It is Tuesday, and that means the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally gathers for an evening of political discussion, good cheer and beer. Join us, if you can.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us on the back patio. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Will Boxcheck Momala bring her gun this week to the Mexican border and fire over the wall at the wannabe illegals?
She’s flip-flopping on everything else. Why not on the border issue as well?
How is Boxcheck Momala gonna eliminate the filibuster so Roe can be codified if both Manchin and Sinema are opposed, libbies?
And if she somehow got it done, once the Senate flips to GOP control next year, what does she think is going to happen with the White House and the House of Representatives also under GOP control?
You guys mind if play a few songs for you at the Roanoke? Its probably one of the last gigs I will be doing for a while.
@1 No, she’s not going to satisfy your bloodlust. She’s not your type in other ways, either.
@ 3
Its probably one of the last gigs I will be doing for a while.
Next summer he’ll open for Lee Greenwood. He’ll call it his Comeback Tour.
What should happen to a guy driving 80 mph on residential streets posted for 35, is reeking of alcohol, and ignores the cop who pulled him over? Is the answer any different if he’s a State Patrol lieutenant?
6)Shouldn’t be, but will.
And when women are dying they and their husband or sig other, or rapist, and family will have them two quacks to thank for it.
We need more abortions. There are too many people here now. If we can get the human population to somewhere around 100 million worldwide, we’ll be much better off.
Herein is 16 minutes of Springfield, Ohio, residents venting their frustrations about the attention their community is getting, with the usual parade of racists and ignoramuses, and a few good people, too.
@ 6
Is the answer any different if he’s a State Patrol lieutenant?
How about if he’s an illegal released from previous felony behavior without charges by a Soros-backed prosecutor, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Heterosexual Neanderthals Virus is mutating @11.
But it’s raining Cats and Dogs and Heterosexual Neanderthal Frogs.
This is not a problem. Much more important issues like The Pet Eating Miggers!
And the KIDS, whom Fascist Moms so Dearly Hate hate, came home from school to find out that Mom had a sex operation while they were fucking off in school all day.
Doctor, Doctor, give me the news, I’ve got a bad case of The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Speaking of police officers – the job is demanding and stressful, sympathy is needed here. Now don’t forget to bring the pets in, because the mountain lions might get them.
I know all these posts seem excessive but it’s not like Bob, or Failed Medical Student Doctor Dumbfuck, isn’t doing the same thing.
@11 The drunk cop is real, the racist fever dream is not. Please take your meds so you can tell truth from fantasy.
Harris Widens Lead over Trump to 47%-40%, Reuters/Ipsos Poll Finds
Donald Trump and Bernie Moreno rage at “crazy” female voters who refuse to fall in line: MAGA candidates can’t hide their irritation that women are allowed to think for themselves
At a town hall, Ohio GOP Senate candidate Bernie Moreno attacked women that are “single issue voters” on the topic of abortion:
“It’s a little crazy by the way, but especially for women that are like past 50. I’m thinking to myself, ‘I don’t think that’s an issue for you.’”
What ties Trump and Moreno’s rants together is a deep resentment that they have to care what women think at all. In his speech, Trump can’t hide his irritation that women’s legitimate concerns about health care access are interrupting what he cares about, like his bizarre fantasies about cat-eating immigrants. His order to women to “be happy, healthy, confident and free” was delivered in angry tones that made clear this is more a threat than a promise
>> Maybe it will be like troll says, and not a driver in the election.
>> Trump/MAGA/GOP are not a fan of independent thinking and resourceful women.
And we know there are more than a ton of them worthless mother fuckers.
It’s really unbelievable to me that the Trump campaign has known since August that Roger Stone’s email was comprised by Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp cyber attack, yet within the last ten days senior officials in the campaign are still being actively phished from that compromised account.
I don’t really blame the media recipients of these latest confidential campaign leaks for sitting on the contents. While there’s no doubt the files are genuine materials originating from within the Trump campaign, there is good reason to at least suspect the veracity.
Knowing that a malign foreign spy agency was using a formerly trusted but now compromised email account to phish your top staff, the temptation would be to use that phishing operation to feed false materials to hated media outlets.
That concern would probably not apply to the outlets who received the first releases of confidential campaign materials back in August. Those materials are purported to be genuine and they were all obtained before the campaign had been notified by Microsoft that Roger Stone’s email account was compromised and duped by Iran.
But who knows? Faking a leak like this as a way to try and feed fake stories to the media is just the kind of shit Roger Stone has specialized in his entire career. The simplest and most likely answer is that Stone is old, stupid, and on drugs most of the time and has no competent security protecting his email account. But the fact that his email account is still being used successfully more than a month later to phish confidential materials out of the campaign ought to raise suspicions.
I’m thinking it’s a trap, like the fake document hoax used to destroy Dan Rather.
However, it is frustrating when emails were released back then, it helped republicans and when emails are NOT released now, it helps republicans.
Known since July 20, 2024
Economists Warn Trump Policies Would Stoke Inflation
Economists are warning that his policies—another round of tax cuts Democrats say will go to the rich, across-the-board tariff hikes to trigger another China trade war, and curbs on immigration—will wreak havoc on global trade and send inflation right back up again.
>> If it’s NOT about racial grievance and it’s about the economy, vote for the Democrats.