It’s Tuesday, which means it’s time for an evening of some politics under the influence. Please join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by early for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 247 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
I wonder if Muslims are still mad at Christians because of the Crusades?
As I recall, it was Christians who behaved like Nazis toward Muslims in the Balkan wars of the 1990s not the other way around.
When I was a teenager I studied for 6 hours every night, got straight A’s, worked a full time job- for minimum wage, and saved all my money so I could build a house. That’s right, I didn’t by a house. I was smart enough, as a teenager, to figure out that it was cheaper and more responsible to build your own house. You have to be resourceful when you’re trying to build a house without a lot of money so I skipped buying a saw and just karate chopped all my lumber to size (did I mention I have black belts in three kinds of martial arts?) and instead of buying a nail gun I’d put a handful of nails in my mouth and just spit them into the lumber.
I stimulated the economy to the tune of one new router today and I’m liking this whole speedy network gig.
Hey, man, you need to catch our next Kitsap County gig. My Stihl chainsaw is close to my Martin guitar when it comes to fondness.
Yeah, shoot me an email for the next get together.
I’m game. Heck, if Michael plays an instrument, we can just call it band practice. If not, I’ll just bring my Stihl.
“I skipped buying a saw and just karate chopped all my lumber to size (did I mention I have black belts in three kinds of martial arts?) and instead of buying a nail gun I’d put a handful of nails in my mouth and just spit them into the lumber.”
-heh If only there were more Republicans like you.
Last I heard female grizzlies were called sows. Sarah needs to get her lingo right but I wonder if using the word lingo might confuse the issue.
Maybe we shouldn’t use the word issue.
Steve, proud leftist, and Michael:
Well used Stihl 026; Variax Acoustic 700, Hummingbird, etc. not so well used.
I’m definitely up for a band practice.
Anytime — do you want me to coordinate again?
Is that idiot Star Parker still around? I would have thought she had died from syphillis by now.
Here is an interesting topic for discussion…the Incumbent advantage and Americans perception that things are “rigged” for incumbents rather than them getting re-elected because they are doing a good job.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Real men keep their promises.
By the way, great video. heh- Masterbating rodents with human brains. What’s this world coming to?
Even his own are turning on him. November could not come early enough.
Oh by the way Hows that National debt working out for all the Town Hall meetings?
How about the Dollar, low enough for you yet?
Great video!
Fear is a powerful motivator even when it’s ginned up out of much ado about little.
Like Larry Kudlow once said, when used for good things debt is a good tool. Giving people useful jobs to do (building roads, repairing crumbling bridges, insulating leaky buildings) – those are good things.
And this townhall meeting looks kind of positive:
Is a right wing dipshit like you saying a hedge fund manager making a hundred million or even billion shouldn’t be taxed like his 50k/year secretary?
The Chinese keeps their currency ALWAYS lower. How are they doing?
“we can just call it band practice”
Guitars and Stihls?! Sorry, guys, but there’s no way you’re getting one of those Stihls even remotely close to my Taylor.
How about a Stihl guitar?
Seriously, (though we abide in the hinterlands) after doing manly things with our tools, we carefully wash up before we pick and grin.
I could also be persuaded to provide grilled oysters and martinis.
I am not averse to grilled oysters and martinis, not at all.
I could also be persuaded to provide grilled oysters and martinis.
I’m not much of an oyster fan, and a virgin martini is just a tad too dry for my tastes (though I’ll take the olive). So, I guess it boils down to the quality of the pickin’ and the grinnin’.
Anybody know a few good blues shuffles? Come November, we might need to start singing the blues.
‘Course, that’s not an unfamiliar song. The folks who suck at figuring out sound policy choices excel at politics, and folks who generally excel at figuring out the policy issues suck at politics. Which, by the way, is why that creepy other blog is called “Sound Politics” and not “Sound Policy”–they don’t really give a fuck about governance; they just really want to get elected.
But I digress. When and where does this little kind of shindig take place? I might be persuaded to pack up some brats and some near beer with my Taylor and make the slog over there.
Not only are female grizzlies called sows, but all of them are merely a subspecies of a much larger nastier species of brown bears. So she be celebrating subspecies sows and all that that may mean.
Stihl? Nah, it is all about the Husqvarna.
Vodka, frozen Idaho potato vodka, shaken with a lttle vermouth — and a pickled greenbean.
