The election has come and gone and most of the smoke has cleared. So please join us tonight for an evening of post-election debriefings and celebrations under the influence. We meet at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Some of us will be there much earlier to watch discuss election returns ballot counts over dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 250 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Geoff Simpson settled his case.
He’s out of office and has to mind his manners for a few years, if he doesn’t want a conviction on his record. Sounds like a good conclusion of things to me.
That sort of agreement tends to let the prosecution save face, while everyone else acknowledges that nothing much happened by way of criminal activity.
On a different note: Welcome back, Keith, you old national treasure, you!
Thank God he is out of office! Couldn’t have happened to a well lets just say an appropriate guy! Lets just hope he is not a SORE loser!
Read the following article about the Feds highly questionable plan to print more money to buyback bonds. Do you think it is Constitutional? If it is, is it prudent?
Seems like we are involved in crazy making that will ultimately lead to high inflation which will hurt the average Joe the worst.
Every time we dabble, we seem to make things worse.
It also makes me angry to see super-rich guys like Bill Gates Sr. get away with hit-and-runs and be able to have this story buried for almost 3 months. How could someone not have noticed until the Court Date? Why does he still have a drivers license? He blames it on a “senior moment”. This is appalling.
Oh my the PMSNBC Leftists are at it again…
Why are PMSNBC Leftists so anti-American? Why are HA Leftists who love PMSNBC so anti-American?
Greg@5, when you jockstrap progressive causes you never have to say you’re sorry or you’re wrong.
As Puddy remembers the HA Leftists were gaga over Rachel Maddow’s rant about Fox News promoting candidates. Well Dr Buffoon apparently didn’t research her position too well…
It’s all about the nickels and dimes! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Gotta love how the HA Leftists are the 12 Percenters!
Here is another interesting article about the demise of ACORN. Wow, they really were a bunch of crooks. But all they will do is declare bankruptcy and re-form under another name. I think it’s important to hold these community organizing groups accountable, especially when they take government grants and contracts. I wonder how anyone could believe ACORN was the best choice for Lead Removal work? It’s mind-boggling.
Hey ylb, you’re hero George Soros. In a 1998 interview with Steve Kroft, Soros was asked if he felt guilty about confiscating property from Jews as a teenager. He responded, “No.”
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@9: Hmm Greg, I read the article and even though it is by Faux News it does not say they were crooks – why do you feel the need to lie?
Puddy: Still wating on your health care “links”. Where is your “latest” CBO report? Oh yeah, you are not citing the non-partisan CBO, you are linking to something on Medicare.
Ooops. I thought we were talking about the effects of the health care plan and you cite something on Medicare? Once again, you show that you don’t know a thing. could it be that youar too stoopid to know that you are lying – or are you dleiberately misunderstanding the issue and putting out “Puddyfact” that are irrelevant to the conversation?
Either way, you are either deliberatly lying or too dumb to know that your “fact” do not address the the health care plan – I feel sorry for you.
The king of the libertarians Rand Paul is already revealed to be a liar:
from the Wall Street Journal
The tea party/republican party cannot rule, has no principles except to lie to get in power and to criticize anything democrats do and to obstruct. Why do you think they did not propose a single budget cut? Why do they have NO plan to balance the budget?
It’s pretty obvious that Simpson has a temper and let it get the best of him. Yeah, the incidents were small, but they were not OK. I look at this as being like a “fix it” ticket for personal behavior .
So old dude hits an unoccupied parked vehicle and leaves the scene. Gets cited, takes financial responsibility, property damage only.
So you think the SPD should have held a press conference ’cause it was Bill Sr.?
@10: Puddy – try learning to use the English language:
That would be YOUR hero. That is not a typo, it is a third grade level grammar mistake from a guy who claims to be smart.
Still waiting on your reply to why you are cherry-picking Medicare data (without a link) and not addresssing the whole health care bill.
Just for your info – of course the Medicare deifict will go up, because people will be added to the program. but there will be cost cutting elsewhere that will save money and that is what the big insurance companies oppose (that and limits on raising the rates).
While the health care plan is not perfect (no public option to really compete and keep costs down) it is still better than the current system and will save 150 billion over ten years.
Puddy your LIES and misinformation: Are you deliberately misunderstanding the argument or are you too stoopid to realize that Medicare is not all of the health care bill?
Your up-to-date numbers mean nothing if they count only Medicare. but you knew that, right?
p’dumbski is about as credible as georgfe fucking bush and a lot less entertaining.
