The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally is getting together tonight for conversation and good cheer over a drink. If you haven’t voted yet, fill out your ballot, drop it off in a nearby drop box, and then swing by The Roanoke proudly wearing your “I Voted” sticker.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Just saw a bit of Kamala’s closing argument.. As good as anything I remember coming from Barack Obama.
What a contrast to the “obviously racist”, serial sex assaulting, lying, bloviating, orange tinted pants shitting, greehead disaster that teh kreesphit of widbee shills here for daily.
No comparison. Proud to have voted for her.
2)Already did, thought it would get rejected, accidentally put down my wrong choice on a ballot measure and had to cross it out.
Heterosexual Virus
3 – Homosexual Poofter Virus
Does anyone remember when Joe Biden had to drop out of the 1988 presidential race due to his plagiarizing the words of others?
It turns out that Kamala Harris has done the same thing.
So, what are you guys going to do when Trump wins re-election next week?
@5 Point me to an English word or phrase you’ve uttered that wasn’t used by someone else before you used it.
@6 If Trump wins re-election next week, we won’t be election deniers, we won’t threaten election workers, we won’t storm the Capitol, we won’t field fake electors or try to block certification of the election.
However, we can’t be responsible for what his own supporters might try again to do to him. That’s out of our control.
It’s part of the HN Virus
If Dumpy wins, and this happens, i laugh.
And I prepare to carry to protect myself.
But we must crash it! We must keep the poorly educated white trash without any money
Just imagine the sheep buying into crashing the economy after crying about a recession that never was.
Next up – you must eat you own shit, and not the cats and dogs, to be wealthy.
Yes sir, may I have another!
@ 1
Just saw a bit of Kamala’s closing argument.. As good as anything I remember coming from Barack Obama.
Quite the fangirl there, Welfare Queen YLB. I’m sure Darryl is very impressed by your claim that the weak and unprepared Boxcheck Momala surpassed anything Barack ever showed the world – events such as his speeches repudiating Reverend Wright, accepting the 2008 nomination, and celebrating 2008 Election Night in Chicago. Let’s minimize all of that, shall we, in favor of a cackling mess more who depends more on the teleprompter than does her boss.
Of course, rather than Boxcheck Momala relegating Obama to a footnote in oratory history last night, what many other people saw – or heard – instead was
Nice of Boxcheck Momala’s boss to cut her legs out from under her by doing #CrookedHillary’s basket of deplorables statement one better.
Memo to Welfare Queen YLB:
Barack Obama will be remembered as transformational.
Kamala Harris will be remembered as a joke.
Fangirl fawning over Boxcheck Momala aside, Welfare Queen YLB would give her right ovary for a DNC candidate more like Barack Obama rather than the hot mess she voted for last week.
Maybe Welfare Queen YLB should watch more than “a bit” of Boxcheck Momala’s speech.
According to Welfare Queen YLB this woman last night relegated Barack Obama to the dustbin of oratory history.
Why people cannot take Welfare Queen YLB seriously is a complete mystery.
Barack earlier this month wondered how the country became so divided. Might have just a bit to do with our leadership:
We’ll see plenty of GOP celebrants talking about taking out the trash in a few days.
How bad was Biden’s garbage line yesterday?
So bad that DNC minions want you to believe that he never said it.
For those of you counting voters of Puerto Rican descent and claiming that a comedian’s insult was a serious mistake, please consider counting the number of GOP voters who might be affected by Bi-Done’s insult.
Boxcheck Momala’s boss made a huge in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign. Unfortunate for Democrats that the garbage slur is part of the only clear sentence he’s uttered in the last six months.
Interesting point. At the Republican Madison Square Garden nazi rally, why weren’t white people included in the “Jokes”. There was no “You might be a despicable if….” or “My uncle is so Q that…” or “What’s up with Evangelicals, they….” jokes. ( Asians and Native Americans were non entities as usual. )
Biden: “Remember how we were gonna into a depression and all that stuff. Guess what? We have the strongest economy in the world. The whole damn world.”