Little ice floes form on the top…
@21 Whether we bring down a few old-growth cedars, pick a few tunes, or both, when you meet Proud Leftist and Zotz, you’ll be meeting a couple of very fine people. Well, for a couple of DFH’s, that is. heh- It really was a great pleasure for me to meet both of them as well as Roger Rabbit, who brought a shitload of his acerbic wit with him that day.
Speaking of Roger, I’m hoping all is well with you, Rabbit.
@ 23
That doesn’t sound like a virgin martini to me, and the pickled green bean is less appealing than the straight olive.
I’ve been a tea-totaller since my high school days. I remember a friend of mine asking me, as I was ordering a virgin gimlet, why I didn’t order something that would put hair on my chest. I took a sip of straight Rose’s lime juice, looked at the glass, looked at my friend, raised an eyebrow and asked, “What?” He paused for a moment, and then said, “You have a point.”
@ 24
[W]hen you meet Proud Leftist and Zotz, you’ll be meeting a couple of very fine people.
Frankly, given what I’ve seen here, I don’t believe I’d need to meet them face-to-face in order to reach that conclusion.
Question remains, though: where and when?
“I’ve been a tea-totaller”
I don’t usually partake myself, Don Joe. But I might take a sip of whatever. Come to think of it, I don’t recall ever having had a martini before.
I hardly ever imbibe myself, but I do have the very occasional martini and a Guinness once in while.
I’m betting you’ve never had a good greenbean.
I like the taste (it burns so smooth!) and the buzz of this particular vodka. I don’t like to be drunk. A lttle bit goes a long way. 2-3 and I’m done. And they go great with grilled oysters (cooked in the halfshell until toasty — with shred, chives and vermouth).
And Don Joe, we’re just talking ourselves into another meetup (this time with tools and toys!), so no big whoop. Once we have this figured out we’ll get ahold of you via Goldy.
Steve @ 24
Why, thank you, man. I’m blushing. May I ask, though, what is a “DFH”?
I’ll answer for Steve.
DFH = dirty fucking hippie
26. Steve spews:
Gee that’s funny steve.
You are a well-known imbiber at the Kountry Klub….and your vulgar diatribes here at HA pretty much confirms you are a liar…again.
@30 I’m positively certain that everybody here believes what a goatfucking KLOWN pulls from his ass.
@29 Thank you!
@28 Wingnuts believe that anybody to the left of Sarah Palin is a DFH. Coming from a lefty, it’s a compliment.
Then I proudly wear the DFH designation.
heh- From
Acronym for dirty fucking hippy. Often used with irony by liberal bloggers to describe any person whose political views fall to the left of the American political/media establishment, and therefore are considered too shrill to be taken seriously by members of said establishment. Strangely, DFH does not appear to have a right-wing equivalent.
“Polls now show that 65% of Americans oppose the war in Iraq. Welcome to the DFH nation.”
The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right.
Steve and Zotz,
While I fully respect your choices, for me being a tea-totaller isn’t a part-way thing. There’s a history of alcoholism on both sides of my family that isn’t pretty, and led me to decide, before I even reached the legal drinking age, that I just am not ever going to go there. I figure that, if I live as if I am an alcoholic, then I live.
And, to tell the truth, I don’t feel as if I’ve missed anything. I was the most popular kid in high-school–with everyone’s parents. Being the permanent designated driver has had its benefits.
“I was the most popular kid in high-school–with everyone’s parents.”
That’s a great line. If you’ve never drank, in my opinion you haven’t missed much. Similar to yourself, I have unpleasant associations with the stuff. Unlike yourself, I flirted with it, sometimes excessively. But I never really liked it much. Some very good and intelligent people can make a great case for the virtues of a fine wine or whatever. I can get that. Even with my poor tastes, I prefer good whiskey over bad. Good or bad, it was for me only a means to get high. But these past couple of decades I’ll have a sip of whatever, maybe half a beer, and leave it at that. What other people do is up to them. I don’t care if people drink around me. Heck, I don’t give it any thought at all as long as they’re good company. Drinking and driving is bad joo-joo.
I don’t mind a few pops. The drinking and driving thing, though, I thoroughly agree with. Having just been in Montana, where after a night of drinking in a bar, you can buy a fifth of whatever liquor you might want to go, I have to say vote no on I1100 and I1105. Privatizing liquor sales like that does not seem right.
Don Joe, no drinkin’ required or desired. I respect people who don’t partake at all. I might have been a musician for a living a long, long time ago, but I HATE bars and drunk people.
I am definitely a proud dirty fucking hippy, although (counterintuitively) I spent 35 years working at DoD (Air Force and Navy). I look forward to explaining what that all means when we meetup…;-).