we electrify the shit out of everything as quickly as possible. Think that’s gonna happen with our politics?
37. Chris Stefan spews:
Thanks Chris. Rujax hates the word “God” and will do anything to remove a post that refers to Him…even if it comes from friggin’ Abraham Lincoln about Thanksgiving the day before Thanksgiving.
Rujax–Thanks again for showing what a bonehead you are. Your anger outweighs any hope for a rational thought or discussion…even about Thanksgiving.
Darryl says (based on the policy) they don’t like the threads clogged up with masses of text — copyright is only one issue and the the thread owner has arbitrary discretion.
Even so, Goldy et al are pretty “liberal” about it — I’d delete Klynical and Pudpuller’s (and a few other’s) thread pollution on sight if it was me making the call.
But you are too lazy & stupid to start your own Blog…and the Thanksgiving Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln the day before Thanksgiving is hardly inappropriate or untimely. In fact, I hope you all take 1 minute to read it and 15 minutes to think about what it says.
a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.
I suppose you Athiest KLOWNS would like to make this Proclamation Unconstitutional and see it go away. Put yourself in Lincoln’s shoes back at a time of incredible strife. How did Lincoln come up with this amazing Proclamation? Devinely inspired? Methinks YES.
Mr Cynical @ 40,
“Thanks Chris. Rujax hates the word “God” and will do anything to remove a post that refers to Him”
Have you lost your fucking marbles?!? You believe Rujax deleted your comment?!?
Oh…and the content of your comment is entirely irrelevant–I didn’t even read it. It is irrelevant to me if the copied material is talking about God or Ms. Cynical’s pilonidal cysts. Don’t copy big chunks of other people’s words. A link works just fine.
Look…we have been through this before in great detail. If you have questions, ask them in an open thread, but don’t violate the comment policy any more or your comments will all be captured and screened for compliance.
Mr. Cynical @ 42,
“But you are too lazy & stupid to start your own Blog”
Wow! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! TAKE YOUR OWN FUCKING ADVICE, DUMBASS. Start your own blog and then you can plaster it with whatever effluvia you wish.
“…and the Thanksgiving Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln the day before Thanksgiving is hardly inappropriate or untimely.”
In an open thread, the topic isn’t inappropriate. But your comment wasn’t deleted for being off topic.
“In fact, I hope you all take 1 minute to read it and 15 minutes to think about what it says.”
And if you had included a link, that would have been a fine and useful comment to offer your “readership.”
I come here to learn and contribute to a community of people (some of which are more than virtual) I have come to hold in high esteem. It’s just about the only place I ever comment. It’s always edifying to come here and often entertaining as well.
Some times, not so much.
I like a good argument as well but that requires at least two honest participants. Obviously our trolls in general, but particularly Pudpuller, Klynical, manoflies are amateur liars.
From the evident insanity of Pudpuller to the sheer evil arschlochery of Klynical and others, the trolls here are a serious blight on the community — like rampant offensive graffiti. Goldy is a saint to put up with some of the shit I see directed at him on a personal level.
It would be nice to have an ignore button that minimizes their trash so you didn’t have to walk by reeking piles of garbage to get to the good stuff.
You do hate America, that’s why you voted DUMBOCRAT!
BTW: What DF said @comment 1044661! Eat shit and die, troll motherfuckers!
If it were my blog I’d ban the KLOWN for being the dumbest motherfucker on the entire planet. If not for that, then for continually violating the blog rules. If Marvin can be permanently banned for simply saying he was a paid troll, which I seriously doubted, then why not ban the goatfucker for repeatedly ignoring warnings about his rule violations? Good grief! How many warnings does a KLOWN get around here? Lay it down. One more violation and the fucker’s banned. I wouldn’t miss him for even a nanosecond as he contributes absolutely nothing and his arrested development act, if it is an act, has become a huge bore. I’d allow Puddy to continue to post but I’d monitor his comments to make sure he’s taking his meds. heh- No meds, no comments.
puddy @ 21
You enthusiastically support the prison industry’s anti-immigration reforms in Arizona. Reforms which target Christian aid to the poor and hungry.
Why do you hate Christians? And why do you oppose charity work?
BTW: What DF said @comment 1044661! Eat shit and die, troll motherfuckers!
zotz, not a very christian attitude by you.
Ol’ Rujax! very much agrees with Steve @49. Rujax! also thanks MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown for effortlessly demonstating what a complete and total idiot he is…WITHOUT compromising his status and the dumbest motherfucker on the motherfucking planet…a neat trick if you ask me.
@38 & @39
I’m not disputing the numbers on peak oil or peak natural gas at all.
But remember “peak” doesn’t mean “gone” it just means declining production and price shocks. There are other ways to deal with the food situation long before it is too costly to turn natural gas into ammonia.
As I said, I’ve done fairly extensive research on the uranium supply and EROEI is positive even if you extract uranium from seawater. The enrichment method has a huge impact on the EROEI as does the reactor design.
