You are invited to stop by the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally tonight. Join us for informal conversation over a beer.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern or, perhaps, on the back patio. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Trump’s 51% support among college educated black women is a huge problem for Biden.
Trump’s 51% support among college educated black dumb cunts is…
What dumbfuck really wanted to say.
They would have to be some pretty dumb cunts if they are black women supporting Trump.
Convicted Criminal Trump’s “all-tariff” proposal would increase middle-class taxes by up to $8,500 a year: analysis
Convicted Criminal Trump has proposed to get rid of income taxes altogether at the cost of taxing poor people more than the top 0.1%
If Convicted Criminal Trump had his way, taxes on middle-income households would rise by $5,100 to $8,300 a year, according to the Center for American Progress Action Fund. By contrast, the top 0.1% of households would see their taxes cut by about $1.5 million a year, which also notes that it would not actually be possible, mathematically, to replace all income taxes with tariffs alone.
“Broadly substituting tariffs for income tax is a sure way to hit hard low and middle-income Americans and reward top”
19th century solutions to 21st century problems
Why you should vote for Democrats
Convicted Criminal Trump Is Now Openly Threatening CEOs Who Don’t Support Him
In two Truth Social posts on Tuesday, Convicted Criminal Trump said “Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!”
Good move. CEOs are almost never psychopaths and they LOVE being threatened.
@5. What does it say about people who vote for a criminal who is trying to force people to support him or else? When a man forces a woman to have sex with him or else, that’s called rape, which he’s also convicted of.
Vote for better people, vote for the Democrats.
@1 100% of Jan. 6 criminals are in favor of Trump pardons, and 99.6% won’t get them because there’s nothing in it for him.
@3 What does that make you?
“Jan. 6 rioter who walked out of debate loses GA House primary runoff” by over 30 points.
Luckily Willie Mays was able to give Trump his endorsement this week right before he died tonight.
More troubling news for Biden.
No matter who we elect for president, we get John McCain.
No matter who we make Secretary of State, we get John Bolton and Victoria Nuland.
kreepshit doesn’t talk about DJT these days.. not at all..
The best is yet to.. tank..
kreepshit knows to kneel and grovel before its betters:
But why did it dump its stake in TSLA? Oh ye of little faith..
Wish November would hurry up and get here.
I’m out for the evening.
I want a president who understands the danger of sharks and fictional cannibals and isn’t too “woke” to do something about it.
10. Link? I am skeptical.
@ 13
But why did it dump its stake in TSLA?
Risk profile became a problem for me. Sold the shares and increased options positions. Volatility is more profitable than share advancement.
So kreepshit is really big on kapitalism.. big time supporter of the man “who understands [vulture] kapitalism”…
heh.. and it loves old rmoney’s bidness – private equity..
That video is a narrative of pure evil visited upon a small business operator. Private equity is truly like a plague out there.. hollowing out America.. infecting politics.. So the ultra wealthy can become more wealthy and buy politicians.
Take the lady’s advice and shun private equity owned businesses. Expose the fuckers on social media. Shame politicians who take their money.
Support businesses (like Jersey Mike’s) who give back to communities.
The Des Moines Register Iowa voter poll reported Biden’s approval at 28%.
In Iowa, my cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president’s approval is in the twenties.
It’s fewer than 250 miles from Des Moines to Minneapolis. It’s fewer than 300 miles from Des Moines to Madison.
@ 18
Private equity is truly like a plague out there.. hollowing out America.. infecting politics.. So the ultra wealthy can become more wealthy and buy politicians.
Take the lady’s advice and shun private equity owned businesses. Expose the fuckers on social media. Shame politicians who take their money.
Welfare Queen YLB, should we also shame universities that invest in private equity? The University of Washington invests 18% of its endowment with private equity firms, Welfare Queen YLB, did you know that? It’s right there in the pie chart on page 4.
I hereby “expose the fuckers” who are Welfare Queen YLB’s kids, who graduated from a university that invests nearly one-fifth of its endowment with firms intent on doing “pure evil” to society.
Such an unserious twat is our Welfare Queen YLB.
Judging by test scores, neither do Chicago Public School teachers.
Teachers union head: ‘Conservatives don’t even want black children to be able to read’
Like everything else in the Biden administration, the Gaza pier is a miserable, expensive failure.
U.S. Pier for Gaza Aid Is Failing, and Could Be Dismantled Early
Oh. BTW. Anyone notice how the claims that Gazans are starving went away? It’s because no one in Gaza is starving.
And Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has a losing investment strategy.
Top Dems: Biden has losing strategy
Meanwhile, Team Biden has spent twice as much as Team Trump in the last few months, only to lose ground.
The main difference between 2016 and 2024 is that none of you will be surprised when it happens to Biden.
Well, maybe The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
What if they gave a genocide, but nobody came?
Israel says Rafah attack near completion, in potential shift for war
It’s a big “Fuck you.” to the Biden administration from Netanyahu. A year from now Bibi will still be in power. Seven months and one day from now Biden won’t.
This – link @ 23 – is why losing so many black voters to Trump will cost Biden the 2024 election.
Biden will lose the Sun Belt states, will lose the Rust Belt states, and will lose Minnesota and Virginia.
should we also shame universities that invest in private equity
You seriously greedee skull-fucked asswipe.
Ironically, PE has strung along its investors like Unis and pension funds for years with lackluster returns..
The good ole’ bois running them, calling the shots, otoh do just fine..
Happy Juneteenth to every free American patriot eager to celebrate the ending of human enslavement in the United States of America.
Let Freedom Ring!
And all of this over the objections of the Biden administration, which needs Hamas to thrive.
Finishing them.
Great Headlines for the GOP:
“Witness tells House Ethics Committee that Matt Gaetz paid her for sex: Sources
Several women who were witnesses in a DOJ probe have been interviewed.”
“Texas megachurch pastor and Trump spiritual adviser resigns after sex abuse allegation” (weird how NY Post identifies him as “megachurch Pastor”)
“One in 20 Donald Trump Voters Are Switching to Joe Biden This Election—Poll”
@28 Reparations, baby.. Funded by soaking the rich.
teh babblin’ butthole troll wanted 900k.
