Please join us tonight for some political punditry and electoral prognostication over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. The election is just 27 days away. Let’s talk about it.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us on the back patio. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Lovely! A fresh thread for me to use to mock the fate of Florida Republicans about to be washed off the face of the planet.
Florida Republicans are now advising each other to write their SSN on the inside of the upper arm to help with identification of the body.
And they thought wearing a mask to avoid COVID was bad?
From previous thread
He’s one of your teammates… what do you want me to do about it., he is your problem not mine.
Should I include any links of this week’s dead women?
I am not woke! I’m staying! No government is going to Tread on Me! Stay put people, there will just be a little wind, nothing to worry about.
It’ll huff and It’ll puff but it isn’t going to blow me over!
Willie has endorsed Vice President Harris.
Here’s a Jewish fellow, former supporter of AIPAC, who threw off the “Israel can do no wrong” indoctrination:
‘course the kreepee trolls out there will babble he went from prototype bibi fan boi to “self-hating jew”.. yawwwn..
Turns the “Palestinians have never wanted peace” line on its head.
Fat Hitler “blowing up” with those union men MI
“There were more than a dozen people in the crowd at Vance’s Detroit event wearing “auto workers for Trump” T-shirts. However, six of the individuals, including Carl Leonard of Chesterfield Township and Terry Flannery of Richmond, told The Detroit News they were not auto workers but supporters of Trump”.
Wow. Talking about hurricanes. This hurricane called The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus is quite the hurricane in itself. Death and destruction, and no insurance or government assistance! Just a waste of taxpayers money dealing with the afterthought, but WE LOVE IT! 💕 ❤️ 💗,
Heterosexual Neanderthal 2024! Vote for me!
No horses allowed! 🐴 🐎 giddy up!
Dropping like flies!
When will the women get revenge?! Put your bonnets on ladies. Call your groom the groomer that kills
When will anyone ever notice this travesty! Oh wait, what travesty! Books! Ban the books! Quick!
I know, tiring. But atleast I haven’t repeated the word Mommulla every second. Ban that troll freak!
I haven’t repeated the word Mommulla every second. Ban that troll freak!
noun, verb, boxcheck momala..
Only faylure quiets the kreepee troll..
Or the IRS knocking on its door.
If only it did.
Even after Trump flees the jurisdiction in four years Scotty P will still be found on these pages face painted, hair in flames, and dancing like a freak for…
…Jamie Dimon?
Who cares? Texas will have flipped blue by then and Florida will be well on its way.
If only it did.
Well faylure gets it off one track.. yeah.. there’s always another..
If drumpf flies the coop and maga dies, kreepshit will go back to ole’ reliable..
the WSJ editorial page, its worship of greed, apology for autocracy and endless shilling for war.
Donald Trump wants to amend the First Amendment so that government can punish flag burning. Hillary Clinton says there’s too much free speech on American college campuses. John Kerry says the First Amendment gets in the way of halting ‘disinformation,” whatever that is.
This shit is coming from the same people who took an oath (possibly more than once!) to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Don’t they realize they are domestic enemies of our Constitution?
@ 4
Willie has endorsed Vice President Harris.
Which one?
If it was Brown, where did you see the endorsement? Was it on TNABoard?
@ 13
Don’t they realize they are domestic enemies of our Constitution?
Not if they support an amendment and don’t want to codify it instead.
By your rationale the people who changed census counting of black people from 3/5 each to 1 each were also domestic enemies of the Constitution at that time.
John Kerry was, and is, a traitor to our nation. That is not the same thing.
Boxcheck Momala’s claim to be a Glock owner is as false as Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s claim to be a millionaire.
I suppose it’s possible that she’s really a gun owner if it involves blatant hypocrisy.
Kamala Harris Wanted To Ban The Gun She Now Claims To Own
Was listening to the Hood Politics podcast and he raised a good point about insults.
The JD “I was told there would not be fact checking” Vance being a couch fucker works because even if it’s not true, it could be true, and we have all met weirdos like him that would get drunk and do that.
The slurs that Troll tries to spread about Vice President Kamala Harris don’t work because it’s not believable that Kamala would let anyone smack her around. She’d end them. I get the that troll desperately needs her to be weak, but nobody else buys into his fantasies.
Sen Markwayne Mullin -MAGA, OK
I can think of 1,219,487 reasons off the top of my head.
Boxcheck Momala bought the handgun when she learned about her husband’s sadistic taste for beating women.
What kind if car do you drive?
