Please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by even earlier and enjoy some dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 250 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
u should change this group to drinking hopefully.
Heh. Even Ron Christie didn’t care for the picture on Limbaugh’s website:
Didn’t stop Christie from making every excuse he could for the idiot. Talk about going through contortions to excuse the inexcusable.
i was just thinking the same thing, how low can you go. i was watching a few good men again , and, aside from the fact that rob riener (reiner, of course), tried to tarnish the marines code of honor (i wonder if he’d make the same movie about the idf), insulted people who believe in jesus, the part that really made me laugh, when tom cruise was talking to the african-american marine, about getting him off with a 6 month sentence, said it was as long as a hockey season. hockey. the guy was black, so reiner was afraid to say the much more popular sports of basketball or football. what a joke political correctness is.
pieceofshit @ 3
You take stupidity and imperceptiveness to breathtaking heights. The reference to a hockey season, of course, had absolutely nothing to do with political correctness. I could explain why that reference was used and why a more perceptive person would have appreciated it, but that would be time wasted on someone like you.
You bother to ready anything manof posts. I don’t think I’ve read anything by him in months.
I think I might be able to make it next week. Hope so!
Despite the personal sacrifice that reading mot causes, we must know our enemy. Sad as it may be, he’s at the heart of today’s Republican Party. So, stiffen your resolve, take a deep breath, and read his vomit every once in awhile.
ashamedlefty, tell me why hockey was used instead of the hundred times more popular football or basketball. tell me.
Nice try, but that’s an epic fail…
MOT is an ignorant fool, more connected to the Taliban than Republicans.
“I told people in the White House I had spent more time listening to people in the opposition party than they had done as a whole group.” – Erskine Bowles Democrat
Joe Scarborough Show – Has some interesting information about Odumba Senate Friends
So who are these DUMBOCRATS
Man this is soooooooooooo funny!
MOT is an ignorant fool, more connected to the Taliban than Republicans.
well, lets see. if i said, anyone who was involved in making or acting in the movie a few good men should be arrested for treason, then, you’d say i was crazy. (actually, all their names are on a list for when the crash comes). but whats funny, is that a town called brattleboro vermont voted to have george bush and dick chenet arrested if they ever came to town. so, who’s crazier?
You. By a long long way…
Right Stuff,
Thank you for not being crazy!
@12: At least not this time…
You. By a long long way…
maybe you’ll get an invitation to goldbergs kids barmtitzvah. just remember to bring a gift.
Hey ylb,
Remember your screams over Glenn Beck and GoldLine… Well it seems George Soros listened to Glenn and bought gold. Don’t worry only the HA libtards bought your act. We on the right know you are fools gold!
Read those “comments”. And your hero listened ylb. Whatamoron ylb continues to be.
Right Stuff,
I truly wish you were at the heart of the Republican Party. I do not, however, believe you are. I do hope you keep speaking to those on your side of the aisle. Having some sense makes sense.
@ 16
Teabaggers don’t have sense, they have scents. The kind you have to hold your nose and open a window to deal with.
The GOP, and modern American “conservative” is purely a bigoted, far-right radically ideological individual who wants to bring the
ChristianCalvinistic version of Sharia law to the United States.These are the descendents of the people who either wanted the USA to remain neutral in WW2 or actively supported German aggression during that period, sympathizing with the Fascist progroms i Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland and Austria. MOT is a prime example.
If a real, charismatic fascist individual came to the fore of Right wing American politics, encouraging open bigotry and scapegoating of a particular race or religion to lay blame for the problems this country is experiencing at the hands of their own political and economic allies, you can damn well bet these folks would be marching in the streets and attacking anyone they perceived as being their enemy based on those criteria.
It started happening under Puppy Bush. But notice racial attacks are leveling off after several years of increase in the last decade. There were several Sikhs murdered in the streets in the weeks following 9/11. There have been attacks on Mexican kids in Texas, Florida and California. There is a totally corrupt county sheriff in Arizona, actively refusing to enforce FELONY warrants against white people, and rounding up Mexican and First Nations people and putting them in concentration camps, often without any legal justification whatsoever. That state just passed a law, that is so flagrantly unconstitutional that the Federal courts blocked it within days of it being passed by initiative.
Who needs Jews, when you have Mexicans and Iranians to blame for your self-inflicted problems?
Bigoted eh? Two black House Republicans elected in the DEEEEEEEEEEP South. Marco Rubio elected to the Senate in the DEEEEEEEEEEP South. Six Hispanics elected to various positions in the DEEEEEEEEEEP South. An Indian elected in the North. Two words apply as always
Bzzzzzzzzt. Puddy already gave tons of names of prominent progressive Hitler acolytes of the 1930’s on this blog. Search Google with at the end. Jonah Goldberg’s book has many more. The reason his book was attacked on the left was many of those progressives Jonah identified are the historical heroes your side still cherishes today! Too bad you are naturally stupid.
Your third paragraph has so many falsities in it to detail. Here’s one
Why are you dancing around the truth? Arpaio arrests illegal aliens.