Elon Musk is openly saying he and trump are going to crash the economy and cause “Hardship.”
If you are voting for trump because bacon is too expensive, numbers say you have to vote blue, unless prices wasn’t the real reason you want to vote for the convicted criminal.
A Texas Woman Died After the Hospital Said It Would be a “Crime” to Intervene in Her Miscarriage
She Died After a Miscarriage: Doctors said it was “inevitable” that Josseli Barnica would miscarry. Yet they waited 40 hours for the fetal heartbeat to stop. She died of an infection three days later.
>> Forced Birthers won’t care. The right in the US sat back and watched 20 elementary school kids get gunned down and do nothing. This is what troll and his kind intended.
Absolutely none.
Note, ‘His Supporters” then see ‘cult’
“was really thinking about sitting it out because Trump is really awful but Biden called his supporters garbage so NOW
I’m voting for awful.”
Trump Campaigns with Welfare Queen in Wisconsin
Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will crisscross several swing states on Wednesday, passing each other in Wisconsin, where the former president is scheduled to appear in Green Bay with a onetime local icon, retired NFL quarterback Brett Favre
The Deplorables.
Fuck Bob, a member of the POS Deplorables.
Bob is espouses to racism and fascism. Make no mistakes about it.
In case you don’t remember, $77 million meant for low-income Mississippi residents were misused on projects largely backed by the wealthy. Prosecutors claim much of the money—which flowed from federal grants—was funneled from the state government to a private nonprofit, which then allegedly gave the funds out in a series of sham contracts. A pharmaceutical company focused on concussion treatments and backed by Favre allegedly pocketed $2.15 million in state funds. Favre was also accused of encouraging funds to go toward a volleyball court for his alma mater, the University of Southern Mississippi, where his daughter played volleyball. Mississippi Auditor Shad White, a Republican, has said Favre never showed up for the speaking engagements and Favre still owes nearly $730,000 in interest.
Private sector added twice as many jobs as expected in October
>> Media: “How this is bad for Harris.”
>> If you say you are voting for trump because of economics, you have to stop lying and tell the truth about why you are really voting for the convicted criminal.
@ 20
Right now on CNN’s front page, there’s nothing about Boxcheck Momala’s speech. What is there, instead, is:
Toldja. Bi-Done sabotaged Harris’ moment and gave the GOP a huge opportunity.
There is nothing similar between a comedian making an anti-Puerto Rico joke and the sitting president calling a huge portion of the electorate garbage because of the candidate they support.
Bi-Done made an in-kind contribution to the GOP last night. Yeah. We’ll cash that check. Thanks, Joe!
@ 23
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron would never catch this himself and isn’t capable of understanding it now that I’m bringing it up, but it wasn’t the medical record that ProPublica’s experts reviewed. It was a four-page summary of the medical record:
Who created the summary? Was it her OB? The hospital’s attorney? Her husband’s attorney? The PR team at Planned Parenthood? The Harris-Walz campaign? We don’t know because we aren’t told.
A cherry-picked summary might be useful to those looking to misinform gullible libbies and gullible voters immediately before an important election, but it’s otherwise a nothingburger.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron needs to grow the fuck up. The infection was due to placental remains in the uterus. After the woman miscarried, the doctors could have performed a D&C to remove the placental tissues; they didn’t.
Perhaps the real problem was malpractice after the spontaneous abortion occurred. We don’t know, because we have what was cherry-picked from the record and not the record itself.
Those of you who will be upset by the Virginia order should understand that SCOTUS is playing this one down the middle.
States’ rights, dudes and Welfafe Queen YLB.
The Sunday talk shows aren’t gonna be talking about Boxcheck Momala’s closing statement.
Dumbfuck asks questions. Who said the young pedestrian was on her phone and made no effort to get out of the way? Who said the lights and sirens were blaring as the officer drove within the high speed limits set by policy?
