It’s Tuesday following the ballot drop…making it a great opportunity to enjoy and evening of politics under the influence. Please join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 249 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Fascist, corporate whore packs brass balls.
Christ, what a fucking piece of human filth.
1 – Damn beat me to it!
From a NY Times article:
If I’m not mistaken isn’t Anita Hill herself a conservative????
Awwww… Pretty soon Puddybud will be here to valiantly defend the honor of right wing women.
Oh god.
Sharron Angle is certainly testing my resolve to not mock (ad hominem style) political candidates.
“Where in the Constitution is separation of church and state?”
Another research study out today putting Washington fifth in the nation again for best places to do business.
I’m still fearful that passage of 1098 may cause me to owe perhaps hundreds of dollars at some unspecified point…
@1 I liked this comment.
“Ginny also kindly requested that Anita please retrieve the pubic hair from her husband’s coke can.”
I reckon we’ll learn soon enough if it really was Ginny Thomas. If it was, then good Lord! Of course, she’s a teabagging freakazoid, so I wouldn’t put it past her. And thanks to her husband’s SCOTUS vote, she’s probably raking in corporate bucks galore for her teabagger organization. At what point do we start talking impeachment?
@4 Have you seen the video? The Widener Law School students laughing at O’Donnell’s stupidity is a riot. And as proud leftist pointed out, she has this look on her face like she thinks they’re laughing with her, which makes it even funnier.
I’ve changed my mind about O’Donnell, I hope she wins. I want people to be reminded for the next 6 years just how stupid the Tea Bagger crowd are. Plus, she’s good comedic relief.
re 9: Do you want to also hear George Will piously reminding us for the next six years that as ridiculous and ignorant as she may be, she does represent a significant portion of the American electorate, and, as such, must be accorded the same sacred respect that we might reserve for the literate.
Ginny Thomas admits that she made the phone call to Anita Hill.
This one takes the cake.
Anita Hill:
“I have no intention of apologizing because I testified truthfully about my experience and I stand by that testimony,” she added.
Whatever got into Ginny Thomas’ head?
Lipton Tea Bag madness it would seem. Maybe one of those “anonymous donors” made a friendly “suggestion” to her. Anything’s possible in Tea Bag land.
Clarence Thomas needs to resign from the Supreme Court. He was extremely unqualified for the Court when Bush I appointed him, and he has always had a chip on his shoulder against those who opposed him. Now, his wife has become a leading Teabagger who stalks her husband’s former lusts.
We are a nation of laws. We must believe in the credibility of our highest court. Are judges partisan creatures? Sure, but the best of them rise above that–William Brennan, Earl Warren, John Paul Stevens, David Souter, and, locally, John Coughnour. Clarence Thomas should not be on the Supreme Court. He has been the most dependable rightwing vote throughout his tenure on the bench, more so even than Antonin Scalia. He does not listen to arguments; he never asks questions. His vote is dictated purely by whichever side wingnuts (his wife) take. No one who comes from the left side of the political divide can expect any sort of fair hearing from Clarence Thomas, regardless of the law, regardless of the facts. Enough is enough. He needs to go. And, good God, how stupid and arrogant is his wife for making that call after all these years?
One theory I’ve read elsewhere; there’s some sort of new Thomas scandal brewing, and it is what triggered the call.
This Thomas story is really big. It will, however, probably have no legs with the MSM. Rightwing media is killing this nation.
No more and no less than the rest of them – Angle, Palin, Beck, Paul, O’Donnell, Miller…
You could type from now till the rapture and still not name all the ignorance worshiping toadies of the right, each one as poorly versed in anything other than the talking point du jour as the next.
I thought I was paranoid during the Bush years – but it just keeps getting worse. I am sure they will spill blood before the pendulum begins to swing.
We need to return to the spirited defense of working people. The best we can ever hope for from voting is the maintenance of the status quo, and even that seems to be a stretch now. (Really, what gains have we made in the last two years?)
Historically, there has never been change without mass action. I know that is an unpopular stand nowadays, but it is true. Nothing substantial can ever be won without bodies in the streets. Protest matters when it builds a popular movement. The right has finally figured that out, which is why the Billionaire Club is buying their own “movement”.
We need to build a modern socialist movement.