So dumb so often!
Question: How’s that Rabbit Republican Rally workin’ out for ya?
Answer: Republican Rally’s just dandy, thanks. It’s the Democrat Dump (Dow -178.47: AKA the Stimulus Sell-Off or the Pelosi Puke-Off) that’s drivin’ us to drinkin’.
Was reading Bloom County from the way back … There’s a walk-on character called Miss Goldyknockers.
Like, hmmmmmmmm.
Well, this is interesting…particularly given Pud’s joy over insane war criminals who happen to be black getting elected as Republicans in the South…
@18: Number of black republicans in congress: 2
and there have not been ANY since JC Watts left.
Number of black democrats: currently 42
Those numbers are…really close according to Puddy.
Epic Fail for Puddy once again. Why is the it that Puddy is so myopic? He is constantly looking at the little picture and ignoring the larger facts.
Just as republican corruption was rampant and sytemeatic with Abramoff and K street – Rangell was convicted of ethics violations – but none of them were for his own profit. Yes, he was wrong but he is not part of a systematic system of corruption. Puddy either is too stoopid and fails to understand the difference – or Puddy is deliberately lying. I am still not sure which is the case.
Oh and Puddy, I am not sure if you read my reply (I am not sure you can actually read and understand) but your third-grade level argument about health care costs was another epic fail. Your “latest” figures are worthless because they are only from Medicare and do not encompass the effect of the entire plan. I linked to the latest CBO report – the health care plan saves about 150 billion over ten years – a number that almost all commentators agree on except those few morons who cannot read.
A public option would have saved even more. Your “citations of facts” are worthless – and once again you have cited things that don’t prove your point. Of course Medicare costs will go up – any idiot could have told you that – the Medicare roles will increase. The other cost savings that the insurance companies opposed – those will compensate for having more people insured. Only an idiot would only cite the Medicare numbers and claim they were for the entire health care plan.
Hey Goldy – I think Pud has hacked your site. I’ve tried twice to post a reply to Pud’s insanity @18 above – and it’s disappeared into the ether both times. (Too many links?)
(I’ll try one more time – third is the charm, they say)
Why is this notable, Pud? Are there not both many black people and many Republicans in the South? Perhaps the success of Allen West as more to do with his glorious history as a war criminal and his ability to engage in Teahaddist insanity like claiming to have a higher sercurity clearance than President Obama? (Dont you just love the sound of that…President Obama…say it again, President Obama.)
Any argument relying on Jonah Goldberg is irredeemably flimsy. The nepotism-enhanced fool is not universally referred to as Doughy Pantload for nothin’!
Arpaio is a corrupt thug.
So Pud, you were in rare form there – lauding an insane Republican war criminal, a corrupt and vile Republican thug abusing his law-enforcement powers, and a foolish Republican wingnut-welfare recipient still living on his mommy’s coattails. You’re batting 1.000 for Kool-Aid induced drivel spew.
That’s the kind of ignorance that pushed stupid Philip Roth into writing a book about Bolshevik Burt Wheeler as a crypto-Nazi fascist.
Democrat Wheeler, as everybody else knows, was an America Firster who believed that, since the United States was officially neutral, we should be neutral.
Progressive Wheeler and progressive Gerald Nye and Democrat David Walsh and Socialist Norman Thomas knew in 1940 and early 1941 that FDR was doing a Wilson, winning re-election on a peace platform while running a stealth war. Lend-Lease, recall, was a violation of our official neutrality.
Then there’s this: Fascist symp John F. Kennedy sent a contribution (to America First) with a note saying “What you are doing is vital.”
Yeah Goldline selling junk coins that are worth LESS months after a sucker buys them!
With gold these days how could that be?
Beck and Goldline found a way!;page=2
Anyone ever tell you Puddybud you’re a freaking idiot? Yep, everyday people here seem to tell you that every day!
Soros had the sense to buy plain old bullion and coins that aren’t junk like American Golden Eagles and Canadian Maple Leafs. Heh, like that takes a lot of brains. How about YOU Beck-worshipper in chief who does whatever Glen tells you?
I cannot wait to see the aftermath of Pelosi staying on as Minority Leader!!!
Pelosi is an arrogant person. I’m thankful she is fighting to stay in power because she will be one of the 2012 whooping donkeys!!
She is an easy target…especially while in leadership.
I also believe some of the Blue Dogs are looking for an excuse to switch parties. That is why Shuler is running. He will lose…and perhaps Heath and others will become R’s or I’s that caucus with the R’s.
Anyway you look at it, Nancy is the Republicans best friend.
23. Liberal Scientist spews:
So now it’s conspiracy theory time.
You KLOWNS have totally lost it.
Wait until 2012 when 23 Democrat Senate Seats are up for re-election with 14 or so highly contested!! And the R’s only have 10…with only Scott Brown likely contested.
The Blue Dogs will join the R’s.
Yep, thanks to you card-carrying members of Goldy’s NW Division of Lunatic Moonbats and like-minded ilk…
The Conservatives only needed to give you KLOWNS the mike and lots of rope.
