Mission Accomplished!
So stuff some socks down your flight suit and join us on the deck of the U.S.S. Drinking Liberally for an evening of political machismo under the influence. We’ll “bring it on” at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Some of us will be there even earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 242 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
What a useless speech. Once again Odumba didn’t man up!
Funny but in 2007 he didn’t agree the surge. Neither the VP Hair Plugs.
Funny but in 2007 the soldiers were going down the streets busting into homes and killing innocents.
Funny but in 2007 the Iraq War was lost.
Funny how facts are inconvenient things to liberals.
He’s baaaack!
Funny how the Iraq war would pay for itself…
Oh, wait, we borrowed over a trillion dollars from the Chinese to fund it!
Fuck! That’s a shitty deal!
But that’s what happens when you elect insane people like Pudpuller!
Ahhh yes… Robert Fibbs was asked on Fox News will Odumba give Bush credit for the surge. Of course Fibbs couldn’t man up!
Odumba January 2007: “We cannot impose a military solution on what has effectively become a civil war. And until we acknowledge that reality, we can send 15,000 more troops, 20,000 more troops, 30,000 more troops. I don’t know any expert on the region or any military officer that I’ve spoken to privately that believe that that is going to make a substantial difference on the situation on the ground.”
Odumba July 2007: “Here’s what we know: the surge has not worked.”
Then the winds of change appeared and Odumba changed his tune January 2008: “Now, I had no doubt — and I said at the time, when I opposed the surge, that given how wonderfully our troops perform, if we place 30,000 more troops in there, then we would see an improvement in the security situation and we would see a reduction in the violence.”
@2 And here I was thinking that Puddy had finally taken my advice and had started taking stronger meds.
To Zotz, another name for an arschloch: Been round all the time. Puddy works for a living, unlike you leftist suckers on the federal or state tit!
Still sucking your Stupid Solution. You’ve been in rare form all summer and it doesn’t look like the end is near either!
Funny how facts are inconvenient things to liberals.
Fuck, Pudpuller! You can’t even do a screen alias without fucking it up.
You’re fucking insane. Get help. Seriously.
“Funny how facts are inconvenient things to liberals.”
Indeed…some facts are inconvenient to us liberals.
The reason you Wingding nutcases are never inconvenienced by mere facts is that you ignore them or you simply make up your own “facts.”
For my part, I never make fun of Puddy. It’s just not right to make fun of somebody suffering from such a debilitating mental illness. Of course, if he were to start taking some stronger meds, that’d be a different story.
Fact: Odumba voted to cut off funding of the troops in 2007. One of the few times he didn’t vote present.
Fact: Even Salon thinks morons like this, ones who you HA leftists love are idiots.
Puddy wonders would the Scare America moron get his money from George TyrannaSoros since he didn’t have the money himself?
Puddy at all–
Absolutely right.
ImamObaMao seems to have a short memory about his prior positions.
He is relying on his supporters heavy drug & alcohol use that has destroyed virtually all their discerning braincells to have blackouts about his prior positions.
ImamObaMao is a real phony. He should have credited Bush with the surge DESPITE ImamObaMao’s opposition to it.
How have you been?
You and the Mrs. off on some adventures?
I’m going night fishing tonight.
About a 45 minute drive.
Fish about an hour.
Get limit of rainbows.
Drive home.
Sky is fortunately clearing although I have good rain gear and my buddy’s boat is pretty well protected.
Yes we were on an adventure. Puddy will email you on it. Boy it was a great adventure.
Now back to the facts…
If the OdumbaCare is so great, why are so many DUMMOCRAPTS running away from it to get reerected? We were told it would save money. Now we see it will cost more than it saves. Also our health care costs are going up due to Odumbacare costs starting now and no benefit until 2014.
Yep more facts and man they are really inconvenient.
