It’s a holiday edition of Drinking Liberally! Get an early start on Christmas and Hanukkah (tomorrow) and Kwanza (Thursday) this evening as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally gets together for conversations and good cheer over a drink.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Matt Gaetz, nominee for AG, filed a lawsuit against the House Ethics Committee for embarrassing him.
Aside from being stupid because Matty would have to prove that the information contained therein is knowingly false even though it’s derived some testimony under oath….
The court immediately rejects because of multiple errors in the filing, not least of which failing to summon the defendent.
This was your AG nominee MAGA.
Just saw The Order..
Not a half-bad watch.. call it white supremacist bois gone wild.
Jude Law, in seemingly another life, was once a big time ladies heart throb.. Now in this plays a hard bitten too obsessive middle aged border line FBI burnout with an estranged wife and two kids and has a too sad propensity of getting people who have joined his cause to get killed.
The story ends in a house fire that consumes the piece of shit leader of The Order in none other than our dumbfuck troll’s property on widbee island..
heh.. kinda kidding on that last part. Not the widbee part, just the dumbfuck part. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if it were true though.
I was very happy to see that one of the executive producers was Jeremy Saulnier who has churned out some notable thrillers in the past, most recently “Rebel Ridge”, another good watch.
Christmas and New Years.
@ 1
This was your AG nominee MAGA.
Boxcheck Momala was your presidential nominee DNC.
Cut and Run Walz was your VP nominee DNC.
Too bad you can’t just substitute another one for those jobs when your first one crashes and burns, libbies.
Think on your sins.
Probably worth putting in the bio “former senior contributor at The Federalist and Daily Signal and a paid lobbyist for Association of Federally Impacted Schools, a voucher advocacy PAC.”
You know the klan went crazy when Kirk and Uhuru kissed in ‘6&
PDX libbies threatening to vandalize neighborhood Teslas because they dislike Elon Musk.
Nothing says Peace on Earth like a baseball bat to the headlights in LibbieLand.
This is how you got DJT47. This is how you will get President-elect Vance.
@2 Forgot to mention that former Air America on air personality Marc Maron plays Alan Berg, the shock jock who was killed in his driveway by The Order. Awesome piece of casting.
Actually, that’s a
Proud BoyRepublicanfiring paintball guns at BLM protestersclaiming that ‘the left’ is violent.threatening to vandalize neighborhood Teslas
Those pos cars do a great job of doing that all by themselves:
Somehow the dumfux of the world will blame that on “leftists”.
Starting to see the NORAD Santa Tracker going global. A UK Defense publication posts some good articles spoofing it. With RAF Typhoon fighters on QRA standing by to assist. RAF pilots are too polite, even when giving the final warning.
The NORAD Tracker, first started by a department store in Colorado Springs posting a wrong number in an ad. Now it’s evolved into a good training exercise for NORAD and a few lucky pilots of the USAF/ANG and RCAF get a few extra flight hours.
So the F-15s that may be taking off from PDX tonight, giving Santa a little help. If they have arrived, probably the 123rd Fighter Squadron would relish the opportunity to get up to speed on their gift from Santa, the F-15EX.
@4 Comparing Harris to Gaetz is dumb even by low dumbfuck standards. Did you sprain your brain reaching for that one?
Jeffry Dahlmer? Well you got Heterosexual Neanderthals in comparison. In comparison Dahlmer was a great guy. A saint! saint Jeffery
Think of your sins!
@11 Roger we are on the same wave length. I think that puts me in good company.
Peace on Earth from the violent trolls, nice one.
@13 I think he got into the spiked eggnog.
The We Society of Trumplicans are The Me Society of this Country.
Some of the Me are the very fortunate ones. But most of the Me Society are not so rich to poor. They will not be happy. It is the We Society that works better for them.
1 & 7
It’s easy for us to feel superior to people who gladly burn down their own neighborhoods.
@2 sounds like the bride is being groomed and one day off with her head. Won’t be long before the Heterosexual Neanderthal virus gets that bitch.
Taxpayers being fleeced of thier money.
Yes, we must attain peak superiority, peak privilege. By any means possible..
This is what history teaches us.
I was so angry at my privilege and superiority being threatened.. Everywhere was threat, threat, threat.. my ticker finally exploded..
and I’m dead. But no one can take away my FREEDUMB!
Merry Christmas, libbies! The DNC has gift-wrapped just for you a
Well, for all of us, really, but you are free to feign personal offense as if the DNC behaved as it did with purposeful intent to lose.
Coal. stocking. Good.
Has anyone at DOJ checked Matt Gaetz’s ATF form 4473?
Asking for a friend.
When not a single Republican senator objected to the bill’s passage, Democrats should have realized that it was because their GOP colleagues knew Trump had it in the bag.
Instead, the let the doddering old fool inform the nation that nope, the federal judiciary won’t see any relief from the growing case backlog from his presidency.
That’s OK. By the time DJT47 ends, the SCOTUS conservative majority will be 7-2.
I’ll bet POS Hunter Biden is having a white Christmas.
Just like the ones on his laptop.