Proud Communist and racist YLBasement hate them uppity blacks….the only good blacks are the ones who tow the democrat party line and know their place as slaves to the welfare state…..
I tend to agree, both that change requires mass action and that the right has coopted the left’s techniques with regard to protest. But, we on the left have to confront this new phenomenon of protest that is hugely funded. The Koch brothers, etc., who are paying for street protests. Mass action used to be fueled by genuine passion. Now, we’re having hundreds of millions poured in (see Citizens United–Clarence Thomas in the majority) to make corporatist interests look like they are populists. Our side doesn’t have that side’s money, and the media is on their side [except for blogs like this]. So, our side needs to regroup. We’re smarter than them, so that helps.
Maxie @ 17
You have no idea how racist your comment is. I’m not criticizing Clarence Thomas because he’s an “uppity black.” I don’t give a rat’s ass what his race is. He is a resentful asshole who should never have been appointed to the Supreme Court. You brought race in. Is it your position that a leftist who criticizes a wingnut African-American … uh, I’m not even going to try to go where you folks live. You folks live in an ideological cesspool where neither facts nor reason ever intrude.
Proud – true. We need to take over the media Oaxaca Style.
Well, a boy can dream, can’t he?
Time for bed.
Heh. tehchickenshit is race hustling..
Proud Leftist at 19–
Your shoe fit perfectly…in your mouth dumbass.
Touche Proud Leftist!
Your links show you as a person completely lacking in moral sense.
They advocate organized theft from others on the flimsy ground of need.
They show exactly what will happen to this country should be follow the morally bankrupt path of progressivism, much less the evil one of socialism.
France is brought to a standstill. Kids skip school to protest a necessary change in pensions and are rewarded rather than punished. Needed supplies of fuel are blocked that don’t belong to these rabble and instead of mass arrests, tear gas and rubber bullets the police stand by and watch. Over what? Adding 2 years to the retirement age in a country facing the same problem of baby boom retirement we are here. I knew the French were arrogant. I knew they were snobbish. I didn’t know they were also stupid.
This kind of social upheaval to assert rights that don’t exist is the end result of progressive thought. This nation of adult babies that France has become is what you want for the United States. Well, the adults among us, the right, won’t let you. We know that real established rights like those to property and contract should be defended before imaginary nonsense shown which doesn’t work anywhere it’s been tried.
Enjoy November, Worf. It should show you exactly how right thinking Americans view your socialist bullshit.
Racism, KLOWN? You mean like the Virginia State Republican Chairman comparing blacks to “dogs”? Or maybe it’s your record of telling us racist jokes about lazy blacks being afraid of turning white and having to work for a living?
How about you, Lost? I see you’ve been chumming with the KLOWN. Are you drawn to him because you share his racist views?
The Tories caved:
Any red-blooded, tea-partying Murkan knows the way to balance the budget is cut those “socilist” welfare progams, JACK UP defense spending and most important cut taxes for the top 2 percent.
Those right leaning Brits caved into the “socilists”!
The French have only the rights that I assert they have. All that Liberte’ Egalite’ Fraternite’ nonsense has made them soft.
Let them eat aliments pour chats.
If you’re being raped, try enjoying it.
The KLOWN and Lost are chummy with racists,
We already know that the KLOWN is a racist. How about you, Lost? Shall we judge you by the company you keep?
RE 28
Sure. If I had ever espoused the Tea Party, or attended an event or given money to it. And if the Tea Party movement were demonstrably racist, instead of having a few loose nuts in the mix.
Yeah, if both were true, then you can tar me with the racist brush. As the first isn’t and the second isn’t proven to be, I guess you can’t. Not logically anyway.
Yay Giants!
(yawwn.. now watch a certain troll make a homophobic bleat..)
It’s the the Republican’s year! It’s going to be a Republican tidal wave! All the incumbents are in danger of losing their seats! It’s the year of the conservative woman!
Which sure explains Wrestle Mania McMahon (R) has spent 40M and still trails political insider Richard Blumenthal (D) by about 7 points and why Meg Whitman, who’s also spent a butt-load of cash is trailing Jerry moon-beam Brown by about 4%.
Remind me again why we watch TV and read the paper.
&Boxer’s up by 6% & Cuomo’s up by 37%(!). But yeah, we’re throwing all the bums out this year.
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