Please join us this evening for a pint and a plate of political prognostication at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Raise a glass for Kevin Drum.
Welfare Queen YLB comments frequently about PPP funds handed out to people who didn’t have a need for it it. From her comments one might think that people who stole PPP money and are caught doing something illegal in the process are people she would like to see prosecuted.
It’s a surprise, then, that a majority of House Democrats feel differently:
Chickwithdick Dylan Mulvaney, last seen singlehandedly taking down Bud Light, has a book out.
You’d think there simply cannot be a less likable Democrat candidate for CA governor than Boxcheck Momala.
You’d be wrong.
Anybody notice that gas is 31 cents cheaper this year than it was one year ago?
@2 the bill that just passed was for unemployment fraud. dumbfuck strikes out again.
A lot of those fraudsters were in Africa, South America, places like that.. GLWT.. Better those Doge freeks chase ghosts in “shithole countries” than cut off people’s SS.
and wow, look, checkout the DM follower of HA @3.. Heh. It really cares. What a fan boi.
Never heard of Mulvaney until the Bud Light flap and didn’t much care because I never cared for Bud Light.
It was too funee watching dumbfuck go nutso over InBev – infamous for watering down beer brands it acquires – for munee.
But it’s even funnier that this pants shitter lover loves it some Bud Light.
Anybody notice that gas is 31 cents cheaper this year
Just in time for UFC fan bois to pay more for their bud lights in an aluminum can.
Courtesy of pants shitter and pants shitter fan boi Dana White.
Pants shitter could have tariffed Canadian oil and gas to greatly expand the pants shitter reward my friends fund..
but awwww.. too chickenshit.
Dana White guzzling a Bud Lite is plenty XX for widbee dumbfuck.
And so is pants shitter soiling its diaper.
HA’s unserious twat @ 6 decides there’s a difference between “COVID fraud” and unemployment fraud during the COVID pandemic.
Making this distinction, to her, gives her a sense that she can compete in a world of adults.
Pity it doesn’t fool anyone else.
a difference between “COVID fraud” and unemployment fraud
The bill says nothing about PPP..
Know why? Take a “serious” guess.
@2 Welfare Queen YLB comments frequently about PPP funds handed out to people who didn’t have a need for it it.”
Yeah, like people who created straw businesses with no employees and spent the money on houses and cars.
As usual you provided no link, maybe because this is who you’re quoting?
I provided a link — see how I did that? If you want to know why 127 Democrats voted against H.R. 1156, go to this document and scroll down to pages 38-39. There you’ll find a perfectly logical and valid explanation. Meanwhile,
You say Republicans are serious about prosecuting fraud? Sure, Jan.
From the link @ 8:
Trump’s issues with odor appear to have begun many decades ago, when he was in his thirties, which means either (a) they stem from a serious medical condition he has since endeavored to lie ruthlessly to voters about, (b) they stem from dubious personal habits like drug abuse that American voters have a right to know of, or (c) they arise from personal hygiene issues of another sort that Trump himself opened the door to regular discussion of on the campaign trail by (i) regularly attacking the personal hygiene of political opponents, (ii) making ageism (not to mention disinformation related to age) the centerpiece of his two campaigns against Joe Biden, and (iii) making a decision-in the midst of pursuing a white supremacist political base-to put himself forward as an ideal specimen of “alpha-male” toughness, charisma, and sex appeal.
widbee dumbfuck and other trolls have attacked lefties as smelling bad.. Very Nazist type behavior equivalent to the Nazis loathing Jews at every level imaginable, hygiene in particular
Interesting that the article notes that people who love pants shitter generally have a strong intolerance of noticeable body, fecal, decay, etc. odors.. This is borne out by the behavior of trolls here.
Too bad only a very few will get a whiff of their orange pants shitting dear leader.
Democrats win another one.
Of course the Texas measles outbreak is coming for you. It’s coming for everyone. It has already spread to New Mexico and now Oklahoma, too, and it will eventually engulf the entire nation. Doctor RKF Jr.’s prescription is to take Vitamin A to ward off the evil spirits.
@3 Beer-swilling wingnuts have every right to boycott Bud Light, or any other beer brand, for any reason or no reason at all.
Likewise, people who don’t like an unelected billionaire coming out of the shadows and tearing apart the federal government have every right to boycott Tesla cars.
No matter what Trump says about Tesla boycotts being “illegal.”
The long form essay on orange pants shitter’s “bouquet”:
It’s pretty good.
@4 Your obsession with black female candidates (Stacey Abrams, Kamala Harris, etc.) is … weird. Other terms like “racist” and “misogynistic” might be apropos, too.
We’re sorry, but your planned National Park summer tour is ruined, because there is no one on duty to process your reservation requests. You could, however, consider camping in Walmart parking lots as an alternative.
@5 “Anybody notice that gas is 31 cents cheaper this year than it was one year ago?”
Recession fears will do that.
@9 “HA’s unserious twat @ 6 decides there’s a difference between “COVID fraud” and unemployment fraud during the COVID pandemic.”
That’s more serious than saying PPL loans and unemployment benefits are the same thing.
Ray Dalio is sounding a debt alarm, but it’s falling on deaf ears. If Republicans were serious about debt they would use savings from firing federal workers and slashing program funding to reduce deficits instead eliminating or lowering taxes for billionaires like Dalio by three times as much, thereby increasing deficits and adding to debt.
The Department of Education shrunk by half today. Which is sweet irony, since that’s about how many WA students read at grade level. Half.
Public school teachers and their precious WEA/NEA are an embarrassment to society.
18)Hope They don’t affect any of The monuments on the Freedom Trail in Boston over the next 100 days. Very important celebration, probably more important now.
Dumbfuck Nazi was lying @ 2 (h/t Roger).
Why should anyone assume Nazi Dumbfuck isn’t lying some more at 22 and every other time he posts?
@22 So get them to put down the goddamn phones. But how are you doing to do that? Principals and teachers want to know.
Not if you find yourself paying more for your kid’s clothes and sneakers the same day you’re laid off from your job.
Seriously, these people are tone deaf. Do they plan to run on pwning Europe and Australia in 2026?