Silly kreepshit forgets that Unis were shamed into divesting from South Africa..
They should divest from the apartheid rogue state of Israel and rapacious asshole private equity.
@ 30
“One in 20 Donald Trump Voters Are Switching to Joe Biden This Election—Poll”
One in 10 Biden voters are switching to Trump this election – reality.
Poll that doesn’t mean much on this side of the pond:
@ 34
Europe moves right.
You should read polls more often instead of making shit up.
about 5% of Trump Voters say they’re jumping ship.
about 1.5% of Biden Voters say the same about Trump.
Lets go to the record…
3.5% would be a GREATER margin in all states considered “swing” that went Biden in 2020.
3.5% shift would swing Florida to Biden.
3.5% shift would swing North Carolina to Biden.
Hey Republicans. I know I know, you’re all really bitter that some people get food stamps and women get preggo raped and some folks are gay and all that but we have the thing for you during the convention.
Come on down to MobCraft brewing while you’re in Milwaukee and try a pint of IPA. We recommend an IPA with all the glorious hop bitterness for you.
Try the (Not So) Horrible City we brewed especially for your good times here in the Brew City
Before reading this comment you never heard of Michael Kripchak.
He filed and ran in a special election yesterday for a solidly red, Republican gerrymandered House district in Ohio left vacant by the resignation of seven term Republican Bill Johnson, who in the last decade never lost a race by less than 30 points. In 2020 Trump won the district by 30 points. In recent polling in the district Democrats and President Joe Biden are getting approval numbers below 30%. And Trump is projected in polls at 70% or even higher.
Kripchak and the special election were ignored by the DCCC. He was ignored by the big party PACs. Kripchak was outspent by his Republican opponent 80 to 1, with Kripchak, who most recently has worked waiting tables, barely spending more than just the filing fee.
Yesterday Kripchak, the unknown waiter with a “D” after his name, who couldn’t even put out yard signs, and who was projected to lose by at least 30 points, held the Republican under 10 points.
Nate, those just aren’t the data that STOP THE STEAL violent MAGA turds want to know about. Because those numbers don’t support the narrative they require after their stupidly chosen felon loses again in November.
Republicans need an excuse to burn some cop cars, plant some more pipe-bombs and bash in cop’s skulls with fire extinguishers.
Today is June 19th.
And in just twelve days top Republican political strategist and famous podcasting slob Steve Bannon reports to prison.
@ 36
Lets go to the record…
Yes, let’s. Except you didn’t provide a link, so I have to assume it’s the Newsweek post, which references a poll by Redfield and Wilton strategies. A national poll.
3.5% would be a GREATER margin in all states considered “swing” that went Biden in 2020.
3.5% shift would swing Florida to Biden.
3.5% shift would swing North Carolina to Biden.
Well, you’re making some big assumptions applying a national poll to cherry-picked swing states. It’s an especially egregious thing to do when one considers that only a week ago the same consulting firm polled swing states. Wanna know what they found?
Well, this:
Sorta blows your Florida claim out of the water, doesn’t it? And WRT North Carolina, since Trump beat Biden by 1.3 points in that state, NC might still go to Trump even if he loses more voters to Biden than Biden loses to Trump.
So, your national results aren’t looking so predictive anymore, are they, “Nate”?
But wait, there’s more!
A strong plurality or majority of voters said their financial situation worsened, with a range of 45-52%, in each of those six states. In Michigan only 18% have it better and in Pennsylvania only 21% have it better.
Thank you, Nate, for compelling me to look for what you could not be bothered to share. And go fuck yourself, mate.
You need reparations to help pay your mortgage now?
I thought the rent-a-room flop house was your ticket to financial independence…lol
I mean, nothing says “I planned my finances well” like having a stranger(oops, “tenant”) wander through the house in middle of the night.
Two words: fuuuuuuuccckkk. Thaaaaaaaat.
@ 38
Before reading this comment you never heard of Michael Kripchak.
Other than in the spews a week ago in which it was pointed out that the GOP’s House margin widened, you mean?
The special election was not yesterday. It was last week.
What’s clear, McHillbilly, is that before you composed your fumbling, inaccurate spew you had never heard of the loser.
Strong, strong post. Solid.
Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.
@ 42
You need reparations to help pay your mortgage now?
Welfare Queen YLB’s dick-sucking isn’t bringing in as much money now as it used to. Too many chicks with dicks in her party competing for cock, and it marginalizes real women like her.
I’m not the only regular here at HA who routinely ignores, screens, and scrolls past the spittle-flecked paranoid ravings of our troll ever since he resorted to routinely lying about Fauci Ouchies, The Biden Bribery Scandal, The Cosplaying Grandmothers, Economic Nookyoolur Winter, and Trump Rape.
And that doesn’t in any way change the terrible fact that a completely unknown waiter with a spare $7,000 to spend just over-performed in a deep red gerrymandered district by more than twenty points.
Polls just aren’t smelling nearly as sweet now. Too fucking bad.
Hate the game.
Better yet, hate Trump. He’s really to blame.
“Sir, KIA is building the EV3 in Mexico and it’s base price is likely to be $13,000 less than our Model 3 and it has greater range. Do you have any ideas how we can hold our market share?”
Blows a massive bong rip into the sky.
furrows brow
Convicted Felon Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national debt: Analysis
If you don’t like Democrats because of the debt, then you should like the convicted criminal trump and republicans even less.
Just Say’n.
Greta liked a tweet:
“A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”
Republicans are COUNTING on you not to know how to read. And Dumbfuck plays the part.
You need reparations
I’m not black but our old troll teh babblin’ butthole wanted 900k.. Yeah, it really wanted that munee. It’s in the record here.
saweet justice if little maxwipe and kreepshit are soaked for babblin’ butthole’s benefit.. no worries asswipes – it’s for a good cause.
a stranger(oops, “tenant”) wander through the house in middle of the night.