The inevitable is happening.
Congrats on screwing yourselves!!
@ 24
And THANK the noodles he violated our “official” policy. He had other agreements, actual treaties that superceded any “official” policy. While behind closed doors in meetings with War Department bigshots, the likelihood of war with Japan and Germany had actively been discussed since the mid-1930s. It was used as the justification for the Works Progress Administration, the Citizens Conservation Corps, school lunch programs and farm preservation programs.
Franklin Roosevelt wasn’t stupid. He saw it coming. He raised taxes in advance, put people to work that would develop discipline, physical conditioning and a high personal level of tolerance for adverse conditions. He fed them, put shoes on their feet and educated them.
When he was first elected, we were weak, had no real military to speak of, people were starving in the streets and migrating away from their traditional skillsets and farmlands. He put the bankers in their place, and took back much of the money they’d been STEALING for more than a half century. Exactly the same way they are now.
When Japan finally surrendered, the United States was in a position to pay its war debts within a few years, and several other countries owed us billions of dollars for their war debts. England didn’t finish paying their debt to us until the mid 1990’s. Even the Soviet Union paid us back. Ours was paid off by 1954.
Barack Obama is an intelligent man. He should be doing all the same things, for exactly the same reasons. But he’s instead gone along with the bankers desires, and not doing his job of executing the laws of the United States.
Deathfrogg spews
You voted for ImamObaMao dumbass.
He’s your guy.
Take up your bitching with HIM.
But hey, you’ll vote for him again in 2012 because you Progressives have no balls like the Tea Party to call bullshit.
You are Barry ImamObaMao’s USEFUL IDIOTS!!
And well-qualified for that role I might add.
My Barrick Gold (ABX) and Gold & Silver holdings have done quite well since Rabbit said I was a fool for investing in metals.
A good investment strategy is to listen to the lifetime guv’mint lawyer very carefully…and do the opposite!
You will be wealthy quicker than prunes runnin’ thru the old Rabbit!
@ 29
And what was the alterantive?
Oh, thats right. A long-term hard core alcoholic who openly stated his intentions to continue the previous administrations policies, and a complete flaming twit who couldn’t string enough words together to form a coherent sentence. A woman who actively supported a secessionist movement, and was a member of a nationwide church that openly promoted murdering homosexuals, athiests and college professors.
Joel Connelly has a nice article today about Tim Eyman. It seems Eyman went to a ferry commission meeting to complaing that the proposed fair increases should be delayed, subject to a majority vote in both houses of the legislature, and that the ferry system wasn’t “transparant enough”.
That didn’t sit well with the commissioners, some of whom were legislaters from inland counties (like Chelan) who took the effort to attend multiple community meetings on both sides of the sound to get community input before making decisions. Joel suggested that Eyman should be keelhauled, or at least gagged, until he attended several of those meetings and just listened, rather than talked:
Our state Ferries: Too vital to become an Eyman plaything
The world’s 2nd richest man thanks the government for saving our collective asses:
A somewhat refreshing change of pace from the right wing bullshit that pollutes these comment threads.
The world’s 2nd richest man thanks the government for saving our collective asses:
oh please. first of all, have you listened to buffet lately? he sounds like leon trotsky. he even wants to give all his money away. then what the fuck did you waste all your time for warren? he’s turning into a dereanged howard hughes.
31. Deathfrogg spews:
Have some balls and put up your own candidate like the Tea Party did.
You Progressives are like sheep. Baaaaaaaaaaa!
You sit around whining about R’s when your own guys are in power screwing you.
So what if McCain won??
I agree he’s a weak-kneed guy like Obama.
The ObamaCare will be gutted the next 3 years..and what did Obama really accomplish other than a ridiculous Porkulous Bill that added to the massive debt and created no long-run solutions..just payoffs.
You do see that don’t you?
There is no free ride.
We need a strong PRIVATE Sector….not expanding government.
Frankly, with $13.8 TRILLION of National Debt which almost equals our Annual GDP plus another $110-120 TRILLION of unfunded liabilities…mainly to government employees, the pooch is already screwed.
I don’t know if Obama could have stopped it…but instead of trying, he made it worse.
Remember those “death panels” the teabaggers were screaming about? I think we misunderstood them – turns out they weren’t opposed to them, they wanted to create them.
Blaming Tim Eyman is ludicrous.
He had 1 vote.
His Initiative passed overwhelmingly.
Lots of Democrats voted for it too.
Don’t you see a problem with Connelly’s foolhardy, blowhard, gasbag statement implying that Eyman should be keelhauled, or at least gagged??
Come on.
Eyman is NOT the problem
It is a confused electorate who want lots of free things…or government to take care of folks who can’t or won’t themselves…but don’t want to pay more for it.
The problem is the Electorate.
All Eyman does is give us a choice.
Blaming him is lazy and foolish.
I’m sure you big government types are frustrated. Get off your asses and try your own tax increase initiative!!
The Gates Income Tax did real well…right?
Look rhp, Washington State will not get any more Federal bailouts like last year.