A better question is:
Why does the p’dumbski hate Americans so much that he want to enslave us all to the corporate overlord.
Bad news for the Oreo Man. I’m surprised he lasted this long with tha bunch of crackers.
Wow Acorn is “busted” for 3.2 million dollars. As if BILLIONS of dollars never went astray in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Shit American Taxpayers paid millions upon millions to the local heavies with guns NOT to shoot Americans.
The corruption is so absurd as to be a parody of itself.
Because he is a fascist tool?
Hey Greg, before you put too much faith in what fox posts as news, are you aware that fox has a history of firing journalists who won’t lie?
But Greg, you’re guilty of lying yourself about the Bill Sr. story. You say ‘He blames it on a “senior moment”.’ But the article you link to says ‘A person described in the police report as a friend of a companion of Gates Sr. called the incident a “senior moment.”‘
10 – that’s a man who hasn’t held himself back with guilt stupid. The real test is has he made up for any past mistakes. Yes and in spades. His open society initiatives have led to less dogmatic authoritarianism and more democracy.
If the guy is so bad no one should take the other side of his trades.
Many have and lost. And many who participated in his trades have made fortunes – including I’m sure those of the right wing persuasion.
AND REMEMBER PUDDYBUD, the Koch Brother’s dad worked for the Stalinist regime. And daddy Koch’s guilt MADE THINGS WORSE!
So Greg, that must mean you’re just another troll. We here at HA know that the trolls around here prefer sex with goats. So since I have an inquiring mind, do you prefer the Billies or the Nannies? Or are you a switch hitter?
Your racist rants are disgusting. You and Man of Truth must have grown up together….
You two were made for each other..
Ohhhh…poor baby…sooo sensitive.
Not sensitive. Just not a bigot like you.
Hope that works out for you.
There is no need to call Michael Steele an oreo. I could care less whether he is black or white. Apparently the republicans are proud of him. I think he is a total fool and buffoon. So I am glad he is the head of the republican party, because only fools would be led by fools.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
I’m not a racist. Some of my best friends are members of the human race.
Your comments are racist.
You’re an idiot.
…and a cracker.
The funny thing? You wrote racist remarks and then call me an idiot..
Thanks for the laugh.
Oreo Barbie
Hat tip to the marketing geniuses at Mattel.
@35: Actually, it’s funny cuz it’s true.
What do you mean?
What’s true?
Well, as they say, you have removed all doubt.
you support racist comments directed towards me. How tolerant of you. You, Man of Truth and Rujax are all peas of the same pod.
Racists tend to stick together no?
Is this “guy” a blockhead or not.
Puddy placed the May CBO link on this blog notright. Yeah, the one where they revised their figures to be $115 Billiob over $1Trillion. Oh and that doesn’t include the doctor fix of $200+ Billion. If you missed it search HA or contact your “cousin” ylb.
See ya correct moron!
HAHAHAHAHAHA, like his Open Society Foundation Secretary of State Project where 17 of the 26 SoS he backed lost? Or the lost Open Society Foundation $1 Million on CA Prop 19? Or his $1.8 Million Open Society Foundation Grant to help control NPR?
Do tell ylb
I don’t recall Right Stuff posting anything even remotely racist in these threads.
When stated by a black to another black, Oreo seems to me to be more derogatory than racist. When said by a white, it’s not necessarily racist, but it usually comes off as silly. Kind of like a suburban, white gangsta kids type of silly. For my part, I try to elevate the discussion by calling Puddy a race traitor. heh-
Oh, oh, the psycho-laugh! heh- Somebody forgot their meds again.
Speaking of our resident psychotics, isn’t Lost a little bit overdue for his weekly FDR hatefest?
Thanks Steve. Not the first time Puddy has heard or seen that. You are in fantastic company right with headless lucy!
@44: Losty bid adieu to HA the other day (Sunday?). He mentioned you specifically as one of the reasons HA wasn’t worth his time anymore along with a desire to spend more time with his family.
Basically, he’s a whiny pussy boi.
I’m a racist too ya know…rightstuff said so!
“@44: Losty bid adieu to HA the other day (Sunday?). He mentioned you specifically as one of the reasons HA wasn’t worth his time anymore”
I missed that?? Damn. It was my intent to drive him away. I wanted his every visit to HA to be a very unpleasant experience for him. For his contempt of the poor and disadvantaged in our society, I believed he had it coming.
@47 That was some wrong stuff by Right Stuff.
