The Roanoke IS open tomorrow (Tuesday) on New Year’s eve. Will there be a gathering of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally? Could be. Pretty much all of the regulars have alternative plans for this New Year eve. But feel free to stop by, if you wish.
We meet (almost) every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
The Biloxi Blues. The heterosexual Neanderthal virus strikes again
Just give us more money and power and shut the fuck up! We’re in charge, you fly-over, trailer trash, and don’t you fucking forget it. We’re your fucking lords and masters! Never, ever question us or anything we do or say.
@2 You’re three weeks early. Save it for January 20th.
Trump sexual assaults (not mere marital infidelities) are now affirmed and permanently referenced in federal case law histories bound into volumes and cataloged in law libraries through the United States.
Did I hear my name mentioned?
Ever wonder why I’m always talking about BBC?
As of 2022, the term, “BBC”, was the 20th most searched category of pornography on Pornhub.
Yeah. I got it from pornhub, I do love me some BBC.
New Governor is threatening, and appears to have the legislative votes to make it happen, to withhold funds to repair New Orleans water supply which they get from the Mississippi, unless the city and county prosecutors agree to prosecute women who obtain abortions.
Pro Life is being willing to risk dysentery, cholera, and typhoid for the entire population including those not capable of procreating to save a theoretical fetus.
Heterosexual Neanderthal Procreation meets heterosexual Neanderthal destruction.
If they’re not starting wars and killing and causing genocide then they’ll eat thier own.
The FBI found 150 pipe bombs and other explosives on the farm of a guy who uses Biden pictures as shooting targets and says “No Lives Matter.”
He’s not one of ours, doc, so he must be one of yours.
Roadway power poles and electrical lines are so unsightly, but no mention of that by those that find a beautiful wind turbine so unsightly.
Have some cheese with you whine.
@7 What should happen to people who take children hostage?
You may have thought law professors were smart, until you heard of Alan Dershowitz.
Of course, the whole point of being rich is you can get away with things people of ordinary means can’t, not least because you’re able to pay lawyers like Dershowitz hefty fees.
“oh, you own a private plane? Well then you’re wealthy enough to go home, plan a sex party, just don’t go anywhere.”
10)Also used as an argument against railroad and bus electrification. Although the unsightly part of Metro’s trolley buses are the junctions where lines cross. The Spider web intersections in Downtown, Broadway, and 12th/Jackson. The latter, if it were a streetcar junction would be called a 3/4 Union.
As for the Traction Power Substations, they don’t take up much space, and have been hidden in interesting places, Columbia City is in a former City Light depot. One of the ones feeding the 36 on Beacon Hill is in a bakery off Lander down the street from the Hilltop Market. Davy Jones is under an I-5 ramp near 45th, and Letitia is in a Sewage Pumping Station off Rainier. The last one makes sense when looking at who operated Metro when the 7 was re-electrified.
NYPD issue breathless press release that they matched a fingerprint in midtown Manhattan to Luigi.
Keeping in kind the monumental task of trying to lift every latent fingerprint off cars, walls, windows that conservatively 15000 people walk past daily and potentially touch and the time to process what is surely a hundred thousand prints from in and around the scene AND that copaganda is always about lying to the public (No really, he was driving in guideline speed with his oughta on and this other guy has an exemplary service record as long as you don’t FOIA the multiple domestic violence calls we’ve made to his residence)….
This is jury tampering.
@ 6
As of 2022, the term, “BBC”, was the 20th most searched category of pornography on Pornhub.
BBC is the third most common memo category in the Dumbfuck Rabbit family checkbook register.
Second is Walgreens, for Depends.
First is Moneytree. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit needs a payday loan each month to get him through the last week until his Social Security arrives. And those loans are very costly if they aren’t paid back just as soon as funds become available.
Shorter @ 15:
Free Jussie!
No, the comment @ 2 was true, timely, appropriate and has been true, timely and appropriate for decades.
@ 4
Trump sexual assaults (not mere marital infidelities) are now …
Emhoff’s had to be aborted.
Liberal progressive Democrats,
Take a look at Shoeonhead’s YouTube video about Trump’s 2024 victory. You and your ilk need to heed what Shoeonhead has to say if you ever expect to win a presidential election in the future.
@18 We’re barely in the New Year, and the bullshit is starting already.
I can see where certain people view the federal government as an evil, as opposed to beneficial, presence in society. For example, those who want to graze their livestock on federal lands for free; those who want to own undeclared machineguns; those who want to pollute the air and water; those who want to rob banks and run scams; those who never use federal highways and airports; those who cheat on their taxes and fear getting caught; and terrorists, pipe bombers, hackers, sovereign citizens, and neo-Nazis.
But the federal government does a lot of good: Coast Guard rescues, disaster relief, supporting farmers and feeding the hungry, providing health care to children and others who can’t afford it, taking care of the elderly, and much more.
I’m not saying I agree with everything the federal government does, or that it’s all beneficial, or never evil. I expect evil from the federal government beginning January 20.
@20 All we have to do is sit back and watch the coming clusterfuck.
You should know by now that politics is cyclical. Republicans fuck things up, then Democrats get elected to fix them.
Happy New Year, imbecile!
They call you an imbecile because you are one.
Yeah, I have no greater skills other than I’m a good boot licker.
Sugar Bowl mayhem: 10 killed, 30 injured, in New Orleans by attacker who drove into a Bourbon Street crowd and then opened fire, shooting 2 cops.
25)Looks not to be a Drunk Driver. Now we’ll find out if it was foreign or domestic.
Surprised they didn’t do a better job of blocking off the street. Portland has it’s problems, but they have police trucks blocking Morrison and Yamhill during major events at Pioneer Courthouse Square, although they do have to move frequently for MAX Trains, although for the latter, they need a Subway. Although I’m sure in their nearly 49 years of service, the Type 1s have survived many collisions with pickup trucks.
This is what it’s like to be actively mocked and trolled by the wealthiest man on earth.
Supposedly the streets in the French Quarter have retractable bollards, but were disabled due to street construction.
Gee John, would that include flying political flags on your residence regularly? Would that include accepting gifts from individuals before the court?
How about hanging a sign in Texas saying, “Every conservative wishlist case will find a welcome here?”
Shocked that it was a man who was angry about something.
2025 is starting funny as a parked Cybertruck bursts into flames in front of Trump International Hotel and Tower in Las Vegas.
@33 You can’t expect much from a guy trying to defend the indefensible.
Trying to defend this court is not unlike trying to defend a client seen standing over the bleeding victim with a smoking gun and yelling “I told you I’d shoot your ass!”
At least not since all the other times a Cybertruck burst into flames.
This from a guy who spent $250 million to elect a president who’ll gut safety regulation of vehicle manufacturers.
No problem, though. For consumers, the solution is simple: Don’t buy a Tesla. And don’t stand near one, either. Treat it like the bomb it is.
37)Electric vehicles have been under a microscope as development continues, thought Tesla had fixed any battery problems they had.