@38 & @39
I’m not disputing the numbers on peak oil or peak natural gas at all.
But remember “peak” doesn’t mean “gone” it just means declining production and price shocks. There are other ways to deal with the food situation long before it is too costly to turn natural gas into ammonia.
As I said, I’ve done fairly extensive research on the uranium supply and EROEI is positive even if you extract uranium from seawater. The enrichment method has a huge impact on the EROEI as does the reactor design.
The fall off when a NG well peaks is really F’ing steep. Oil falls off slower, but we’re using so much of the stuff that it’s really worrying. The numbers on the worlds proven reserves of oil keep getting adjusted downward.
We don’t have as much coal as people think. Coal comes in many different grades and the really high quality, high powered Bituminous and anthracite coals are going fast. We’ve, also, started exporting coal to asia. There’s going to be a coal exporting facility opening up in the Longview area in the near future.
We’re in a bit of a pickle.
No. All nuclear power plants produce heat. The current ones waste most of that. That heat can be put to a multitude of uses beyond electricity include synthesis of fuels from biomass, water desalinization or fertilizer production.
Thorium based plants should be much cheaper, smaller and will be designed to squeeze as much value out of the heat they produce.
@ 55
Grandpa was a Physicist. Did his post-doctorate at Los Alamos during the Second War working with Pief Panofsky and J.R. Oppenheimer. He designed the arming circuitry that triggered The bombs. He was at the Trinity test. His particular specialty was electronic circuits, lasers and masers, high energy systems.
I don’t know what he would have thought about the Thorium designs or the Pebble Pile designs using helium or argon as a coolant, and liquid sodium. He died in 1990 and when Chernobyl happened he went on a rant that lasted for years. He hated the way nuclear power had been thrown into the private sector at such an early stage in the technology. It was too new, and the corporations were then, as now, far too corrupt to be trusted to use the technology intelligently. In this, Edward Teller was an extremely evil man. His primary interests were commercial, and he openly supported the corporations in their efforts to privatize the technology, even slandering my grandpa, the Oppenheimer brothers and many other people in his efforts to gain personal influence in the industry, and generate wealth for himself and his supporters in the private industrial concerns.
Grandpas rant was mostly based on the fact that he and other Physicists had warned the politicians that the old graphite block designs and the rod/tube designs were horribly unsafe, unstable and far too energetic to be made safe. Their warnings were borne out by the disasters at Three Mile Island in ’79 and Idaho National lab back in ’67, then in horrible fashion by Chernobyl in the Soviet Union in 1986.
His ideas about how it should be used were mostly around the concept of small, compact and low energy reactors, say the size of a small apartment building that would be capable of powering sections of cities, or large industrial facilities such as Airports and Refineries. One of the side benefits of that would be the waste heat being available for use to heat runways, keeping them dry and clear of ice or to keep aircraft warm during boarding cycles and waiting cycles.
The reactors would have to be small, and kept to low energy levels to minimize the risk of disasters as the internal pressures could be kept relatively low.
Grandpa didn’t live to see the new designs, the pebble bed or thorium reactors. Liquid sodium being the primary heat transfer medium to actually generate the electricity. Perfectly suitable for his ideas on how nuclear power could be safely used. Low pressures, less heat, and a basically safer design all around.
That is one of the worse examples of the Conservative efforts to destroy the education system in this country. Uneducated people cannot build or run nuclear reactors. Uneducated people cannot advance technology. Uneducated people do not vote against their own best interests.
Thats why I intensely dislike the American concept of conservatism. It is both a reflection of, and a result of an uneducated society, and the continual efforts on the part of established commercial interests to protect their investments at any cost, even if that cost is environmental destruction or massive loss of life. Conservatives have always known the price of everything, and the value of nothing. They do not recognize intellect or intelligence, except in the cases where greed is the primary motivating emotional construct of a mans psyche.
Intellect, when applied to anything but wealth creation, is openly vilified by people who desire only material possessions and political power. All other intellectual pursuits are considered subversive, and dangerous to their interests. There were a lot of good reasons why the old original Physicists were left-wing liberals. They knew what happens when greed takes precedence over safety and societal necessities. They knew the realities of commercial interest. They warned us, and were excoriated for it.
Children home from college… Check! Turkey in the oven… Check! Yams boiling in water… Check! Cornbread batter getting ready… Check! Chicken ready to be fried… Check! Salad ready to go… Check! Spicy macaroni ready to bake… Check! Potatoes ready to mash… Check! Green beans ready to boil… Check! Cheesecake in refrigerator… Check! Pumpkin pies in garage staying cold… Check! Single friends invited… Check! Next door neighbors back from overseas invited… Check! Extra tableware ready to go… Check!
Yep! So Happy Thanksgiving. To EVERYBODY!
@55: Great! Seen any built lately, expect any to be built anytime soon?