[Deleted — See HA comment policy]
$90,000 a year =
– $7,500 / month
– $5,625 / month after taxes
– $2,000 – odumba care (approximate for the average family of 4 in 2014) except for ylb cuz the SEIU gets a break
– $2,000 – home mortgage (taxes and insurance included) for a small home
– $750 – car payments & insurance
– $150 – electric /gas
– $375 – when Odumba lets the Bush tax cuts expire
Can a family of 4 live on $850 a MONTH?
You will under Odumbanomics!
Puddy @ 12
“Fact: Odumba voted to cut off funding of the troops in 2007. One of the few times he didn’t vote present”
Once again, Puddy, you show an inability to think and write clearly. You state two things in your “fact”.
The first is that Obama voted to cut off funding for the “troops”. In fact, he voted to cut off funding for the Iraq war, not the troops, per se. If the U.S. had pulled out of Iraq in 2007, the Troops would have had funding opportunities in Afghanistan, which was rapidly spiraling out of control from neglect by the Bush administration and overcommitment of troops in Iraq.
Secondly you state as fact that this vote, in the U.S. Senate was “[o]ne of the few times he didn’t vote present”. This is not a fact. It is an error on your part. Obama did not vote “present” a majority of times as a U.S. senator.
Please look up and verify things before presenting them as “facts” Puddy, or we will have to assume you are intentionally lying…and then we’ll be forced to revisit your record of willful lying on this blog….
Fact: Barney Frank now wants to get rid of Fannie and Freddie.
http://www.cnbc.com/id/38791383 – And Barney went on to say that “it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn’t afford and couldn’t really handle once they had it.” He then added, “I had been too sanguine about Fannie and Freddie.”
Fact: Conservatives said this about Fannie and Freddie long ago Barney!
Poor Poor Professor…
Puddy is using what Hillary Clinton used. Too bad facts are inconvenient to you… Notice the link Puddy has cached!
Puddybud @ 18
That isn’t fact. You just made up some bullshit numbers. Please, please, please…learn what a “fact” is before continuing in this thread.
Fact – Intel not impressed with Odumba. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1357.....g=mncol;1n
“Puddy is using what Hillary Clinton used. Too bad facts are inconvenient to you… Notice the link Puddy has cached!”
Unfortunately…a BIG TIME FAIL for you. Hillary Clinton did not claim that Obama cast a majority of his votes as “present” as you did. Nor did she ever criticize Obama for casting “present” votes as a U.S. senator.
In typical wingnut fashion, you invented “facts” that are ideologically convenient for you, but that are entirely fiction.
Fact: The Inspector General has issuues with Odumba and his disciples… http://www.sigtarp.gov/audits.shtml – “Factors Affecting the Decisions of General Motors and Chrysler to Reduce Their Dealership Networks.” All the lost jobs to save the UAW union.
““(A)t a time when the country was experiencing the worst economic downturn in generations and the government was asking its taxpayers to support a $787 billion stimulus package designed primarily to preserve jobs, Treasury made a series of decisions that may have substantially contributed to the accelerated shuttering of thousands of small businesses and thereby potentially adding tens of thousands of workers to the already lengthy unemployment rolls — all based on a theory and without sufficient consideration of the decisions’ broader economic impact.” Inspector General of the US.
Fact: Joe Biden promised the US would see more jobs created.
“Some time in the next couple of months we’re going to be creating between 250,000 jobs a month and 500,000 jobs a month,” Biden said at a fundraiser today in Pittsburgh.
Next month, Biden predicted, the nation’s employers will add between 100,000 to 200,000 jobs to their payrolls. [snip]
“We caught a lot of bad breaks on the way down,” Biden said. “We’re going to catch a few good breaks because of good planning on the way up.”
DUMMOCRAPTIC Pollsters are telling DUMMOCRAPTS to run away from Odumbacare.
Faced with that bad news, the pollsters came up with several recommendations for Democratic candidates. When talking about Obamacare, Democrats should “keep claims small and credible.” They should promise to “improve” the law. They should avoid talking about policy and stick to “personal stories” of people who will benefit from Obamacare. And above all, the pollsters advise, “don’t say the law will reduce costs and deficit.”