There are numerous solutions when added together can make a difference…especially cutting government salaries and benefits. Privatizing the ferry’s, jails and look at everything.
The roadblock has been the Government Employee Unions.
It will be fun to watch the Democrats try to defend the perpetuation of “earmarks”.
Your fearless leader Skeletor Reid has already started!
This ought to really help the Dems in 2012!!
There are comprehensive lists of ridiculous earmarks already out there. Both Party’s have participated and it’s offensive to the average voter. The R’s are wise to say STOP!
My guess is Harry will not be able to keep his 2012 up for re-election Dems in line on this.
Another example of arrogance and out of touch with real Americans.
The Cyni-Asshole is a know-nothing apologist for the super-wealthy like his little hero “little timmeh eyeman”.
We need a populist movement to return this country to “we the people”.
There IS no competition MISTER Cyni-ASS-Klown. Your rethuglican asshole legislators are taking care of wiping out small business and strangling real America enterprise every single fucking day.
It all about the corporate profits now and the CEO salaries and screwing the average American.
Fuck you.
manofshit @ 35
Yeah, like Andrew Carnegie he believes that a man who dies with all his money is an idiot! What the hell is he going to do with it once he’s dead?
And he also believes that whatever money is left after he’s gone should be returned to society within 10 years. He’s convinced the world’s richest man Bill Gates to do more or less the same thing. A good thing!
Where did he get the money in the first place fool? Society gave it to him in exchange for his services.
All kinds of rich idiots want some kind of legacy and therefore we have foundations and trusts living long, long past their deceased namesakes. Some do good and some do bad and some do not much of anything worth all that much to most people besides providing a generous salary to those well connected people who run them and dole out whatever modest sums to causes that keep them in their jobs. Nice work if you can get it.
A deranged Howard Hughes? If Hughes had a hundreth of Buffet’s brains and humanity he’d have turned out way better than the miserable psychotic hermit SOB he ended up.
What a dumbshit you are man o’ crap!
40. Rujax! Exposing Right-Wing Lying Liars on HA Since 2004 spews:
You are obviously jealous of those who have more than you do. There is obviously a reason for that…attitude & focus & your lack of understanding of basic economics.
There are TRILLIONS on the sidelines poised to be invested once there is certainly about regulations and taxes.
IF ObamaCare is repealed and the Bush Tax Cuts extended for 4 years…you would see a tidal wave of investment.
Maybe you should try to become a Corporate CEO??
Look your guys had a Supermajority in the House and filibuster-proof Senate plus the President…blaming others is ludicrous.
You continue to look like the jealous fool you are.
We MUST grow the Private Sector now.
We MUST cut government spending at all levels.
We MUST encourage investment…not create class warfare.
Rujax clearly believes that no matter what decisions one makes…we should have nearly identical outcomes in terms of wealth.
That isn’t logical.
@39: the republicans will fail to adhere to the “voluntary” earmarks curbs anyways – so they will take the heat for not even making it mandatory – heck, even the Senate minority laeder McConell is BSsing on earmarks.
Where or wher did Puddy go? Off to lick his wounds again?
42 – Yawwnnn. I can’t believe it – more ridiculous horseshit than served up by man o ‘crap.
Not even worth responding to.
Yeah, like Andrew Carnegie he believes that a man who dies with all his money is an idiot! What the hell is he going to do with it once he’s dead?
first, he could leave it to his own family. second, he’s going toeave it to groups thst give handouts so theses same people will always be dependant on charities and government. moron.
ps obama nominated another jew to the fed. how come our first african aqmerican president didnt nominate a minority? like i didnt know.
45 – His family is taken care of you idiot! They all contribute to society each in their own way and make a decent living at it. And they only needed minimal help from their wealthy dad.
Wrong you idiot!
He’s leaving the bulk of his money to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation who’s using it to save lives in the third world from diseases that pharmaceutical companies can make no profit from. The rest of his money he’s split between the charitable foundations started by his late wife and his kids.
I have a lot more confidence that his money will do real good in the world. Nothing like the utter damage the money the Koch Brothers have made polluting environment when David isn’t trying to buy himself the top dog position in New York City society. Can’t wait to hear of their plans for their money once they’re gone – it can only be one thing:
Nothing like the utter damage the money the Koch Brothers have made polluting environment when David isn’t trying to buy himself the top dog position in New York City society. Can’t wait to hear of their plans for their money once they’re gone – it can only be one thing:
you’re not gonna like this ylb, but i totally agree with you.
I don’t even KNOW why I’m wasting my time responding to this vomit from MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown…but here goes.
I BELIEVE in Capitalism as the best economic system…PROVIDED there are CHECKS and BALANCES!
Checks and Balances, fuckwad. Regulations. Protections. For EVERYBODY! Rule of LAW (remember that?). Social Contract????
Make as much money as you want. CLEARLY that’s more important to you than ANYTHING ELSE. Just play by the rules.