A ford
Federalist, “Freak out everyone. Not only did she not capitalize Cofeve but what does she mean? An Manly Expedition? An F-250? One of those pansy ass Mach Es? We don’t think she’s ever actually owned a car!”
The silliness ends in a month with Harris Walz in a landslide.
@ 18
…it’s not believable that Kamala would let anyone smack her around. She’d end them.
With her Glock, apparently.
Boxcheck Momala, gunslinger.
@ 22
… it’s not believable that Kamala would let anyone smack her around. She’d end them.
Unless there was a promotion in it for her. Or a couple of well-paid, PT gigs he could appoint her to.
Sad. Very sad. And disgusting. And shameful. And forgotten. Never even considered. Groomers groom the ladies into thinking they are special.
This virus is a pandemic.
This virus has killed more people than a little windy and watery day.
Anyone see a pattern here?
Disgusting groomer with the VIRUS
The reality of the VIRUS and then the games of a troll called the Unserious Twat.
Hey, they let you grab them by the pussy, right!
Wife can’t be too hot if you spend more time here than fucking your wife. Woof. Woof.
Anyone in Tampa/St Pete or Sarasota interested in evacuating all the way to Whidbey Island can just go fuck yourself.
Ruben Gallego handled his admission that he was sired by a convicted Mexican drug dealer pretty well today.
He has disowned his father in the same way that G-clown’s parents have disowned G-clown. And that’s pretty much all you can do. Although G-clown’s parents have to keep moving after every time he tracks them down at their new residence.
Pretty sure it would be DOCTOR Jill Biden’s revenge tour. Bi-Done is little more than a turnip these days.
Are we witnessing President Biden’s revenge tour?
A Kamala loss would mark the ultimate “I told you so” moment.
Yesterday Boxcheck Momala called DeSantis “selfish” because he wouldn’t waste his time listening to her photo-op word salad. After all, there have been plenty of hurricanes hitting FL before, and she didn’t give a rat’s ass about Floridians until now.
sadistic taste for beating women.
i.e. top of the list requirement for pledging kreepshit’s frat.
Can anyone here say projeckshun???
You have me mixed up with PI. Never right failed medical school traitor.
We shiver in pain. You have to stop making us shivery. 🥶
Today is a big day for Welfare Queen YLB. The first woman coach in the NHL took her place in the Kraken coaching box at Climate Pledge Arena this afternoon. Welfare Queen YLB might never do anything more special in her life than breast-feeding her two fucked kids and keeping her husband’s balls empty, but she can live vicariously through the new ground broken by other, more intelligent members of her gender.
Amtrak already truncated the Silver Star and Silver Meteor at Jacksonville yesterday and canceled the Lorton-Sanford Auto Train. The private Brightline is suspending Orlando-West Palm Beach service with Miami-WPB service continuing.
Hope my cousin in Orlando is safe.
Yahoo Finance, which grades the economy based on “total employment, manufacturing employment, real earnings adjusted for inflation, exports, the stock market’s performance, and GDP growth per capita,” gives the Biden economy an “A”.
@13 What about DeSantis threatening to prosecute TV stations who run ads supporting the abortion rights initiative? Does that provoke your outrage?
@ 39
What about DeSantis threatening to prosecute TV stations who run ads supporting the abortion rights initiative? Does that provoke your outrage?
No, but it sparks my memory that Cut and Run Walz said pretty much the same thing as the FL DOH claims, when Walz claimed that there is no right to free speech if it contains misinformation. If you need a reminder of this, here is an 8-second video of him saying it.
Hey, speaking @ 40 of stupid shit spoken by Cut and Run Walz, yesterday he said that the Electoral College method of determining the winner of presidential elections has to be thrown out. Doesn’t say how, just wants California to decide who will be president.
It was such a stupid fucking thing to say – he said it while raising money at Gavin Newsom’s residence, BTW – that the Boxcheck Momala campaign rushed to condemn it:
Thanking them in exchange for their cash, by telling California rich people that California’s votes are the only ones that should matter.
According to the spew @ 13, Tim Walz is a “domestic enemy of our Constitution”.
Cut and Run Walz is a serial liar about his background, and has repeatedly @ 40, 41 said some pretty stupid shit, the latter after being nominated.
Can anyone come up with – including a link, please – something intelligent that Cut and Run Walz has said or done since becoming Boxcheck Momala’s running mate?
The ad features a pregnant woman who was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer and says the republican law would have prevented her from having an abortion, even though the procedure was necessary for her to undergo chemotherapy.