So where are the HA bigmouths such as Daddy Love and Correctnotright among other leftist pinhead morons? Your party is running away from the bill you fools. Yet, it’s keep Dope alive.
I’d like to call bullshit on Obama for making this transparent declaration that combat operations in Iraq have ended.
Ok, everyone that can read knows there are still 50k troops there, but you have to dig a bit to know that the existing 100k contractors will be joined by a surge of another 5-6k contractors. The money for this has already been requested from congress.
Bush’s folly continues with Obama’s full blessing.
Dickface @ 28; It’s the economy stoopid. And it won’t be improving for another five years, so you pissants can have it. With your control, the fucker will be a smoldering pile of ashes for us to take back and rebuild again.
Good luck, let the gloating begin.
Puddybud @ 26,
“Obama acknowledges that over nearly eight years in the Illinois Senate, he voted “present” 129 times.”
That IS a fact.
But you said “…One of the few times he didn’t vote present” when referring to a vote he made as a US Senator. Furthermore, you claimed, as evidence, Hillary Clinton’s criticism of him.
The truth is:
1. Obama did not have a “record” of voting “present” as a U.S. Senator.
2. Clinton did not criticize Obama for voting present as a U.S. Senator.
3. Obama only cast a small fraction of his votes as “present” while an Illinois Senator. Namely, he voted 129 times present out of 4,000 votes. That is about 3% of his votes, contrary to your claim of over 50% (ignoring your error about which senatoral position this occurred under).
Those are the facts, Puddy. Try to do better.
Darryl erased all the “top priorities” of te Odumba Administration.
How much has Odumba “spent” in 19 months telling everyone unemployment would never go above 8%?
“Darryl erased all the “top priorities” of te Odumba Administration”
What the fuck are you babbling about?
Professor Darryl,
-6750 Federal Taxes
-6885 FICA and Medicare Taxes
-9000 average state and local taxes
=5613.75 rounded to 5625.
OdumbaCare that was a guess
The other costs are estimates
The Bush tax cuts expiration estimated to cost between $276 to $478 a month for a 90,000 income so Puddy chose $375.
See ya.
[Deleted — See HA comment policy]
Out of 503 campaign promises that Politifact.com is tracking President Obama has either kept, is working on, has compromised on or has been stalled on all but 22 of those promises
Out of the Top 25 promises, Obama has broken ONLY ONE – reform on lobbyist revolving door activity.
Overwhelmingly the evidence shows that President Obama has worked very hard to keep faith with his supporters.
The record would be even better if he didn’t get resistance from lockstep obstructionist Republicans in the Senate and turncoat Senators and House Reps from within his own party.
President Obama has no intention of raising taxes on anyone making less than $200,000 (individuals) or $250,000 (families)..
Yes he signed an increase on tobacco taxes to fund health care for kids.. What a horrible man.
Puddy is glad to see ylb using a PuddyLink introduced by Puddy to the HA fool! And that’s why the public is turning against him and the DUMMOCRAPTS ylb. Imagine if the liberal press was against Odumba what his approval numbers would be.
obama closed gitmo and ende teh war on iraq. he is awesome!
rob mckenna kil kill killll!
39 – I don’t think the public is turning against Obama because I’m using Politifact.com.
If anything the public should have at least tepid support for him. He’s done a lot of what he said he’d do. They heard him say what he was going to do during the campaign and in theory, they voted for that.
If they’re now “turning against him” that means they want what the Republicans are selling and so far I hear it’s about cutting spending (i.e. Social Security/Medicare Medicaid), cutting taxes on corporations, the top 2 percent (with a token cut for the shrinking middle class) and reversing the health care legislation.
Puddy ..
Good to talk with you on the phone. I appreciate your wishes and substantial contribution to our tribute MLK, a blackman and American, a Christian just like you and I.
We missed you in DC! I heard you were carousing with some commies? I assume you were undermining those atheists!
Anyhow, I took your advice and will plan to join you, when I have time, as poster on this obscene blog. You are an awfully good man to put up with these God hating liberals!