More COMPLETE, TOTAL and UTTER BULLSHIT…and the cornerstone of your ass=clown hackery. If what you say is true…the country would have been awash in new businesses and jobs during the Crap-Head Administration. During the reign of the assholes…we LOST jobs at a frightening rate DIDN’T WE??? How ‘Bout that stock market??? How ’bout that HOUSING MARKET. What happened to that Budget SURPLUS that that evil Bill Clinton ran up. FUCK you are a mendacious ASS-KLOWN.
What about American Industry and Business being placed at a KILLER competitive disadvantage to business and maufacturing in other industrialised countries because we FORCE businesses and individuals to pay for their OWN health care which is run by FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS. Corporations, by the way that have spent over EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS this election cycle to protect their obscene and immoral choke hold on the health of millions of Americans. Routinely denying access to life saving services (and you claim to be “pro-life” you fucking hypocrite).
Yeah…maybe I should. I can run an iconic American Company into the ground just as well as Jeff Skilling or Kerry Killinger or Carly Fiorina (among others) did…and I’d only ask for HALF the compensation they got.
More BULLSHIT. Rethuglican senators used the ridiculous “holds” to block legislation and appointments. You fucks have no ideas…except BUY democrats and rethuglicans to push through anti-worker and anti-fair play regulation.
Progressive legislation was brought to vote by the ABLE and EFFECTIVE Nancy Pelosi (THAT’s why you fucks hate her so much) in the House and sent to the Senate to die. Your fucking bought and paid for “blue dog Dems” made sure of that. Your fucks sure got your money’s worth.
Sure…you’ll do it like c+Augustus did it…ship jobs overseas, cut taxes on corporations, make sure there are no small business jobs…cripple the middle calss (you don’t look at income statisics for the last twenty years do you? Didn’t think so.)…yeah. That’ll work.
Like WHAT? You fucks always want to cut spending. SHOW ME WHERE?
FINE. Where is the MONEY going to come from???? Corporations??? HA-FUCKING-HA!!! Make me laugh some more. The corporation is a shark. The shark just eats. Kills and eats. The corp makes money. The corp gets regulated so it doesn’t kill. Tariffs. Fair taxes (close all corporate loopholes…MAKE them pay their fair share)…STOP shipping jobs out of the country so OUR folks have discretionary income to spend on new business.
No…the Cynical-ASS-Klown clearly believes that anyone who does not think like he does is the “enemy”. The Cynical-ASS-Klown is the one who’s logic is not just flawed, but morally bankrupt.
There are no “socialists” here. Barack Hussein Obama, the duly elected 44th President of the United States and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces in NOT a socialist. He’s a fucking Capitalist like the rest of us. He had the mis-giuded belief that Republicans want what’s best for the people of this country like he does. Boy was HE wrong.
All I’m looking for is FAIRNESS. I depend on a strong middle clas for my income. I provide goods and services for a living. When the previous administration topok over I saw my business at the time collapse, because the jobs dried up and folks had to choose between paying rent and buying food and other “discretionary” life expense choices.
Don’t tell me about how UNFAIR things are for you and your elite class fuckwad. There is way too much going to the top 2% (that is NOT a buzword…that’s FACTS) and not enough to the men and women in America who live and work and raise kids and build businesses and make this the best of all places to live on the planet.
Shame on you!! Shame on you for supporting selfish and short-sighted policies and politicians.
Why is that? Could it possibly be because you suspect Koch is jewish?
If so WRONG (to the best of my knowledge anyway).. The Koch family were Dutch immigrants.
How could they be Jewish? They’re the primary funders of the Tea Party cult!
Rujax @ 49–
Please call the SUICIDE Hotline immediately.
43 Democrats vote against Pelosi!!
Now lets see how many of them bolt when Pelosi punishes them for not toeing the line.
Heath Shuler is welcome in our tent.
So are any of these 43.
Now that Rahmbo is gone, the White House is entirely rudderless. The Senate does not know what to do re: tax cuts.
This is really hysterical.
ImamObaMao is feeling sad & shunned that the Republicans won’t meet with him when he demands.
The R’s told ImamObaMao they would meet with him on November 30th.
ImamObaMao wants it sooner.
What happened to the R’s being shoved to the back of the bus ImamObaMao???
This is real funny.
What difference does a week or so make anyway??
The Democrats are so desperate for more sideshows to avoid accountability for the disaster they have created that they stoop to this.
It’s bad in Democrat land.
Can’t wait for the Blue Dogs to start changing parties BTW.
Let’s guess who will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd!
51 – Heh. A “compassionate conservative”. Hilarious.
You’re even stupider than I thought…and I never thought much of you to begin with.
I was hoping to drink with some like-minded people in Spokane – unfortunately, the link’s not working for me…
Why is that? Could it possibly be because you suspect Koch is jewish?
If so WRONG (to the best of my knowledge anyway).. The Koch family were Dutch immigrants.
yes and yes
What a freak.
I’m not Jewish. Does that mean I’m Jewish?
i was just acknowledging ylb was correct on both counts.
if you’re not jewish, what non christian, non white, non heterosexual, group are you a member of?