Did I say either of our tenants is a “stranger”? heh..
You don’t know shit.. typical Monsonite.
Too many chicks with dicks
No such thing as “too many.. with dicks” at kreepshit’s fav vip rooms..
every accusation, in truth, a confession..
@ 47
“Sir, KIA is building the EV3 in Mexico and it’s base price is likely to be $13,000 less than our Model 3 and it has greater range. Do you have any ideas how we can hold our market share?”
Musk: We’ll blanket X with tweets containing links to existing Youtube vids instructing how to hack into a Kia and steal shit, then automatically brick it. Easy-peasy.
Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.
How many repukes will expire from the extreme heat that their brainwashing tells them has nothing to do with burning megatons of fossil fuels?
heh.. No doubt that will be a factor for November..
The clock is ticking..
Yabbut Trump said Johnson when he meant Jackson.
Trump misremembered the name of a guy he hasn’t seen in five years.
Biden couldn’t come up with his name and it’s on a card in front of him. Dude’s standing five feet behind Biden.
Google “Biden forgot name of cabinet member”. It’s not like this is the first time.
@ 53
How many repukes will expire from the extreme heat…
Far fewer than you have been led to believe, Welfare Queen YLB. Far more people die from the cold each year than die from the heat, did you know that, girlfriend?
It’s instructive that you ask about Republicans rather than asking about the illegals who die in US/Mexico deserts or border rivers because they think Joe Biden has welcomed them with open arms. Because he has.
Ask about those deaths, Welfare Queen YLB. Here’s one incident for starters:
At least 50 people found dead in abandoned 18-wheeler in San Antonio
I want a president who forgets stupid things that don’t really matter that much.
Even if it means doubling inflation, shedding ten million living wage jobs, and tripling the national debt to give giant tax cuts to billionaires.
Far more people die from the cold each year than die from the heat,
More than enough shit for brains. Combined with smoking, alcohol, fried and ultra processed “food”, #gunfails and delusional always wrong wing shit – like noun, verb antifa/chicago/blah at HA 24/7/365.
Ask about those deaths
Ok do you believe that dumping millions of tons of fossil fuel waste in the air every day makes that worse?
I’ll answer that for you: globull warming, it’s all Joe’s fault.
Immigrants have made those desert crossings as long as anyone can remember.
At least 50 people found dead in abandoned 18-wheeler in San Antonio..
Our silly kreepshit babbles about human trafficking across the border which is illegal and has gone on for decades on the watch of both r’s and d’s.
And blames it on Joe.
Asking for asylum from persecution in countries of origin at the border is legal..
Repukes have their favorite “illegals” too:
kreepshit dares not call those special treatment cases, “illegal”..
Ooops.. trouble in klownservatic paradise at the SCOTUS:
If the court adheres to a strict history-centric approach, as Thomas favors, it will likely strike down a federal law denying firearms to people under domestic violence restraining orders.
But Barrett recently foreshadowed that she is distancing herself from that approach. If she breaks with Thomas in the gun case, known as United States v. Rahimi, and if she can persuade at least one other conservative justice to join her, they could align with the court’s three liberals to uphold the gun control law…
In a concurring opinion, Barrett used unusually blunt terms to skewer Thomas’ history-based rationale for denying the trademark. She described his approach as “wrong twice over,” and she made clear that her gripes went far beyond this case alone.
Asked to comment, teh kreepshit of widbee babbled:
“….dumb cunt… … .. unserious twat… …”
Before Juneteenth human trafficking was entirely, perfectly legal in the United States.
What that means is that before the effective ending of slavery brought about by the Civil War and the defeat of the southern slave states, in those states it was perfectly legal to force breed enslaved people for purposes of expanding the value of the human property owned by the slaver. Slavers could certainly breed with the enslaved persons themselves as often and whenever they liked. And they could intentionally raise and sell the enslaved children that resulted from these unions specifically to serve as sexual appliances. And they did. These horrific practices of brutal, grotesque exploitation of enslaved people were all perfectly legal, normal, and quite common.
The ending of enslavement is something all Americans can and absolutely should celebrate. Juneteenth is one of the proudest and most glorious days in the history of our nation.
And those who complain about such a celebration are telling us everything we need to know about who they are.
48. Republicans could have passed a bipartisan immigration bill that gave them everything they wanted but the convicted criminal Trump wouldn’t let them. And they are cowards so they did what their master demanded.
This is what happens when liberal white dudes can’t get dates in high school or laid in college.
UC Berkeley firebomb suspect, 34, lives with parents, has PhD
Isn’t this some sort of cultural appropriation of black people by a white dude? And he went a bit overboard. I mean, Rachel Dolezal stopped at the deep tan and the cornrows. Oh, and fucking black guys.
We know what the greedy racist incel thinks of freeing the slaves.
What’s wrong with fucking black guys? The way the greedy racist incel goes on, and on, on about black dick, he sorely want some.
Blacks don’t do as well as whites in certain realms because in a few ways that turn out to be important whites outperform them.
That’s not unique to blacks and whites. Asians outperform whites in math, for example. Men outperform women in upper body strength. Women grow longer hair. The list goes on.
That’s the actual meaning of diversity that leftists just don’t want to face.
@62. He’s a crazy. Glad he only did property damage and didn’t use guns to kill people.
Too senile and confused to be president.
But that’s not important, is it?
Dead BernieTrump will be a figurehead anyway. Project 2025 will be implemented by the likes of Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon, and Jeffrey Clark. They and their ilk are the real power behind Trump fascism.@28 “Let Freedom Ring!”
You guys aren’t about freedom. Your plan is to take away all our freedoms. It’s called Project 2025.
Blacks don’t do as well as whites in certain realms because in a few ways that turn out to be important whites outperform them.
Exactly what important realms do whites genetically out perform blacks?
I think we would be fascinated in learning what those are.
Why disclose any more about how POS Hunter and POS Jim enriched POS POTUS any more than has already been done?
White House accused of scuttling Democratic support for ethics bill
The president is dirty. When he’s lucid.