You really missed some great stuff in DC. I spoke without notes … Sarah teased me about not even writing on my hands! But why would I need notes when all those folks were worshiping the one who beckons us all?
I am sure Dr. King was looking down on us, his white teeth glowing in the skies against his dark, brown face!
That brings me to a question, I need some advice. My bishop thinks we should baptize Martin as a Morman. You do know we do that even after folks have departed this earth? We would not, however, want to make the mistakes of that Iman in NY and insult your community because we were one a racist church!
We know that Sharpton, Jackson and Obama are bigots and qould criticize us this .. if only for political gain. As a good black christian how would YOU feel if we did this?
With love and faith in our savior,
Puddy — didn’t you vote for Obama? I recall some postings by you in 2008 supporting him for president.
Puddybud @ 35,
“OdumbaCare that was a guess
The other costs are estimates”
Guesses and estimates do not make for FACT. Yet, you prefaced you comment @18 with the word “Fact”.
Don’t do that. It’s either stupid or dishonest. If you want to present facts, present facts and leave your bullshit puddyworld opinion out of it. ‘K?
Damn…the useless fucking dickhead is back.
Damn…the useless fucking dickhead is back.
re 4: Let’s put that ‘surge’ BS to rest (again).
Democrats and the military warned that it would take a minimum of 400,000 soldiers to hold Iraq. Rumsfeld (remember him) said it would take 125,000. But, as time and tide have proven, it took more.
The 50,000 troops were to hold Baghdad alone. Praising Bush for this Johnny come lately realization about troop strength is as real as a gold medal at the special olympics.
I’m tired of the whole damn thing! I don’t want to hear about the Middle East anymore. I could give a flyin’ fuck whether Israel or Palestine survive ’til the end of next week! Let’s declare neutrality in the war between Muslims and Jews and bring all the troops home.
Let’s also pull out of Korea. If South Korea can make cars and sell then at a profit here in the US, they they ought to be able to handle their own defense without our troops being involved. Once again, it’s time to close down the show and leave the problems to the neighborhood. I’m sure China and Russia will keep that little pipsqueak with the bad haircut in North Korea in-line. The US doesn’t have to be involved at all!
While we’re at it, why not close-down all of these bases in Europe? WWII has been over for 65 years. Ain’t it time to shut it all down?
Richard Pope,
Nope Puddy didn’t vote for anyone for president. McCain was useless and Odumba was a socialist. Puddy proven right on both accounts.
Professor Darryl,
Well with Cap and trade we know $150/month for utilities will grow because Odumba has admitted C&T will add another more than $1500 a year. The car and insurance were estimates from the Insurance Industry. You can find them too. So the only one up for grabs is OdumbaCare. Since Odumba claimed it was FACT it would be less than $1Trillion Puddy will claim OdumbaCare math and stand by that FACT!
See ya!
Puddy knows who you are. You gave yourself away with specific words in the post.
Tsk tsk tsk! Nothing sacred anymore.
Check your email!
Professor Darryl,
We were told by your side it was fact that unemployment would not pass 8% with the Porkulus Bill. Since your side claims Facts like these, Puddy will do the same.
Got your e-mail.
What an outstanding adventure.
YLB’s idea of an adventure is Kiddy Porn while taking a bath.
Glad you are back and overwhelming poor Darryl with FACTS.
Darryl views himself as a clever “wordsmith”, just like Goldy.
The reason the Dummocrats are gonna get clobbered in November, 2010 and 2012 is because of the FACTS. They have voting records and made plenty of public statements that turn out to be lies.
Puddybud @ 54,
Are you really a gullible fuck, or just a lying asswipe?
Sadly, it seems the latter.
Isn’t there a commandment about lying that you are supposed to observe?
52 et tu Puddy
No pretense needed.
I greatly appreciate your support. It is followers like you who prove to the doubters that I am a patriotic, non racist, humble spokesperson for America’s best traditions?