Right Stuff was the only troll here to condemn the curb-stomper. He didn’t mince words. That puts him several cuts above the rest in my book.
I do remember…props to rightstuff on that.
Yeah, he’s not so bad as the others.
heh- I found Lost’s final bow. The guy was a hater. His contempt for the poor was disgusting. Good riddance to him. Here’s one last taste of Lost’s hatred,
Puddy sez, “Thanks Steve. Not the first time Puddy has heard or seen that. You are in fantastic company right with headless lucy!”
And Rujax!, you Oreo! Don’t forget Rujax!. heh-
Yeah Steve, after the Moron.Org woman was filmed attacking Rand Paul with a campaign sign through his open car window. Butt, alas you missed that post huh? Check with TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA for the posts.
Of course physically attacking your political opponent that’s A-OK in your book.
Steve, Puddy likes to forget rujax. There’s a dark force there 24x7x365. Consumed by hatred like ylb.
Puddy is again full of shit. When will you stop lying?
Up to now I’ve taken the admonitions of more experienced HA commenters that you stay on your meds as mere trash talking – but if you can turn that event into an attack on Rand Paul, then you really are delusional.
As an exercise, I’ve tried to find believable accounts of Lauren Valle “attacking” Rand Paul – there are none. I won’t link to the right-wing hysteria or falsehoods that I found on the web that come close to making this claim, but they all sound like this:
or this
It’s unfortunate…there are some here that seem to respect you Pud, but I find that every time I see a post from you it’s only a raving, delusional, thread-killing yawp of angry lies. It really does get in the way of any sort of actual discussion.
Note to Goldy: Is there any way we could take up a collection and import some trolls that can at least operate within the bounds of a reality-based worldview?
You have better trolls than you deserve and than you can afford. Keep your cash for drying out your liberal drunks.
You Democrats just can’t back down from your hi-tech liberal lynching of Clarence Thomas. Last month you again had out your long knives, ropes, and burning crosses … just like the good old days when you were lynching uppity blacks, Republicans, and black Republicans.
Here’s something from Clinton’s boy Lanny Davis for you to progressively choke on:
Let’s hear it from Judge Rabbit, defender of fairness, defender of legal process, and defender of the faith. Tell us, Rabbit, as if we didn’t already know, that Democrats in general and Holy Joe Biden in particular are evil and they’re assholes.
You seem to hold yourself in far too high esteem.
Moreover, Lanny Davis is a putz, and certainly not a liberal. He’s been trotted out far too many times to give cover to Republicans to ever be taken seriously.
You really need to do better than Lanny fucking Davis.
Like I said, we really need a better class of trolls.
We/I need to do better than Lanny fucking Davis? Lanny fucking clinton fucking Democrat fucking Davis?
He’s totally one of yours, not ours. Maybe you need to do better.
Heh. Puddybud is consumed by love through 28,000 comments.
What a miserable liar!
Every schoolboy knows about the Battle of the Overpass in which secular saints such as Reuther & Frankensteen were beaten up by company goons.
One or two schoolboys even know, because I told them, about the less photogenic labor violence of those days … CIO beating up AFL, AFL beating up blacks, commies beating up CIO and AFL.
But did you know about the WPA strikes and riots of 1937? FDR’s WPA communists rioting because Democrats were cutting their booty? Dead bodies in the streets?
Neither did I. Not until yesterday. Amazing and amazingly convenient historical amnesia.
Maybe Brother Steve or Brother YLB, scholars of the New Deal, can fill in the blanks and refresh our memories.
God commits suicide. In Las Vegas. In a hotel room.
That does sound a lot like our local ‘god’. Will be interesting to see if Steve Schwartz is alive and well – sure hope so!
Obama to liberal scientists: Drop Dead.
The administration? Downplaying? Misrepresenting? Misconscrewsioning?
Are you sure we’re not talking about, you know, the evil science-hating Cheney administration?
“scholars of the New Deal”
heh- Only if you want American history, 1932 through the present, along with a vision of tomorrow, summed up in fifty words or less.
heh- There was a lot worse than curb-stomping going on back then. Warlord Nation. Then FDR both saved us and damned us. Thank God, he and those who followed couldn’t stop the music. The revolution will not be televised, but it just might be digitized. Live free, my friend.
Forty-nine words. Not bad, huh?
Gosh…(sniff, sniff) p’dumbski mentioned ME!!!! Little Ole MEEEEE!!!! I’m overwhelmed.
You and me Steve…and YLB of course…right up there on p’dumbski’s shit list!
RIGHT where I wanna be!
