The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for conversation and drinks. Please stop by if you are so moved.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at 8:00pm—well after the convicted felon is done talking.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Hey, somebody get a high chair for Boxcheck Momala so she can see the DJT47 address.
Could NOT have done it without your nomination of Boxcheck Momala after you collectively behaved as if there was nothing wrong with her boss, HA libbies.
You built tonight’s address. Enjoy it.
Dems choose to have the black dude kicked out first.
Rubio is doomed.
With the tariffs in effect, expecting the Seattle City Council to raise SCL rates. Possibly prepare for worst case response from BC, a withdrawal of the High Ross Treaty. Wonder if they ever updated the plans for Phase III of Ross Dam?
Woman goes to Mexican restaurant. Apparently because she likes Mexican food. The server’s name was Ricardo; had she inquired, she would’ve been told he’s a U.S. citizen, but she didn’t bother to ask.
When it was time to pay the bill for her $87.84 meal, instead of leaving a tip, she wrote, “Zero, you suck,” and “I hope Trump deports you.”
She crossed out her name on the receipt, and when ID’d by internet sleuths, claimed someone stole her credit card. Unfortunately for her, she so exactly resembles the person who left the hateful message that her employer concluded it was her and she no longer works there.
Meanwhile a GoFundMe has raised nearly $8,000 for the server.
Manuel Sotelo, whose truck fleet moves products across the border every day, was shocked that tariffs went into effect after the steps Mexico’s president has taken to comply with U.S. demands to crack down on cartels and fortify the border. They include sending 10,000 troops to the border.
“Mexico made huge leaps and bounds,” said Sotelo, a Trump supporter who has a bobblehead doll of him on display in his office. “I really did think yesterday afternoon or last night Trump would have reversed course.”
And yet…. Republicans did that.
Perhaps Democrat politicians should re-think recording identical videos declaring resistance to what such an overwhelming majority of Americans support.
CBS News:
@ 7
Say, let’s point out one person and apply that person’s behavior to an entire class of people, shall we?
Clearly, all Ivy League law professors are terrorists.
Isn’t that right, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
My idea of true strength is capitulating to a Russian dictator who bombs his own cities. That’s true strength.
Transgenic is mot Transgender
Wining the ‘Belgian Waffle Fun Run” by 4.5 minutes is not ‘Winning an international cycling by five hours .”
Even the dimmest of bulbs, so bot you dumbfuck, might have thought, how’s a 350 year old getting a social security check. The country is 250. The program is 90.
All that falls apart when you look at the sampled breakdowns.
We are not at all re-assured
Alito. Gorsuch, Thomas, Kavanaugh dissent.
Trump Administration MUST pay USAID contractors for work already performed.
Sorry Donnie. You’re not dealing with carpet layers in Atlantic City anymore.
Note the dissenters haven’t digested the clear plain original text of the ‘full faith and credit’ clause.
The morning after claiming a mandate (again) Donnie’s approval rating dips underwater. For context it took until September 2021 for Biden to dip underwater in the aftermath of the Afghanistan pullout.
It’s pretty hard not to conclude that the policy being pursued by Fat Hitler is entirely aligned with Putin.
Putin’s objectives before he dies are:
sanctions removal,
territorial control over all of Ukraine,
territorial control over all of Belarus,
collapse of NATO.
Fat Hitler has said he wants immediate peace in Ukraine. And in the past at least, some of the policy settings the Fat Hitler administration has announced are consistent with that. But would abrupt withdrawal of U.S. weapons supplies and cutting off inteligence sharing from NATO and Ukraine accomplish that?
Right now Russia is in a struggle to rearm and reinforce its territorial gains in Ukraine. They’ve drawn down and depleted weapons systems, run out of conscripts, and been forced to bring in North Korean troops and weapons just to hold on to what they’ve grabbed so far. They really can’t advance their offensive without a lot more time to reconstitute and resupply. Right now they really need time to be able to continue to pursue Putin’s objectives in Ukraine.
So giving him that time does not in fact encourage Putin to negotiate for peace. Not at all. That’s not rational. Giving him a ceasefire allows him to safely fortify and resupply critical infrastructure and positions within the occupied territories and to gradually then build up force strength in positions where they can be used to carry out another advance on Ukrainian territory when they are ready.
So it really doesn’t make rational sense to cut off Ukraine at this point unless the objective being pursued by Fat Hitler is the same as the objective being pursued by Putin, which is total annihilation of Ukraine.
@16 Wait a minute, how can his approval rating be underwater, if the same people strongly approved of his speech? One of those polls is fucked up or bogus.