Have you met my Jewish friend in Seattle, Rabbi Lapin? He might be a good antidote to your Jubu buddy SJ. Could even help you in business!
If the liberals were not so dumb they would see that we good Gof fearing capitalists do share a common devotion to personal wealth. A Rabbi Lapin says, “Does God want people to be rich?” … He argues that the Torah supports the free market and opposes punitive taxation, and wants people to pass on assets to their descendants rather than being taken by the government by inheritance taxes.
Sure is great having Jews and Blacks working together to promote me! BTW, I have a MAJOR Muslim supporter too. I send best wishes from Prince Al Waleed. There is a Muslim guy who knows that God is on the side of inherited wealth! What a contrast to that faggelah Rauf!
Prince Al Waleed has pointed out something about “obama” that is shocking. The man has hidden his proper name! As a good Kenyan, Obama should call himself Barach ibn Hussein!
Obama isn’t even a good Muslim!
Your brother in salvation,
Just wanted to be sure you were not confusing me with this Beckoner character.
I know that YOU do not believe in his crap.
One thing you missed by carousing with Commies last weekend,
“The next George Washington isin this crowd. He may be 8 years old, but this is the moment. This is the moment that he dedicates his life, that he sees giants around him. And 25 years from now, he will come not to this stair, but to those stairs. And he can proclaim, ‘I have a new dream.'”
Prophecy is not dead.
Yours in salvation,
(SJ News, Peoples Republic of Utah Bureau, April 2065)
Ging Hua Films announces that their SONY/Paramount division has purchased the film rights to the biography of the assassinated Great Leader. Prophet Hiram Kaching of the Church of latter Day Saints and Kim il Jung III, President of the People’s Christian Republic of the Koreas, reassured the MormansRChristians community that Ging Hua would be respectful of the life and beliefs of the Great Leader.
Ave Maria Biotech has agreed to provide one of its adult clones of leader beck to play the lead. The clone, GB 2.1, was grown form a pinky attained shortly after the assasination, and has been raised by followers of the leader to have a full knowledge of Leader Bech’s life and philosphy, Beck Juche.
Mr. Cynical
Good to see you here too. With patriots like yuo and Puddy, I am confidant that the Lord will return US to our rightful place as first amongst all nations!
We Christians must take our country back!
Yours in salvation
SJ @ 57, 59 & 61–
Are you bored today?
Seems like it.
I’m going fishing again.
We caught 13 Rainbows last night 13″-16″ in about 45 minutes. Beautiful night.
40 degrees when we got off the lake.
You pansy-asses would be crying taking off fish and re-baiting all cold & wet.
You KLOWNS whine so much in the comfort of your hovels…I can only imagine how bad it would be in the cold wilderness.
Mr. C!
Save some fish for me!
I LUV socialist, hatchery trout.
BTW, I assume you own the stream? Jesus said, give unto Caesar what is Caesars and God what is God’s. Jesus sure did not mean that the state should own the trout streams!
Yours in salvation
Re 37
I’m tired of hearing this! That is the job of the opposition, to obstruct where possible policies they see as harmful to this country. One or both of two things is true. Possibly Obama is a poor leader unable to muster bipartisan support for his policies. As Reagan did, and even Bush. Or, the popular will isn’t there for Obama policies, and the Republicans are serving that will.
Don’t like the democratic process where elected officials serve the will of the electorate? Well, I don’t know what to tell you, but that’s how it works here in the US.
lost @ 64
There’s only three small problems with your little thesis.
#1 – Misidentified motive. What’s good for the country is bad for the GOP.
#2 – Misunderstood job description. The job of the opposition is to provide an alternative set of policies.
#3 – This isn’t kindergarten.
Otherwise, everything else you’ve written is spot on. I particularly appreciate your use of punctuation. Very convincing.
Re 65
In the spirit of bipartisan geniality-
#1 The only reason Obama is president is because of severe economic dislocation at the time of the election. So, is “What’s good for the country is bad for the GOP” true also of Democrats?
