It’s Tuesday, and ’round here that means Drinking Liberally. So please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a drink at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Neener, Neener spews:
From McF, on 06/26/24:
“Trump the politician” is a certain to fail as “Trump the businessman” has always failed. Only this time it will be Republicans who are left holding the bag.”
How’d that work out for you, McF?
EvergreenRailfan spews:
A few months ago, a member of the NW Bus Fans Facebook group put out a ride them while you can post based on his insider Info as a driver at Everett Transit about a handful of buses first purchased in 2002. Their interim replacements were arriving, and today, it was announced B0114 would be running for the last time. It’s a high floor, straight diesel, Orion V, purchased in 2002 that outlasted it’s supposed replacements.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@1 “How’d that work out for you, McF?”
Trump’s first 4 years were a chaotic clusterfuck and his next 4 years are TBD.
EvergreenRailfan spews:
Although the Martin Mars flying boats that Coulson Air Tankers used for wildfire suppression, have been retired, getting the last one to a museum is proving to be a major undertaking.
Vicious Troll spews:
If this NC legislator flips to the GOP, it will again have a supermajority.
POLITICS & GOVERNMENT NC Democrat says his party is treating him the ‘exact same’ as it did Tricia Cotham
Read more at:
So of course libbies pile on to him after he missed a vote in which his participation would have been meaningless.
Keep it up, libbies.
Vicious Troll spews:
@ 3
Trump’s first 4 years were a chaotic clusterfuck and …
… his successor was so bad that Trump was elected once again, this time with a near-majority of the popular vote and 312 EVs. He flipped the Senate and the GOP held the House.
Chaos is preferable to incompetence and corruption.
Neener, neener, douchebag spews:
Epic Cope spews:
Neener, Neener spews:
Fuck you.
Suck my dick, liberal piece of shit faggot.
Trump ROCKS!
Roger Rabbit spews:
@6 “his successor was so bad that Trump was elected once again”
I have a slightly different take on why Trump was elected again: A lot of voters are as stupid as you are.
It’ll be interesting to see whether they’re still stupid after losing their health coverage so Elon can get another $25 billion of tax breaks.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@8 “Near-majority” is dumbfuck slang for “plurality.”
Trump is still, and will always be, a president who never got 50% of the popular vote.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@9 Have you considered the possibility the poster @7 might not be the gender you assume? Doesn’t look like it.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Hal Lambert is too stupid to grasp that correlation isn’t causation.
Honestly, it’s harmful to let people like this participate in policy discussions. If they can’t get something so elemental straight, they shouldn’t be allowed through the door.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@11 And a thin plurality at that:
Just an observation: Letting grocery chains merge won’t bring down egg prices.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Stupidity, explained: “Less a psychological than a sociological problem.”
Remind you of anyone?
G spews:
Didn’t mean to post this in the previous thread.
Ps. I plan on listening to the podcast when I have the chance.
But anyway I want to post this again. It’s important and vital! The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus is out of control. Women you are a second class citizen. You’re killed and raped with glee by the heterosexual Neanderthal.
G spews:
The DJIA is doing crappy ever since his re-election. And will only get worse, trust me.
You can bookmark this comment and resend it in about a year and tell my how wrong I was.
G spews:
Yeah, he Rocks your cock.
Don’t kill your bitch, you Neanderthal, that is if you have a girlfriend.
Homosexuals live rent free in your skull, there is no brain there to speak of.
G spews:
Dumpy has done and will further do what only Jimmy Carter could do.
Vicious Troll spews:
@ 11
Trump is still, and will always be, a president who never got 50% of the popular vote.
Which puts him in the same category as Bill Clinton. Clinton will always be an attorney who was disbarred by the Supreme Court of the United States.
Vicious Troll spews:
BlueSky posts are down about 2 million/day since early December.
Vicious Troll spews:
Obvious to all except people like HA’s unserious twat, Welfare Queen YLB, who claimed merely that “He had a cold.”.
From Politico Playbook. And look! All-caps just like Welfare Queen YLB used to do!
Vicious Troll spews:
Electors officially made Boxcheck Momala a loser yesterday.
Vicious Troll spews:
It’s a pretty unserious campaign that picks Cut and Run Walz to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Walz’ high point was calling JD Vance “weird”. In July.
Neener, neener, douchebag spews:
I fucking own your bitch ass, Gomer.
Enjoy your $5 gas, smoker.
Enjoy seeing your Medicare Pat B jumping to 40%. Have some more bacon, fat pig.