Louisiana Republicans are requiring classrooms to display the Ten Commandments. Has anyone here counted how many of them Trump has not violated? Why do they still follow him? To shove their religion down Muslim first-graders’ throats?
The Boston Celtics head coach is a Christian. Libbies aren’t gonna like that.
Maybe a libble can firebomb his house or something. I hear @ 62 they’re into that.
A panhandler is whining we’re not putting enough coins in his tin cup.
@72 “Libbies aren’t gonna like that.”
Why wouldn’t we? We’re fine with others practicing their religion in church or private. We’re only against shoving their religion down other people’s throats. Especially when they don’t practice it themselves.
@70 “It’s too partisan a tool to cudgel the president as opposed to a serious effort of bipartisan ethics reform,” Khanna said.
@ 69
Exactly what important realms do whites genetically out perform blacks?
I think we would be fascinated in learning what those are.
I think you – the collective you – were horrified to learn what those are.
James Watson’s most inconvenient truth: Race
realism and the moralistic fallacy
See Figure 1.
He’s the James Watson who partnered with Francis H. C. Crick to correct Linus Pauling’s false theory of the structure of DNA. You know what DNA is, don’t you, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron?
@ 74
We’re only against shoving their religion down other people’s throats.
To Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, Iron Dome technology is Israel shoving its religion down Palestinians’ throats.
@ 73
A panhandler is whining we’re not putting enough coins in his tin cup.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit misgenders Welfare Queen YLB.
@76. I only got a rural conservative education. You are going to have to explain why you know whites are superior to blacks yourself.
Whites are generally much smarter, owing to superior genetics.
Also, since “Santa” is a cultural myth arising from white European cultures of the early second millennium, it also happens to be perfectly reasonable to say “Santa just is white”.
Vicious Tro11, I am hoping to hear Vicious Troll’s answer. I expect he wont. He already did a convicted criminal trump feint by posting a link to a 40 year old opinion piece telling us to infer from that. “I didn’t say it, I just posted a link where some one else said it.”
You’ve been replying to me the whole time.
I don’t shy away from the idea that whites are a superior race.
It’s science. It’s encoded into the genes.
If that makes me a racist, so be it. Reality may be racist.
Medical Hypotheses is a not-conventionally-peer-reviewed medical journal published by Elsevier. It was originally intended as a forum for unconventional ideas without the traditional filter of scientific peer review, “as long as (the ideas) are coherent and clearly expressed” in order to “foster the diversity and debate upon which the scientific process thrives.” The publication of papers on AIDS denialism led to calls to remove it from PubMed, the United States National Library of Medicine online journal database.
>> Junk science but well written and not checked.
James Watson Had a Chance to Salvage His Reputation on Race. He Made Things Worse.
The Nobel-winning biologist has drawn global criticism with unfounded pronouncements on genetics, race and intelligence.
@30 “One in 10 Biden voters are switching to Trump this election – reality.”
Did you see that somewhere, or pull it out of your ass?
@76 You found an outlier opinion. Congratulations. It must have taken a lot of work.
Now, it may be that Watson is right, and his views are rejected merely because they’re unpopular.
Then again, maybe the consensus view is right and Watson is wrong.
8 million voters surveyed in key battleground states who voted for Joe Biden over then incumbent President Trump in 2020 are telling pollsters they will be voting for Trump in 2024.
It’s over. Put the doddering old fool out of his misery now. Dragging this thing out any further is just cruel.
@81 “I don’t shy away from the idea that whites are a superior race. It’s science. It’s encoded into the genes.”
You and Tommy Tuberville are not genetically superior to Barack Obama.
Selective quoting like selective video editing.
TLDR, the two of the three we got ahold of told us this story is bullshit but we’re running it anyway because, we’re the Hill. I deal in innuendo on the regular. Facts be damned.
When are you going to learn. A lot of lefties are Christian. It’s a pretty popular religion.
But by Christian we mean following the teachings, feeding the hungry, helping the poor, ministering to the sick…
What we condemn is the prosperity Gospel, the failure to open the Astrodome as a shelter from a storm, using the tithings for the ministry to buy a million dollar view home just south of Edmonds and to buy your own books to make the Best seller list, the youth pastor preying on the teens, the pastor calling a 12year old he’s raping “A Young Woman” and the notion that to be a proper Christian you have to have hate in your heart for SOME people that the Apostle Paul may or may not have said some things about. You know, Paul, the authority who converted AFTER the death of Jesus. Never met him but the American Evangelical Church treats HIS letters as the most important bits.
Even the Atheist left is pretty chill with the Christians who walk the walk. It’s the ones screaming about bringing Christ into the government they don’t have any time to entertain. You want to abstain from sex until marriage, you go. You want ME to do that so you try to outlaw birth control….yeah no. Fuck off.
So you know how Trump is allegedly doing better with black voters. Well this can’t help. Also a right to abortion is going to be on the ballot in MO
Iron Dome technology is Israel shoving its religion down Palestinians’ throats.
Nah just ethno-nationalists avoiding the consequences of brutalizing the natives.
The Arabs, he said, “must not be allowed to raise their heads.”
@90 “Republican candidate for Missouri secretary of state” who isn’t white herself. With a name like Gomez, she’s all but certain to be rounded up and deported under Project 2025, citizen or not, because her race also is marked for suppression.
Trump has announced that he would like to eliminate Social Security and Medicare in order to give workers a big payroll tax cut.
Sweet. The GOP is hell bent on helping Joe out.
Idaho, the GOP platform now calls for eliminating ALL public funding for higher education and eliminate ALL funding not specified in the constitution and TAX CUTS.
So yeah roads and highways…fall apart. Farm assistance. Gone. POLICE FUNDING? not in the constitution. Gone.
The death of the GOP is coming fast. The patient is dying and maybe has a few years but fuck it let’s pull the plug.
Fred Trump experienced extreme severe dementia from Alzheimer’s for many years before his death at age 93.