Politicians trade on bad news. Scandal, recessions, wars and so on are grist for their mills. While it would be a marvelous world if positive advertising worked in politics, it doesn’t. So yes, Republicans are going to play up the terrible effects of the Obama presidency, now and future. Just as the Dems won on pretending that a Democrat congress was shocked, shocked I tell you, that insufficient regulation of financial markets was going on.
#2 Yes, if they’re allowed a seat at the table. But under Reid and Pelosi they aren’t. So what’s left but to do what is possible to obstruct the damaging policies of the left?
#3 Huh?
As much as I’d enjoy continuing this discussion, I’ve a project in Magnolia to take care of. Have a nice day.
You are entirely right.
Reagan was a devout man who called all God fearing Americans together. Obama?? Not so much. How can a Deist like him bring good, Godly, bipartisan Americans together?
I also like you point about Obama not understanding the idea of a loyal opposition. How can good people be loyal when the leader, “the One,” acts as if he, rtaher thah Jesus was God?
This countries problems are not hard if just return to the morals of Franklin and the entrepreneurial spirit of the Republican party that built our transcontinental railroads using free enterprise!
Let me give you one exam ple of how easy it would be to make something better. The UW is a great school, but did you know it is NOT a state school? Only 16% of its budget comes from the State of Washington! I would be willing to be that Microsoft and boeing get more State dollars than the UW!
So e should we Washington citizens still fund that measly 16%? If the UW were private, the cut in its budget might even be zero since the school could raise its tuition to a fair market value and market itself to rich Chinese people!
Keep up the good work.
Your brother in salvation.
Refreshing to see the opposition argued in a humorous way.
Swift you ain’t. But funny? Sure.
Your brother in partisanship.
I’m sure the fish you caught were planted on the state’s dime (I know Montana doesn’t plant in streams, but it does plant in lakes). Further, the boat access launch you likely used is almost assuredly maintained by a public agency as well. So, doesn’t taking fish under such circumstances make you a socialist? Also, lastly, baitfishermen got to hell. Enjoy yourself there with all your Teabagging friends.
In the meantime, what do you think about the 16%?
Howsit the liberal profs at UW argue they need out tax money when they get seven times as much from the Feds and private sources?
Look at it this way, UW claims to be the Harvard of public schools. But Harvard charges 40,000/year! If the Udub charged that, they would make $1,200,000,000 a year .. JUST in tuition.
Just think about how much beeter a tem the Huskies would be as well if they were not taxed to support the weaklings who can’t make varsity football!
Oh yeh if the UW were private, they could have a decent chapel .. like they have at West Point, Annapolis, and the AF academy!
Your brother in salvation!
i just heard that the commie at the UW will not allow parking at the new light rail system station at Montlake!
How green of them .. just like the muslims!
Hmm, I read in a BIAW newsletter that the German Nazi progressive lefties were green too. While these dots are almost self-connecting, my dear Glenn, this is still worthy of some of that chalkboard analysis that you do so well.
Seems like we have the wingnuts right where we want them. They seem so confident. But we are still in charge..even according to Klynical’s Rasmussen Poll
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
The number of Republicans in the United States grew in August while the number of Democrats slipped a bit and the gap between the parties fell to the smallest advantage for Democrats in five years.
In August, 35.0% of American Adults identified themselves as Democrats. That’s down nearly half a percentage point from a month ago and is the smallest percentage of Democrats ever recorded in nearly eight years of monthly tracking.
At the same time, the number of Republicans grew in August to 33.8%. That’s up two full percentage points from the month before and the largest number of Republicans recorded in 2010.
Another recent analysis shows Democrats firmly in control. Cook Political Report House Editor David Wasserman points out that at this point, 32 Democratic incumbents are running even or behind their Republican challengers in one or more public or private polls. At this point in 2006, when Republicans lost control of Congress, only 11 GOP incumbents were running even or behind.
Screw you wingnuts!
@73 Steve
Look … Alaweed owns Fox, Alaweed is a Whabi Saudi Prince .. a bearer of the GREEN flag of Islam!