I do not subscribe to the myths propagated by enemies of Israel and I am not blaming Jews for anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism predates the birth of Israel. Neither Israel’s policies nor the critics of those policies should be held responsible for anti-Semitism. At the same time, I do believe that attitudes toward Israel are influenced by Israel’s policies, and attitudes toward the Jewish community are influenced by the pro-Israel lobby’s success in suppressing divergent views.
And then Puddy linked the same CBO numbers from May were they said it was $115 Billion more. Does correctnotright ever read.
Non sequitor! Yep and the tea party offered 14 black republicans for nomination. So if the tea party was racist NO BLACK WOULD BE OFFERED! Unfortunately 12 of them lost because of the lockstep march of blacks continually drinking the DUMBOCRAT swill. Let’s discuss this useless argument.
1) His illegal use of four rent-regulated apartments
2) He wrote letters on official congressional stationery to solicit money to build the Rangel Center at CUNY.
3) His failure to report report hundreds of thousands of dollars in assets and income on the financial-disclosure forms he has filed with Congress each year.
4) He preserved a tax shelter for an oil-drilling company, Nabors Industries, whose CEO had donated to the Charles Rangel Center.
… and other “acts”.
So Puddy is glad you are calling Odumba an idiot. Remember Odumba claimed he could take $500 Billion from Medicare and use it to save health care.
But wait… 111 companies are now receiving waivers due to the fact this bill is a failure. Watch correctnotright dance around these health care waivers!
Pffffffft! Wrong again…
Allen West ran on proposing an Arizona like illegal alien law for Florida.
He got lots of the hispanic vote!
Arpaio is a corrupt thug? Really? This is another of those political investigations you screamed about when GWBush did them.
Man you are so stupid!
Apparently ylb hasn’t listened to Beck and his Goldline advertisement…
Beck tells everyone to check out if owning gold is right for them. Butt this seems to contradict the latest screen scrape of ylb.
Weep on fool!
Wait a minute rujax… you are one of those HA fools who claim Fox News walks lock step together.
Times headline is 5900 jobs created in Washington in October.
1st sentence–
How is this sustainable??
Warren Buffett is a well-known left-wing lover!
Hey correctnotright, whatamoron… Puddy works during the day and Puddy don’t browse this blog during normal work hours.
Only you need to lick the wounds Puddy delivers to your sorry ASS.
These KLOWNS do not know what it means to give an honest day’s work for an honest days pay.
Most of them are government hacks.
They hate taxpayers and have zero respect for those they are supposed to serve.
Wrong fool. Puddy’s carpool bud is a leftist pinhead with a brain. He hangs with Lake Washington sailor investment bankers who have said over and over there are TRILLIONS ready to be invested once they overthrow the onerous Odumba regulations.
Can anyone see how STUPID that statement is?
Tune into KUOW right now and hear the most dangerous man in America – Matt Taibbi.
A true journalist!
And his partner Charlie Munger is a right winger who agrees with Buffet that the government saved the country’s ass.
Beck said Goldline is A+ Better Business Bureau rated. You can TRUST them Beck said.
Well STORMFRONT.ORG is also rated A+
Yeah RIGHT trust whatever CRAP Beck serves up you idiot fool! Tell that to the gullible right wingers who lost money buying what Goldline sold them!
Golly ylb… attacking more of the same continual stupidity you parrot…
Continually stupid, reading the stupid reports!
Charles Munger ylb?
Full Scale C L A S S I C! Thanks for the laugh ylb!
Yes Charlie Munger FOOL!
Thanks for the laugh moron! You’re going to call Munger a lefty now? C’ya!
Does it feel like all the conservatives have read the Left Behind books and are some how itching to have an apocalypse to get rid of all the liberals, since the conservatives have their walls and their guns, they think they’d be fine?
Ummm ylb,
Everyone here knows you were against the bailouts becuz they were from GWBush. Check your won database for the continual diarrhea left here from your arschloch! We also know Berkshire Hathaway has big bucks invested into the bailout recipients.
Can’t cop a plea now fool!
Left Behind books are not Biblical. They are novels.
79 – You’re so stupid Puddybud. Munger’s a total right winger and I PROVED that he believed the government saved the country’s ass
just like Buffet the Democrat said in his OP/ED.
Now Geithner was totally involved in that bailout and we all know how you feel about him.
The image of p’dumbski sucking the Cynical-ASS-Klowns dick is making me nauseous.
The real circumstances?
He was happy his investments were safe. You proved NOTHING!
As useless as usual… The Trillions of Dollars ready to invest was also on All Things Considered – NPR radio.
Don’t let facts get in the way of you visualizing homosexual sex acts though! There are many leftists here ready to fulfill your fantasies rujax, so go for it.
Another typical hateful progressive lefty in action with a gun!
Was he a Roger Rabbit cousin? Take away the mustache.
Oh my they are at it again with their Democracy Alliance…
DUMBOCRATS, always hiding their actions.
Didn’t the DUMBOCRATS and their pals spend $1,078 Million the past election cycle wile Republicans only spent $677 Million? And DUMBOCRATS are crying over being outspent?