Cops are human like the rest of us, so we have to expect them to behave like other people, and not necessarily be the best among us. Take, for example, the unidentified Seattle police officer who while off-duty went to a bar with a woman, got drunk, crashed into parked cars, took his drunk female companion to a hotel and raped her, then used his police authority to look up whether a report was made and pressured her to lie about the hit-and-run.
The Seattle Police Department won’t tell the public who he was, only that he was fired over two years later, and all we know is he was charged with DUI in municipal court and got deferred prosecution with 5 years probation.
I don’t see anything here that keeps him from working as a cop again.
Look on the bright side: we can just print money and pay for everything.
@97 Of course a simpleton like you thinks that’s what we’re doing. In reality, the bulk of money supply is created by bank lending. However, if you’re truly worried about paying for things by printing money, I have a two-step recovery program for you:
Phase 1: Stop cutting taxes for people who don’t need tax cuts.
Phase 2: Reduce deficits by letting the GOP’s tax cuts for billionaires expire.
@95 It seems to be happening faster in his son.
@93 Republicans have always hated Social Security, and hate Medicare even more. Voters should never forget GOP hostility to the social safety net when they go to the polls.
If you’re a young voter thinking you won’t get Social Security anyway (which is wrong), stop and ask yourself this: How much is your pension? (For most of today’s workers, it’s zero.) And can you save enough to support yourself in old age without Social Security? (Probably not.)
The Republican old-age plan is simple: Work until you die. (Of course, they won’t; like all GOP austerity plans, “that’s for thee, not for me.”)
Vote for that if you like. I won’t be here to see it.
99)People willing to follow him off a cliff if it means they get to eliminate the other side.
Happy Thursday Y’all!
Wonder how many ladies will be impacted by the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
No vaccine yet. Never will be, so long as the likes of HA censor it.
Here’s another.
Ladies you need to do more than just wash your hands. Get rid of your old fart Heterosexual Neanderthal ape mate.
In campaign speeches Donald Trump now promises that if elected he will remove all federal funding from all public schools in the US.
“@ 97 Of course a simpleton like you thinks that’s what we’re doing. In reality, the bulk of money supply is created by bank lending.“
That’s exactly what the Modern Monetary Theory are doing: just print up the money and spend it!
This spring Russia has completed a total de-militarization of its disputed border with NATO member Finland in a desperate effort to reinforce its rapidly declining capabilities in occupied Ukraine.
Highly effective Patriot missile defense systems previously destined for Finland are now heading to Ukraine.
Several knuckleheads in the UK have decided to make a statement about fossil fuels and climate change, so they vandalized Stonehenge. That ancient site was built over 4,500 years ago, and these little, arrogant cocksuckers think they’ve got the right to vandalize it for their dim-witted goals.
What a bunch of dumbshits! They should all have their dicks/clits cut off.
No video of POS Hunter snorting cocaine in the White House, either. Not hard to guess why.
Secret Service says it ‘destroyed’ tape of Biden’s dog splattering agent’s blood at White House
The Secret Service hated (hates?) protecting #CrookedHillary but it’s reasonable to assume they detest protecting all of the members of The Biden Crime Family even more.
@109. Take something that is true and try to link it to something that is a lie, or in this post several lies.
The most interesting part of these data is Minnesota is now a battleground state.
The second-most interesting thing is the poll has Trump up 3 points in Wisconsin. Bloomberg/Morning Consult had Trump up by 4 earlier this year but not since April.
Last June the Marquette poll had Biden up by 9 in Wisconsin.
What a difference a year, makes, amirite, bitches?
‘Utah’s bathroom snitch line hasn’t found one legitimate complaint out of 12,000. Utah’s anti-transgender bathroom snitch line has gotten over 12,000 complaints — only five were investigated, and none turned up anything.”
As expected. Republicans and church preachers are more dangerous than trans people.
The fun thing about polling in the modern age is you get a solid representative sample of people who answer phone calls from numbers not in their contacts.
Emerson had Walker up 4 a few weeks out of the general.
Secret Service says it ‘destroyed’ all the text exchanges from January 6th, 2021, the day Donald Trump summoned an armed, violent, pipe-bomb mob of angry lunatics to attack a joint session of Congress counting the election he lost.
Biden had a poorly trained dog.
Trump tried to violently overturn an election he lost.
Is there really any difference?
Nate @ 113, I must be slipping.
Add in the other candidates and Minnesota’s no longer a tie
Minnesota: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. Stein
The Hill/Emerson
Trump 42, Biden 41, Kennedy 6, Stein 1, West 1
But wait, there’s more!
Somebody should ask ol’ Joe to spin the Emerson polling. And do a better job than @ 113.
…people who answer phone calls… identified on their screen as UNKNOWN CALLER or whose phones for some inexplicable reason lack any kind of display or internal memory and processor.
It’s like there are some people who are already living in the future…
All of the Trump prosecutions are jokes.
Fani Willis and Nathan Wade are the biggest jokes of all.
Shorter @ 117
“Hey Darryl, you’re wasting your time with all of this quadrennial polling shit.”
It’s June.
I’m kind of busy saving Europe, restoring our economy, conquering Trump Pandemic inflation, single handedly securing the border, containing Russia, crushing OPEC, relieving student debt, protecting access to abortion, creating 15 million jobs, and attending economically vital trade negotiations while that other guy is falling asleep in a puddle of drool in court.
I’ll get around to you soon enough.
Careful what you ask for there, chief. You might not like it any more than Putin did. And you don’t even have any nukes.
Wow, this newsroom lost staff faster than Joe Biden loses supporters.
From 22 to 10 in one day. It’s almost like Goldy worked there.
Donald Sutherland Dies: Revered Actor In ‘Klute’, ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Hunger Games’, ‘Animal House’ & Scores Of Others Was 88
Please vote for me – thanks.
I promise to push socialism everywhere I can. Lets all be miserable together!
PS: The 43rd District is full of wackos, so I should be a shoe-in!
In just eleven days from today top Trump campaign architect Steve Bannon will report to be imprisoned at FCI Danbury for his felony conviction from 2022 for ignoring a lawful subpoena.