How could it be a coincidence that the “environmentalists” use the SAME green flag?
If it quacks like a duck, go get the orange sauce.
Your brother in salvation.
One again Professor Darryl Shoots and Misfires
It was “dumb” for President Obama and his aides to promise that unemployment would not surpass 8 percent if the stimulus act passed, a top House Democrat said Tuesday.
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, called into question the wisdom of projections issued by the Obama administration during the congressional fight over the stimulus bill that argued it would prevent higher levels of joblessness.
“President Obama, whom I greatly admire … when the economic recovery bill — we’re supposed to call it the ‘recovery bill,’ not the ‘stimulus’ bill; that’s what the focus groups tell us — he predicted or his aides predicted at the time that if it passed, unemployment would get under 8 percent,” Frank said Tuesday evening during an appearance on the Fox Business Network. “That was a dumb thing to do.”
One of his biggest JockStraps takes him to task. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-.....employment
Puddy don’t know what bullshit you read butt you need to expand your horizons Professor Darryl!
Back in early January, when Barack Obama was still President-elect, two of his chief economic advisers — leading proponents of a stimulus bill — predicted that the passage of a large economic-aid package would boost the economy and keep the unemployment rate below 8%. It hasn’t quite worked out that way. Last month, the jobless rate in the U.S. hit 9.5%, the highest level it has reached since 1983.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/busin.....z0yKQbj7Xk
Rapes women – must be a heterosexual.
Parenting skills here really worked well.
Right on Puddy!
After all … look at the comparison:
GW Bush promised us NO NATION BUILDING .. PROMIE FULLFILLED … and WTF is President Hussein’s son doing in Ghanistan?
GW Bush promised us lower taxes, and cut taxes! With help form our wonderful cpaitalist allies in Beijing, HE KEPT HIS PROMISE!
GW Bush promide a faith based government, AND THOSE WHO KEPT THE FAITH WON!
As for Hussein-son … he .. like King Canute .. promised he would keep the oil form hitting our shores! Imagine if GW had failed to keep his prom ises not to help New Orleans?
BTW, what do you think of that doll babe daughter of his??? Quite a chocolate chick there! I don;t mean that in a racist way, heck I like blondes and even had a Jewish girl friend once,
As for Barney, how come he is not purple? When he is on the kids show that is his color .. or it lavender?
Your loyal brother in salvation,
And this is the graph that mysteriously disappeared from many libtardo web sites and from some preznit controlled sites…
Ahhh yes found it…
“First, the likely scale of employment loss is extremely large. The U.S. economy has already lost nearly 2.6 million jobs since the business cycle peak in December 2007. In the absence of stimulus, the economy could lose another 3 to 4 million more. Thus, we are working to counter a potential total job loss of at least 5 million. As Figure 1 shows, even with the large prototypical package, the unemployment rate in 2010Q4 is predicted to be approximately 7.0%, which is well below the
approximately 8.8% that would result in the absence of a plan.1”
Ya see Professor Darryl… IT WAS SAID IN WRITING!
Too bad you are mat illierate:
“the likely scale of employment loss is extremely large”
, “we are working to counter a potential total job loss of at least 5 million”
Bigger job loss than anticipated, more damage form Bush mismanagement, means a worse effect than w/o the stimulus.
More worrisome is that the prediction seems ot suggest that current unemployment w/o the stimulus would be 12% or greater!
So, instead of pissing on Darryl, why don’t you and your friend the Beckoner tell us what the fuck you would have had the US do post GWB?
How about, while your at it, telling us whether you would be willing to turn the economy over to GWB or Sarah Palin or Rand Paul? Maybe Glen Beck can get his Saudi Boss to help?
Shit. I thought I was missing Puddy a couple days ago. Then, he reappears, and I have to wonder if he escaped from a facility that was just not quite secure enough.
What you libtardos forget is when the DUMMOCRAPTS started their 2006 congressional campaign they were the ones to attack the economy. Then the slobbering libtardo press carried their water. Then we see all the spending allocated starting in 2007. These were the same peeps who agreed with General Be-tray-us!
