The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for an evening of good cheer, conversation and drinks. Stop by if you can.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Say, any of you liberals remember “bending the cost curve downward”?
What a fucking joke that was.
As anger at UnitedHealthcare boils over, Americans pay more than ever for health insurance
Welfare Queen YLB was so proud of Barack for fucking up pre-ACA health care in the United States. Pre-ACA health care was satisfactory to 5 of every 6 Americans.
Now Obamacare will help ensure that Welfare Queen YLB’s two fucked kids will never, ever be able to leave her basement. Those fucked kids are a recurring revenue stream to Welfare Queen YLB and her husband.
@1 Sounds like an argument for national health insurance to me. Europeans and Canadians don’t worry about medical bankruptcy, and they’re getting better health outcomes, too.
Looks like Israel is waging preemptive war against Syria’s new government and grabbing Syrian territory, too.
Israel’s government behaves a whole lot like Russia’s government these days, except their military is more competent than Putin’s military.,
Kimberly Guilfoyle isn’t Donnie Jr.’s main sqeeze anymore, but now she gets to be ambassador to Greece (if the Senate confirms her). Meanwhile, there are rumors Trump will tap Kari Lake for ambassador to Mexico. They’re already groaning in Mexico; and in a lot of corporate boardrooms, too, I imagine.
@ 2
@1 Sounds like an argument for national health insurance to me.
Sounds like an admission that Obamacare is a failure to me. If Obamacare worked you would still have erectile function, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@5 Can’t deal with its favorite moron politicians bleating “no worries about pre-existing conditions”
How quickly the dumbfuck forgets.
@6 Of course Republicans are for pre-existing conditions. They all own stock in predatory insurance companies.
“pre-ACA healthcare”
In August 2008, about six months before debate began in Washington on what would become the Affordable Care Act, 82 percent of Americans were so dissatisfied with the U.S. health care system they wanted it overhauled, according to The Commonwealth Fund, which commissioned the poll.
We were worried not only about how we personally were being affected by the inefficiency and high cost of our uniquely American health care system, we were worried about how our country as a whole was being affected.
And for good reason.
50 million were uninsured
dumbfuck’s gonna dumbfuck
Oh and how many red states signed on to expanded medicaid?
All save for 9.. Freedumb indeed.
He’s doing a shitty job too. Everything good that’s happened since the election is not due to his cresit. And well, how can he be doing a great job because he’ll be blaming Biden for everything bad happening in the next many years to come.
Poofter G, what’s the motto of the Greek Navy?
@10 Doc. You’re a sick ape. Heterosexual Neanderthal one ey
Good one, right Poofter G?
Cowardly chick with a dick goes after a woman.
Don Jr. and Kimberly are over …
Fox News has its underwear in a knot about Biden pardoning Hunter. But we won’t hear a peep out of them when Trump pardons all the January 6th people on January 20th.
@13 At first I thought it might be a disgruntled ex-employee (she has a lot of those), but it seems to be someone of a class of persons she discriminates against. That, of course, is not an excuse for vigilante behavior, as
Daniel Pennycan attest.Oops, Kari Lake missed out on the Mexico gig, that’s going to someone who actually knows what he’s doing. Poor Kari is still on the hunt for a patronage job. Or anything that will pay the rent, really.
@1 Republicans have how long and made how many promises to fix what you claim is broke or a problem.
Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus touches more than just women whom die at the hands of the groomers.
Hearts broken? I don’t think so.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus doesn’t break hearts it kills them.
No CEO. Just your common death cause by the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus, although Liugi apparently liked to flirt with the girls. Done girl out there is lucky he could be going to jail, save a bitches life!
Now don’t get all snowflaky about this.
We should ask why.
One big reason might be insurers like UHG buying up practices and providers.
In an effort to drive higher profits, raise executive compensation, increase bonus payouts, pay for more NetJets subscriptions and Cocaine/Hookers, without exceeding MLR (medical loss ratio) caps requiring 85% of premiums be payed out to providers, the largest insurers have been buying up or partnering with hospitals, clinics, labs, and practices.
This allows them to shift profit away from payer and onto to payer-owned providers in key categories of high volume/low cost services. By externalizing those profits to a “non-insurance” and unregulated subsidiary they can maximize profit without exceeding MLR.
Of course this drives much higher costs. Because naturally the payer-owned providers are preferred tier 1 providers that patients are driven to seek with “lower” copays. And naturally these “excellent” providers are granted exceptionally favorable, and extremely profitable reimbursement by the insurance company who just coincidentally happens to own them.
So, since there is no upper limit on “costs”, costs rise dramatically to drive profit. And the insurance company simply raised premiums.
Multiple attendees attest that the arrested person shook Rep Mace’s hand and said “Protect trans rights.”
Who would have thought the woman who graffitied her own sidewalk would lie about an assault for publicity.
The suspect is not trans but an advocate for Foster Kids. The event was open to the public. A celebration of the anniversary of the passing of the Child Welfare Law.
By calling him a liar you made Trump get elected.
@ 21
Multiple attendees attest that the arrested person shook Rep Mace’s hand and said “Protect trans rights.”
You really should read what multiple “witnesses” attested that Officer Dennis Wilson did to Michael Brown:
My fave was the dude who said Wilson stood over Brown’s genuflecting, compliant body and fired multiple rounds into the back of his skull.
Here’s a summary for those with a Welfare Queen YLB-like level of comprehension:
Ferguson witnesses admit they lied to grand jury
To those who call a chick with a dick a “woman”, it’s not much of a stretch to call an intentional elbow luxation a “handshake”.
She falsely claimed once that George Stephanoplous assaulted her.
It wasn’t plausible. She has too much of a reach advantage. Most toddlers have a similar reach advantage.
Having been caught (twice in the same young thread), the lying troll wishes to change the subject.
I’d love to stay. But since this can only mean one thing, that the degenerate troll will now shift to a lurid examination of other men’s anuses and rectums, I’m out. It’s hard to visit HA when it has become such a pointless exploration of one single troll’s lies and perversions.
It’s hard to visit HA when it has become such a pointless exploration of one single troll’s lies and perversions.
Dumbfuck says he’s filthy rich and yet he posts stupid comments all day and night on a blog on which nobody blogs anymore.
What a fucking loser.
To those who call a chick with a dick a “woman”,
Exactly what the degenerate troll calls some street protester the troll hates when it’s going to prison.
What it jerks off to as the fate of all “women”.
this can only mean one thing, that the degenerate troll will now shift to a lurid examination of other men’s anuses and rectums
It’s always been that way for the troll.. Since the “ass-pounding” days of like 2010. 14 f’ing years ago.
How times change.