One has to admire the numerous and varied methods used by DOCTOR Jill Biden to fuck Boxcheck Momala’s campaign up the ass.
Fair play!
@ 34
Ah, misdirection. Did it take you much time to come up with that response, Hops?
Wow, look at all the HA libbies agreeing with Welfare Queen YLB that Boxcheck Momala gave a speech better than anything Obaa has ever delivered.
Oh, look!
Someone’s trying the Welfare Queen YLB gambit. Let’s explain everything by a stutter, even though every world uttered in the sentence was clear as day!
What is Bob smoking today? Does he smoke from a Horse’s Dong?
In a single post Scotty P re-ups his regular plaintive mewlings begging Democrats to want him while simultaneously laying the groundwork for his litany of complaints about President Harris next year.
Always planning for future failure is wise for a Republican.
Every Harris voter knows Trump and his Klan and Sheep Cult Members are TRASH, including YOU, Bob.
It is no revelation to us.
My Trumpian neighbor said to me – “So know we are Nazis”, and I said – “Well, we’ve been Communists”. He look befuddled. We joke.
Although I know he’d storm the Capitol and kill a cop without realizing how hypocritical and treasonous it is.
Dilley has bragged about his ties to Republican officials, including former President Donald Trump. Trump has repeatedly shared material from Dilley’s “meme team” and supposedly said he “loves” Dilley, while his campaign has reportedly shared footage for Dilley’s team to use and given Dilley press passes for a campaign event.
BRENDEN DILLEY (HOST): “Furthermore, there is a concern among many MAGA regarding Puerto Rico. I have no fucking idea why. If there are Puerto Ricans who are willing to surrender America to communism over a comedian making a joke: Fuck you, fuck you right back to fucking Puerto Rico. If you are in the fucking United States of America right now and you’re on the actual fucking, the lower 48, you’re there, you’re not on your shit-ass island, you have no right to complain about how people perceive your dirty-ass island. Period.”
>> That will help calm things.
Who? Your neighbor or someone else? Be specific!
I still need a job.
Who’s hiring?
@37. It seems to enrage the troll that a woman has done something better than a man.
Harris campaign had 75,000 people at Ellipse speech – 22,000 more than Trump’s Jan 6 crowd at same spot.
>> And the Democrats did not try to violently overthrow the democratically elected government when done.
The Harris/Walz campaign is not spending in North Carolina because the campaign staff realizes Trump is going to win in the state.
President Biden Says ‘Garbage’ Comment Was Directed at Rally Speaker, Not Trump Supporters
>> Who are you going to believe? President Biden or Fox News?
Hunh. The candidate himself just called Harris supporters horrible people. Following up of course on ‘enemy within’ and ‘Hamas supporters’.
Pearls won’t be clutched on the news.
Looked at the disparity of women/vs men early voting yet?
NC is done. Harris +2%.
Next week….you’re going to need some edibles. Or maybe a bottle of whiskey.
Republicans beat police officers to death with fire extinguishers and hockey sticks in an attempt to overturn an election they lost.
Now they want to tell you about their new rule that makes it impolite to ever talk about that.
MI early females lead males by double digits.
A bunch of them females must have dicks. Can’t possibly be any other explanation.
Without Dobbs dragging him down Fat Hitler would be winning with ease.
Democrats had better notice that.
We’ll just let Elon pay for and handle the GOTV effort.
He’s a billionaire. It will be fine.
I think the most damaging thing about the Trump campaign’s “Island of Garbage” message has been that it exposed to the media that, despite all the hype and bullshit, they actually don’t expect to win on Tuesday.
That’s causing an early shift of media framing away from panic mongering about the polls and projections (where Trump wants it) towards panic mongering about election violence and Republican plans to try again to overturn democracy and elections.