Not a joke. I looked twice.
Buffalo Bills announce ‘National Gay Flag Football League’ sponsorship
As long as it doesn’t discriminate on the basis of IQ, either, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron and Welfare Queen YLB are welcome to participate. After all, even gays need cheerleaders, Welfare Queen YLB will be the first to point out.
Buffalo Bills announce ‘National Gay Flag Football League’ sponsorship
The National Gay Flag Football League. Where tight ends go to become wide receivers.
This is what happens when the NFL lets Welfare Queen YLB design its logos.
Michael Sams tried out for the National Gay Flag Football League, but he didn’t make it past the first round of cuts.
Damn!. Et tu, Fox News?
Fox News Poll, Three Point Shift In Biden-Trump Matchup Since May
Biden leads Trump: Biden leads Trump by 1 percentage point in our latest tracking, 44% to 43%, unchanged from our update last week, when Biden took the lead for the first time in a month.
Sigh! I just pray that our dozen cosplaying grandmothers got some lessons learned out of the last time we tried to steal a presidential election.
@127. That scrambled mess of pixels is what you get from a prompt fed into a Plagiarism Script image generator. That’s the quality of the all robot future the greedy racist incel is trying to promote to replace human workers.
@ 129
Biden leads Trump: Biden leads Trump by 1 percentage point in our latest tracking, 44% to 43%
In 2020 Biden’s share of the popular vote beat Trump’s by 4.5 points, and yet he only won the Electoral College by 45,000 votes over three states.
A one-point Biden popular vote margin is defined by most as a victory for Trump. Not here, of course, but everywhere else.
Hell, #CrookedHillary had a 2-point margin but still lost the Electoral College vote by nearly 80 votes.
Every time you show a popular vote margin that narrow it’s cause for the GOP to celebrate. Think about that.
RiteAid is gonna close 12 more stores in Michigan.
Guess who’s gonna get the blame. A reminder from @ 41:
Only as many as are usually massacred when a tranny incel can’t get a date.
Only 50 hostages still alive in Gaza, US officials say – Wall Street Journal
US officials estimate only 50 out of 120 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza are still alive, amid ongoing rescue and negotiation efforts.
Also fundamentally unfair: Welfare Queen YLB’s fucked kids will foot the bill for student loan handouts to people who don’t deserve it. It’s the cost of the failed effort by DOCTOR Jill Biden to continue to take free cross-Atlantic trips on Air Force One.
It might be unfair to Welfare Queen YLB’s fucked kids, but that doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy their pain. After all, their mother voted for it and cheerleads for it on HA.
Stupidity should be painful, even if that pain will be felt predominantly by the next generation. Unnecessary, unrelenting pain is Welfare Queen YLB’s gift to her fucked kids.
Four years ago today the Republican Nominee killed a few thousand of his most ardent supporters by inviting them to attend a maskless, crowded indoor rally in the midst of a very deadly viral pandemic that even managed to kill “one of the good ones” Herman Cain. 😷👍🤡
@ 135
Four years ago today the Republican Nominee killed a few thousand of his most ardent supporters by inviting them to attend a maskless, crowded indoor rally in the midst of a very deadly viral pandemic that even managed to kill “one of the good ones” Herman Cain. 😷👍🤡
Not so fast. It was earlier that same month four years ago that it was proclaimed that the virus does not spread during large gatherings, as long as those gatherings were held for PC reasons.
Suddenly, Public Health Officials Say Social Justice Matters More Than Social Distance
It’s been proven on that liberals getting together to protest is what caused the death of SeattleJew.
Congratulations to the Biden-Harris administration, under whose authority the United States spent, for the first time ever in May, more than $100 billion in one month merely to service the national debt.
Welfare Queen YLB has instructed her fucked kids to ignore this reality. I think that’s fine, as long as those lazy fucks get back to work.
Early this morning I took note of MAGA Michigan State legislator Neil Frisk got arrested at 2:30am outside his own house on “unspecified charges”a few hours later he tweeted something about exercising his second amendment rights so I kind of assumed he had a few too many and fired us some shots in the backyard and got reported by a neighbor
But now reports are coming out that he went to a strip club brought home a stripper got into an argument with her and then fired off a couple rounds at her as she left the house. Watch this space.
@96 Roger, I’d chalk that up to a sufferer of The Heterosexual Virus. No drag queen reading a book would do that.
Truly, heterosexuals are very Neanderthalish. They haven’t evolved from ape
@137 Drumpf Tax Cuts. You like the debt, stop pretending you care.
Gay things really bother Doctor Dumbfuck. I hope he’s not so angered that he’s bearing the horses.
When I was in Europe, I saw an interview conducted by some news outlet with Donald Sutherland as the subject of the interview. What I remember about the interview was Sutherland saying how much he “hated America.”
Ever since that moment, I did my best to not do anything to support Donald Sutherland. I avoided seeing movies or watching much of anything that had Donald Sutherland in it. I reasoned that if he hated America so much, then I did not have to reward him for his attitude towards this country.
Now he’s gone, and he can continue his hatred all he wants in wherever he ended up, assuming that there is an afterlife.
I totally understand your reasoning for rejecting his work.
What I really can’t follow is your obvious decision to cling to it for decades and then bring it up to us here upon his death.
It’s really as if he somehow had a very profound effect on you and left you permanently changed.
Which is weird. And probably a little gay
“ What I really can’t follow is your obvious decision to cling to it for decades and then bring it up to us here upon his death.”
I hold grudges for decades and decades. I’m still looking for revenge from shit that happened in the 1960s.
I don’t.
I get even quickly. Then I get ahead.
But I also don’t develop grudges with total strangers I’ve never even met or spoken with.
Which is not only probably a little gay but also more than a little bug fuck and John Hinkley / stalker.
@ 144
What I really can’t follow is your obvious decision to cling to it for decades and then bring it up to us here upon his death.