You all can Google the facts.
@84: Sad babbling fool…
Seems to Puddy Professor Darryl is the gullible ASSWIPE!
BRUCE WAGNER the “article” writer – gave his money to Odumba for preznit 2008! Wow professor, that was a “real credible source”.
Puddy @ 85: “the slobbering libtardo press”
Does any rational person believe this nonsense? The press has created Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, and the nation is going to hell as a result. If the press paid a lick of attention to reality, we would not be facing the coming chaos. Farewell, America, we had, I guess, our time in the sun. Hello, Somalia . . .
The nut job who reportedly took hostages today at the Discovery Channel complex in Maryland was apparently an environmentalist. Whodathunk it.
He wanted the Discovery Channel network to change their programming away from what he called a ‘pro birth’ agenda. Well when you are watching animals, they do give birth. What a whack job.
Reminds Puddy of the fool who firebombed Russ Carnahan’s offices. They first called him a Tea party person cuz he was white and balding. It made all the local newspapers. Then it was determined he was a regular poster on The Pukey Morons (TPM). Then it was determined he was upset Carnahan hadn’t paid him in a while. Then Carnahan’s office “disposed” some files in the dumpster. Then the newspapers quietly stopped talking about it.
Proud leftist proves once again you can tell him to read a book but he just doesn’t want to learn the truth.
Slobbering Lover Affair – Puddy told you to read it, yet you didn’t.
88% of ABCCBSNBCCNN creeps gave their money to Odumba.
Puddy was right, the nut job was a ALGorebasm…
Lee said at the time that he experienced an ‘‘awakening” when he watched former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental documentary ‘‘An Inconvenient Truth.”
Just be careful of your facts.
I understand, for example, that Petraeus himself is a liberal democrat!
Personally, I think that is why we are getting out of Iraq where the real war is! The liberals want Israel to fall! Irq resurgent, Iraq with 600,000 Americans trained by Bush but w/o Petraeus to command them? Scary!!!
Your friend in salvation
On a personal note …
to all…
I wonder if we can trust Puddy?
He just spent time in Commie China. Is he a Manchurian Pussy now?
You can never be too careful! Maybe he is not really crazy … just trying to give good patriotic Christians a bad name?
BTW, Puddy, you never responded to my offer to baptize MLK! Will you be offended if we do?
Yours in salvation,
Yep, it was a grand time too.
Next you will be going to Sweden or .. FRANCE …
pretty soon, you’ll be just another socialist!
Yours in salvitude
ImamObaMao is making some progress…but the Dummocrats are losing. Keep in mind, the Independents are overwhelmingly Republican.
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Madkowski at all–
You are yet another leftist idiot.
Probably another sj monikor.
Goldy & Darryl and those who predicted a double-digit victory for Murray–
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Rossi has quietly pecked away at what is normally a Democrat voting block. Can you guess what it is??
Just a reminder–
107. Michael spews:
108. Rujax! spews:
110. Mr. Cynical spews:
120. N in Seattle spews:
I keep looking for that story – gay guy rapes his boyfriend, but for some reason none. But for some reason the Heterosexuals can’t seem to be as civilized individuals.
I’ll still stick by this. Murray will pull big wins in a few highly populated areas and is popular enough that she wont lose big in the less populated areas.
I wouldn’t be bullish about the Dem’s overall, but the Republicans are so weak and freakish that the Dem’s will go ahead and win most races.
Only another 100,000 jobs lost this week. The Summer of recovery is almost over, in fact the bright fall of November is about to begin.
PS: I see Rossi is now up by 2.3 in the polls realclearpolitics.com
One of the greatest live performances in music history at the CMA Awards the other night…and the Imam @ ABC cut it off.
Thanks Lord for U-Tube!
Thats because the gay guy in the story you were looking for was actually out mutilating young boys in the back of his Chevy Van. His boyfriend was the accomplice, not the victim.
gonna brush your teeth tonight gleeman?