Tuesday brings us together for another evening of politics under the influence. Please join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by earlier for dinner.
The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
The Word – It’s a Small-Minded World | ||||
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 249 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
People fear what they don’t understand.
The klown likes to tout the lipton tea bags as “independent constitutional conservatives”.. Uhh.. Sorry that’s a lie.
There’s a lot more interesting findings in this survey. Well worth a read:
call anne bremner’s car service nao!
Franklin Graham is sad seed from his father, Billy. Franklin wouldn’t know Jesus Christ from Glenn Beck. His father knew the difference. Franklin also doesn’t seem very smart. Ah, but, what do we expect from today’s wingies . . .
Regulation? Nah! We Don’t Need No Frickin’ Gummint Regulation!!!
“The emergency plans for companies operating natural gas pipelines like the one that exploded in San Bruno, Calif., killing eight people and destroying a neighborhood, are effectively off-limits to the public and industry watchdogs because the federal pipeline safety agency doesn’t keep copies in its offices.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone who knows anything about the energy industry knows our energy infrastructure is in shitty condition and, in particular, America’s natural gas pipelines are in such bad shape that no one with a sense of self-preservation would live near one.
And yesterday, the headline story in the Seattle Times was that the refinery explosion that burned 7 workers to death last spring was entirely preventable. The state has fined the company that operates the refinery over $2.3 million for egregious safety violations, including willful noncompliance with safety regulations.
But hey! In the conservative paradise of no government regulation, the market will sort everything out — that must be why conservatives are trying to outlaw tort lawsuits so companies who kill people can get a free ride.
Why would anyone vote for these anti-government, anti-regulation asswipes? Just wait until their kids get killed by an exploding propane truck and see how fast they go running to a contigent-fee lawyer!
Missed DL, but saw Robert Reich @ Town Hall. Everyone should read “Aftershock“, and learn something.
Take a look at 2012 Senate Races–
Out of 33 Seats up for re-election, 23 are Dems or Caucus with the Dems.
Only 10 are R’s
Feinstein will be 79. She will likely not run.
Check this out–
Then take a look at 2014–
Baucus will not likely run again in Montana.
Some others were swept in barely with ImamObaMao in 2008 and are very, very vulnerable…like the Alaska Senator, idiot Franken etc.
Dems will likely lose at least a couple here and more than a couple in 2012.
I know a lot can happen.
But the trend for Dems is not good.
I’m still hoping R’s fall 1 vote short in both the House & Senate in these upcoming elections.
ImamObaMao and the Dems have no one to blame in 2012. And when they criticize R’s for saying NO, all the R’s have to do is point out the Dems had a supermajority in the House and filibuster-proof Senate with ImamObaMao in charge….why didn’t they take action then???
This short video shows the difference between Leftist Big Government types and Conservative Free Enterprise believers.
Blumenthal takes about 1:32 in a babbling, incoherent effort to answer a simple question posed by his opponent, McMahan..
It’s outrageous…funny, yet pitiful & telling.
McMahan responds in 19 seconds!!
This will be the poster-video for R’s to the finish line.
Thanks Liar Blumenthal!!
VietNam Vet….my a$$!
It’s McMahon KLOWN.. A wrestling entertainment corp CEO whose promise not to listen to lobbyists and special interests is as fake as her wrestling product. She spent a million dollars to lobby Congress on steroid use in sports!
If you didn’t notice, her phoney-baloney wrestling products are just sleazily packaged nightly roid rage.
She know how to create jobs all right. Just get a roid pumped fool to strip and climb into a ring with another dork. There’s always a paying audience for a freak show.
McMahon is currently DOWN 11 points.
She needs divine intervention for sure…just like a popular former Democrat Governor Manchin needs–
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
For the last several months, the news media, as well as the liberal pundits, have been asking what the Democrats can do to increase their chances of retaining the house in the November elections.
Couriously, it appears that the best answer may be to do nothing, and let the Republicans defeat themselves.
Angle, Paul, and now McDonell (and others like them) are the gifts which keep on giving. Even if one of them does manage to pick up a seat, the negative press they generate accrues to the benefit of Democrats in other races across the nation.
And then you have the Republican gadflies who can’t keep their mouth shut, and provide the following gift to Democratic campaigners everywhere:
GOP Closing Arguments: No More Food Stamps
@11 The right-wing vilification of the poor, the unemployed and all those suffering economic hardship during the Bush recession has been disgusting. Our own Lost repeatedly posts his disdain for these Americans.