Which is weird. And probably a little gay
Sutherland showed his bare ass onscreen in Animal House, and the cerebrally challenged and homosexual The Even Bigger Fucking Moron was the one who brought up his death.
I put it to you,
GregMcHillbilly, that The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is even gayer.Cops aren’t superhuman. They’re ordinary people. They have the same weaknesses and frailties as the citizens they police. Like, for example, the California sheriff’s deputy who recently died while on duty at the station house from a meth overdose.
I wonder if he stole the meth from the evidence room?
Neil Friske, a first-term Michigan state representative was arrested by Lansing police at 2:45 am this morning for a “felony level offense” after a report of shots fired.
His Facebook campaign page called the arrest “highly suspect” after noting Friske is “always exercising his 2nd Amendment right,” so by inference this isn’t his first shoot-em-up.
@138 I see someone’s already on this case.
Cops are human, and have the same weaknesses and frailties as the citizens they police; that’s why we shouldn’t be surprised that a Customs and Border Patrol agent working at a Florida airport stole money from arriving passengers.
A doctor who tried to kill his family by driving off a cliff will not go to jail. Instead, he’ll get a pretrial diversion into a mental health treatment program, because doctors are speshul.
But don’t black defendants with public defenders get diversion, too??
In Seattle, cops suspected of criminal activity are speshul, too. An SPD assistant chief and deputy chief are under investigation, one for sexual assault and the other for domestic violence, but both still on duty and drawing salary. That’s because they’re innocent until proven guilty, but also because cops are speshul.
Lower ranking SPD cops are human, too, but they’re not speshul, they’re fired.
Robert Winnett, controversial pick to take over as Editor in Chief at the Washington Post after decades of questionable methods under Post Publisher Will Lewis in the UK, will remain where he is currently at the Telegraph.
“But don’t black defendants with public defenders get diversion, too??”
But I can tell you who does not.
– Lara Trump
Her father-in-law is convicted, and awaiting sentencing for having committed thirty four felonies.
He stole highly classified national defense intelligence, had it photo-copied, and traded it to foreign spy agencies. He sent an armed mob to attack the Congress to prevent an election from being certified. He withheld previously appropriated defense assistance from a European nation being invaded and offered to release it only if they agreed to help him frame a political opponent. He attempted to order the Governor and the Secretary of State of Georgia to falsify their election results. He was found liable for raping a journalist.
Yabutt Joe Biden sucks.
He reminds me how badly I lost.
And he had a dog who bites guys.
As political polls go, Fox News polls have been above average.
@ 155
I’ll take “Defendants who force the taxpayer to pay for a trial and are convicted by a jury of their peers for $500”, Alex.
But I can tell you who does not.
@ 154
… after decades of questionable methods under Post Publisher Will Lewis in the UK …
AKA following the journalistic standard in the UK. Not his fault that the tabloids feature tits on the front page to juice newsstand sales.
Baseball is played differently in Japan than in the US, too.
Do whatever you like. I don’t give a shit. I like revenge served cold.
It’s not about New York, but
the just-released Siena poll has Trump taking 29% of the black vote in New York state.
It is about all of those other battleground states with substantial black populations.
Momala won’t save the White House for Democrats, whether or not Joe Biden is on the ticket in November.
Boardrooms all over the World, “We need to roll out AI as soon as possible. Labor savings and the customers will LOVE it.”
Engineers: “It really has no use case in our systems. What’s it going to do? Determine that the customer, based on past orders really didn’t mean extra pickles and meant No Pickels?”
Boardroom: “Just do it and do it now!”
Sure, Dobbs is on the ballot. But so is inflation and what three-plus years of Biden incompetence have done to the price of a bag of groceries.
The Times notes “Overall, twice as many women say they were better off financially under Mr. Trump.”
Say, Welfare Queen YLB, four years ago did you have to charge your fucked kid rent in order to make the mortgage payment, like you do today?
“I don’t need your war machines
I don’t need your ghetto scenes
Coloured lights can hypnotize
Sparkle someone else eyes
Now go go go
Finally, a giveaway with a built-in DEI requirement that makes total sense.
Chicago is so dangerous its progressive mayor has launched a new program to pay murder victims’ families $1,500 towards funeral costs
Nobody wants to see dead bodies piling up on Chicago streets during the DNC convention.
rent in order to make the mortgage payment
Adult responsibilities.. Full time job.. Good salary..
We only remodeled half the house and re-fi’d to do it.. Sure.. Best deal in rent in Seattle. Why not?
Look everyone kreepshit is advocating for handouts.. Free lunches.. teh dirty hippie from toonerville…
I like revenge served cold.
The kids will love it too when kreepshit kicks.. well only if you buy into kreepshit’s silly babble.
OK, boomer.
Speaking of “rent in order to make the mortgage payment”
Kyle Rittenhouse made his mom and sister unemployable and now they’ve taken to GoFundMe to beg for the money to keep from getting evicted and asking why their fine upstanding young son won’t give any of his.
The Trump train has left the station. Meanwhile, Team Biden has tied the DNC to the tracks.
Trump raised so much last month he erased Biden’s cash advantage
“Don’t come a-knockin’ around my door
Don’t wanna see your shadow no more
@ 170
If Rittenhouse family woes make it easier for you to deal with upcoming electoral disaster for Democrats, then, you do you.
Countdown with Keith Olbermann
“AND DONALD SUTHERLAND HAS DIED. This spectacularly talented man was, I am proud to say, my friend. He appointed himself my “acting father” after my Dad died. He was supportive, insightful, hilarious, and I think I can tell you something you may not know about him: he was as good a writer as I’ve ever read. I will read you one of the dozens of emails he sent me. I will restrain myself and chose one about baseball, not one about…Jane Fonda.”
Sounds like Sutherland hated Jane Fonda.
Fewer than seven months, now, until Trump’s inauguration.
Less than one month until Democrats seal their fate with an early DNC nomination of a clearly mentally incompetent octagenarian.
Think on your sins.