If I wasn’t on Puddy’s shitlist I’d be concerned that I was traveling the wrong road.
Actually Puddybud has profound love:
for right wing bullshit.
Me? Yep don’t care for the stuff. It’s a bunch of lies. It stinks.
This is why Puddy loves arguing with the Liberal Scientist… He can’t process photographic evidence.
He can’t process facts.
He can’t process information.
He can process being a fool!
He loves drinking PMSNBC Kook-Aid.
Party on Garth!
Note to Goldy: Is there any way liberals could take up a collection and import some intelligent leftists that can at least operate within the bounds of a reality-based worldview? Even photographic and YouTube evidence fails to penetrate granite encased liberal Neanderthal cranial orifices! All they do is hang from the rafters and bark at the moon!
So Liberal Scientist, Puddy will wait for the latest fart from your pie hole!
Actually ylb has profound love:
for liberal bullshit
for kos kook-aid
for soros web sites
for leftwing horse crap
for being very stupid
for never participating in any thread where real thinking occurs.
I think that the word ‘evidence’ does not mean what you think it means (to paraphrase Inigo Montoya.)
The videos posted do not show an assault on Rand Paul, no matter what you or the hysterical fools on RedState say.
Moreover, even if there were an assault on Paul (which there wasn’t), throwing her to the ground and stomping on her head constitutes assault regardless of what you fascist fools say. Whatever she did prior does not justify what was clearly documented repeatedly on multiple reputable sources (and Doug Ross and RedState do NOT count as reliable).
You are pathetic Pudster, truly contemptible.
Once again Liberal Scientist your words… another unmitigated disaster on HA…
The video demonstrates a very believable Lauren pushing the sign into the Suburban twice. Now why was she wearing a blond wig? Nefarious plans. Then she claimed to be stomped on the head. Didn’t happen, shoulder maybe. Now where did that waffle boot print disappear to?
As Puddy said above, the video facts fully discount your pathetic argument Liberal Scientist.
You are a pathetic idiot, truly disgusting.
Yawwn.. Right wing toadies let blondes get near their idiot politician’s car for “meetin’ and greetin'” after the rally. If for nothing else than it makes the pictures come out better to their liking. That protester had some pretty astute insight into the right wing male mentality.
Now this idiot puddybud thinks he can deflect from something like that.
The stench of his bullshit carries through intertubes.
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f=c -c=tag:eq~junkshot,body:phrase~soros -C
| count |
| 157 |
Heh. This fool has obsessed about
– S O R O S –
almost twice as much as he’s linked to Breitbart.. But who the hell is counting? All that right wing bullshit he reads does is yank his crank and make him babble the way it wants him to anyhow.
First obsession over Soros comes not even a month after he starts polluting the threads here.
Oh this is telling as well:
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f=c -c=tag:eq~junkshot,body:phrase~acorn -C
| count |
| 149 |
1 row in set
First obsession is 8/8/2005. Yep, directed, controlled and manipulated by right wing propaganda.
But here’s an even greater paranoia:
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f=c -c=tag:eq~junkshot,body:phrase~”Hilary” -C
| count |
| 286 |
1 row in set
LMAO! Too effin’ funny! Hardly one day goes by since his HA comment threads inception date and the Limbaugh pressurized flatulence between his ears is off-gassing on cue.
I laugh at you Puddybud:
Totally addled by the idiot Beck.
“Then she claimed to be stomped on the head. Didn’t happen, shoulder maybe.”
Good grief! Puddy first claims that the woman attacked Paul with her sign, and then he claims that she was never stomped on her head. Either Puddy was dropped on his head too many times as an infant or there’s no lie he won’t knowingly spread for his extremist masters.
Do you suppose that Pud has some sort of neuro-silicon implant that allows him to channel this stuff so seamlessly?
He purports to be in IT, after all.
Or is it just his tooth fillings that act as antennae for the “information” that he then shares with us?
Whatever the receiver, there is a remarkable data filter that excludes anything rational or fact-based. It really is a wonder of data manipulation.
@75 When he writes that it was “shoulder maybe”, he expresses doubt of even that having taken place. He’s either a liar or he’s crazy. This one, involving multiple men attacking a woman, leaves me cold, not caring what problem Puddy might have. This isn’t about left and right. This is about right and wrong. To have a man who professes his love of God either lying or going into a state of denial over the violent attack of men on a woman crosses the line. If he’s crazy, he needs to take his meds and find a padded room. If he’s lying, he stands nowhere near God.