As is our custom, Tuesday brings us together for an evening of politics under the influence. Please join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 249 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
I don’t see the problem with the Nazi re-enactment. I sometimes re-enact Christopher Columbus’ rape of native teenage girls. It’s all in good fun, of course, and furthers my understanding of history.
2 years ago I was Cardinal Biggles of the Inquisition for Halloween. Does that count?
Olbermans’ over the top fake indignation is hilarious. I love the way he plays a journalist on these little comedy routines. He must draw inspiration from that old ‘Not Necessarily the News’ show from years ago. Funny guy.
He is supposed to be funny, right?
Yeah, nothing bad ever happened when a group of half wits got together and played in uniforms and then entered politics. Oh wait….
He’s got an R next to his name Puddybud:,2933,127932,00.html
It’s a safe Dem seat but I’m sure his views on lower taxes would get your vote.
This election season has been a bonanza of batshit insane nutcases running for office.
I don’t know whether to laugh hysterically or go into mourning.
Re 6
“This election season has been a bonanza of batshit insane nutcases running for office.”
Don’t be depressed. McDermott and Murray have to be voted out of office some time.
“He is supposed to be funny, right?”
Sometimes, definitely.
But tell us…you ARE supposed to bore us to tears, right?
I think I figured it out, Bret Farve’s Parents must have taken him to a Gay Pride Parade when he was a child, and he saw two men grinding it out. Go figure.
“But tell us…you ARE supposed to bore us to tears, right?”
Believe me, Darryl, he does. In spades.
Eh, I should probably cut Lost some slack. He discovered today that, while he hates physicians who “murder” little baby zygotes, he gives a pass to women who murder them with their use of contraceptives. Our hypocritical small “l” libertarian needs some space to reconcile this inner conflict he has going on in his head. My guess is that he’s trying very hard to come up with an answer that keeps his wife and daughters off death row.
“He is supposed to be funny, right?”
heh- Lost knows humor.
“Don’t be depressed. McDermott and Murray have to be voted out of office some time.”
Lost is trying out his standup routine on us.
heh- Lost knows humor.
Hey, why no yes on R-52 posts?
Are you comparing Patty Murray and Jim McDermott to Sharron Angle, Christine O’Donnell, and this Iott fellow on the craziness scale? Forget politics. Are you serious? Yes or no.
Not really. Murray is wrong about an awful lot, but she’s a serious person with some credibility. McDermott? Well. At any rate he’s not crazy in the way Angle is, or Iott appears to be from the little bit obviously partisan sources have shown. Mostly I was trying to wind you guys up.
At least you recognize that there is a difference between serious people and those who are not. McDermott, of course, is an MD. He was a respected psychiatrist before going into politics. McDonnell’s credentials? For the US Senate of all things?
With regard to your comments about Iott: he is photographed in chummy scenes with others wearing Nazi uniforms. Does the source of the photo matter? As Olbermann said, in the past, back when the media was not such an apologist for the right, every source would have been broadcasting this. Now, that you guys have the media, it is left to the internet and MSNBC to show how crazy you guys have become.
“With regard to your comments about Iott: he is photographed in chummy scenes with others wearing Nazi uniforms.”
The photograph I saw showed him standing next to a gentleman in a kilt. I could be wrong, but I think the Scots are the only army that fights in skirts and is tough enough to make it inadvisable to call them on it.
Presumably, he is ‘chummy’ with a group, some of whom playact at being Axis, and some at Allied forces.
I’m not defending him, just suggesting that waiting until all the facts are in might be more temperate.
There are plenty more pictures of Iott. You’ll get to see them. With regard to the Scots and kilts, I could google this, but I’ve been told they started the whole mooning deal. Centuries ago. Lifted the kilts toward their enemies and showed them what they were thinking. True? Anyone?
@18 Where’s Piper when we actually need him?
This election season has been a bonanza of batshit insane nutcases running for office.
I agree, and they are all about to be voted out of office and new blood put in.
That is not all bad. It is what this election will bring, and most of them know why they are being put there.
To bring some fiscal sense to DC
To KILL Omamacare, and just keep the few good parts.
To the dirt stain@5,
How many times does Puddy need to remind you of Lee’s comments?
100? 1000? 10,000?
Just another two dirt stains in this column! You posted twice!
21 – As many times as you like.
The F I care.
An avowed racist still runs in TN on the Republican ticket.
I’m sure you agree with his views on taxes, regulation, killing people abroad and abortion.
By the “new blood” I’m sure you mean multi-millionaire and billionaire right wingers trying to buy their office, the son of the supreme Ronulan himself, a lying, litigious, anti-masturbation crusader, a Nazi apologist, an earl grey who believes he had a higher security clearance than the President and a racist eugenicist.
Wow… Great “new blood” you support there kewl kid…
Given his wife’s political activities, Clarence Thomas should recuse himself from any case that involves partisan political issues:
Eeps! The Black Helicopters are coming for me!!!
Oops, falls alarm. It looks like they’re just headed back to Ft. Lewis. We’re on one of the bases helicopter flight paths, they usually go by really high up, but a couple black hawks just went over at about 300 feet. Those suckers are loud.
Whatever did happen to Piper? Is he thinking that he’s too good for us HA low-lifes?
Puddy watching the Chilean President Pinera speak to the press. Mrs Puddy mentioned preznit Odumba would need a teleprompter to speak to the press.
Now where is TOTUS when you need it.
Now that is funny!
I heard they only brought up a handful of those Chilean miners.
The rest hadn’t paid their $75 rescue fee.
Hey, let’s think up some new slogans for this coming right wing “avalanche”..
How about?
“Same as Bush only more batshit..”
any others?