Hey everyone. Here’s a song about what Mary Kay will never, ever, ever, ever give kreepshit for its birthday:
The agony, “the pain” in the lyrics.. it will follow our kreepee greedee troll to “that certain day”..
The day, it babbles, that will be awesome for the kids.. heh.
@ 165, 172
By November the average “American Woman” will be a Trump voter.
The election won’t be about abortion. It will be about the cost of feeding a family.
By November nobody will give two shits about Dobbs.
@177 Nother!
George “term limits” Nethercutt..
“Nethercutt joined other 1994 GOP candidates in signing the Contract With America, a list of conservative priorities promoted by Rep. Newt Gingrich and others. Among those priorities was adopting term limits; Nethercutt said he’d serve no more than three terms but broke that promise and served five before he gave up the seat to make an unsuccessful run against Democratic Sen. Patty Murray in 2004.”
No more SS check for George “term limits” Nethercutt.. Following directly from kreepshit’s silly babble – great for the kids.
By November nobody will give two shits about Dobbs.’
Let’s all call this “fill the tank, make the rent” – the sequel.
We all know how the original worked out.
Today is the second-largest options expiration day of the year, trailing only the January expiration date.
During the heat of the moment last year, when Bud Light’s woes were killing AB Inbev, I sold naked puts and naked calls on BUD shares, expiring today. April-ish 2023, when the shares were trading at about $55.
Those options expire, worthless, at the close of trading today. The put premium was about $4800 (strike price $55) and the call premium (strike price $80) was about $500. I pocketed those premiums and had full use of the funds for 14 months.
A wise Democrat once said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” I didn’t. This is what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit refers to as gambling.
I’d like to thank Dylan Mulvaney for being such an objectionably obnoxious chick with a dick. I’d also like to thank Rogue River and Ninkasi for brewing real beer.
Great Southern Strategy. Give the rich another tax cut by giving the poor, minorities to hate.
“I’d also like to thank Rogue River and Ninkasi for brewing real beer.”
@180 hops and alcohol in general is estrogenic.
The estrogenic effect of hop has been recognized for decades, the first mention of the estrogenic properties of this plant dates back to 1953, by Koch and Heim [53]. Inspired by this report, Bednar and Zenisek (1961) were interested in the possibility of using these natural estrogen products for use in cosmetics.
The hoppy stuff is kreepshit’s internal “makeup”.. heh..
So that’s the latest Newmax spin?
No defendant, appearing in court with a perfectly clean record, and who can very easily afford a vigorous defense at trial, has ever offerrd to spare the taxpayers those costs and copped a plea without some corresponding offer of compensation in return from the taxpayers.
Defendants facing criminal prosecution neither create nor control the system of plea deals that drive our criminal justice system. But once they are caught up in it they must abide by and respond to its edicts competently and appropriately in order to protect their own interests. Only fools and poor people decline to do so.
If the Special Counsel, who is entirely in charge of the disposition of his own cases and prosecutions, wished to spare his office and the taxpayers the costs and efforts of a full criminal trial he could have chosen to honor the diversion agreement he previously approved and ordered to be put in place.
He changed his mind on the urgings of insurrectionist members of Congress based upon the word of a Russian spy. Stupid is expensive.
Didn’t you just inform us that you are nursing wounds from the 1960s?
Why yes. Yes you did.
See this is how this stuff works. It’s recorded on these here “inter-tubes” for all to see and read. It might feel to you just like when you were hanging out at the hippie gatherings at Volunteer Park telling all the cute “chicks” that you worked as a roadie for Heart. But here we get to check you stupid shit in real time.
Nicely done, Boomer.
He changed his mind on the urgings of insurrectionist members of Congress based upon the word of a Russian spy. Stupid is expensive.
kreepshit babbled that stupidity should be “painful”..
And that’s why it danced stupidly here at HA over Mary Kay’s first SS check – many years before kreepshit’s first SS check last December.
And shared with us kreepshit’s rectal violation by a hustling zoomer maga tenant with an alluring baby momma.
Clarence Thomas Says Domestic Abusers Should Own Guns
When the framers wrote “Well regulated militia” they actually meant “fully unregulated individuals” — Thomas probably ( after a lavish trip fully paid for by gun manufacturers )
Project 2025: A blueprint for the oppression of LGBTQ+ Americans
>> The convicted criminal Trump has already stated he will end gay marriage. What more is there to say?
The election won’t be about abortion.
It babbled that before Nov 2022. Now look at what Americans have to do to get the health care they need:
Amtrak is doing great bidness eh kreepshit?
It will be about the cost of feeding a family.
On Monday, Target slashed prices on more than 1,500 items, ranging from laundry detergent to cat food to sunscreen, with thousands more price cuts expected over the summer. For example, the price of a pack of 16 Huggies baby wipes fell to 99 cents from $1.19 and roasted nuts from the Good & Gather brand now cost $5.29 from $6.89, according to a press release.
The company on Wednesday reported its fourth consecutive quarter of sales declines at stores open for at least one year as higher prices strain Target’s core middle-class customer base.
Other retailers including Ikea and Aldi have also reduced prices in recent months.
As Walmart and Target goes, so goes the nation. But there’s more:
Some economists say that while price cuts from retailers are a welcome sign that inflation overall has come down, inflation in other areas also needs to ebb to reach the Federal Reserve’s 2% target.
Price cuts at big box retailers are “going to be helpful, but we’re still going to have to see housing inflation come down, which is an issue, and wage growth continue to normalize,” said Preston Caldwell, senior US economist at Morningstar Research Services.
Same link.
Housing indeed.. And we’ve discussed that here.. Most if not all fault lies with the greedheads on Wall Street and elsewhere, buying up properties, jacking up rents; greedheads that kreepshit can’t babble for more tax cuts hard enough..
A “tool”, yes.
@186 ACB prevails in her gripe with Thomas.. From Thomas’ dissent:
“The court and government do not point to a single historical law revoking a citizen’s Second Amendment right based on possible interpersonal violence,” he wrote.
Lone dissenter.. Awwww.. Just like Scalia not getting his way with other so called “conservatives”..