Please join us tonight for an evening of liberal political engagement over your beverage of choice at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us on the back patio. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Trump Media shares hit new low, slip below $18 for first time
Commie Kamala made up the WHOLE story of a problem at Arlington.
Nothing happened at all.
Police report?
Army Press Statements?
Fake news!
I love the suckers, I mean military!
So does Bob!
Update on Commissioner of Public Lands race: Dave Upthegrove (D) gained 2 more votes in the recount, putting him 53 votes ahead of Sue Kuehl Pederson (R), and will advance to the November ballot. This is bad news for Jaime Herrera-Buetler (R), because she would’ve beaten Pederson, but now she’ll lose to Upthegrove.
Is anyone surprised this fraudulent check scheme originated on X, Elon’s platform? I’m not.
Tax cuts have never produced growth.
It’s a dumb lie that very wealthy people invented in order to get their taxes cut.
The only thing worse than a woman who doesn’t know her place, is a man who doesn’t know his.
Satan himself is using lesbianism and feminism to destroy traditional families.
And I swear i returned ‘Lesbian Step Sisters’ ‘Paul takes a Pegging’ and ‘Woman in Charge 3: The Dominatrix” and don’t owe any late fees.
The Florida State Cartographer who blew the whistle on Gov Ron DeSantis’ plan to bulldoze state parkland for hotels, golf courses and pickleball courts has been fired for
foiling the plan to make himself and campaign donors richer through no bid contracts approved before the public knew what was going onunauthorized disclosure of work product.His dismissal will inevitably lead to the cartographer paying off his house, kids college, a vacation home in South Carolina and maybe a boat with the taxpayer funded settlement.
CNN LV has Harris outside the MOE in MI and WI.
Add in GA and NV where Harris is up inside the MOE and that’s 284 Electoral Votes.
Seems like a lot of folks checking a box.
In an investor note published yesterday Goldman Sachs analysts predicted a higher net GDP growth with Harris/Walz mix of slightly increased spending, working class tax credits and higher corporate tax rates compared to Trump/Vance global tariffs, immigration sweeps, and billionaire tax cuts.
Republicans fret over Trump’s freefall among women voters
“The real challenge right now for Republicans is whether they can perform sufficiently well among men to overcome the deficit among women. Given the prominence of abortion in this year’s race and Trump’s past statements about women, the traditional gender gap could become a gender chasm,” he warned.
Trump’s problems with women are apparent even in the Senate GOP conference, where two of the Senate’s most prominent women, Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), say they won’t vote for Trump.
1. Overturn Roe, directly killing women and further traumatizing rape and incest victims.
2. Run an adjudicated rapist for President, whose own wife publicly hates him and roots against him. And whose name is all over the Epstein documents.
3. Bring JD Vance on the ticket, who immediately starts ranting about keeping women barefoot and pregnant.
“… Are we the ones that are out of touch? Nope, it’s the women.”