“The doctors knew if I did not end my pregnancy, I would lose my baby, I would lose my life, and my daughter would lose her mom,” a woman says in the ad, titled “Caroline.”
“Florida has now banned abortion even in cases like mine,” she says.
Doctors have repeatedly described a state of confusion over what kind of medical situation qualifies for that exception, which many say is ambiguous or not clearly worded. Providing an abortion that does not meet the state’s standards is a felony. In a sworn affidavit, Dr. Shelly Tien, a maternal-fetal medicine specialist who practices in Florida and Arizona, wrote that she did not believe a case like Caroline’s would have qualified under the state’s exception language.
“Under Florida’s current law, I would not have provided this abortion because it could be viewed as a crime to terminate Caroline’s pregnancy because the termination was not necessary to ‘save the pregnant woman’s life,’” Tien wrote.
The fetus was not directly causing the woman to die, so it would be illegal to give her an abortion.
DeSantis is arguing that the ad is wrong because the law says “There are the possibility for exceptions” when the actuality is that doctors in Florida won’t risk a DeSantis prosecutor arbitrarily deciding the exception didn’t count and charging the doctor with a felony. As intended by the the republicans.
Troll, you twist the letter and intent of the laws all the time in your arguments. You understand exactly what is going on.
@40 There’s No Guarantee to Free Speech on Misinformation Especially Around Our Democracy
Walz, was talking about a particular kind of election misinformation: Lies about the where, when, how, and who of voting. The Court said messages intended to mislead voters about voting requirements and procedures are illegal.
>> The troll argues it’s fine for republicans to lie about the where to vote, when to vote, how to vote, and who can vote.
I think you should ban the troll for spreading lies but he’s not yet lying about the voting process.
a serial liar about his background, and has repeatedly @ 40, 41 said some pretty stupid shit…
the very unstable imbecile in cognitive decline drumpf babbles about legal immigrants eating cats and dogs.. sharks, hannibal lecter..
greedin’ and kreepin’ dumbfuck loves it for that.. anything to keep the IRS from knockin’ at its door.
Tim Walz has served his country honorably for many years as a Guardsman, his community as a school teacher and football coach and championed positive policies as a Governor like making sure kids are fed so they can learn.
There’s no comparison between Walz and greedin’ and kreepin’ reprobates like drumpf and its fan boi in widbee, greedin’ and kreepin’ dumbfuck.
Everyone who is not a republican knows the Electoral Collage needs to go.
DJT shares are up 30% since JD Vance cleaned Cut and Run Walz’ clock.
The shares may be considered a tracking stock of Trump’s election prospects.
JD Vance cleaned
cleaned up the award for being the least least liked vp pick in modern history..
After Dan Quayle and Sarah Quittin’ Falin’ that’s some achievement.
the idiot is a dishonest asshole that greedhead Mitt Romney found impossible to disrespect more..
Vance is very happy on cleanup duty.
@47. The troll just being weird. Everyone knows that Waltz was more honest and likable than JD “I was told there would not be fact checking” Vance, but troll keeps lying about it, like a very drunk, smelly guy at the bar muttering that black people eat pets and Jewish space lasers control the weather.
And the debate has no connection to DJT stock price. Again, He’s just being weird.
@40 Running an ad supporting a ballot initiative is NOT THE SAME as yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater or inciting violence against a community by making up “stories.”
By the way, when Democrats say Trump is a threat to democracy, they’re not making anything up. That’s historical fact, not Appalachia fiction.
@41 He did say how: He clearly was alluding to the National Popular Vote Compact initiative, but not clearly enough for you to pick up, it seems.
@43 If DeSantis’s position is that factually inaccurate (according to who?) political ads are crimes, then every Republican politician in the country (including him, but Trump most of all) will be in jail.
@47 The shares also could be tracking insiders selling to suckers.
The dumbfuck doctor is cheering the seemingly improving re-election prospects of a draft-dodging, tax-cheating, serially-bankrupt adulterer and rapist who is a pathological liar; whose first administration was characterized by chaos and appeasement of foreign dictators; whose campaign rhetoric is filled with hate speech, racism, bigotry, and misogyny; and whose platform consists of cutting taxes for billionaires and raising retail prices for consumers, filling federal agencies with incompetents, and turning the federal government into a police state and unleashing it against political opponents, critics, journalists, dissenters, and protesters. The doctor isn’t nuts, he’s a sociopath.