Poll Who is the Democracy Alliance treasurer?
[ ] George Soros acolyte
[ ] George Soros acolyte
[ ] George Soros acolyte
[ ] George Soros acolyte
[ ] All of the above
82. Rujax! Proving Beyond All Doubt That MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown is the Emptiest of Empty Suits spews:
Methinks you are becoming a sicker bastard than I previously thought.
Puddy & I tend to agree on most things…because we are both highly intelligent, well-read and have rejected the emotional-based Progressivism.
I think you have deeper problems Rujax…it’s more about your contempt for a black man who dares reject your emotional, factless bullshit and refuses to bow down at the Odumba alter.
@62: Show me the links. You linked to medicare numbers – there is no CBO link to May.
Yes, they revised that in May but the health care bill STILL will give a savings of about 35 billion – NOT the 1 trillion LOSS that YOU misinterpreted.
Once again, you lied (you claimed it would cost 1 trillion and that is without the cost savings) and then you failed to understand your own links.
Yes, you are stoopid!
I love how the republicans are lying about the budget. I heard Michelle Bachmann the other day – (you know, the woman who lied about the cost of Obama’s trip) lying about the budget. She siad she wanted the budget to go back to 2008. Of course, at that time BUSH added the TARP plan and also did not include the wars in Iraq and Aghanistan in the budget. She conveniently forgot that! She also forgot the economic crisis that Bush put us in.
What a maroon Bachmann is? What a complete liar!
What Puddy is forgetting or is too stoopid to understand is that:
1. The bailout did save the economy.
2. Bush initiated the bailout.
3. The problem with the Bush bailout was accountability for the banks and lending institutions – and congress partly (but not competely) fixed that.
4. Banks have still taken advantage of the bailout to make money and screw the little people that they suckered into home loans.
5. The republicans and the banks oppposed the banking reforms.
6. The banking and lending institutions are now giving much more money to republicans in the last election cycle.
Munger was just happy his investments were “safe”. Uhhh… AGAIN from 76:
Yawwn. I have to repeat myself so much for the blithering idiot @ 83. The fool can’t read for beans.
Nahhhh…Ol’ Rujax thanks MISTER Cynicak-ASS-Klown for the “shout out” though.
The level of putrification on the right is truly stunning. The level of denial among our “Brokeback Mountain” boiz here…well it’s touching to see how they run to embrace and protect each other against those (oooooooooo) BIGGG BADDD LIBRULS.
Go fuck your favorite goat or p’dumbski or whatthefuck everrr you do to get your nut.
Your hatred of Americans and American Ideals, your unvarnished greed, your racism and absolutely stunning level of hypocrisy is proudly paraded by you to the world every single day in these comments.
You, sir…make quite a spectacle of yourself. You and your pudgy little puddybuddy. A real pair to draw to all right…yesireeebobby.
@87: Look at an idiot like Klynical tooting hsi won horn:
Umm, you have proven yourself to be a complete fool who has no idea how to analyze and take in information. Puddy is certainly brighter than you – but not by much. Both of you pick out little facts and fail to put these facts into the big picture. Additionally, you read rightwingnut sites and try to cite them without realizing they do no make your case.
Both you and Puddy are too dumb to realize we are laughing at you and you can’t even figure out when your third-grade level argumetns have been totally refuted.
Also, you and Puddy are idealogues who fail to take into account facts when they are in direct conflict with your poorly thought out philosophies. since you can’t support your philosophy by logic, you call people names in a sophomoric attempt to ridicule them.
Hence – this is why you refer to Obama as Obamao or Odumba because you cannot back up what you say and are not a serious commentator – but just a troll with a rightwing agenda.
A feel sorry for an insecure little person such as you.
his own horn (oops)
“Puddy & I tend to agree on most things…because we are both highly intelligent”
Highly intelligent?? In the KLOWN’s own, heh- mind. Outsmarting a goat must have gone to his head. I recall the Great IQ Challenge Puddy was having with Lee sometime back where Puddy actually bragged about having a, heh- 120 IQ. That must put the KLOWN at what, about 70? Yeah, those two have got the smarts, alright. Good grief.
Show us the fucking MONEY asswipe. What kind of CRIPPLING regulations has the awful awful awful nasty nasty Obama Administration had TIME…in eighteen months…to put in place RIGHT in front of the VERY EYES of the poor little naive Republican Senate (which, by the way, has been the MOST obstructionist group of contrarian ASSHOLES in the HISTORY of this country). Boy those Obama guys are really really smart to fool a bunch of geniuses like your guys, aren’t they.
Wowwwwwwwwweeeeeee. Learn something new EVERY god-damned day.
Two wingnut losers who believe the earth is 6,000 years old now want to tell us how they’re both “highly intelligent”.
It doesn’t get much funnier than this.
Where did Puddy say it was a $1 Trillion loss? The lost is now $115 Billion WITHOUT the doctor fix! Puddy said something else multiple times. It’s you who continues to blab March 2010 numbers.
Post it fool!
Puddy don’t got to show you nuthin rujax!
Suck on that sucka!