Either way the media will use a frame to promote panic because it’s so effective at driving engagement with content. But the focus on Republican election violence and misconduct before election day is likely to drive up early turnout and provoke greater efforts to protect election day voting, voters, and polling places.
Yes, Ms. Grammar, I was referring to my neighbor.
Today was a good day to gesture to the press pit at a rally and say,
LITERALLY no one has ever had to say this at a presidential campaign rally in North Carolina.
Until today, 2024.
You a dumb, bigoted, homophobic, black Nazi.
nor would you neighbor ever have to cry about being called a Nazi. Snowflake.
I was at a party one day and he was talking about OJ and the glove, and that you must acquit if the glove don’t fit. Well, if the shoe fits ware it.
And Bob knows it too. All the meaningless shit he spews is just for entertainment and to push buttons. He knows the violence is ahead and the only way for Dumpy to win is to cheat before election day, on election day, and after election day.
Totally rational people…
Video of a mail carrier, USPS Uniform, delivering ballots to the Northhampton County election office is PROOF of ballot harvesting and cheating in PA and Team Donald takes to Truth Social.
Because they’re itching to lose another defamation suit. The Postal Worker is receiving threats…of course.
We all warned him getting high off GOP funded polls with not a lot of methodology disclosure was bad.
Those results are similar to those found by other non-partisan pollster Yougov.
Five more days of anger and racism to follow.
This is a line that any woman Attorney, Manager, Doctor, Professional recognizes as born out of daily mansplaining.
It’s here now. Republican MAGA Trump Turds have already started shit at early voting places. The videos have gone viral for a week now. They show up decked out from head to toe in their MAGA Turd Cosplay outfits attempting to campaign inside the polling places and attack volunteer poll workers until police drag them away.
In dozens of Michigan polling places they show up in numbers before the polls open and then after voting they return to stand in line to slow down the voting and make the lines much longer. When volunteer poll workers attempt to intervene they freak out and start thowing hands and screaming until police arrive.
This is all going on right now and what Republicans had hoped was that it would be less apparent if it was going on while the media were focused on last minute dumps of garbage polls and Fat Hitler antics.
They do what they do.
We have to do what we do:
God damnit do something.
Fat Hitler has a poll ceiling of 45.
Wired, soft paywall.
It was talked about on NPR this morning.
It was talked about on NPR this evening.
The sitting president of the United States referred to a plurality of American voters as “garbage”.
DOCTOR Jill told him to say it.
Why is it necessary for Bill Clinton to campaign for Boxcheck Momala in New Hampshire?
Josh gettin’ a leg up on 2028:
Well, Josh, you might if your brain had turned to mush and if you were bitter over what’s about to happen to your party in 6 days, buddy. Especially if you think you could do better than that awful twit of a VP you never should have nominated.
It was talked about on NPR this morning.
It was talked about on NPR this evening.
“On day one Donald Trump will walk into the Oval Office with an enemies list. I will walk in with a to do list!”
Half million or so Puerto Ricans in PA don’t give a fuck he called those racist son of a bitches ‘garbage’.
When Republicans who lose elections respond by beating police to death with hockey sticks and planting pipe bombs people tend to talk.
Thoughts and prayers, assholes.
It will be talked about on GMA Tomorrow.
It will be talked about on NPR Tomorrow.
Donnie pretending to work in a starched shirt, tie and cufflinks under an orange hazard vest hangin’ out the passenger side of a trucker’s ride tryin’ to holler
“I don’t know anything about the comedian. I don’t know who he is. I’ve never seen him. I heard he made a statement but it was just a statement that he made. He’s a comedian, what can I tell you? I know nothing about him.”
48 hours later and he’s still not distances himself at all. 72 by the time tomorrow’
Wasn’t that a garbage truck he posed in?
Huh. That’s funny?
Florida goes azul?
That’s funny too.
The first graders who survived Sandy Hook will vote in their first presidential election
>> Think they will vote Republican because bacon is expensive?