Is this why you liberal people love to keep the inner city masses uneducated, living on drugs, in poorly run schools, in poorly funded schools so the white man will always be in charge of nuclear reactors? Is this why you people love to see minorities kill each other or drug turf because that reduces the gene pool as well as the worker pool?
Puddy calls this a BULLSHIT paragraph. You seem to forget it was JFK and LBJ who pushed nuclear power in the 1960s with the AEC. Now who was in charge of the Senate and House back then DeadToad? Your hated Wall Street killed nuclear energy by listening to the anti-nuclear crowd after JFK was assassinated. Your anti-nuclear crowd protested nuclear energy so much the hated wall streeters removed or defunded planned plants. Butt butt butt Puddy, wall streeters are hated Republican types. This can’t be. Now we had energy shortages over the years in the Northeast, WA State and California.
All one has to do is Google and find out the truth. Somehow your political blindness causes you to have RDS!
@ 59
Who is it that continually blocks efforts to improve and fund schools?
Who is it that goes on the TV and brays that jackass sneer at educated people, and their efforts to illustrate to the masses how they are being screwed by the Government?
Who is it that continually campaigns on the urgent need for increased law enforcement, increased policing powers, citing violence and thievery as being so rampant that we need to cut schools to the bone to finance new prisons?
As for the anti-nuclear power folks, much of that propaganda against going to a nuclear power grid was funded by the oil/gas and coal companies, and they only had to tell the truth about the dangers of the old graphite pile designs. There is no place to dispose of the waste, there is no funding to build small plants.
The big industrial construction companies wanted to build gigantic reactors on the old design, and those designs WERE extremely dangerous. The bigger the plant, the greater the danger by orders of magnitude. The corporations were hell bent on extracting the wealth for themselves, rather than actually doing the job they were hired to do.
Who is it that tries to warn people that the private concerns are more a part of the problem rather than the solution?
It’s you who loves to deliver the how wonderful liberals are platitudes. BULLSHIT! You all are a bunch of anarchists when you don’t get your way.
So let’s take this one step at a time.
How much has the United States thrown at the “War on Poverty”? $$$Trillons. What have we to show for those $$$Trillions? Absolutely NUTHIN! Look at the inner city graduation rates. Look at the inner city poverty rates. Look at inner city drug killing rates. Look at inner city job rates. Instead of looking at what worked or doesn’t work liberals always wants to throw more money at it.
Remember one of the first things Odumba did was to kill the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program? Did you forget that? Why was that? It worked. Many inner city kids had the opportunity to venture out to suburban schools and get a hand up on life. The Teachers Union screamed it was a voucher program and it had to be killed. So Odumba had Dicky Turban Durban do his dirty work. The program is dead and inner city WA DC kids go to the most rotten of all school districts where they spend OVER $25,000 per pupil and the SAT and ICTB scores still are near the bottom.
Any time Republicans want to implement school voucher programs it’s liberals who SNEER at them and stop them at all costs. Liberals don’t care about school kids? they care about their high slalaried union jobs, their extravagant education summits in fancy hotels.
Do you remember Joe Clark in NJ or Jaime Escalante in LA? Liberals killed their programs. With Joe Clark liberals claimed blacks cheated on their exams and he was too tough a principal. With Jaime Escalante the liberals claimed no barrio child could score that high on standardized tests without cheating. White Liberals don’t want to see the uneducated minority masses get educated. Why? then they have competition for jobs. They could run nuclear power plants.
Do you actually think white liberals like Dr Ben Carson and the accolades he receives when he performs his pediatric brain surgeries? He came from inner city Detroit. He studied despite being told by teachers he’s amount to nothing.
When some NYC and Chicago elementary school principals implemented a tough love school policy the teachers unions got upset. Those principals were fired. Puddy documented all this on HA. There is a certain low minded individual who has ever PuddyMissive on this blog. Stoop to his level and replay the facts DeadToad.
When Schwartzenegger wanted to slow down CA teacher tenure to make teachers prove themselves, liberals attacked. ‘Sigh’ Don’t go there DeadToad as you have no clue what it’s like to be in a poor school system.
Puddy already dissected your nuclear plant argument above with fact after fact after fact.
So you are saying the anti-nuclear protests full of whack-job loony liberals was funded by big oil? Do tell! This is so illuminating!
And who was fronting them in the 1960s? Liberals in congress and the whitey house!
What a gas bag DeadToad is on Thanksgiving morning.
rodent said:
“@16, 17 – Your comments actually are offensive. You’ve obviously never been anywhere near a state or city office.”
They were meant to be offensive because I hate your fuckin’ guts, rodent. You go fuck yourself!
Ya know, rodent, it’ll be a happy day when Goldy announces that you croaked due to your lung illness. I can’t wait!
NEVER wish death on anyone. God doesn’t forget.
@62, 63
PI, your ignorance is showing – rabbits are not rodents.
I met the impudent person playing Roger Rabbit. While he may be crazy and nuts you still don’t say that!
Very good article, it opend my eyes, thank you!