Wow look at ylb jump up and down on Munger.
Let’s review just in this thread…
GoldLine … A+ BBB rating… ylb took issue with that… smack
Soros bought gold after all the positive Beck commentary… ylb couldn’t deal with that… smack
ylb was upset about the TARP program… ylb screamed to high heavens about it. Puddy reminded ylb about his original hateful useless 2008 anti-TARP commentary. smack
Buffett and Munger are happy their investments continued to grow. In a previous thread Puddy placed links how Buffett tried to stack the deck on the Finance Bill to help his causes. Apparently ylb didn’t check his database. smack
Keep talking fool! Your hole is getting deeper.
Oh my Steve Steve Steve, Puddy thought you’d given up on drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution!
correctnotright laughing at Puddy? It’s you who continued to use old numbers after Puddy placed the May CBO numbers on the blog 3 times. Ask ylb for the evidence fool!
Now that’s comedy!
p’dumbski…”colonelsandersfavoritechicken” has nothing. Like his “papa bear” MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown, p’dumbski disdains facts…choosing instead to mangle meanings mischaracterize quotes and studies and generally show himself to be a know-nothing blowhard.
Good times.
Do p’dumbski and MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown play cop dress-up? This sounds like something those dumbasses would dream up.
Can someone decipher the crap from rujax, the dumb cinder block?
…too much for the “chicken-brain”.
@102 Puddy
You are still arguing the wrong point – the health care plan will still save 30 billion dollars and cover more people and prevent preexisting condition exclusions and illegal dumping of subscribers.
You argued that it would cost 1 trillion dollars – that was a LIE. Do you admit that you lied?
Or are you once again changing the topic?
Wrong again correctnotright… Puddy has NEVER changed the topic. It’s you who lie by stupidity. You are so confused drinking the OdumbaCare kook-aid. Puddy wrote Odumba promised to veto any bill where the total costs are over $1 Trillion. HIS WORDS! The March 2010 numbers used to ram this bullcrap through were ESTIMATES. But that was an A-OK thing for correctnotright. Puddy talked about the OdumbaCare fine, blessed by Patty Murray. Remember Patty told everyone this past election cycle she help write the bill where the decision point buy OdumbaCare or pay a fine was front and center.
Puddy suggested you ask the databaze nut ylb but you wouldn’t stoop that low. This is what Puddy delivered to HA
Then Puddy delivered this
And when you look at his numbers the median figures are closer to $311 billion. Then Puddy added this from the CBO…
Hence Puddy wrote $331 Billion in added costs. And this doesn’t include the $200-250 Billion Doctor Fix to even out the fees promised to the AMA for jockstrapping this bull. None of this was in the original March 2010 numbers. You kept using the March 2010 numbers for some strange reason… Oh it was all you had. You can ask the chronological idiot for help at any time correctnotright. Send a personal email to Goldy asking for ylb’s email address. You can work behind the scenes dude. Puddy don’t care. It won’t change the uselessness of your attack as the facts are the facts.
You took issue with this and used the March numbers again. You claimed where are the numbers so Puddy issued the May numbers 3 times. You just don’t get it. Your head is so far up someone’s ASS you can’t see the light of day.
Now we see 111 waivers are issued for various UNIONS and companies to bypass the onerous OdumbaCare mandates. If the bill was so great and wonderful correctnotright why the waivers?
When does the lying asshole p’dumbski EVER NOT change the subject?
Hey moronic rujax… try and dispute the facts above fool! That’s what Puddy was writing about!
What an idiot! The insurance companies wanted the mandate and how are you going to enforce a mandate without fines?
Like when a cop pulls you over and you can’t show proof of insurance?
What a dipshit!
Fuck you.
Sorry rujax, Puddy happily married. Puddy wouldn’t
with ylb’s dick! Puddy doesn’t cross the tracks especially for a lowlife loser such as you.
Too bad you have no argument!
moronic ylb… Fines? That’s one of the reasons for the court case moron!
Still using that worn out argument? That was dissed long ago fool. Butt you live all day on barbarian websites.
114 – Heh. Heard Bobby Mac himself say the government has the power to mandate you to buy something.
State Government that is. WTF is the diff?
Rather have single payer moron. You pays your taxes and you gets your benefits. Little overhead – simpler system.
Hell – it’s otherwise known as Medicare except it’s for everybody.
Keep your grubby socialist paws off senior’s Medicare moron – that’s what the townhall screamers said.
More babbling from the database fool! Absolutely nothing useful in that #115 post.
116 – Dipshits like you couldn’t find anything useful beyond your own poop you fling in thread after thread..
Later days fool!
Poor poor p’dumski…like chauncey gardner…like tough tommy delay….like newt (“I Led Three Wives”) fgingrich.
Dead fucking wrong and too stupid to know it.
I gave up arguing with the p’dumbski years ago.
I’d be more productive flossing my cat’s teeth.
One more reason to place the dumb cinder block into the sub basement…
/2010/mar/18/ – his link
Puddy’s CBO commentary May 2010.
See ya fool!